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Creat de jackie28t, 12 Iulie 2006, 01:12:37

« precedentul - următorul »

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Citat din: pri3st3ss din  17 Iulie 2007, 14:49:42
ULTIMA ORÃ: Nor toxic la 160 de kilometri de graniþa cu România, în urma unui accident chimic în Ucraina

Un accident chimic a avut loc în Ucraina, provocat de deraierea unui tren. Un nor de substanþã toxicã - fosfor - se întinde pe 90 de kilometri pãtraþi ºi pluteºte deasupra a 14 sate din jurul oraºului Lvov. Vicepremierul ucrainean compara aceast accident cu cel de la Cernobîl din 1986.

gresit,zaharosu..accidentul a avut loc aseara....abia azi au anuntat..iar meteorologii afirma ca nu va atinge Romania, datorita faptului ca vantul bate dinspre sud spre nord....oricum, daca stai in nordul tarii, ai auzit masurile de precautie...
de asemenea,daca filmezi ceva,arata-ne si noua.

si inca ceva.. e bine ca e canicula,nu vom pati nimic..daca se apuca sa ploua acum,va fi dezastru natural!!!
asta e cel mai pesimist scenariu...sau daca se schimba frontul atmosferic...
Ii invat si ei se indeparteaza,
Ascult si ei se se apropie....
Puterea mea, este tacerea mea.


Poison threat from Ukraine train

The cloud covers an area of 90sq km (56sq miles) above some 14 villages near the town of Lviv.
Hundreds of villagers from the area have been evacuated and at least 20 people have been taken to hospital.
The fire aboard the train carrying highly flammable yellow phosphorus was put out late on Monday, reports say.
The train was travelling from Kazakhstan to Poland and Ukrainian rescue teams are still said to be working at the site of the accident.
Ukraine's Deputy Prime Minister Oleksandr Kuzmuk compared the accident to the blast at the Chernobyl nuclear reactor in 1986.
"A disaster has happened. After the Chernobyl catastrophe we are dealing with a case that can pose a real threat for our people," the Associated Press news agency quotes Mr Kuzmuk as saying.
"It is an extraordinary event, the consequences of which cannot be predicted."
While hundreds of villagers have been evacuated, those who remain in the area have been advised to stay indoors and avoid eating vegetables or animal produce sourced locally.
Phosphorus compounds are mainly used in fertilisers, but can also be used to produce pesticides, cleaning products and explosives. - imagine de la locul accidentului

ANM: Norul toxic din Ucraina nu va ajunge pe teritoriul României pânã joi dimineaþa

Ultima actualizare a prognozei privind miºcarea curenþilor de aer, fãcutã în aceastã searã, la ora 18.00, aratã cã norul toxic din Ucraina nu va ajunge în România pânã joi dimineaþa la ora 6.00, a declarat pentru NewsIn directorul Administraþiei Naþionale de Meteorologie, Ion Sandu.

Potrivit acestuia, actualizarea prognozei privind miºcarea curenþilor de aer se realizeazã din ºase în ºase ore ºi este valabilã 36 de ore.

"Este bine cã circulaþia nu este spre România ci spre în direcþia nord - vest. Norul toxic scade în densitate pe mãsurã ce înainteazã. Având în vedere stabilitatea atmosfericã, este greu de presupus cã se va schimba direcþia vântului ºi cã norul va ajunge în România", a declarat Sandu în aceastã dupã-amiazã.

Un accident chimic a avut loc ieri searã în Ucraina. Un tren marfar care transporta fosfor galben s-a rãsturnat. 6 vagoane ale acestuia au luat foc, iar norul toxic produs în urma incendiului se întinde pe o suprafaþã de 90 de km ºi se aflã la 160 de kilometri de graniþa Ucrainei cu România.

Sursa: NewsIn

comment postat de un cititor:"Problema pentru Bula: un nor mortal se afla la 250 de km de o localitate si se intinde pe 90km2. Dupa o zi, distanta intre nor si localitatea cea mai apropiata de granita de sud este de 160km. Catre ce directie se indreapta norul? " :-D

pana joi dimineata la ora 6 a.m. mai e...sugestii pentru timpul ramas??? :lol:
Ii invat si ei se indeparteaza,
Ascult si ei se se apropie....
Puterea mea, este tacerea mea.


