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OZN deasupra aeroportului O'Hare Chicago / 7 Noiembrie 2006

Creat de jackie28t, 14 Ianuarie 2007, 03:13:20

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Care este parerea voastra despre incidentul de la aeroportul O'Hare Chicago din 7 Noiembrie 2006?

16 (64%)
Un fenomen Natural
2 (8%)
O iluzie atmosferica(mistificare)
3 (12%)
Nu sunt sigur
4 (16%)

Numărul total de membrii care au votat: 15


De ceva vreme urmaresc pe internet un caz fierbinte.Un caz al unui incident petrecut pe data de 7 noiembrie 2006
Mai multi martori oculari (printre care si piloti) au observat un obiect rotund, metalic in aparenta care era stationar pe deasupra aeroportului international O'Hare din Chicago la orele 16:30 pe data de 7 noiembrie 2006.Obiectul a fost vizibil cateva minute cand dintr-odata Obiectul Zburator Neindentificat a acelerat la viteza incredibila lasand o gaura rotunda in portiunea norului unde OZNul stationase.

(o imagine a unui fenomen natural /2005, in Derbyshire, UK )

In websitul meu am pregatit o pagina acumuland foarte multe date despre acest incident.Informatii,surse,interviuri,video,imagini si chiar un sondaj de votare.Va rog sa urmariti acest caz si sa va expuneti aici parerea voastra.Link catre sursa pentru mai multe informatii al acestui caz:


Tocmai am gasit si filmul mult cautat.
CNN interviu cu un martor ocular al cazului O'Hare Chicago din 7 Noiembrie 2006
Voi lasa o parte din trascriptul interviului si legatura catre sursa cu interviul complet unde puteti gasi si legatura catre film :-)

.......CNN's Gary Tuchman talked to one of the airport workers about
what he says he saw.


Gary Tuchman, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Flights come to
Chicago's O'Hare Airport from all over the world. But do they
come from other worlds?

(on camera) You don't believe this was possibly your

'Joe', Airplane Mechanic: It was definitely not my imagination.

Tuchman (voice-over): Joe is a mechanic for United Airlines.
While taxing a jumbo jet to the hangar, he and another

'Joe': Looked out the window in the general direction and
noticed an object up in the sky, dark gray object, sitting above
the terminal complex.

Tuchman: Joe, which is not his real name, is one of several
airport workers, some of whom have talked to the "Chicago
Tribune", who said they saw a saucer-shaped UFO hovering just
beneath the clouds at the airport.

He's the first to go on camera to talk about it since this
happened several weeks ago. He wants to remain anonymous.

(on camera) But you're sure it was some kind of object that
normally would not be above O'Hare Airport?

'Joe': I've been at O'Hare for quite some time. And let's just
say that I've never seen an object in my time that looked like
this. And I'll tell you definitely it was not an airplane as we
know it.

Tuchman: But it could be an airplane as another world knows it?

'Joe': Possibly.

Tuchman (voice-over): We brought in one of Chicago's top sketch

'Joe': Followed the contours of the object.

Tuchman: ... to listen to Joe and draw a picture of what he says
he saw.

'Joe': More like an oval, dark gray oval.

Drawing of the object by Chicago sketch artist Carol Renaud, according to the description given by one of the witnesses, an aircraft mechanic. (source: CNN)

Puteti citi tot interviul de pe websitul meu la pagina cu acest caz OZN:


Atat timp cat nu stim ce este, il putem numi "ozn", nu-i asa?


Citat din: calinahanna din  15 Ianuarie 2007, 14:37:42
Atat timp cat nu stim ce este, il putem numi "ozn", nu-i asa?
Da, si incercam sa il transformam in OZI(inclusiv nava extraterestra).  :wink: Eu zic ca nu putea fi un fenomen natural (metalic, a accelerat).  :-)


Ai dreptate calinahanna. :-)
Pana nu stim exact ce a fosat acel obiect ramane catalogat ca un Obiect Zburator Neindentificat adica OZN.

