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In curand la Cinematograf!

Creat de jackie28t, 09 Aprilie 2006, 18:08:29

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FRINGE - Serial SF 2008 Sezonul 1
(absolut toate episoadele sunt in format DVDRip si au subtitrare in lb. romana bine sincronizata)

Fringe este un film serial science fiction american coprodus de J. J. Abrams, Alex Kurtzman si Roberto Orci. Serialul si-a avut premiera in Statele Unite pe 9 Septembrie, 2008, pe postul de televiziune Fox...Actiunea serialului se desfasoara in Boston, Massachusetts.
Seria are in plin plan o Divizie a FBI care foloseste metode stiintifice "fringe" si tehnici FBI de investigatii in investigarea unor serii de fenomene inexplicabile, adesea inspaimantatoare, denumite "Tiparul" (The Pattern), care se desfasoara de-a lungul globului.  Serialul a fost descris ca un amestec intre The X-Files, Altered States, The Twilight Zone si Dark Angel.
De 10 ori mai interesant ca X-Files si ca oricare alt SF pana in momentul de fata.

Download Episodul 1 Pilot
When an international flight lands at Boston's Logan Airport with no signs of life, an unlikely trio FBI Special Agent Olivia Dunham; brilliant but formerly institutionalized scientist Walter Bishop; and his scheming, reluctant son Peter uncovers a deadly mystery involving a series of unbelievable events and realizes they may be a part of a larger, more disturbing pattern in the series premiere.

Download Episodul 2 The Same Old Story
Our unlikely trio's strange partnership begins as they investigate the mysterious death of a woman who conceives, carries to full-term and births a baby in the span of hours, and her baby who ages 80 years in a matter of minutes. As the bizarre and seemingly unexplainable occurrences are explored, quirky Dr. Bishop runs extensive testing in the lab; his reluctant son Peter endures his new role as his father's keeper; and Olivia turns to Massive Dynamic Chief Operating Officer Nina Sharp for assistance

Download Episodul 3 The Ghost Network
They investigate a horrific bus incident in which the dead bodies of commuters are frozen inside a bus like insects in amber. Led by the unconventional Dr. Bishop, who requests a piano in the lab to help him process data, the team uncovers a man who has visions of Pattern-related disturbances before they happen, and race to decipher the distraught man's thoughts to prevent another atrocious event.

Download Episodul 4 The Arrival
After a deadly explosion rocks a construction site in New York City, Broyles solicits the aid of our unlikely threesome to investigate a strange cylinder mysteriously found at the scene completely unharmed by the surrounding devastation. After Olivia uncovers an unbelievable commonality between disturbing events, Dr. Bishop takes matters into his own hands and Peter is forced into field duty, it almost seems as if the untraceable object is triggering the series of odd behaviors, unexpected events and surprising revelations.

Download Episodul 5 Power Hungry
When it's discovered that a rather simple man has the ability to harness electricity, dangerous and deadly occurrences follow, and our unlikely trio investigates this super-charged oddity. Meanwhile, Olivia has a high-voltage encounter of a different kind when she is rocked by a blast from her past, and Dr. Bishop turns to his feathered friends and enlists homing pigeons to help him break the case.

Download Episodul 6 The Cure
After weeks of being reported missing, a woman with a rare disease resurfaces in suburban Massachusetts and inexplicably causes excruciating pain and subsequent death to those she encounters. As the gruesome scene is investigated, dangerous levels of radiation are detected, and unusual circumstances surrounding the case point to illegal human drug trials and possibly something even more sinister. Meanwhile, Walter obsesses about cotton candy, Peter strikes a bargain with Nina Sharp and a startling piece of Olivia's past is revealed.

Download Episodul 7 In Which We Meet Mr. Jones
Every second counts when a strange, almost-otherworldly parasite mysteriously attaches itself to the internal organs of a dying FBI agent. With a life on the line and strong suspicions of a Pattern connection, Agent Dunham rushes to Germany to meet with an imprisoned man who reveals disconcerting details of a much larger threat. Meanwhile, Peter and Walter attempt to help Olivia by tapping into a dead man's brainwaves.

Download Episodul 8 The Equation
When a child music prodigy is abducted by a serial kidnapper, it's discovered that a sequence of flashing lights appeared at the abduction, which Walter links back to his bunkmate at St. Claire's Hospital. Much to Peter's dismay, Olivia encourages a return visitation for Walter, and Walter's determination to help ends up having chilling ramifications.

