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Creat de draculasblood, 18 Ianuarie 2006, 18:05:55

« precedentul - următorul »

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da entitate....ai dreptate cu ipoteza doar;
Dovezi sunt destule care sa confirme existenta unor civilizatii superdezvoltate...dau doar un exemplu...craniile de cristal...
Lumea, in general, nu crede asa ceva, pentru ca se asteapta sa gaseasca ceva asemanator tehnologiei noastre din prezent, ceea ce e total gresit;


vezi ca am postat eu ca oamenii de stiinta sunt de parere  ca au fost create(craniile) in sec. 19


The wave that destroyed Atlantis
By Harvey Lilley

the legend of Atlantis, the country that disappeared under the sea, may be more than just a myth. Research on the Greek island of Crete suggests Europe's earliest civilisation was destroyed by a giant tsunami.
Until about 3,500 years ago, a spectacular ancient civilisation was flourishing in the Eastern Mediterranean.

The ancient Minoans were building palaces, paved streets and sewers, while most Europeans were still living in primitive huts.
But around 1500BC the people who spawned the myths of the Minotaur and the Labyrinth abruptly disappeared. Now the mystery of their cataclysmic end may finally have been solved.
The wave would have been as powerful as the one that devastated the coastlines of Thailand and Sri Lanka on Boxing day 2004 leading to the loss of over 250,000 lives
A group of scientists have uncovered new evidence that the island of Crete was hit by a massive tsunami at the same time that Minoan culture disappeared.

"The geo-archaeological deposits contain a number of distinct tsunami signatures," says Dutch-born geologist Professor Hendrik Bruins of the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Israel.

"Minoan building material, pottery and cups along with food residue such as isolated animal bones were mixed up with rounded beach pebbles and sea shells and microscopic marine fauna.
"The latter can only have been scooped up from the sea-bed by one mechanism - a powerful tsunami, dumping all these materials together in a destructive swoop," says Professor Bruins.
The deposits are up to seven metres above sea level, well above the normal reach of storm waves.
"An event of ferocious force hit the coast of Crete and this wasn't just a Mediterranean storm," says Professor Bruins.

Big wave

The Minoans were sailors and traders. Most of their towns were along the coast, making them especially vulnerable to the effects of a tsunami.
One of their largest settlements was at Palaikastro on the eastern edge of the island, one of the sites where Canadian archaeologist Sandy MacGillivray has been excavating for 25 years.
Here, he has found other tell-tale signs such as buildings where the walls facing the sea are missing but side walls which could have survived a giant wave are left intact.
"All of a sudden a lot of the deposits began making sense to us," says MacGillivary.
"Even though the town of Palaikastro is a port it stretched hundreds of metres into the hinterland and is, in places, at least 15 metres above sea level. This was a big wave."

But if this evidence is so clear why has it not been discovered before now?
Tsunami expert Costas Synolakis, from the University of Southern California, says that the study of ancient tsunamis is in its infancy and people have not, until now, really known what to look for.
Many scientists are still of the view that these waves only blasted material away and did not leave much behind in the way of deposits.

But observation of the Asian tsunami of 2004 changed all that.
"If you remember the video footage," says Costas, "some of it showed tonnes of debris being carried along by the wave and much of it was deposited inland."

Volcanic eruption

Costas Synolakis has come to the conclusion that the wave would have been as powerful as the one that devastated the coastlines of Thailand and Sri Lanka on Boxing day 2004 leading to the loss of over 250,000 lives.
After decades studying the Minoans, MacGillivray is struck by the scale of the destruction.
"The Minoans are so confident in their navy that they're living in unprotected cities all along the coastline. Now, you go to Bande Aceh [in Indonesia] and you find that the mortality rate is 80%. If we're looking at a similar mortality rate, that's the end of the Minoans."
But what caused the tsunami? The scientists have obtained radiocarbon dates for the deposits that show the tsunami could have hit the coast at exactly the same time as an eruption of the Santorini volcano, 70 km north of Crete, in the middle of the second millennium BC. 
Recent scientific work has established that the Santorini eruption was up to 10 times more powerful than the eruption of Krakatoa in 1883. It caused massive climatic disruption and the blast was heard over 3000 miles away.
Costas Synolakis thinks that the collapse of Santorini's giant volcanic cone into the sea during the eruption was the mechanism that generated a wave large enough to destroy the Minoan coastal towns.
It is not clear if the tsunami could have reached inland to the Minoan capital at Knossos, but the fallout from the volcano would have carried other consequences - massive ash falls and crop failure. With their ports, trading fleet and navy destroyed, the Minoans would never have fully recovered.
The myth of Atlantis, the city state that was lost beneath the sea, was first mentioned by Plato over 2000 years ago.