Corect sxn_b, :wink:
Nici eu nu ma indrum catre teoria unui fenomen natural pentru acest caz de la aeroportul din O'Hare atata timp cat nu sunt informatii solide sa deduca aceasta teorie.Sunt sigur ca acei martori oculari printre care piloti,mecanici si alti martori care au observat OZNul au experienta tinand cont ca lucreaza zi de zi in aeroport si sunt obisnuiti cu iluziile de prin prejur.Prin investigare cred ca se va ajunge in mare parte la un obiect off-planet.Unai sa vezi un spatiul gol rotund printre nori produs de un fenoen natural si alta sa vezi un obiect metalic care acelereaza puternic lasand un cerc gol printre nori.Unii sceptici se grabesc la o explicatie simpla nentinand cont de multele teorii ce se pot invarti in jurul fenomenului.
De acea am si expus in acea pagina din websitul meu toate informatiile valabile la ora actula despre acel caz incluzand teorille skeptice ca fenomene naturale si alte speculatii aruncate pentru a nega acest caz care consider ca este cel mai fierbinte caz OZN pe plan global in ultima perioada.De acea am si lasat un spatiu pentru comentariile cititorilor plus un sondaj de votare.Liberatatea de se veni cu ceva constructiv pentru investigarea cazului.Exista totusi o imagine al acelui obiect fotografiat de unul dintre piloti la care daca pun mana pe acea imagine o voi posta aici ca so vedeti numaidecat.


"In a world of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act." -- George Orwell, 1984


Citat din: spooky din  18 Ianuarie 2007, 23:52:51
Merci de link Spooky.Nu are legatura cu incidentul de la aeroportul din O'Hare dar este intr-adevar interesant.
Uite asa cu incidentul din 7 noiembrie 2006 din O'Hare a dat motivatie de a aparea si alte cazuri de OZN cum este cel al lui Col. Brian Fields.Tocmai a aparut si continuarea cu cateva analize ce par interesante.UFO frenzy ignited by Air Force officer
Others report strange phenomenon, digital expert views possible 'pilot'

Oricum ar fi bine daca nu vom devia de la incidentul precizat adica: OZN deasupra aeroportului O'Hare Chicago / 7 Noiembrie 2006 care este mult mai fierbinte fiind unul dintre cele mai urmarite cazuri de OZN la ora actuala pe plan global si la care intr-adevar este un incident care are picioare cred eu.Multi martori...imagini si chiar un video o sa apara in curand dupa cum precizeaza unii investigatori ce-au preluat cazul la modul foarte serios de a scoate afara cat mai multe informatii posibile.Vom vedea.


Noi informatii despre incidentul OZN deasupra aeroportului O'Hare Chicago / 7 Noiembrie 2006 le puteti gasi si pe websitul meu la pagina cu materialele expuse referitor la acest incident OZN unul dintre cele mai fierbinte cazuri la ora actuala.
Link direct aici: http://pic1.funtigo.com/valuca/?g=27457161

Chiar adaugasem nu demult la sfarsitul paginii doua imagini ce reprezinta marturisirile unor alte doua persoane care au vazut fenomenul in timp ce lucrau la aeroportul din Chicago.Interesant este ca primul martor ce a declarat incidentul la websitul nuforc.org /National UFO Reporting Center a fost pe data de 13 noiembrie 2006 la orele 14:54 pe cand intr-un forum numit si "the democratic underground" cineva marturisise ce a vazut in acea zi pe deasupra aeroportului numai ca el scrisese pentru prima oara in acel forum pe data de 08 noiembrie 2006 12:16.Adica a doua zi chiar dupa incident si 5 zile inainte de primul care a spart gheatza pe mapamond.Voi lasa imaginea aici dar mai multe informatii despre incident le puteti gasi pe websitul meu in care este inclus si marturiile celuilalt martor fiind defapt si o stire noua.In cazul in care vor aparea stiri noi despre acest caz din O'hare va voi anunta.


