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OZN deasupra aeroportului O'Hare Chicago / 7 Noiembrie 2006

Creat de jackie28t, 14 Ianuarie 2007, 03:13:20

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0 Membri şi 1 Vizitator vizualizează acest subiect.

Care este parerea voastra despre incidentul de la aeroportul O'Hare Chicago din 7 Noiembrie 2006?

16 (64%)
Un fenomen Natural
2 (8%)
O iluzie atmosferica(mistificare)
3 (12%)
Nu sunt sigur
4 (16%)

Numărul total de membrii care au votat: 15


Salut Jackie,

Am urmarit si eu acest caz tot cam din aceleasi surse ca si tine .Nu stiu cat de mult ar trebui sa ne agitam referitor la acest caz deoarece practic multe nu prea putem face.Am vazut si siteul tau ,imi place si ma duc acum sa votez :P


Bine Unidentified ,merci...numai sa nu incurci butoanele. :wink:
Vezi ca poti si sa votezi si in acest sondaj din acest topic.....se pare ca duce spre un real  :ufo:


Narcap (National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena) a publicat un raport stufos despre cele intamplate deasupra aeroportului O'Hare Chicago.

O mini concluzie :

'This investigation has determined that, based upon the testimony of multiple eye witnesses in different locations at O'Hare International Airport, a small physical, and apparently solid object hovered over the United Airlines concourse area for at least ten minutes or more but was not detected either by radar or visually by air traffic controllers in the tower. For this reason the object is considered a definite potential threat to flight operations at O'Hare.'

Adica in urma investigatiilor s-a determinat ca pe baza marturiilor mai multor observatori din locatii diferite, la aeroportul in cauza un obiect de dimensiuni mici, aparent solid a plutit in spatiul aerian al statelor unite pentru cel putin 10 minute si care nu a fost detectat de nici un radar si nici de controlorii de trafic din turnul de control. Din aceasta cauza acest obiect este considerat o amenintare pentru zborurile din zona.



    O'Hare UFO video surfaces on Youtube (O inregistrare video a fost urcata pe youtube)

Ce zice individul care a postat inregistrarea:

'I have sat on this evidence for over 2 years, mainly because of the nature of my background, if you knew who I was then you would understand.

I only got one minute's worth of footage because my cell phone's memory was full, and it stopped recording.

Back on November 7th 2006, I was near Chicago O'hare International airport when I was witness to what was arguably one of the most important UFO incidents in modern times. After the incident, many people jumped on the UFO bandwagon and came forward with false evidence, I can't speak for these individuals, I can only speak for myself.

I witnessed a gigantic UFO hovering over the Airport at precisely 4:32 p.m. The UFO was a dark, hazy metallic disc/cigar shaped craft. It was at a height of roughly 750 feet from the ground, completely silent, frozen still, and was well over 100 meters in length. I managed to film the UFO on my cell phone for 1 minute, I observed the UFO for a further 1 minute, after which time it took off, and went upwards at tremendous speed and was gone.

If you watch the clip properly, at the start of the clip you can clearly see a large passenger jet taking off, and flying directly under the UFO, which shows just how huge this thing was. The UFO was completely frozen still, and any movement on the video clip is camera movement and camera shake. I filmed the UFO on my cell phone with the zoom set to full.

This is arguably one of the most important pieces of UFO photographic evidence in existence, and to ever be posted on the internet, simply because I know it was a genuine Unidentified Flying Object, and it was witnessed by many credible individuals, including pilots.

Yes I would love to come forward and go public with my story, but this is just not an option for me, due to my job. So that is why I have posted the clip on You Tube. For those who don't want to believe the truth, thats up to you, but what you are seeing is genuine footage of an unknown craft, and shame on the worlds media for all the ridicule they threw at this unbelievable incident. '

Atacat de critici, el raspunde :

"Ok, so I will answer some of the main questions directed at me. All I can say is that the footage is 100% real and genuine. The reason it's not great quality is because it's only 3 mega pixel cell phone footage, and yes we had zoom 2 years ago, and to say I filmed it of a screen is untrue and insane. The sound is crappy because I was at some distance from the aircraft, and cell phone's dont pick up much sound, they only have a tiny microphone for recording sound. The reason I only got one minute's worth of footage is because my cell phone's memory was full and? it stopped recording. Dont you think I would just pay somebody to create me a stunning piece of evidence if I really wanted to pull a hoax???? Think about it..........."

link catre video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hMlCGnWkc4

mai multe aici : http://www.examiner.com/x-2363-UFO-Examiner~y2009m3d24-OHare-UFO-video-surfaces-on-Youtube

aici este un documentar despre acest incident : http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=3829FDE35E959629
