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LUNA, satelit natural sau nava spatiala?

Creat de APOLLO, 23 Iunie 2005, 21:27:56

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Sunt 3 teorii in ceea ce priveste luna:
-este goala in interior (locul navelor supraveghetoare);
-sau suntem supravegheati din partea nevazuta a lunii!
-este un satelit natural obisnuit!


Lunar dust 'may harm astronauts'

Scientists are investigating the possible threat posed to astronauts by inhaling lunar dust.
A study suggests the smallest particles in lunar dust might be toxic, if comparisons with dust inhalation cases on Earth apply.
Teams hope to carry out experiments on mice to determine whether this is the case or not.
Nasa has set up a working group to look into the matter ahead of its planned return to the Moon by 2020.
A team at the University of Tennessee (UT) in Knoxville is also looking at ways of using magnets to filter dust from the living environments of lunar bases and spacecraft. 
The health effects of inhaling lunar dust have been recognised since Nasa's Apollo missions.
Astronaut Harrison H (Jack) Schmitt, the last man to step on to the Moon in Apollo 17, complained of "lunar dust hay fever" when his dirty space suit contaminated the habitation module after an energetic foray on the lunar surface.

The US space agency (Nasa) is now keen to assess the effects of more prolonged exposure and to address the problem before humans are sent back to the Moon in just over a decade.
Details of the work were presented to the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in Houston, Texas.

'Dangerous fraction'

Nasa's Lunar Airborne Dust Toxicity Advisory Group (LADTAG), which includes medical doctors as well as scientists from UT, have been working to characterise the dust's properties.

"I've been working on lunar samples for 35 years and I have looked at fractions down to a few microns (millionths of a metre), but never anything less," said Professor Larry Taylor, director of the Planetary Geosciences Institute at Tennessee.

"The medical doctors are interested in things that are less than about three microns.
"So we did some particle size determinations and discovered that a very large portion of lunar soil is potentially dangerous, approximately 1-3% of the total soil by weight."
Most particles in lunar soil should get coughed up, or moved out of the lungs by specialised hairs called cilli. But any particles smaller than about 2.5 microns will stick in lung tissue.
When dust is deposited in the lungs, inflammation occurs. Ultimately, scar tissue called a fibroid grows around the particle. This scar tissue replaces cells which facilitate the exchange of oxygen for carbon dioxide (CO2) in the lungs.
This is the process at work in the condition silicosis - an occupational hazard in mining, quarrying and foundry work - and asbestosis, which results from inhaling asbestos fibres. It also occurs in bronchitis and as a consequence of smoking.
"If you took a healthy pair of adult lungs and smeared them out, they would cover a football field," Professor Taylor told BBC News.
"Once you are down to the size of a square table's worth of surface area in your lungs that is useable; you are just about dead."

Fine particles

The team at the University of Tennessee has shown that about one percent by weight of lunar soil comprises particles less than one micron in size. A smaller - but still significant - fraction is less than 100 nanometres (billionths of a metre) in size.
They determined that most of the fine particles in lunar dust are composed of glass formed through the impact of micrometeorites on the surface of the Moon. But the glass also contains metallic iron grains, much like that in a carpenter's nail and measuring just 10-20 nanometres in size.
These grains, called "nano-phase iron", are so small that, if inhaled, some would pass directly from the lungs into the blood circulation.

Once in the blood, the iron could "de-energise" the haemoglobin molecule which carries oxygen to the body's tissues. If enough gets dissolved in the blood, it could produce effects similar to carbon monoxide poisoning.
However, exactly how much is required for this to happen remains an open question.
In addition, when some fine dust particles are examined under the microscope, they can be seen to be filled with holes - like Swiss cheese.
These vesicles give them a much larger surface area to react with the lung tissue, says Dr Yang Liu, a postdoctoral research associate at the University of Tennessee.
"If you have a solid particle of dust and add vesicles, you can calculate how much the reactive surface area is increased. Sometimes you can get increases of up to a factor of five," she told BBC News.
"With jagged particles, because of the way they follow the path of the air, there's a lower chance of them impacting the sinus walls at the back of the throat - which is the body's defence mechanism for keeping particles out of the lungs," said Dr Benjamin Eimer, another postdoctoral researcher at the University of Tennessee.

Lab tests

Previous in vitro experiments with rodents found little effect from the inhalation of samples of lunar soil of average grain size. But Larry Taylor says that new experiments need to concentrate on the effects of breathing in the fine dust particles.
To demonstrate, Professor Taylor brought with him a vial of lunar dust returned from the Moon in the 1969 Apollo 11 mission. Sure enough, the dust was attracted to the magnet as he moved it around the plastic container.

"I discovered that if you put lunar soil in your microwave oven, next to your tea, it will melt at 1,200C before your tea boils - which is a magical thing," he said.
This property is almost entirely due to a coupling effect between the microwaves and the nano-phase iron in the dust.
The molten dust from the microwave treatment hardens into solid glass, which has given rise to the idea that robots could be sent ahead of human missions to "pave" landing pads and roads by firing microwaves at the lunar soil.

Professor Taylor has come up with a concept for a wheeled vehicle, much like an ice-rink resurfacer, that could perform the task, and has developed a prototype microwave device that could be carried to the Moon.
Paving the Moon would prevent dust being kicked up by the manned spacecraft and vehicles which would follow to the surface, but some of the finest dust may be "levitated" electro-statically above the surface. This is relevant not only for the health of the astronauts, but also for astronomy on the Moon.
"If they are going to do any work on the Moon, they don't want dust in the way, so there is a big effort to minimise it," Dr Eimer told BBC News.

He has been working on ways to filter dust out of habitation modules and vacuum it up from the surface with devices that use magnets to attract the lunar soil and dust.
One concept, called the Lunar Air Filter with a Permanent Magnet System (LAF-PMS), consists of many permanent magnets placed with their magnetic poles very close, creating a large field gradient that attracts lunar dust particles from the air.
In order to clean the filters out, small blocks of iron are moved into the gaps between the magnets to close off the magnetic fields. With the filter turned off, the dust can be wiped away.
Another concept, called the Lunar Soil Magnetic Collector (LSMAC), comprises a series of wound magnetic coils arranged along a tube that could be turned on in sequence to effectively "suck up" lunar dust, giving the impression of the leaf-gathering machine used here on Earth.
"We will want to collect the soil to extract oxygen and hydrogen and perhaps to use for building materials. So we will have to collect massive amounts of lunar regolith. Our idea was to make something that could gather up the soil without creating a large dust cloud," said Dr Eimer.

Nasa scientists say the best approach is to develop a solar-powered moon base and to locate it near one of the poles of the moon - such as the Shackleton Crater near the South Pole.
The poles offer moderate temperatures, high percentage of sunlight which means greater potential for solar power and more opportunities to launch.
Nasa says they are also exciting options as they are not as well known as other areas and offer "unique, cold dark craters".
Nasa wants to have returned to the moon by 2020, with 30-day residential missions by 2024, increasing to six months by the end of that year.
Nasa says the global space community has identified six key aims for lunar exploration:
-to extend human presence to the Moon to enable eventual settlement ,
-to pursue scientific activities that address fundamental questions about the history of Earth, the Solar System and the Universe,
- to provide a challenging, shared and peaceful activity that unites nations in pursuit of common objectives
-to expand Earth's economic sphere, and conduct lunar activities with benefits to life on the home planet,
-to use a vibrant space exploration program to engage the public, encourage students and help develop the high-tech workforce that will be required to address the challenges of tomorrow,
-to test technologies, systems, flight operations and exploration techniques to reduce the risks and increase the productivity of future missions to Mars and beyond.

2008: Launch Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter
2010: Last Space Shuttle missions
2014: Deadline for Crew Exploration Vehicle
2020: Return to Moon

By 2025, Nasa hopes to have developed the capabilities required to enable further steps into space - possibly expanding lunar exploration and/or manned missions to Mars.

how the US plans to return to the Moon in 2020   ( fig 1 )
(1) The heavy-lift Ares 5 rocket blasts off from Earth carrying a lunar lander and a "departure stage"
(2) Several days later, astronauts launch on an Ares 1 rocket inside their Orion vehicle (CEV)
(3) The Orion docks with the lander and departure stage in Earth orbit and then heads to the Moon
(4) Having done its job of boosting the Orion and lunar lander on their way, the departure stage is jettisoned
(5) At the Moon, the astronauts leave the Orion and enter the lander for the trip to the lunar surface
(6) After exploring the lunar landscape for seven days, the crew blasts off in a portion of the lander
(7) In Moon orbit, they re-join the waiting robot-minded Orion and begin the journey back to Earth
(8) On the way, the service component of the Orion is jettisoned. This leaves just the crew capsule to enter the atmosphere
(9) A heatshield protects the capsule; parachutes bring it down on dry land, probably in California

fig 2: moonbase
fig 3 :Lunar dust brought back to Earth from the Apollo 17 mission

Ii invat si ei se indeparteaza,
Ascult si ei se se apropie....
Puterea mea, este tacerea mea.


Ceea ce adinceste si mai mult misterul in legatura cu Luna este ca brusc nu a mai fost un subiect interesant nici pentru americani nici pentru rusi .sau poate ca se fac cercetari in continuare,fara stiinta multora,si cu siguranta ca se fac.


Luna va disparea de pe bolta cereasca si se va ascunde in fundul soarelui     


Soarele are fund?  :-D

"Daca, privind Luna cu regularitate, aveti sentimentul ca ea pare tot mai mica, seara de seara, aflati ca acest fapt se petrece nu doar in mintea dumneavoastra, ci si in realitate! Fenomenul a fost de altfel deja confirmat de astronomii elvetieni de la Observatorul Cantonal din Zürich, care au efectuat o serie de masuratori sub conducerea dr. Alfred Zeeiman.

"Daca in primii ani ai deceniului sapte, atunci cand au inceput proiectele americane de cucerire a Lunii, astrul noptii avea un diametru estimat la circa 3888 km, astazi, dupa aproape patru decenii, acesta nu depaseste 3700 km! Scaderea este considerabila, caci in acest ritm, in câteva sute de ani, Luna va disparea de pe bolta cereasca! "


"Desi NASA a confirmat observatiile astronomilor din Tara Cantoanelor, nici un oficial al Agentiei Spatiale Americane nu s-a incumetat sa dea o explicatie pentru aceasta anomalie. "

Mai multe la:

O fi nava spatiala gonflabila Luna? Isi iau catrafusele extraterestrii? :-D


Acolo zice "diametru estimat la circa 3888 km", deci nu este/era exact. Probabil noua mãsurãtoare este mai corectã sau la fel de eronatã ca prima.
Nu tot ce zboară şi este necunoscut este extraterestru.
All warfare is based on deception. -- Sun Tzu, 600 BC

All types of knowledge, ultimately mean self knowledge. -- Bruce Lee


Zeeiman ºi echipa lui cascadorii râsului . Este valabil ºi pentru cei care chiar cred aceste tâmpenii . :lol:
Habar nu am cine este Alfred Zeeiman , Google nu gãseºte decât articolul cu pricina .

Diametrul Lunii este de aproximativ 3 476 Km ºi îl poate calcula ºi un elev de clasa a V-a  , cu ajutorul unui simplu disc de carton .
Mai exact , într-o noapte cu Lunã plinã ,  iei un disc de carton de , sã zicem 2cm, pe care  îl lipeºti de geam astfel încât privit de la o anumitã distanþã el sã acopere perfect Luna . Rogi apoi pe cineva sã mãsoare distanþa dintre tine (ochiul tãu) ºi discul de carton , et voila , poþi calcula diametrul Lunii  dupã formula     
                                                d/i = D/L => D=L*(d/l)

unde d = diametrul discului de carton (în cazul nostru 2cm)
       D = diametrul Lunii 
        i = distanþa pânã la discul de carton  (care se ºtie)
       L = distanþa pânã la Lunã (medie 382.500 Km )

Distanþa Pãmânt-Lunã variazã între 360.000 km ºi 405.000 km , aºa cã poti folosi distanþa medie (dar diametru Lunii obþinut va fi  unul aproximativ) sau poþi folosi  un soft de astronomie cum este Stellarium , pentru a afla distanþa Pãmânt-Luna exactã , în fucþie de data ºi locul în care te afli  , iar rezultatul obþinut va fi exact sau foarte aproape  de cel real .
Simplu , nu? :lol:

Science is the great antidote to the poison of enthusiasm and superstition.
(Adam Smith)


 Si ce faci daca intervine efectul de "lupa" si luna pare mult mai mare....si oricum Luna se vede cind mai mica, cind mai mare, cred ca masuratoarea cu cartonul rotund nu poate fii reala...
Cei care; ziua dorm si noaptea se odihnesc, cand oare mai au curiozitatea sa vada cum este sa fii trezit la "realitate" ?


Citat din: lylyt_ice din  28 Mai 2008, 14:21:03
Si ce faci daca intervine efectul de "lupa" si luna pare mult mai mare....si oricum Luna se vede cind mai mica, cind mai mare, cred ca masuratoarea cu cartonul rotund nu poate fii reala...

Acesta este un fenomen (iluzie opticã) foarte rar . :wink:

Science is the great antidote to the poison of enthusiasm and superstition.
(Adam Smith)



Pentru cei pasionati de misterele satelitului Terrei vineri 30 mai ora 18.00:

http://natgeochannel.ro/watch/program_details.aspx?id_p_s=45502 :rocket:


Luna se indeparteaza de pamant cam cu aprox 4cm/an.In final va scapa de sub atractia gravitationala a pamantului, dar asta dupa cateva sute de milioane de ani. In rest, ca scade in diametru... sa fim seriosi!
În credinta au murit toti acestia, fara sa fi capatat lucrurile fagaduite, ci  doar le-au vazut si le-au urat de bine de departe, marturisind ca sunt straini si calatori pe pamînt.  Evrei 11:13-16


Citat din: StarDust din  28 Mai 2008, 23:38:12
...dar asta dupa cateva sute de milioane de ani.
Rectificare: ...dupa cateva sute de miliarde de ani.
În credinta au murit toti acestia, fara sa fi capatat lucrurile fagaduite, ci  doar le-au vazut si le-au urat de bine de departe, marturisind ca sunt straini si calatori pe pamînt.  Evrei 11:13-16


   Cine si cum a masurat asa la "MILIMETRU" ca Luna se departeaza de Pamant cu 4cm/an...?
Cei care; ziua dorm si noaptea se odihnesc, cand oare mai au curiozitatea sa vada cum este sa fii trezit la "realitate" ?


Distanta fata de pamant se poate masura foarte precis folosind raze laser sau unde radio (radar).
Daca luna isi micsoreaza diametrul, atunci cum ramane cu praful cosmic si fragmentele meteoritice ce cad permanent pe acest astru, ca si pe altii?...nu contribuie acestea la un volum mai mare?
Un obiect imens fotografiat in fata lunii din Florida pe 19.05.2008
Adevarul este dincolo de noi


Se pare ca Luna nu este singurul satelit natural din sistemul solar suspectat a fi artificial. mai sunt si altii.
Adevarul este dincolo de noi