Download Episodul 9 The Dreamscape
A Massive Dynamic employee is so convinced he is being attacked by butterflies that he jumps out of a window to escape them, and the team is called in to investigate. Although Olivia's unexplained interaction with Agent Scott leads to breaks in the case, she is so desperate to rid her consciousness of him that she demands to go back in the tank. Meanwhile, the gig is up for Peter when a former friend and some current foes find out he's back in Boston.

Download Episodul 10 Safe
While investigating a series of bank robberies, Olivia, Walter and Peter are shocked to find one of the suspects inexplicably trapped inside a vault wall as if it solidified around him. Walter realizes that the high-tech thieves have figured out a way to defy the law of physics and that, much to his dismay, the crooks are after something of his. As the ongoing investigation unfolds and the mystery deepens, the perilous situation climaxes when a member of the trio is ambushed.

Download Episodul 11 Bound
After shifty FBI Agent Mitchel Loeb orchestrated David Robert Jones' otherworldly escape from a German prison and Olivia's alarming abduction, indications of a larger threat begin to emerge. Adding to the intense circumstances, one of Olivia's former adversaries is called in by Internal Affairs to conduct a formal review of the Fringe Division, and Olivia's sister, Rachel, pays a visit. The timing couldn't be more inopportune, as Olivia, Walter and Peter race against time to solve the wildly grotesque murder of an esteemed epidemiologist - which may link to Olivia's own abduction - before a catastrophic epidemic is unleashed.

Download Episodul 12 The No-Brainer
Olivia, Walter and Peter are called in to investigate the death of a car salesman who was found in a pool of "goo," exactly like another man across the country. When Walter discovers that the "goo" is brain matter, the trio tries to figure out how the killer can liquefy human brains. As the deaths pile up, the investigation reveals a common thread linking the victims together in an unthinkable manner. Meanwhile, Olivia is horrified when the case places a loved one in harm's way.

Download Episodul 13 The Transformation
When the Fringe Division delves into another bizarre occurrence aboard an international jumbo jet, freakish remains are discovered at the crash site. Memories tip the team toward some promising leads, but the bigger picture and mysterious threat eludes them. With limited options and insufficient intelligence, Olivia and Peter go undercover.

Download Episodul 14  Ability
German agents question Olivia about her "relationship" with David Robert Jones, an escaped prisoner questioned months earlier now living in the U.S. Meanwhile, the Fringe Division investigates a threatening case where victims die faceless from their orifices suddenly sealing. With few leads and many questions, German authorities turn to Olivia, Peter and Walter to help makes sense of the return of Mr. Jones and the foreboding mysterious occurrences. As the investigation unfolds, Olivia is put to test.

Download Episodul 15  Inner Child
Just seconds before a building is demolished, a mysterious mute child that has been living alone underground is discovered. When the FBI's Fringe Division investigates, the boy forms an unspoken connection with Agent Olivia Dunham. Meanwhile, an especially gruesome serial killer resurfaces and showcases his "artistry" by displaying his work publicly. As the boy gradually assimilates into a new environment, Olivia and the team must race against the clock to prevent the mad man from further macabre.

Download Episodul 16  Unleashed
As animal rights activists ransack a laboratory, they get more than they bargained for when one of the caged "animals" unleashes a ferocious appetite. Leaving grotesquely mutilated dead bodies in its wake, the scientific engineered beast with the body of a lion, claws of an eagle, fangs of a viper, skin of a rhinoceros and tail of a serpent attacks Charlie. With Charlie's life on the line, Walter must come face-to-face with both his past and the beast.

Download Episodul 17 Bad Dreams
As a suicide incident occurs at New York's iconic Grand Central station, Agent Dunham simultaneously witnesses the event while asleep and dreaming in Boston. Rattled by the extraordinary and coincidental circumstances, Olivia, Peter and Walter investigate further, but keep coming up empty-handed. As these violent occurrences continue and worsen, Olivia is sent into an unthinkable direction and shocking details emerge about the ZFT manuscript, the highly experimental drug Cortexiphan and Olivia's childhood.

Download Episodul 18 Midnight
The Fringe Division is on the case when severely mutilated bodies drained of spinal cord fluid begin to pile up. After their investigation leads them to a scientist with possible ties to the Z.F.T. bioterrorist cell, they are shocked to discover the identity and motive of the killer. When the kills occur with increasing frequency, Olivia, Peter and Walter go to desperate lengths to stop them.