The O'Hare UFO sighting may be start of a 'Flap'
In the wake of the O'Hare International Airport UFO report that was carried on CNN and other news media in November, further recent sightings suggest we may be experiencing what those in 'ufology' refer to as a 'flap,' which is a period of time in which very many of these mysterious craft are seen in the skies.

On November 7, a flying saucer-like object hovered low over O'Hare International Airport for several minutes before it flew off into thick clouds with such energy that it left a hole in the overcast sky, and dozens of United Airlines employees observed the phenomenon.

UFOOfficials at the airport initially said they knew nothing of the mysterious object, however, the Federal Aviation Administration admitted its air traffic control tower at O'Hare airport had received a call from a supervisor there who wanted to know if the controllers had spotted an elliptical-shaped craft staying motionless over Concourse C of the United Airlines terminal.

Since then, and with all the interest the O'hare airport story has sparked, further reports have surfaced of sightings of UFOs in other parts of the world. Witnesses have claimed to have watched an unidentified flying object hovering at a low altitude for more than an hour over Bouyer Ahmad, Iran.

The glowing object was spotted two days after a similar object, described as having a yellow ray and a red centre, was sighted at the same time of day, the Fars News Agency reported. These sightings are following a reported UFO crash January 10 in the Barrez Mounts, Iran.

Deputy Governor-General Abulghassem Nasrollahi of Kerman province said police and other authorities were investigating and that the crash could not have been an airplane or helicopter because all aircraft flying in the area on that day had been accounted for.

Meanwhile back in America, a retired Air Force colonel, Colonel Brian Fields, who photographed mysterious, coloured lights hovering over western Arkansas last week has sparked a frenzy of interest in the subject of UFOs.

"I believe these lights were not of this world, and I feel a duty and responsibility to come forward," said Col. Brian Fields, who spent nearly 32 years in the military piloting F-16 fighter jets, and he added: "I have no idea what they were."

"In a world of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act." -- George Orwell, 1984


Citat din: spooky din  22 Ianuarie 2007, 17:40:37
The O'Hare UFO sighting may be start of a 'Flap'
In the wake of the O'Hare International Airport UFO report that was carried on CNN and other news media in November, further recent sightings suggest we may be experiencing what those in 'ufology' refer to as a 'flap,' which is a period of time in which very many of these mysterious craft are seen in the skies.

On November 7, a flying saucer-like object hovered low over O'Hare International Airport for several minutes before it flew off into thick clouds with such energy that it left a hole in the overcast sky, and dozens of United Airlines employees observed the phenomenon.

UFOOfficials at the airport initially said they knew nothing of the mysterious object, however, the Federal Aviation Administration admitted its air traffic control tower at O'Hare airport had received a call from a supervisor there who wanted to know if the controllers had spotted an elliptical-shaped craft staying motionless over Concourse C of the United Airlines terminal.

Since then, and with all the interest the O'hare airport story has sparked, further reports have surfaced of sightings of UFOs in other parts of the world. Witnesses have claimed to have watched an unidentified flying object hovering at a low altitude for more than an hour over Bouyer Ahmad, Iran.

The glowing object was spotted two days after a similar object, described as having a yellow ray and a red centre, was sighted at the same time of day, the Fars News Agency reported. These sightings are following a reported UFO crash January 10 in the Barrez Mounts, Iran.

Deputy Governor-General Abulghassem Nasrollahi of Kerman province said police and other authorities were investigating and that the crash could not have been an airplane or helicopter because all aircraft flying in the area on that day had been accounted for.

Meanwhile back in America, a retired Air Force colonel, Colonel Brian Fields, who photographed mysterious, coloured lights hovering over western Arkansas last week has sparked a frenzy of interest in the subject of UFOs.

