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Creat de jackie28t, 12 Iulie 2006, 01:12:37

« precedentul - următorul »

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Citat din: Arckadii din  28 Martie 2008, 18:54:56
Prima victima a summitului NATO. Accidentul auto de pe Kiseleff

Un eveniment trist dar graitor in referinta la felul in care tratamunii pe altii.....mai rau ca animalele.


 "MISA, intre misiunea de salvare planetara si teoria conspiratiei "

                                                                                        JOHN F. KENNEDY


 Statia spatiala internationala, trece in aceasta seara pe deasupra Romaniei in jurul orei 19.52 - 20.01. Vine din vestul tari. Din directia orasului Resita si va iesi pri estul tari, prin directia orasului Suceava. Daca aveti aparate foto bune faceti fotografii interesante.
Adevarul este dincolo de noi


Chiar in acest moment Iss a intrat pe teritoriul Romaniei. Trece la N de Sibiu si la N de Iasi
Adevarul este dincolo de noi


La noapte se schimbã ora

La noapte dormim mai puþin: ora 3.00 devine 4.00. România trece oficial la ora de varã.În România, ora de varã a fost introdusã pentru prima datã în 1932. Din 1943, practica trecerii la ora de varã a fost suspendatã, fiind reintrodusã în 1979. În prezent, ora de varã se aplicã în fiecare an, în ultima duminicã din martie ºi ultima duminicã din octombrie.

Cimitir pe Lunã

Cimitirele sunt aºa demodate. Aºa s-au gândit fondatorii companiei americane Celestis Inc, care, pentru minim 10.000 de dolari, îþi trimite cenuºa în spaþiu, scrie Gizmodo.com.
Mai mult, în curând, pentru cei cu buzunarele ºi mai bine ,,mobilate" va exista ºi opþiunea trimiterii cenuºii pe Lunã. ,,Pânã la urmã este mai aproape de Rai", spune unul dintre reprezentanþii companiei.
Celestis Inc, care în acest moment foloseºte rachete pentru a duce rãmãºiþele umane în spaþiu, va folosi începând de anul viitor roboþi capabili sã aselenizeze pentru a duce cenuºa ºi pe satelitul natural al Pãmîntului, dacã cineva doreºte sã-ºi petreacã eternitatea acolo, bineînþeles dupã ce moare. 
Demersul va fi posibil graþie unui parteneriat încheiat cu compania Odyssey Moon, cea care intenþioneazã sã reexploreze luna, independent de NASA, cu ajutorul unor astfel de roboþi.
În ultimii 11 ani, rachetele Celestis au transportat în spaþiu cenuºa a sute de oameni, din 14 þãri. Printre cei mai cunoscuþi decedaþi care îºi duc somnul de veci în Cosmos se numãrã astronautul Gordon Cooper ºi actorul din serialul ,,Star-Trek", James Doohan.

Ii invat si ei se indeparteaza,
Ascult si ei se se apropie....
Puterea mea, este tacerea mea.


"In a world of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act." -- George Orwell, 1984


Au început sãpãturile la Stonehenge
(Excavation starts at Stonehenge)
LINK: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/7322134.stm
Nu tot ce zboară şi este necunoscut este extraterestru.
All warfare is based on deception. -- Sun Tzu, 600 BC

All types of knowledge, ultimately mean self knowledge. -- Bruce Lee


România reconsiderã cultivarea porumbului modifcat genetic (MON810)
(Romania reconsiders its welcome of biotech corn)
LINK: http://www.infowars.com/?p=1112
Nu tot ce zboară şi este necunoscut este extraterestru.
All warfare is based on deception. -- Sun Tzu, 600 BC

All types of knowledge, ultimately mean self knowledge. -- Bruce Lee


Chipul lui George Bush senior pe o bisericã din Alba


Cred cã imaginile vorbesc de la sine. Nu mai are rost nici un comentariu.