Download Episodul 19 The Road Not Taken
Olivia experiences "awake dreams," seeing elaborate visions of things not really there. While investigating a disturbing case of a woman who apparently spontaneously combusted, Olivia throws caution to the wind and explores her unexplained visions further. Meanwhile, Walter discusses key information about the Z.F.T. manifesto, and Peter reveals a secret that yields unexpected results in the case.

Download Episodul 20 There's More Than One of Everything
Events include a sudden and unexpected attack on someone with close ties to Fringe Division, the return of bioterrorist David Robert Jones, and the inexplicable disappearance of Walter. Find out more about the mysterious events surrounding our trio when questions are answered, observations made, loyalties are tested and the elusive William Bell is finally introduced.


Fisierele stau pe server maxim 10 zile.

Vizionare placuta!


Race to Witch Mountain (2009)
(are subtitrare in lb. romana)


Ani de zile au circulat povesti despre un loc secret, aflat in mijlocul desertului Nevada, cunoscut pentru fenomenele inexplicabile si lucrurile stranii vazute aici. Se numeste Witch Mountain, iar cand soferul de taxi Jack Bruno intalneste doi adolescenti cu puteri supranaturale, care devin pasageri sai, se trezeste azvarlit intr-o aventura pe care nu si-o poate explica. Lucrand in echipa, Jack si tinerii sai pasageri descopera ca singura sansa de a salva lumea este sa descifreze secretele ascunse de Witch Mountain, intr-o adevarata cursa contra cronometru...



string theory(teoria corzilor)
un documentar foarte interesant despre legile care stau la baza universului. din pacate nu are subtitrare
can't stop the signal ...


Citat din: alinutzu din  13 Iulie 2009, 01:03:00
...un documentar foarte interesant despre legile care stau la baza universului. din pacate nu are subtitrare..

The Elegant Universe (2003) Brian Greene
(format DVDRip, toate partile au subtitrare in lb. romana excelent sincronizata)

Download Partea I Einstein's Dream

Download Partea II String Theory

Download Partea III The 11th Dimension

Beginning with a brief consideration of classical physics, which concentrates on the major conflicts in physics, Greene establishes a historical context for string theory as a necessary means of integrating the probabilistic world of the standard model of particle physics and the deterministic Newtonian physics of the macroscopic world. Greene discusses the essential problem facing modern physics: unification of Albert Einstein's theory of General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics. Greene suggests that string theory is the solution to these two conflicting approaches. Greene frequently uses analogies and thought experiments to provide a means for the layman to come to terms with the theory which has the potential to create a unified theory of physics....Eleven dimensions, parallel universes, and a world made out of strings....It's not science fiction, it's String Theory.



Un film de exceptie care pune realitatea intr-o viziune mai...metafizica. L-am vazut acum cativa ani, acum ma bucur ca-l am si cu subtitrare si-l pot da mai departe :)


Mersi mult Urban, in special pentru documentare, mai ales ca download-ul de pe transfer.ro merge foarte bine. :rocket:
Science is the great antidote to the poison of enthusiasm and superstition.
(Adam Smith)


Cu placere.

The Kabbalah
(are subtitrare in lb. romana)


Cabala este o traditie veche, nascuta acum 5770 de ani si deriva de la cuvantul ebraic "kabbalah", care inseamna primire - receptare.Documentarul are in prim plan campania "Eliberati Tibetul" si incearca o analiza a conspiratiei din lumea araba.


Terminator Salvation (2009)
(are subtitrare in lb. romana bine sincronizata)


Terminator Salvation Future Begins este plasat in viitorul post-apocaliptic.
Este anul 2018, iar John Connor este omul al carui destin a fost stabilit cu mult timp in urma, devenind conducatorul rezistentei omenirii in razboiul cu Skynet si armata lui de Terminatori. Connor a fost crescut cu anumite cunostinte despre viitor, dar acesta este alterat dupa aparitia lui Marcus Wright, un necunoscut, a carui ultima memorie este condamnarea la moarte. Datoria lui John Connor acum, este de a afla daca Marcus a fost trimis din viitor, sau salvat din trecut. In timp ce Skynet pregateste un nou atac impotriva rezistentei, Connor si Marcus ajung in inima operatiunilor Skynet, unde descopera un groaznic plan secret care sta la baza anihilarii rasei umane.



