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Obama - anunt oficial despre viata extraterestra

Creat de flavian, 26 Octombrie 2009, 13:59:53

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Stirile despre un posibil anunt oficial al lui Obama despre civilizatiile extraterestre se inmultesc in ultima vreme. In urma multiplelor intalniri semnalate si pe acest forum, se pare ca s-a ajuns la un fel de acord. Pregatirile au fost facute si termenul limita se pare ca este finalul 2009 sau inceputul lui 2010. Avem deocamdata urmatoarele linkuri pe aceasta tema:


CitatAn official announcement by the Obama administration disclosing the reality of extraterrestrial life is imminent. For several months, senior administration officials have been quietly deliberating behind closed doors how much to disclose to the world about extraterrestrial life. Dissatisfaction among powerful institutions such as the U.S. Navy over the decades-long secrecy policy has given a boost to efforts to disclose the reality of extraterrestrial life and technology.


CitatPresident Obama has a number of advisors and Cabinet officials who are familiar with the existence of extraterrestrial life, and the six decades long cover up of the reality behind UFOs. These include his Director of National Intelligence, Dennis Blair; his National Security Advisor, James Jones; his Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton; his Director of Central Intelligence, Leon Panetta; and his NASA administrator, Charles Bolden. These officials have at various stages received briefings, either formally or informally, concerning extraterrestrial life. Behind the scenes of the Obama administration, there has been an ongoing attempt to lay the foundations for disclosure of extraterrestrial life, possibly as soon as the end of this year.


CitatSuffice it to say that it seems very clear disclosure will happen. It is not a question of if, but rather of when. It is not clear whether the economic upheavals will come before the disclosure, at the same time, or afterwards.

The data seems to weigh the heaviest in the direction of saying the upheavals will occur prior to any actual disclosure. There is the potential that these disruptions could meet or exceed the intensity of that which we saw last October. However, I am getting very clear guidance that the disruption will only be temporary, and a much better and more prosperous world will follow in relatively short order.


CitatMost notably, it seems that in February 2008, the United Nations decided to put the public on an accelerated timeline for disclosure -- one year of releasing hardcore proof that UFOs are real, without the usual skepticism and debunking. Then, if the public did not destabilize or have inappropriate reactions, it would be time to move into full gear and actually bring the truth out
Nothing smart to say...



CitatAre we on the verge of an official government disclosure of the existence and reality of ETs and UFOs? The evidence is increasingly compelling that this utterly civilization-changing event is indeed upon us -- likely within no more than six months or less.

It's like the greatest football game in human history. Everybody wants to know how it's going to turn out.

Dates have been leaked and/or suggested. Some have now already passed. The clamoring has already begun.

As I've said before, it's very likely that the initial dates were merely to test the waters and see how the system responded.

The real date will probably never be given -- the event will simply take place. Television time will be called. An announcement will be made. And the signs are clear that we do not have long to wait.
Nothing smart to say...


Spirala ciudata pe cerul Norvegiei inaintea sosirii presedintelui Obama pentru a primi premiul Nobel.

CitatSpirala norvegiana, o lumina ciudata care a aparut pe cerul Novegiei miercuri noaptea, tras atentia localnicilor care a fotografiat fenomenul postat si pe YouTube.

Lumina a fost observata doar cu o cateva ore inainte ca presedintele american Barack Obama sa sustina la Oslo un discurs cu ocazia primirii premiului Nobel pentru Pace.

Speculatiile asupra acestei lumini ciudate au fost dintre cele mai diverse. S-a spus chiar ca ar proveni de la o racheta ruseasca sau de la un meteorit, scrie presa internationala de joi. MInistrul norvegian al Apararii a spus ca lumina a venit probabil in urma testarii unei rachete rusesti, dar misterul a devenit si mai mare dupa ce Rusia a dezmintit ca ar fi testat o racheta in acea zona.

Institutul meteorologic norvegian a fost asaltat cu telefoane.
Nothing smart to say...


Sa fie o conferinta ultra-top-secret intre guvernele lumii si ET? Sa se fii deschis o poarta stelara exact in momentul cand Obama a fost cadorisit cu Nobel ptr. pace?