Astronomers see 'youngest planet'

An embryonic planet detected outside our Solar System could be less than 2,000 years old, astronomers say.
The ball of dust and gas, which is in the process of turning into a Jupiter-like giant, was detected around the star HL Tau, by a UK team.
Research leader Dr Jane Greaves said the planet's growth may have been kickstarted when another young star passed the system 1,600 years ago.
Details were presented at the UK National Astronomy Meeting in Belfast.
The scientists studied a disc of gas and rocky particles around HL Tau, which is 520 light-years away in the constellation of Taurus and thought to be less than 100,000 years old.
The disc is unusually massive and bright, making it an excellent place to search for signs of planets in the process of formation.
The researchers say their picture is one of a proto-planet still embedded in its birth material.
Dr Greaves, from the University of St Andrews, Scotland, said the discovery of a forming planet around such a young star was a major surprise.
"It wasn't really what we were looking for. And we were amazed when we found it," she told BBC News.
"The next youngest planet confirmed is 10 million years old."
If the proto-planet is assumed to be the same age as the star it orbits, this would be some one hundred times younger than the previous record holder.
But there is an intriguing suggestion that the gas giant, which is some 14 times the size of our Jupiter, could be even younger.
Using the Very Large Array (VLA) of radio telescopes in the US, the researchers studied the system at emission wavelengths specifically chosen to search for rocky particles about the size of pebbles. The presence of these pebbles is a clue that rocky material is beginning to clump together to form planets.
In the UK, scientists used the Merlin radio telescopes based on Jodrell Bank in Cheshire to study the same system at longer wavelengths. This allowed them to confirm the emissions were from rocks and not from other sources such as hot gas.
In addition to detecting super-large dust in the disc around HL Tau, they also saw an extra bright "clump" of material.
This confirmed a so-called "nebulosity" seen a few years earlier at about the same position, by a team led by Dr Jack Welch of the Berkeley-Illinois-Maryland Array, US.

Formation theories

Dr Ken Rice, from the Institute of Astronomy in Edinburgh, said the discovery shed new light on theories of planet formation.
According to one model, planets form from the bottom up. Under this scenario, particles of rocky material collide and "stick" to one another, forming a bigger and bigger object.
But he thinks the proto-planet in HL Tau formed relatively quickly when a region of the disc collapsed to form a self-contained structure. This could occur because of gravitational instability in the disc itself.
Dr Rice said his computer simulations were such a good fit for the observations that it seemed the mechanism might really operate in nature.
Intriguingly, another young star in the same region called XZ Tau may have made a close pass of HL Tau about 1,600 years ago.
Although not required for planet formation, it is possible that this flyby perturbed the disc, making it unstable. This would be a very recent event in astronomical terms.
"It's possible it gave a 'yank' to one side of the disc around HL Tau, making it unstable, and that this was a 'trigger' for the planet to form," Dr Greaves explained.
"If the planet formed in the last 1,600 years, that would be incredibly recent."
The Royal Astronomical Society's National Astronomy Meeting 2008 continues until Friday at Queen's University Belfast.

QUB astronomers help find planets

Astronomers from Queen's University Belfast (QUB) have helped to discover 10 new planets.
The discovery was announced at the Royal Astronomical Society's largest ever National Astronomy Meeting at Queen's.
The extrasolar planets - which orbit around other stars - were found by an international team using cameras in the Canary Islands and South Africa.
The Queen's astronomers are using cameras designed and manufactured by Belfast company Andor Technology.
The Wide Area Search for Planets (SuperWasp) project uses two sets of cameras to watch for events known as transits, in which a planet passes directly in front of a star and blocks out some of its light, so from the Earth, the star temporarily appears a little fainter.
Each night, astronomers have data from millions of stars which they check for transits. The transit method also allows scientists to deduce the size and mass of each planet.
Forty-five planets have now been discovered using the transit method, and since they were set up in 2004, the SuperWasp cameras have found 15 of them - making them the most successful discovery instruments for this type of work in the world.
Announcing the results was QUB's Dr Don Pollacco.
Speaking before the meeting, he said: "SuperWasp is now a planet-finding production line and will revolutionise the detection of large planets and our understanding of how they were formed.
"It's a great triumph for European astronomers.
"Queen's and the Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council funded the first SuperWasp on La Palma; the camera was designed and built at Queen's."
A year - its orbital period - on WASP-12B is just 1.1 days. The planet is so close to its star that its daytime temperature could reach a searing 2,300C.
Scientists have found more than 270 extrasolar planets since the first one was discovered in the early 1990s, but the pace of discovery has been accelerated by SuperWasp technology
Ii invat si ei se indeparteaza,
Ascult si ei se se apropie....
Puterea mea, este tacerea mea.