Eu gasesc 3 informatii care se bat cap in cap.
1. Norul se indreapta spre Polonia (spune presa din romania citand nustiu ce meteorolog)
2. Norul se indreapta spre Romania (spune presa din Polonia)
3. Ucrainienii nu spun nimic romanilor. (la nivel de ministere al mediului)

De aceea cred ca treaba este mult mai grav decat pare la prima vedere.
Fiind foarte aproape de romania este absurd sa credem ca nu o sa ajunga si pe aici....cel putin zona de nord a tarii o sa fie afectata cred eu. In ce masura....ramane de vazut.

PS. fosforul are o importanta deosebita la producerea energiei nervoase, intelectuale si sexuale. Poate devin unii mai inteligenti prin tara.  :-D




Parerea mea...Bin Laden are contract cu Loreal sau Garnier, altfel nu se explica intinerirea asta... :-D


Citat din: loreley din  18 Iulie 2007, 09:56:00
De aceea cred ca treaba este mult mai grav decat pare la prima vedere.
Fiind foarte aproape de romania este absurd sa credem ca nu o sa ajunga si pe aici....

se spune ca pericolul a trecut si nu mai are si nici nu va avea tangenta cu Romania...si ca tot ce este toxic - chiar daca va ajunge in tara noastra -  va fi "diluat" si nu va avea aceeasi putere

Loreley, fosforul face si rau, la ficat de exemplu...

Ministrul Mediului: Nu existã pericol toxic pentru România, în urma accidentului de la Lvov

Ministrul Mediului Attila Korodi a declarat astãzi cã România este în afara oricãrui pericol de poluare."Pericolul unei eventuale poluãri în România în urma accidentului din Ucraina s-a stins", a precizat Attila Korodi.

"În urmãtoarele 48 de ore, curenþii de aer care ar putea sã conþinã elemente poluatoare rãmân în zona graniþei cu Polonia ºi Slovacia", a susþinut ministrul Mediului.

Korodi considerã cã este puþin probabil ca deplasarea acestui tip de particule poluatoare sã fie pe distanþã mare. "În plus, bariera naturalã din nordul þãrii, Carpaþii, face ca elementele poluatoare sã nu ajungã în România. S-a confirmat cã în România nu este poluare", a completat Attila Korodi.

Ministrul Mediului a declarat cã s-a hotãrât sã nu se mai întruneascã Comitetul pentru Situaþii de Urgenþã pentru a analiza situaþia poluãrii din Ucraina. Totuºi, ministrul a precizat cã monitorizãrile calitãþii aerului vor continua ºi în urmãtoarele ore.

Guvernul polonez a fost informat încã de luni de autoritãþile de la Kiev, despre accidentul chimic. Cu toate acestea, atât autoritãþile, cât ºi presa din Polonia trateazã accidentul ca pe un subiect fãrã prea mare importanþã. Oficialitãþile de la Varºovia susþin cã norul se îndreaptã cãtre interiorul Ucrainei, eventual spre Belarus, nu cãtre Polonia.

Ambasada rusã de la Kiev ºi Ministerul de Externe au fost informate despre dezastrul de la Lvov, provocat de o eroare umanã, în care a fost implicat un transport de fosfor din Kazashstan, a anunþat marþi seara agenþia ITAR-TASS în pagina electronicã. Rusia este gata sã trimitã chimiºti ºi alþi specialiºti pentru a ajuta la neutralizarea celor circa 400 de tone de fosfor galben care s-au deversat în urma accidentului feroviar, a declarat pentru ITAR-TASS consulul general rus de la Lvov.

Ministerului Mediului a primit În aceastã dupã-amiazã, ca urmare a solicitãrilor repetate, o informare din partea autoritãþilor din Ucraina, privind accidentul ecologic produs luni, la Lviv .

Informaþiile au venit de la Comitetul de Stat al Ucrainei pentru Managementul Apelor ºi menþioneazã ca accidentul a avut un caracter local ºi nu va avea niciun fel de impact transfrontier, neafectând teritoriul României, întrucât zona poluatã este situatã de partea opusã a Carpaþilor, în partea de vest a bazinului hidrografic Bug (Bazinul Mãrii Baltice).