"I believe these lights were not of this world, and I feel a duty and responsibility to come forward," said Col. Brian Fields, who spent nearly 32 years in the military piloting F-16 fighter jets, and he added: "I have no idea what they were."


Nu este de mirare, se pare ca acest lucru a fost prezis inca din antichitate.

"Zilele" Calendarului Mayas si semnificatia lor:

Galactic Consciousness
Cycle Timing of the Mayancalandar

1st "Day" Jan. 5th, 1999 - Dec. 30th, 1999
(Seeds of consciousness planted)

1st "Night" Dec. 31th, 1999 - Dec. 24th, 2000
(Consciousness is activated)

2nd "Day" Dec. 25th, 2000 - Dec. 19th, 2001
(Polarity is displayed)

2nd "Night" Dec. 20th, 2001 - Dec. 14th, 2002
(Old and New consciousness collide)

3rd "Day" Dec. 15th, 2002 - Dec. 9th, 2003
(The Truth rolls out - Like it or Not)

3rd "Night" Dec. 10th, 2003 - Dec. 3nd, 2004
(Adjustments to the Truth - Don't Hold on, but Flow)

4th "Day" Dec. 4th, 2004 - Nov. 28th, 2005
(New foundations of human relations)

4th "Night" Nov. 29th, 2005 - Nov. 23rd, 2006
(Ethical procedures are implemented)

5th "Day" Nov. 24th, 2006 - Nov. 18th, 2007
(We meet our Galactic neighbors)

5th "Night" Nov. 19th, 2007 - Nov. 12th, 2008
(The end of manufactured lack)

6th "Day" Nov. 13th, 2008 - Nov. 7th, 2009
(Consciousness surpasses technology)   

6th "Night" Nov. 8th, 2009 - Nov. 2nd, 2010
(Bliss, we will need the practice)   

7th "Day" Nov. 3rd, 2010 - Oct. 28th, 2011
(We evolve to conscious Co-Creation of
existence and experience)   

De retinut ca semnificatia acestei perioade a calendarului maya poate interpretata in multe moduri, de la mai multe "vizite recunoscute oficial" din partea vecinilor pana la un contact direct si oficial cu ei.
A studia ºi a nu gândi este o risipã. A gândi ºi a nu studia este periculos.


Government fails to look into O'Hare UFO :ufo:
By Editorial Board
Publication Date: 01/23/07
    Print View

Earth was visited by aliens in November. Or at least it's possible. Many employees of O'Hare Airport in Chicago have come forward and described a round gray object hovering just below cloud level around 4:30 p.m. on Nov. 7. But since then, there has not been a single probe by the FAA or the government.

It is understandable that every alien spacecraft sighting is not investigated. Simply poking around the Internet for 10 seconds looking for information on UFOs will reveal an astonishing amount of sightings. But there is something different about the O'Hare case. In this instance, many employees and a few pilots have come forward and presented United Airlines (where most of the employees worked) and the FAA with accounts of an object hovering over Terminal C. Six of these individuals have spoken with the media under the condition of anonymity. These individuals, although viewing the aircraft from different vantage points, all describe roughly the same account of the visit, including the object suddenly bursting through the cloud cover and leaving a hole behind.

Both the amount of witnesses and their credibility is extremely high. That is what sets the O'Hare sighting apart from most other sightings. These employees are well-trained mechanics, managers and pilots whose main motivation for reporting the sighting was the safety of airline passengers. But even after such a large amount of people risked their livelihoods and reputations to report a UFO, nobody has taken them seriously.

United refuses to acknowledge that any incident ever occurred, saying there is no record of the event. The FAA has chosen not to investigate, chalking everything up to a weather phenomenon. Why?