Cea mai micã gaurã neagrã

Doi oameni de ºtiinþã ai NASA au descoperit cea mai micã gaurã neagrã. Aceasta este de doar 3.8 ori mai masivã decât Soarele, masa ei fiind cea mai a aproapiatã de limita teoreticã de jos de 1.4 mase solare.
În centrul fiecãrei galaxii existã o gaurã neagrã. De asemenea, stelele masive dupã ce îºi consumã combustibilul nuclear se prãbuºesc sub influenþa gravitaþiei puternice devenind o gaurã neagrã, relateazã ºtiinþa.info.
Totuºi, nu orice stea poate deveni o gaurã neagrã, ci numai cele care au masa de aproximativ 1.4 ori mai mare decât masa Soarelui. Aceastã limitã se numeste limita Chandrasekhar, dupã numele fizicianului indian care a calculat-o în 1930 în timpul unei cãlãtorii în Marea Britanie.
Cum într-adevãr în naturã nu se observase nici o gaurã neagrã cu o masã mai micã decãt limita prezisã de el, Chandrasekhar a primit premiul Nobel pentru fizicã în anul 1983. Dacã o stea are o masã mai micã decât limita, ea poate rãmâne o piticã albã, sau poate deveni o stea de neutroni. Stelele de neutroni sunt cele mai dense corpuri din Univers dupã gãurile negre.
Gaura neagrã ce deþinea pânã acum recordul de cea mai puþin masivã gaurã neagrã se numeºte GRO 1655-40 ºi are aproximativ 6.3 mase solare. Gaura neagrã descoperitã acum se numºte J1650, are aproximativ 3.8 mase solare, cu o incertitudine de aproximatv 0.5 mase solare ºi are un diametru de doar 24 de kilometri (cât un orãºel mic).
J1650 se aflã în galaxia noastrã. Este vorba de fapt de un sistem de douã stele, denumit XTE J1650-500, descoperit în anul 2001 de stalitul Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer al NASA. Oamenii de ºtiinþã au înþeles cã era vorba de o stea normalã ºi de o gaurã neagrã. Însã mãsurarea precisã a masei gãurii negre s-a dovedit a fi dificilã ºi abia acum, ºapte ani mai târziu, cei doi oameni de ºtiinþã ai NASA, Nikolai Shoposhnikov ºi Lev Titarchuk au prezentat rezultatele lor.
Este interesat de remarcat cã pe lângã aceste gãuri negre, corpuri astronomice, oamenii de ºtiinþã presupun cã existã ºi gãuri negre mai mici decât un atom, care de dezintegreazã foarte repede, ºi care ar exista în Univers drept rãmãºite ale Big Bang-ului sau care ar putea fi produse poate în acceleratorul Large Hadron Collider.
Unii oameni se tem cã aceste mici gãuri negre ar putea înghiþi Pãmântul, însã nu aveþi de ce vã face grijã. Masa lor este mai micã decât a unui atom, nu au cum sã ne influenþeze gravitaþional, chiar dacã ar fi cumva produse în acceleratorul de particule.

Ii invat si ei se indeparteaza,
Ascult si ei se se apropie....
Puterea mea, este tacerea mea.


  In aceasta seara statia spatiala internationala, va trece pe deasupra teritoriului Romaniei in jurul orei 23.05 - 23.15. Vine spre noi din nord-vestul tari, si va iesi prin sud-est. Daca sunt zone cu cer senin si aveti aparate foto bune faceti fotografii interesante.
Adevarul este dincolo de noi


O echipã de britanici a creat embrioni umano-animali

Embrioni, din material genetic uman ºi animal, au fost creaþi pentru prima datã în Marea Britanie, cu o lunã inainte de legea de reglementare a cercetãrii genetice, votatã de Camera Comunelor.
O echipã de la Universitatea din Newcastle a anunþat cã a generat cu succes "embrioni micºti", adãugând ADN uman unor ovule de bovinã. Embrionii sunt cunoscuþi drept hibrizi citoplasmici sau cybrizi, fiind creaþi prin inserarea nucleului unei celule umane într-un ovul animal, al cãrui nucleu a fost îndepãrtat. Materialul genetic al embrionilor rezultaþi este astfel 99,9% uman.
Potrivit BBC, cybrizii au supravieþuit timp de trei zile, iar cela mai mare a ajuns sã conþinã 32 de celule. Scopul cercetãtorilor este ca sã creeze embrioni capabili sã supravieþuiascã timp de ºase zile, pentru a pute sã extragã celule stem, care vor fi utilizate în cercetãri ulterioare.
Ii invat si ei se indeparteaza,
Ascult si ei se se apropie....
Puterea mea, este tacerea mea.