CitatSa se fii deschis o poarta stelara exact in momentul cand Obama a fost cadorisit cu Nobel ptr. pace?
Ha, ha, imi place gluma angella !
Nu ! Era o racheta ruseasca "bulava" pe care ciolovecii o testau , dar nu le-a iesit !
De stiut insa ca americanii (corect ar fi  SI americanii ) au in "servicii" o grupare (careia i se mai poate spune "grupa de sunet si lumini" care se ocupa de diverse "prostioare" diversioniste ori care sa atraga ochii&mintea&si sa dea subiecte la gura-casca.
Eu p'aia i-am banuit la inceput !
Am zis !
"Zisa cel nebun intru inima sa :Nu este Dumnezeu"
Psalmul 52 al lui David


Hmm, racheta ruseasca cu o spirala albastra perfecta si niste efecte de cercuri concentrice incredibile... si marmota ce zicea ? :)

Se pare ca de acum nu mai dureaza mult, pe masura ce tot mai multi raspund cu DA la intrebarea cheie:

Un senzational mesaj-referendum al unei civilizatii extraterestre avansate ce se adreseaza tuturor oamenilor
Nothing smart to say...


De la acelasi autor:

Timing extraterrestrial disclosure

CitatIn conclusion, multiple independent sources continue to point out that extraterrestrial disclosure is imminent. Timing is the key. My own analysis points to two optimal time windows when this can occur. The first is soon after Obama's December 10 Nobel Prize acceptance speech; and up to the 2010 New Year holiday period. The second window of time coincides with his 2010 State of the Union Address. As pointed out in my earlier article, the end of 2009 and beginning of 2010 signifies the period when extraterrestrial disclosure is secretly being planned to occur.
Nothing smart to say...


2009 este aproape sfarsit. Astept cu nerabdare 2010, dar cu ceva retineri.
Nu cred ca s-ar face public asta, decat daca ar avea un scop bine definit:
1- un presupus atac de catre o alta civilizatie ("raii"), acest lucru coducand la dezvaluirea unora cu care suntem in contact de ceva vreme ("aia buni")
2- Daca nu s-ar mai putea ascunde urmele. De ce? Se pot face presupuneri
3- Daca se doreste o schimbare de mentalitate/viziune/civilizatie/misiune/scop a umanitatii.....


Personal votez pentru varianta 3 cu schimbarea de mentalitate/viziune/civilizatie/misiune/scop a umanitatii.

Dar trebuie multa atentie si masuri pentru a nu crea panica si anu genera mai mult rau decat bine in randurile celor care nu sunt pregatiti sa afle asa ceva.

Disclosure Endgame: Free Ebook!

CitatThe knowledge we will have to assimilate after Disclosure goes vastly  beyond the idea of whether or not there is life on other planets. We will now have to deal with the reality of gravity-shielding technology, free energy, wormhole / stargate travel through space and time, super-advanced ancient civilizations on Earth that have had open ET contact leading to the building of massive stone structures, and the existence of non-Earth-born 'Ascended' beings with telepathy, telekinesis, levitation, instant psychic healing, et cetera.

Suffice it to say that for the last two years in particular, I have been consistently shown that the good caused by Disclosure will far, far outweigh the bad, regardless of whatever sinister plans may be at work by some members of the military-industrial complex to use Disclosure as a weapon to further their control.
Nothing smart to say...


Flavian îþi multumesc mult pentru linkul de mai sus! Cu adevãrat, articolul este extraordinar si dacã tot ceea ce este scris in el este adevãrat, acesta va fi o revelatie pentru toþi cei care îl vor citi.
A studia ºi a nu gândi este o risipã. A gândi ºi a nu studia este periculos.


Rog utilizatorii (relativ) noi de pe acest forum sã foloseascã funcția de cãutare înainte de a deschide subiecte pe teme care au fost abordate în subiecte deja existente pe forum.

Subiecte cu legãturã:
Predicþii conform cãrora Obama va deschide dosarele OZN secrete

Extras din Regulament:

Citat1.6. Inainte de a se deschide un topic nou, se impune asigurarea ca nu mai exista pe forum unul pe acelasi subiect de discutii. Numele topicului sa fie inteligibil si sa reflecte cat mai bine continutul lui. Un topic nou deschis trebuie sa se incadreze la tematica sectiunii respective.
Nu tot ce zboară şi este necunoscut este extraterestru.
All warfare is based on deception. -- Sun Tzu, 600 BC

All types of knowledge, ultimately mean self knowledge. -- Bruce Lee