By ignoring the statements of a multitude of incredible witnesses, the organizations hope the issue will just go away. It probably will. But this is not a viable course of action. There should be an investigation about the sighting, if for no other reason than the fact that objects flying over restricted airspace could cause accidents killing hundreds of people. Maybe it wasn't a UFO, but the public deserves to know their plane isn't going to be blindsided upon runway approach by a weather balloon. And maybe, during the investigation, we find out what visited O'Hare. The truth is out there.

"In a world of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act." -- George Orwell, 1984


In-sfarsit a aparut pe internet si o imagine ca fiind o fotografie luata de la aeroportul O'Hare.
Este vorba de fapt de asa spus OZN'ul din partea dreapta sus a imaginei.
Pe websitul ''abovetopsecret'' cineva cu numele '00000000'' a expus o imagine primita de la cineva care a spus ca fotografia a fost luata de la aeroportul O'Hare cu telefonul mobil.Subliniez ca este prima imagine implicata in acest caz OZN din O'hare care a fost postata pe data de ''posted on 23-1-2007 at 07:29 PM'' dupa cum se poate vedea si pe imaginea de mai jos pe care am extras-o special de a o expune aici.

Imediat dupa cateva ore tot internetul s-a umplut cu aceasta imagine.
De exemplu aici: http://www.ufocasebook.com/allegedoharephoto.html
Eu m-am abtinut deocamdata sa expun aceasta imagine pe websitul meu deoarece se speculeaza in jur ca fotografia este un hoax si multe elemente duc la suspiciuni.Cum si de ce voi reveni cu urmatorul post. :wink:

Imaginea originala needitata este aceasta pe care o voi expune mai jos:


Credibilitatea acelei imagini aparuta recent duc la multe suspiciuni deoarece am observat ca unii mai cu experienta incearca sa mestece poza si sa gasesca bubele in cazul in care exista.Noua poza aparuta s-ar putea sa fie reala sau sa fie doar un Hoax bine facut.Deocamdata exista foarte multe teorii si se presupune ca este un HOAX din mai multe motive dar inca nu exista evidente suficiente.Investigarile continue  :wink:

Un membru din ''abovetopsecret'' a argumentat urmatoarele.A-l citez si a-i voi expune munca:

CitatOk I'm early in this as of yet, I just been busy with so much else...

In looking on Google Image Search for shots of O'Hare I found this shot, which shows an issue of airplane congestion on incoming flights:

image source: http://www.carbonchamber.com/ohare/congest.jpg

You can see the image here, at this link from Google

I was looking for shots that might have been manipulated, or I thought I might come across the same vantage point by some stretch of luck.

But, I noticed it was a little strange that certain angles matched the degrees of the Ohare UFO shot, like the bend in the runway. So I overlayed them. This animation might take a couple secs to load but here's a dissolve on the two:

image source: http://www.carbonchamber.com/ohare/oharescrub.gif

What I notice is there's either a slight bit of lens distortion IF they arent the same picture. OR, I just cant get them aligned right, which might be due in part to being manipulated for making it into the UFO shot. I've aligned them as best I can right now. Again, there's certain angles like the runway that line up so close it's hard to ascribe to luck in positioning. It's really, really close.

What I note is the wicked similarity of stationary objects, and the lights on the horizon area. We dont see them in the UFO shot. But, when you look back and forth between the congestion and the UFO shot, the UFO shot seems to have dark areas around where the lights *should* be. Could they be painted over? Cloned over with treeline? Seems possible to me.
This begs the question to me: If the UFO shot is overcast, and somewhat dark, and the congestion shot seems to be the same, why arent those lights on? You'd think they'd be auto-eye controlled. Maybe the exposure of the cell phone doesnt depict the light conditions, but it was 4:30, reportedly just before dark. I think those lights oughtta be on...thats just me.
Manipulated? I dunno yet. I can say the grain or noise of the UFO photo appears to be very uniform, but I cant say thats exactly out of the nature of a cell phone cam.
I try to picture someone wanting to fake this shot, and coming across this picture (congestion) and thinking that this almost looks like a UFO shot already.
Now, if it IS NOT the same picture manipulated into a UFO shot, then we're looking at a photo thats taken exceedingly close to the same position of the UFO one. We're currently looking into finding a map of the airport so we can determine if this object was indeed over the gate area as desribed. (unless someone has already done that)
Just an interesting shot I wanted to show, might be a clue. I'll keep diggin.