Food Inc. (2009)

Un documentar in regia lui Robert Kenner, despre fabricarea alimentelor, in care publicul descopera cat de departe de realitate sunt imaginile cu ferme pline de verdeata de pe ambalajele produselor.
Poate cei care stau pe torrente il pot downloada de la urmatorul link si il pot posta si aici sa il luam si noi.



No End in Sight (2007)
(are subtitrare in lb. romana bine sincronizata)


No End in Sight is a 2007 documentary film about the American occupation of Iraq. The film marks the directorial debut of political scientist and former software entrepreneur Charles H. Ferguson. The film premiered January 22, 2007 at the 2007 Sundance Film Festival.



Angels and Demons Revealed (2004) de Patrick Macnee
(are subtitrare in lb. romana bine sincronizata)


Despre masoni, templieri...si altele.


The God Who Wasn't There (2005) de Brian Flemming
(are subtitrare in lb. romana bine sincronizata)


Un documentar de bun simt si facut cu cap...Adoptand o alta perspectiva si cautand sa fie cat mai obiectiv (desi pe alocuri devine subiectiv ca dracu), Brian Flemming a reusit sa scoata un material ce merita vizionat chiar si de extremisti (de la fanatici care nu rezista 30 de minute fara a se inchina la indivizi care ies in strada sa faca demonstratii ca Dumnezeu nu exista).



Home (2009) de Yann Arthus-Bertrand
(are subtitrare in lb. romana)


In cei 200 000 de ani pe Pamant, omenirea a reusit sa perturbe echilibrul planetei stabilit de aproape patru miliarde de ani de evolutie. Pretul platit este unul mare, dar este prea tarziu sa fim pesimisti: umanitatea are mai putin de zece ani la dispozitie pentru a schimba trendul, sa devina mai constienti de urmarile exploatarii bogatiilor Pamantului. Prin furnizarea a unor imagini unice din peste cincizeci de tari, toate privite din aer, prin faptul ca ne impartaseste nedumeririle si ingijorarile sale, prin tot acest film, Yann Arthus-Bertrand pune o piatra de temelie pentru edificiul pe care, impreuna, trebuie sa il reconstruim.Yann Arthus-Bertrand, Presedintele organizatiei non-profit GoodPlanet, a fost desemnat in mod oficial Ambasadorul UNEP (United Nations Environment Program) si a primit Premiul Earth Champion Award (Premiu UNEP, un premiu anual pentru cea mai importanta contributie pentru protejarea mediului).



Comedie fantastica (1975) Ion Popescu-Gopo
(Film rar, de colectie)

Profesorul - Cornel Coman
Directorul - Horea Popescu
Extraterestrul - Dem Radulescu
OI - George Mihaita
Corina - Vasilica Tastaman


Prezenta pe Pamant a unui extraterestru cu chip uman venit sa intre in relatie cu un savant ce construise o racheta cosmica, dar disparut impreuna cu inventia sa intr-un incendiu, nu este fara rezultat. In locul energiei pe care spera sa o aduca de pe Pamant pe planeta sa, pentru a reimprospata rezervele epuizate ale acesteia, extraterestrul va duce cu sine experienta umana si intelepciunea pamantenilor, bazate pe umor si fantezie.

"Desi pare si chiar este plin de informatie moderna si prognoza stiintifica aproape fantastica, filmul acesta nu trebuie privit ca un film stiintifico-fantastic, el trebuie privit ca o comedie" (Ion Popescu-Gopo)

"Ecouri din "Fahrenheit" sau din mai recentele "Odiseea spatiului" ori "Solaris". Toate, lecturi vizuale cunoscute si bine asimilate, sunt scaldate intr-o lumina originala , de acasa, din imparatia tineretii fara batranete, cu irezistibila chemare din valea plangerii, nemuritoarea vatra a amintirii..." Alice Manoiu 1975 (Cinema)

"La bordul unei nave cosmice a fost creat, din apa marii, un copil menit sa fie ingrijit de o "mama" - robot. Sortit sa devina fiinta perfecta, inarmat cu cunostinte universale proiectate pe peretii navei, el creste in confort artificial si lipsa de afectiune. Imaginile pamantesti il tulbura pe ciudatul pasager care simte dorinta sa pipaie ierburile si sa tina de mana o fata..." (Tudor Caranfil)


Imdb User Comment (1 Dec. 2000):
I liked this film, but I sure would have liked to know what was being said. Even so, this is still very interesting to see, sometimes funny, sometimes more thought provoking. What really makes this film is it's imagination, it really works here. A well made and entertaining film, a good view.

Un film exceptional din toate punctele de vedere.