De asemenea, reprezentanþii Comitetului de Stat specificã faptul cã situaþia este controlatã de Ministerul pentru Urgenþe din Ucraina, iar consecinþele accidentului se aflã în starea finalã de lichidare.


Potrivit agenþiei ruse Interfax, accidentul chimic s-a soldat cu 20 de rãniþi, între care 6 membri ai echipelor de intervenþie, 2 agenþi de poliþie, 2 muncitori de la cãile ferate ºi 10 localnici. Toþi cei afectaþi de gazul toxic au fost internaþi la policlinica militarã din Lvov.

Vicepremierul ucrainean, Aleksandr Kuzmuk, a declarat cã este cea mai gravã catastrofã din istoria þãrii, dupã dezastrul nuclear de la Cernobîl. Demnitarul ucrainean a mai declarat cã este vorba despre un eveniment ale cãrui consecinþe nu pot fi prevãzute deocamdatã. În regiune trãiesc aproximativ 11.000 de oameni.

Patru dintre cele 20 de persoane intoxicate în Ucraina, din cauza norului de fosfor format dupã accidentul produs în zona Lvov, sunt în stare gravã.

Deºi autoritãþile ucrainene au declarat cã toþi copiii au fost evacuaþi din regiune, corespondentul Realitatea TV Yevghenia Kironachi, aflatã în regiunea în care pluteºte norul toxic, susþine cã în zonã încã sunt copii. Mai mult, oamenii precizeazã cã autoritãþile nu le-au propus sã plece din zona poluatã ºi sunt revoltaþi cã nu li se spune adevãrul.


Autoritãþile cãilor ferate ucrainene au exclus posibilitatea unui sabotaj la linia feratã de la Lvov. Sunt luate în calcul alte douã ipoteze: condiþia deficitarã a liniei ferate sau a vagoanelor-cisternã, precum ºi încãlcarea regulilor privitoare la transportul de substanþe periculoase.

Sursa: Realitatea TV

http://www.realitatea.net/?domeniu=2&stire=76291#  - sunt si cateva filmulete in josul paginii:
-ANALIZA CURENÞILOR DE AER pentru stabilirea riscului de deplasare a norului cãtre România
-C. P. Tãriceanu: Fac apel la calm
- Imagini cu norul toxic din Ucraina
-Korodi: România nu se aflã în pericol
-Exclusivitate: Reporterul RTV susþine cã nu au fost evacuaþi toþi copiii din zonã

Ii invat si ei se indeparteaza,
Ascult si ei se se apropie....
Puterea mea, este tacerea mea.


despre omul care aproape ca nu are creier...si totusi duce o viata normala.  :roll:

despre posibila inscenare a unor atentate similare 11 septembrie:

s-a descoperit al 60-lea satelit al lui saturn:




Marti, 24 iulie, in Municipiul Bucuresti, in judetele Ilfov si Giurgiu precum si in sudul judetelor Teleorman, Olt si Dolj temperatura aerului va depasi 41 de grade.
can't stop the signal ...


      Orasul Verde

Desi nu da impresia unui centru al revolutiei ecologice, micul oras suedez Vaxjo, cu noua sa centrala electrica ecologica, a devenit cel mai verde loc din Europa, castigand premiul inaugural anul acesta pentru dezvoltare durabila, acordat de Uniunea Europeana. La o observare mai atenta, "fumul" care se inalta din cosuri este o dara slaba de abur iar inauntru miroase mai degraba ca o sauna decat ca un furnal. Aceasta pentru ca, in loc sa fie alimentata cu petrol, materia prima pe baza careia functioneaza centrala este rumegusul furnizat de fermele forestiere din zona. Dincolo de furnizarea electricitatii, centrala furnizeaza si aproximativ 90 la suta din incalzire si din apa calda necesara acestui oras din sudul Suediei. Gazul format prin arderea rumegusului este transformat, prin condensare, intr-un lichid, ulterior purificat, care, in loc sa fie aruncat, este pompat in tot orasul, incalzind casele si birourile. Mormanul de rumegus din curtea centralei depaseste inaltimea unui om si ia aproape cinci minute pentru a fi parcurs. Potrivit lui Sandh, rumegusul de aici este suficient pentru a incalzi si cea mai friguroasa zi de iarna sau pentru a furniza apa calda pentru doua saptamani in timpul verii. In conditiile in care politica suedeza veche de secole "planteaza un copac pentru fiecare copac doborat" nu mai este de actualitate, aschiile maturate din cuptor in fiecare zi se intorc in padure in calitate de ingrasaminte. Aflat in inima provinciei Smaland, Vaxjo a invatat sa traiasca in armonie cu mediul, dupa o experienta dura. In urma doar cu un secol, multi dintre locuitorii sai au fost fortati sa emigreze in Statele Unite dupa ce culturile vestejite si pasunile devastate au generat foametea.

O alta inovatie pe care Vaxjo incearca sa o impuna sunt constructiile de lemn, ecologice si in armonie cu peisajul. Pe malul lacului Trommen, este aproape terminat un bloc de lemn de opt etaje, cea mai inalta structura de lemn din toata Europa. (D.M.)

ziua 25/07/2007


Un motan adoptat de un sanatoriu particular din SUA detine puteri paranormale: el poate simti care dintre pacienti urmeaza sa moara. Potrivit site-ului Independent Online, cand Oscar - caci acesta este numele felinei - ii viziteaza pe pacientii Centrului de ingrijire si reabilitare Steere House din Providence, Rhode Island, personalul medical intra in alerta si ii acorda o atentie deosebita. Pisoiul indica persoana care urmeaza sa moara in cateva ore.

Unul dintre medici, dr. David Dosa, a precizat ca in cei doi ani de cand traieste la sanatoriu, Oscar a ramas indelung langa paturile a peste 25 de pacienti, cu putin timp inainte ca acestia sa moara. Medicul a scris amanuntit despre Oscar, in New England Journal of Medicine. ,,Nu stiu daca este o pisica inzestrata cu puteri paranormale, dar isi face mereu aparitia langa patul pacientilor, cu aproximativ doua ore inainte ca acestia sa moara. Trebuie sa fie o explicatie biochimica", a declarat Joan Teno, un alt medic de la sanatoriul Steere House.

Iata un exemplu, prezentat de David Dosa: intr-o zi, Oscar s-a asezat langa patul unei paciente din camera 313. Prezenta motanului i-a determinat pe doctori sa sune familia femeii si sa o monitorizeze indeaproape. Cand nepotul pacientei a intrebat ce cauta motanul acolo, mama sa i-a explicat: ,,Se afla aici pentru a o ajuta pe bunica sa mearga in Rai".

Sursa Antena 3/@7/07/2007


Fossils Older Than Dinosaurs Reveal Pattern Of Early Animal Evolution On Earth

The abundant diversity of characteristics within species likely helped fuel the proliferation and evolution of an odd-looking creature that emerged from an unprecedented explosion of life on Earth more than 500 million years ago. University of Chicago paleontologist Mark Webster reports this finding in the July 27 issue of the journal Science.

"From an evolutionary perspective, the more variable a species is, the more raw material natural selection has to operate on," said Webster, an Assistant Professor in Geophysical Sciences at Chicago.

Paleontologists for decades have suspected that highly variable species evolved more rapidly than others, said Nigel Hughes, Professor of Earth Sciences at the University of California, Riverside. "Various studies have approached questions pertaining to it--but this is the first to convincingly document it in any group," Hughes said.

Most studies have focused on variability between species rather than within them, but in his Science paper, Webster analyzed 982 species of trilobites, ancient relatives of spiders and horseshoe crabs. "They're segmented little creatures, very beautiful to look at," Webster said. "They catch the eye of a lot of amateur collectors, and professionals like myself tend to get hooked on them very easily."

Extinct for 250 million years, trilobites once were the most common creatures in the world's oceans. Trilobites ranged in size from nearly microscopic to more than a foot long, though most of the 17,000 known species measured from one to four inches. "They were very diverse. That, in combination with their abundance as fossils, means they're ripe for studying evolutionary patterns in very old rocks," Webster said.

Trilobites were among the creatures that emerged 500 million years ago, during what paleontologists call "the Cambrian explosion," or "the Cambrian radiation." Before this time, life on Earth was limited mostly to bacteria, algae, single-celled organisms and only the simplest animal groups. But during the Cambrian Period, more complex creatures with skeletons, eyes and limbs emerged with amazing suddenness.

"The paper is relevant to the big question of what fueled the Cambrian radiation, and why that event was so singular," said UC-Riverside's Hughes of Webster's study. It appears that organisms displayed "rampant" within-species variation "in the 'warm afterglow' of the Cambrian explosion," Hughes said, but not later. "No one has shown this convincingly before, and that's why this is so important."

Webster has hunted trilobites from the northwest highlands of Scotland to the deserts of the American Southwest. He specializes in the olenellids, the oldest, most primitive trilobite group ever to evolve. The olenellids also show a great deal of variation within species.

"That led me into thinking there's something weird about these very primitive Cambrian trilobites that you don't see in other ones," he said.

The only way to verify his hunch was to conduct an analysis that combined the data compiled in previously published reports. "It's too much for one person to look at a thousand trilobite species," Webster said.

So for his Science study, Webster combed through 68 previously published studies of trilobites, searching for descriptions of evolving characteristics that could be incorporated into his analysis. After eliminating studies that were inappropriate for inclusion, 49 still remained.

He focused on actively evolving characteristics. The trilobite head alone, for example, displays many such characteristics. These include differences in ornamentation, number and placement of spines, and the shape of head segments. His findings: Overall, approximately 35 percent of the 982 trilobite species exhibited some variation in some aspect of their appearance that was evolving. But more than 70 percent of early and middle Cambrian species exhibited variation, while only 13 percent of later trilobite species did so.

"There's hardly any variation in the post-Cambrian," he said. "Even the presence or absence or the kind of ornamentation on the head shield varies within these Cambrian trilobites and doesn't vary in the post-Cambrian trilobites."

Paleontologists have proposed two ideas to account for why variation within species declined through time. One is ecological. In the very early Cambrian seas, fewer organisms existed than today, which meant that they faced less competition for food. "You didn't really have to be tightly specialized to make a living in the Cambrian," Webster said.

But as evolution gave rise to more varieties of organisms, ecological communities became more diverse. "You had to be very fine-tuned to your particular niche to make a living and to beat out competitors for a limited resource."

The genomic hypothesis offers a second explanation for the decline of within-species variation over time. According to this idea, internal processes in the organism were the key factors. Various developmental processes interact with one another to control the growth and formation of body parts as any organism progresses from egg to adult.

"It's been suggested that early on in evolutionary history, in the Cambrian Period, the degree to which these different developmental processes interacted with each other within the organism was a lot less," Webster said. "As a result, the constraints on what the final organism looked like were relatively low."

Both hypotheses are equally viable in light of Webster's latest findings. "We need to tease apart what's controlling this pattern of high within-species variation. There's a lot more work to do," he said.

im - A species of trilobites found in Nevada. Trilobites went extinct 250 million years ago, long before the appearance of the first dinosaurs.
Ii invat si ei se indeparteaza,
Ascult si ei se se apropie....
Puterea mea, este tacerea mea.


Flying Saucer Designed for Greener Air Travel

Eco-conscious travelers buy off their global warming guilt with carbon offsets that promote wind farms and reforestation. Meanwhile, aviation engineers are taking another route, designing a more environmentally sustainable airplane that may overturn long-held notions of flight engineering.

"I want to get rid of the image of a cylindrical body with wings," said Etnel Straatsma of Delft University of Technology in The Netherlands.
The plane of the future, in Straatsma's vision, might be as wild as a flying saucer. She and other engineers are toying with lighter materials and some are pondering ideas as radical as returning to propeller-driven planes as an eco-friendly alternative to passenger jets. 
Straatsma heads the recently-formed CleanEra project, which aims to design an "ultra-eco-friendly plane" that releases 50 percent less carbon dioxide per passenger-mile than current airliners. The project's "greenliner"—depicted in design illustrations as a flying saucer—would also reduce other pollutants and noise, in line with recommendations from the European Aerospace Commission, ACARE.

The challenge is that modern airplanes are already close to maximally optimized, said Alexander de Haan, also from Delft but not involved with CleanEra. He has examined various design modifications and found that they could reduce carbon emissions and noise levels by, at most, 10 to 15 percent.
"These ideas cannot keep up with the 5 percent growth that the [airline] industry continues to have year after year," de Haan said.

Growing concern

Aviation accounts for about 2 percent of global carbon dioxide emissions, but what has many worried is how fast the industry is growing. By 2050, air travel could be 5 percent or more of the total warming affect, according to a 1999 report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

Although estimates vary, flying in a plane releases the equivalent of about 1 pound of carbon dioxide per mile per passenger, which is about the same as driving a car the same distance.

Constant retooling of aircraft has helped to decrease emissions per passenger by 2 to 2.5 percent per year, said Andreas Hardeman of the industry group International Air Transport Association. But he agreed that the current paradigm may have reached the "end of the line."

"Ever since the Boeing 707 first flew in 1957, airliners ... have changed very little in their basic appearance," Hardeman said. "However, because future improvements to the basic design are getting harder to make, economic and environmental pressures mean that the case for radical change is getting stronger."

Radical change could mean introducing novel materials and shapes, or even reviving "old" propulsion systems.

Retro-style propellers

One idea is to go back to using propellers, which are more fuel efficient than jets—even when a "jet" (gas turbine) engine is turning the propeller blades. The drawback is that propeller-driven planes are typically slower—something Straatsma finds unacceptable.
"One of my requirements is to increase comfort, and we can't do that by making flights longer," she said.
Still, there are propeller designs—some with thin, specially-curved blades—that can achieve current airliner speeds of Mach 0.8 (roughly 530 mph). The trouble is that the blades must turn so quickly that the tips create extremely loud shock waves.
Straatsma says that her group will look at ways to reduce this noise, perhaps by placing two propellers in a row with contra-rotating (oppositely turning) blades.

Scrapping metal

Composite materials—plastic reinforced by woven fibers—are another way to go. They can be as strong as metal while weighing less, which reduces fuel use. Boeing recently revealed its 787 Dreamliner, which is 50 percent "plastic" by weight.
British low-cost airline easyJet recently revealed the design of a short-haul airliner that will emit 50 percent less carbon dioxide and could be built by 2015.
But de Haan believes that composites are simply being swapped in for aluminum. To take full advantage of the new material, engineers will need to "think in composites" from word go.
If a fuselage were made entirely by winding fibers into the desired pattern instead of splicing together metal sheets, "you could reach a 30-percent weight reduction," de Haan said.
Besides being lighter, composites offer greater freedom in shaping an airplane, which could benefit aerodynamics.
An all-composite plane may not be realizable anytime soon, says Straatsma, since composites are not as heat-resistant as metal, and some of them absorb moisture—a problem especially on the leading edge of the wings.

Other alternatives

Biofuels could be a way to reduce the carbon footprint of air travel. Some planes are now flying with 30 percent biofuel mixed with kerosene, a common jet fuel.
But there are concerns that higher biofuel mixtures might freeze at the sub-zero temperatures at high altitude.
Hydrogen fuel might be another option, but it may have to wait for technology that can store this gas in smaller tanks than are currently needed.
Another possibility is placing more passengers on a single plane. The so-called blended wing body, in which seating extends out into the wings, could carry 800 passengers. There are worries, though, that people sitting out far from the central axis may get a more wobbly ride. And it's not clear that having planes with this much capacity will work on many routes.
Even if these radical changes prove feasible, it may take decades for their full implementation. This is why de Haan advocates also looking into policy and lifestyle changes.
However, he does not necessarily think people should cut back on flying. One solution might be to save fuel by shuttling vacationers in a slower, lower-flying aircraft, but then "start the party on board," de Haan suggested. It wouldn't be a flying saucer, but rather a cruise ship in the sky

im - This eco-friendly airplane of the future, just an idea at this point, was designed by the CleanEra project, led by Etnel Straatsma of Delft University of Technology in The Netherlands. Credit: CleanEra, Delft University of Technology
Ii invat si ei se indeparteaza,
Ascult si ei se se apropie....
Puterea mea, este tacerea mea.


Papa Benedict al XVI-lea recunoaste evolutionismul

-- Papa Benedict al XVI-lea a declarat, recent, ca exista dovezi stiintifice substantiale care confirma teoria evolutiei, relateaza ieri site-ul australian News.