Un alt membru de acolo tot cu experienta precizeaza,citez:

CitatOk, here's where I am at this point:

I called my buddy David Biedny who's a literal PhotoShop God (Google him if ya want), and he and I agree there's a definite ocular distortion between the congestion shot and the UFO shot. David is of the opinion that we're looking at 2 different cameras/phones, and thats what's causing that. While I tend to see some disturbance in pixels in sky vs congestion's lights when the two images are aligned, David does not. I'm more inclined to agree with his experience and fresh eyes then my own.

David also pointed out an area of the horizon that appears to have a color in it that doesnt appear in the congestion shot. I dont know what it is, and I had not seen it. It's an orange blob we cant readily dismiss, and as David said, might be a product of ocular distortion between lenses if these arent the same shot, but two different cams. At worst, I think it might be a blur of one of the horizon lights seen in the congestion shot.

There is however, (and if you look at the dissolve shot I posted you see this) an area where 4 lights are seen on the horizon on the congestion shot. Look between the left 2 beginning lights...this area turns into an orange smear, and the trees become peaked as opposed to not being there at all. This to me suggests a paint over to remove those lights. It's really subtle, but I can really see it. The big question is how far would a person faking this go.

I also have extreme issue with the reflections on the landing cement. In both photos, they line up. This again furthers the assertation that these might be the same shot, altered. Not only would it be a stretch to me to say these 2 photos were taken by a different cam at different times (and have such a degree of alignment), but for the reflections to line up in both I cannot resolve as a "happy accident". I just doesnt make sense to me...then again I'm not on the strip looking at it in person.

I'll make note that such reflections dont have to be from water or rain...heat can do this, as well as the smoothness of the landing strip.

The yellow and white tapered background object is definitely in both shots. IF thats some sort of train, that does it for me. No train is going to be at the same spot in both. However, if it's a wall of some sort, or building, that blows that. We'll have to get panaoramic shots of the area once it's found conclusively.

Were both shots taken at the same location. No question. I think we're past that.

I have another note no one really mentioned. The UFO photo's horizon is visibly slanted. However, the UFO is perfectly leveled to the top and bottom of the photo. If you adjust the horizon to level, the ufo is slanted. Now thats not to say it couldnt BE on an angle, but I always look at it from that standpoint that IF it's being faked using the congestion shot, and angled to make it look different, then the "ship" was put in, did someone forget to level the ship with the horizon? Seems like a likely error, that we've seen before. It's a possibility to me, but we dont know the orientation of the UO at the time.
David and I also picked up a smear around the UOs left side going up around it's top, almost like a Nike swoop. Could this possibly be air or atmospheric displacement as was reported? Or could it be a sign of tampering to insert the UO?
There seems as much pro as con, which is ultimately aggravating.
I think we'll all be able to tell better when we get some shots of the possible areas I asked Pegasus for.
That said, I GOT to give my eyes a break. I'm gonna start seeing this shot in my sleep

Investigarile continue.Daca mai apare ceva va voi anunta daca sunteti interesaati.
Ciuciulete sa nu uiti sa arunci o privire peste cele de mai sus.Pare un caz foarte interesant si pe cuvant ca acest incident din aeroportul O'Hare petrecut pe data de 7 noiembrie 2006 este cel mai fierbinte caz OZN la ora actuala. :wink:


O imagine cu argumentariile unui alt membru:

Inca o imagine ajutatoare cu aeroportul O'Hare..doar o schita ca o idee. :wink: