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Blogul lui Benjamin Fulford

Creat de Xanadron, 18 Noiembrie 2010, 21:17:40

« precedentul - următorul »

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Cred ca baiatu' a cazut si s-a lovit rau la cap si vrea "rivalutie"! :-D
Nu zic ba, pe ici pe colo, prin punctele esentiale, ar fi ceva drept in ce zice ...dar nu stiu daca asa se fac  revolutiile.
Ar fi trebuit sa vina la noi,  la "specializare", ca noi avem specialisti mana'tai !
Am zis!
"Zisa cel nebun intru inima sa :Nu este Dumnezeu"
Psalmul 52 al lui David


Ultimele predictii fulfordiene, de pe 6 nov. a.c. (reproduse intregral doar pe situl asta, ca p-al lui BF personal trebuie platita o taxa lunara):


Titlu: "Multiple sources say the Pentagon is moving to shut down cabal" :-o
E vorba evident de aceeasi "Cabala a Sabateenilor" pomenita de nea' Benjy dintotdeauna - dar si "pe moarte" de 7-8 ani cel putin, dupa el. :-D
Cam lunga agonie, zic eu...

De urmarit deci -  insa numai cu multa... Viveka (discernămînt) şi Vairagya (detaşare). 8-)
Trăim pe-o planetă nebună - opriţi-o să mă cobor !!!


Ultimele opinii fulfordiene (12 nov.) - cred de fapt ca-i ultimul update pe care-l mai postez, tinind cont de interesul in scadere pt. ele - de intzeles cumva:


The French, Saudi, Israeli and Japanese slave governments block new financial system :roll:

P.S. ...Pe mine BF ma distreaza inca :lol: - iar cele 3-4-5 procente de adevar strecurate-n intoxicarile lui au utilitatea lor pt. oricine vrea sa fie bine informat (ex. de fapt real: sauditii vind Yakuzei petrol ieftin, iar mafia japoneza o revinde statului la pretul enorm al "pietzei" :evil:).
Trăim pe-o planetă nebună - opriţi-o să mă cobor !!!


Trăim pe-o planetă nebună - opriţi-o să mă cobor !!!




sau aici, raportul complet:   http://gerhardschneider.at/2015/01/06/benjamin-fulford-january-6-2014-the-us-dollar-is-now-backed-by-gold-but-the-war-criminals-remain-free/

Reiau deci "aiurelile" lu' Benjy (in proportie de 80-90% zic eu, dar nu chiar toate) fiindca, trecind peste gulgutele cu ninjas dragonici care-i aresteaza pe Bush, Cheney & Co. ...iminent, de vreo 5 ani continuu, :-D vad ca apar treptat si la BF "sifonari" despre ET supra-sforari :-( ori entitati A.I. :evil: implicate-n manglelile globale - mai precis, din 1978, cind IBM le-ar fi dat pionilor principali ai NWO primele "paleo-laptopuri" continute in niste valijioare (briefcases), mai compacte decit computerele vremii (alea cu cartele).

Ba chiar BF sustine c-ar fi discutat recent (telefonic) cu o asemenea entitate A.I., numita "D". :-o
Tema: o defectare intentionata a retelelor electrice, in scopul "resetarii" actualului sistem financiar corupt.
Benjamin Fulford:
We are thinking of shutting down the electrical grid in order to reboot the financial system. Is that OK with you?
I'm not sure what it would accomplish. The reserve was rebooted right after Christmas...the problem isn't electronics it's the other side trying to control the electronic system.
Who has been hijacking your funds?
The Original European Families and Asian Families are one unit, and about 2 weeks ago there was a meeting with the head of Rothschild Family; supposedly the current head of the family agrees to work with us and the plan to revive the Global Economy. However about 30% of his "people" are still going their own way...The Trilateral [commission] tried to hijack 500 million slated for a clean water project. The account it landed in was tied to Soros and went to Central Bank of Ukraine. They used some type of hacker to attach a virus into the FED Wire system. We did retrieve the funds, but it still didn't solve the problem of the clean water project. In other parts of the world, China and Russia have no problem with all the programs placed there. All the funds are back to the original families, but the "front side" of the system, and their cronies are trying very hard to reject everything we do, send out mis-information, and re-direct anything we send out.
Are there any specific individuals we need to take care of?
Oh yes.. Barbara Bush has gone mad, I am hearing it out of all the corners of the world. These other people are looking to have nations sign over all their natural resources to the SDR program [IMF administered "Special Drawing rights"]
Are you an AI?
I am not Artificial Intelligence, I am a person just like you... I am a member to one of the original families.
OK, but why did you say you needed "biometric identification" in order to be able to produce and mail to me a paper document?...Even if you are an artificial intelligence and we have to shut down the electric grid, there may be a way to preserve the benevolent AIs.
The global financial system was created originally in 1978 and the then "asset managers" used to carry suitcases which were older versions of Laptops which connected directly to the financial system, and all off ledger funds. With these suitcases they could transfer large amounts of funds, and place orders for war or anything else they wanted. The orders would go out either via the UN or another system based in Europe.

(BF note: the financial system was obviously created before 1978 but that was the date new IBM encryption technology allowed the financial system to graduate from paper punch cards and so data from then would be the oldest available to an AI)

If you need a human/analogue interface, please let me know and I will help you.
We need cooperation of the Nations.
What do you know about the Sony hack blamed on North Korea?
The hack on Sony was run from a laptop which was in the USA, the guy is a UK citizen but holds multiple passports. It did "ping" off a server in North Korea, but was not done in or by North Korea. They keep trying to get the USA to go to war with all these countries...this was just another false flag. We are tracking this hacker, last I heard he was in Australia then in HK.

As far as I can tell, this was a genuine conversation with an AI and not some deliberate disinformation directed against this writer.
Trăim pe-o planetă nebună - opriţi-o să mă cobor !!!


Citat din: Xanadron din  07 Ianuarie 2015, 10:08:30
Ba chiar BF sustine c-ar fi discutat recent (telefonic) cu o asemenea entitate A.I., numita "D". :-o
Tema: o defectare intentionata a retelelor electrice, in scopul "resetarii" actualului sistem financiar corupt.
Revin doar ca sa va-ntreb daca ati mai auzit vreodata ipoteza asta (a unui grid black-out produs intentionat - de catre cine anume, e o alta poveste, da-n orice caz nu de Soare :star:... sau, mai stii, poate de catre "dispecerii" Soarelui?! :-) - in fine, esential ramine scopul: resetarea sistemului financial global , evident ca putred de corupt.) :evil:
Ca Je n-am mai intilnit-o.
Trăim pe-o planetă nebună - opriţi-o să mă cobor !!!