Perhaps we now have an explanation of its origin - a folk memory of a real ancient civilisation swallowed by the sea
Ii invat si ei se indeparteaza,
Ascult si ei se se apropie....
Puterea mea, este tacerea mea.


seth fie cu tine priestess :) acum ne-ai lamurit


   :lol: :lol: :lol: entitate, eu nu cred tot ce spun cercetatorii..
eu v-am prezentat o alta idee;acum, fiecare crede ce vrea...

fii protejat!
Ii invat si ei se indeparteaza,
Ascult si ei se se apropie....
Puterea mea, este tacerea mea.


Guansii – urmasii legendarilor atlanti?      

De cand lumea ,,civilizata" a auzit despre ei, s-a vorbit despre guansi, locuitori ai Insulelor Tenerife, ca despre unul dintre cele mai curajoase popoare din cate au existat. Cu mai bine de 500 de ani in urma, conchistadorul spaniol Alonso Fernández de Lugo a sosit pe insule, intovarasit de 2000 de soldati inarmati, avand ordinul expres al regelui Spaniei de a supune teritoriul Tenerifelor.

Dar, dupa cum precizeaza cronicile vremii, Bencomo, regele din Raoro (astazi La Orotava), cea mai puternica cetate guansa, si unul dintre cei noua regi ai insulelor, i-a infruntat cu darzenie. Armata sa, formata din oameni imbracati in blanuri de animale, si avand sulite si topoare, i-a atacat pe trufasii spanioli, masacrandu-i pana la unul si alungandu-i de pe insule.

Dupa un an, insa, invadatorii au revenit si, macinati si de molima pe care ostasii lui Alonso Fernández de Lugo o adusesera cu ei, guansii au fost nevoiti sa se supuna. Dar chiar si asa, revoltele lor impotriva spaniolilor s-au tinut lant, Tenerifele fiind mereu considerate ,,butoiul cu pulbere" al Spaniei, alaturi de }ara Bascilor. Regimul de exterminare la care monarhia britanica i-a supus pe irlandezi s-a repetat aidoma asupra guansilor, autorii masacrului fiind ,,preacuviosii" regi catolici spanioli. 

Cultura si civilizatia guansa a fost sistematic distrusa si interzisa, guansii au fost nevoiti sa-si schimbe numele pentru a putea fi acceptati pe continent. Mai mult decat atat, in timpul dictaturii lui Franco, a vorbi despre guansi, in bine sau in rau, era cu desavarsire interzis! Astazi, cand vremurile de trista amintire ale masacrelor savarsite de cuceritorii spanioli au trecut, oamenii de stiinta incearca sa rezolve enigma misteriosilor guansi.

Cei noua regi

Oficial, se crede ca ei proveneau de pe coastele nord-africane. Dar rapoartele arheologice demonstreaza fara echivoc ca acesti oameni, care ajunsesera la o civilizatie infloritoare (aveau si un alfabet, care s-a pierdut, cunosteau ceramica, practicau o agricultura intensiva etc) nu aveau nici un fel de cunostinte de navigatie. Barcile lor erau mici, primitive, si nu le-ar fi permis sa ajunga aici, venind din Africa.

Mai curand, s-ar parea ca ei au fost aici dintotdeauna... Si atunci ajungem la o ipoteza exotica, dar deloc incredibila, potrivit careia guansii ar reprezenta urmasii legendarilor atlanti. Iar infatisarea lor cu totul deosebita, care i-a uluit pe conqistadorii spanioli, pare inca un argument in acest sens: guansii erau blonzi, inalti, aveau ochii albastri, adica exact opusul populatiilor berbere de pe coastele Africii, din care oficial ar descinde!

In alta ordine de idei, faptul, deja pomenit, ca erau guvernati de noua regi, pare a fi o reminiscenta a vechii stapaniri atlante, unde de asemenea existau noua conducatori. Spre deosebire de toate populatiile din jur, care aveau o religie politeista, guansii erau monoteisti, iar ei nu au fost influentati in nici un fel de popoarele cu care au venit in contact – fenicienii, grecii, romanii – desi acestea aveau o civilizatie infloritoare. Cu alte cuvinte, din analiza tuturor acestor solide argumentatii, ar rezulta ca  Insulele Tenerife ar fi ultimul petic de pamant care a mai ramas la suprafata, in urma scufundarii legendarului continent Atlantida

Imi permit o parere personala,
cei noua regi guansii ma trimit cu gandul la cei noua zei din Heliopolis si la infinitul Noua din mult controversatele tablite ale lui Thoth!! :mrgreen:
Sa fie oare o coincidenta, o speculatie sau un mic si ingust tunel spre adevar???

sursa: revista magazin


mai exista macar cativa in zilele noastre?poate ca au o memorie colectiva care le-ar permite sa spuna cate ceva


Citat din: entitate din  24 Mai 2007, 01:46:22
mai exista macar cativa in zilele noastre?poate ca au o memorie colectiva care le-ar permite sa spuna cate ceva

Propun o cercetare la fata locului :-D!!
Care se mai inscrie???
Sa va reamintesc e vorba de TENERIFE!!!


daca ne sponsorizezi, eu ma inscriu! :lol: :wink:


cu multa placere si eu:)


acum back on topic pls


eu as intervieva cateva guanse d-alea blonde. in cateva zile tot oi afla eu ceva de la ele


Citat din: entitate din  28 Mai 2007, 20:46:12
eu as intervieva cateva guanse d-alea blonde. in cateva zile tot oi afla eu ceva de la ele

dar sunt numai blonde?
dreamy,ce se aude cu excursia??

eu nu cred ca atlantis a fost/este in tenerife...


eu cred ca a fost un concept


Citat din: darkness din  01 Iunie 2007, 16:50:03
dar sunt numai blonde?
dreamy,ce se aude cu excursia??

eu nu cred ca atlantis a fost/este in tenerife...

darkness nici Egiptul nu a fost/este in Atlantis sau invers.... :-D
De excursie...ma ocup dupa ce vin din Thassos :lol: :lol:...anul asta acolo fac "cercetarile de vara"!!

Citat din: entitate din  28 Mai 2007, 20:46:12
eu as intervieva cateva guanse d-alea blonde. in cateva zile tot oi afla eu ceva de la ele

asteptam vesti de la interviul tau :lol:


13 locatii pentru Atlantida?!

The 20th Century did not follow Tesla's wonderful, utopian vision. However, what does the future hold? The distant future will succeed with the return of Atlantis. A great circle will be completed as a technical Atlantis returns. History repeats and Utopia comes back to us, once again. A New Genesis for the human race speaks to the true GREATNESS of our ancestors and to the greatness of Tomorrow's children's children...

The human race (in Eden) fed off the power and flourished...until even the greatest of empires FALL. Atlantis had a system of 13; Tesla's design was a global grid of 9 locations. Could Atlantis have been the ORIGINAL 13 colonies?
When this writer read that Tesla planned for a World System of NINE TOWERS to complete his global grid; Wardenclyffe was only the first...I concluded that the MAP OF 13 ATLANTIS COLONIES operated on the same principle!!! Atlantis mastered what Tesla only proved on a basic level....
mai multe gasiti aici http://www.world-mysteries.com/newgw/doug_atlantis_pg.htm

cateva teorii despre Atlantida gasiti aici:   http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/atlantida_mu/esp_lemuria_6.htm,
iar  o "istorie adevarata a Atlantidei", aici:   http://www.atlan.org/articles/true_history/,
precum si cateva cuvinte ale lui Edgar Cayce :  http://www.edgarcayce.org/about_ec/cayce_on/ancient/search.html
Ii invat si ei se indeparteaza,
Ascult si ei se se apropie....
Puterea mea, este tacerea mea.