Intr-o intrunire pe care a avut-o cu un grup de 400 de preoti, Suveranul Pontif, aflat la sfarsitul vacantei petrecute in nordul Italiei, a tinut sa abordeze subiectul dezbaterilor aprinse care au loc in unele tari, in special in SUA si Germania, intre sustinatorii teoriei evolutiei si cei ai creationismului, concept teologic potrivit caruia sufletul fiecarui individ provine, prin creatie nemijlocita, de la Dumnezeu.

"Cele doua sunt prezentate ca alternative care se exclud una pe alta. Aceasta ciocnire de idei este absurda pentru ca exista multe dovezi stiintifice in favoarea evolutionismului, care apar ca o realitate pe care trebuie sa o vedem si care ne imbogatesc intelegerea vietii", a declarat Papa. Teoria evolutiei nu raspunde insa tuturor intrebarilor si nu-l poate exclude pe Dumnezeu. "Dar aceasta teorie nu raspunde marii intrebari filozofice: de unde vin toate acestea?", a continuat Benedict al XVI-lea. Papa, care a petrecut o vacanta de trei saptamani intr-o regiune montana din nordul Italiei, a abordat si subiectul schimbarilor climaterice.

"Putem vedea, astazi, ca omul isi poate distruge fundamentul existentei sale, acest Pamant. Nu putem face ce vrem cu acest Pamant al nostru, cu ce ne-a fost incredintat... Pamantul ne vorbeste, iar noi, daca vrem sa supravietuim, trebuie sa-l ascultam, pentru a-i descifra mesajul", a atras atentia Suveranul Pontif. (D.M.)

sursa ziua 28/07/2007

L.E. Mai are cineva informatii despre accidentul din Ucraina?


An enormous number of UFO sightings before Tsunami and earthquake in South and Southeast Asia – were they trying to warn?

Was it a coincidence? Lots of people now from the Tsunami and earthquake hit areas are reporting about strange Unidentified Flying Objects they saw a few days before the mega quake and Tsunami. People in Indian state of Tamil Nadu, Andaman and Nicobar Island as well as many in Indonesia were reporting for some time about strange flying objects in the sky.

The local media in these areas did not know what to do with the reported sightings. But it seems now from the reports that many UFOs were in the sky and were trying to communicate something.

Some even are conjecturing that this horrific Tsunami and earthquake may be some kind of experiment. In Port Blair, the capital city of Andaman Island of India, last week some tourists saw strange silent flying objects. In Sumatra, remote places also had similar experiences for quite some time.

According to some UFO experts, UFOs always hover around the epicenter of major calamities. They somehow sense these coming natural disasters. Some believe that they try and communicate with us to warn. Some even believe these UFOs simulate natural disasters in the earth.

India especially in the Himalayas, China, Indonesia were experiencing heavy UFO sightings in recent days. Remote areas of Bangladesh, Mayanmar, and Andaman Island, Sri Lanka have also recently reported such sightings.

Indian Government and the military are quiet for a long time about these numerous UFO sightings. Some believe that India in recent days have been contacted like America was in the middle of the last century.

The recent excessive UFO sightings all over the world are forecasting serious disasters in the world. Many people believe, we are in for a rough time as far as earthquakes; volcano and similar natural calamities are concerned.

The lining up of Sun, Earth, Moon, Venus and Jupiter is dangerous. And this has caused some to belief that earthquakes can havoc the earth. As a matter of fact India has seen many earthquakes in last few months.

Earthquakes in India are not common like Japan.

It is possible that UFOs are trying to communicate to us to warn about the planetary positioning effects on the Earth's tectonic plates and crust.

In older days, Mayans and Egyptians were always scared about planets lining up in one line. How did they know that earthquakes are eminent? It may be they did communicate with the extra-terrestrials and understood about planetary angular momentum theory that we just started learning this week!

sursa: http://www.indiadaily.com/



Interesant... S-ar putea sa fie si efecte ale energiilor electromagnetice care preced cutremurele. Inainte de cutremur, in placile tectonice se acumuleaza o cantitate foarte mare de energie care trebuie eliberata. Dupa cate stim, energia are mai multe moduri de eliberare: energia eliberata prinn ruperea crustei terestre, insa inainte au loc eliberari spontane de energii electromagnetice care apar in diferite moduri. Cel mai comun este sub forma fulgerelor globulare, fulgerelor normale si colorarea cerului.