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Panza de paianjen - Pine GAP-S.A.A.L.M.-NRO-ECHELON-L5 Society-IHS Black Jesuits

Creat de Siberia, 27 Noiembrie 2011, 17:31:32

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   Deschid acest subiect pentru a incerca sa descalcim putin panza de paianjen in care suntem prinsi pe aceasta planeta. Am ales sectiunea NOM/NWO, dar exista legaturi intre mai toate subiectele acestui forum.
   Pentru inceput, ma gandeam sa pornim din Australia, sa discutam putin despre "celebra" zona Pine GAP sa strangem toate informatiile care le gasim si sa cercetam mai apoi toate directiile pe care le vom descoperi.

Pine Gap Station
Pine Gap, run by the CIA*, is near Alice Springs in central Australia and mostly an underground facility. Pine Gap was mainly established to serve as the groundstation and downlink for reconnaissance satellites like the RHYOLITE and ORION system. The facility consists of more than 7 large antennas in randomes. In Pine Gap's Signals Processing Office transmitted signals are received and transformed for further analysis.There is a no fly zone 4km around PG, and local land holders have agreed not to allow "visitors" access to there properties. It is said that Pine Gap employs nearly 1000 people, mainly from the CIA and the U.S. National Reconnaissance Office (NRO).

- * CIA ar trebui defapt inlocuit cu NSA -

Pine Gap is the commonly used name for a satellite tracking station at 23.799°S 133.737°E, some 18 kilometres (11 mi) south-west of the town of Alice Springs in the centre of Australia which is operated by both Australia and the United States. The facility has become a key part of the local economy.[1]
It consists of a large computer complex with eight radomes protecting antennas and has over 800 employees. It is officially called the Joint Defence Facility Pine Gap since 1988, previously it was known as Joint Defence Space Research Facility.[2] It is believed to be one of the largest ECHELON ground stations and appears to be physically and operationally similar to the American signals intelligence facilities at Buckley Air Force Base, Colorado and Menwith Hill, United Kingdom. United States government personnel at Pine Gap are believed to be mostly from the National Security Agency and subordinate service-associated agencies as well as the Central Intelligence Agency.[citation needed]



Pine Gap - Australia's Area 51

Pentru cei ce n-au chef sa citeasca citate in limba engleza, cateva detalii despre Pine Gap puteti gasi si aici:

"The end is the beginning of all things, Suppressed and hidden, Awaiting to be released through the rhythm Of pain and pleasure." - Jiddu Krishnamurti