Ancient serpent shows its leg

What was lost tens of millions of years ago is now found.
A fossil animal locked in Lebanese limestone has been shown to be an extremely precious discovery - a snake with two legs.
Scientists have only a handful of specimens that illustrate the evolutionary narrative that goes from ancient lizard to limbless modern serpent.
Researchers at the European Light Source (ESRF) in Grenoble, France, used intense X-rays to confirm that a creature imprinted on a rock, and with one visible leg, had another appendage buried just under the surface of the slab.
"We were sure he had two legs but it was great to see it, and we hope to find other characteristics that we couldn't see on the other limb," said Alexandra Houssaye from the National Museum of Natural History, Paris.
The 85cm-long (33in) creature, known as Eupodophis descouensi, comes from the Late Cretaceous, about 92 million years ago.
Unearthed near the village of al-Nammoura, it was originally described in 2000.
Its remains are divided across the two interior faces of a thin limestone block that has been broken apart.
A portion of the vertebral column is missing; and in the process of preservation, the "tail" has become detached and positioned near the head.
But it is the unmistakable leg bones - fibula, tibia and femur - that catch the eye. The stumpy hind-limb is only 2cm (0.8in) long, and was presumably utterly useless to the animal in life.
Current evidence suggests that snakes started to emerge less than 150 million years ago.
Two theories compete. One points to a land origin in which lizards started to burrow, and as they adapted to their subterranean existence, their legs were reduced and lost - first the forelimbs and then the hind-limbs.
The second theory considers the origin to be in water, from marine reptiles.
This makes the few known bipedal snakes in the fossil record hugely significant, because they could hold the clues that settle this particular debate.
"Every detail can be very important in establishing the great relationships and that's why we must know them very well," explained Ms Houssaye.
"I wanted to study the inner structure of different bones and so for that you would usually use destructive methods; but given that this is the only specimen [of E. descouensi], it is totally impossible to do that.
"3D reconstruction techniques were the only solution. We needed a good resolution and only this machine can do that," she told BBC News.

The 850m-circumference ring has 32 magnet clusters, or cells. Electrons turned by plain magnets produce 'standard' X-rays. Particles 'wiggled' at undulator magnets emit stronger X-rays. X-rays can't turn with electrons and head straight down beamlines.
Experiment 'hutches' receive the most intense X-rays in Europe. The light probes materials on the atomic and molecular scale. Robots can place many samples in the beam for rapid science. ESRF data leads to new materials, drugs, electronics, etc.
That machine is the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility. This giant complex on the edge of the Alps produces an intense, high-energy light that can pierce just about any material, revealing its inner structure.
For this study, the fossil snake was clamped to an inclined table and rotated in front of the facility's brilliant X-ray beam.
In a process known as computed laminography, many hundreds of 2D images are produced which can be woven, with the aid of a smart algorithm, into a detailed 3D picture.
The finished product, which can be spun around on a computer screen, reveals details that will be measured in just millionths of a metre.
The E. descouensi investigation shows the second leg hidden inside the limestone is bent at the knee.
"We can even see ankle bones," ESRF's resident palaeontologist Paul Tafforeau said.
"In most cases, we can't find digits; but that may be because they are not preserved or because, as this is a vestigial leg, they were never present."
To modern eyes, it may seem strange to think of a snake with legs.
But look at some of the more primitive modern snakes, such as boas and pythons, and you'll see evidence of their legged ancestry - tiny "spurs" sited near their ends, which today are used as grippers during sex.

im 1: synchrotron view of the visible snake leg  - top

                : Synchrotron light in the bottom view illuminates the hidden limb - bottom
im 2 : Eupodophis descouensi
Ii invat si ei se indeparteaza,
Ascult si ei se se apropie....
Puterea mea, este tacerea mea.

Lone Ranger

George Soros prevede o lume în care dolarul american îshi va pierde complet importantza:
(^Incercatzi versiunea "printer friendly")