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“The Vietnam War”

Creat de Ronin, 11 Aprilie 2008, 16:27:30

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"The Vietnam War" 
Handout #14 // February 7, 2006 
Here are some facts about "The Vietnam War" that generally are not included in many history textbooks or encyclopedias here in America: 
   Avro Manhattan, author of many books (e.g., The Vatican's Holocaust and The Dollar and the Vatican), has written about the Vietnam War.  Here are some quotes by Manhattan:
•   "The role played by the Vatican in the Vietnam War (1956-1976) was not only important, it was decisive.  ...Since without the Vatican such a war would have never occurred.  Initially, the Vietnam conflict had nothing to do with the USA.  ...It had been a problem dealing exclusively with French colonialism.  The defeat of France during the Second World War (1940-1945) had inspired Indo-Chinese national aspirations for ultimate independence from French Imperialism throughout Asia."
•   "...The Vatican opposed the move [for an independent Vietnam] since it wished to retain and to control the former French colonies; to that effect it plotted the setting up of a Vietnam controlled by Vietnamese [Roman] Catholics [Ed. Note: a small minority]."
•   "...[The Vatican] plotted for a territorial split which divided the country into North and South.  ...Whereas the North remained a Communist enclave, the South turned into the territorial and political domain of three fanatical Catholic brothers."
•   "These three [brothers] formed a kind of triumvirate, whereas one became the president, known as President Diem; the second became Chief of Police; and the third [Ed. Note: the Archbishop of Hue] controlled the Church.  The brotherly triumvirate in this manner came to control the political, ecclesiastical, and police machinery of the whole country – a control which they kept with an iron fist until two of them were murdered three years later." (Ed. Note: These 3 Catholic leaders horribly persecuted the Buddhist majority!)
•   "...It was the Vatican, with the help of the U.S. Catholic lobby headed by Cardinal Spellman, that initially propelled [Roman Catholic] Diem into power [in South Vietnam].  The powerful trio, namely [Pope] Pius XII, Cardinal Spellman, and John Foster Dulles, were behind the setting up of a semi-totalitarian regime in South Vietnam from its inception." ((Ed. Note: Some people called Vietnam "Spelly's  [i.e., Spellman's] War".))
•   "...The media of America [initially] remained strangely silent about the whole issue [of Catholic persecution of Buddhists in South Vietnam].  When they were forced [Ed. Note: because so much of it was being reported in the rest of the world's media] to report the news of the persecutions of the Buddhists by the [Roman] Catholic [South Vietnamese President] Diem, either they gave them the smallest coverage, or minimized the whole issue when not slanting the news altogether.  The Catholic-CIA-Diem lobby saw to it that the whole picture became effectively blurred lest the American people take action."
For more information on the Vietnam War, please visit www.pastorbutch.com (click on the "Tackling the Tough Topics" box) or www.tacklingthetoughtopics.net, and please read the TTT newsletters entitled "The Vietnam War" and "Deceitful Revisers and Editors of History".  Avro Manhattan's two books with chapters on the Vietnam War (The Vatican's Holocaust and The Dollar and the Vatican) are both available – each is $9.95 postpaid.  To order a copy of either or both books, please make check or money order payable to "Ozark Book Publishers", and mail it to: Ozark Book Publishers // P.O. Box 3703 // Springfield, MO 65808.

În timp ce toti oamenii accepta realitatea obiectelor, care sunt perceptibile simturilor lor, Socrate are o atitudine dispretuitoare fata de oamenii, care cred ca pentru a deveni reale lucrurile trebuie sa fie palpabile.

Florin Croitoru

Das ist,ja,viel zu viel !! Hast Du eine Macke,oder wat ?


in patria nostrae multe silva sunt que bestis abondant...q.e.d...............misteaux....scieti romaneste domnilor......


sanatate domnul ronin ,facem parte din acelasi grup "MODERATI"....exista un forum fara cenzura si violenta in limbaj dar nu-ti dau adresa ca se irita domn' PRESEDINTE ..... fi cuminte si posteaza pentru obisnuiti in limba romana


sunt motive foarte intemeiate pentru care dvs. si ronin sunteti acum moderati. in momentul in care o sa intelegeti ca acest forum e pentru toti si nu doar pentru voi de a face spam cu mesaje sau a da mesaje doar ombilicate...

daca nu va convine, va urez postari placute pe alte forumuri.
"In a world of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act." -- George Orwell, 1984


spooky... de la unul ca tine chiar nu ma asteptam la asemenea 'replica'...
Vorbesti si intelegi engleza destul de bine...nu inteleg de ce 'bagi' asemenea 'materiale' la categoria spam-ului...!!??

Ceea ce unii numesc 'istoria care lipseste' sau 'rare books'...tu, cel despre care eu am avut multe de spus in discutiile cu prietenii mei, le numesti 'spam'...!?

Invitatia ta de a posta in alta parte daca nu ne convine... fara cuvinte !
Pe de o parte vrem sa facem ceva impreuna...iar pe de alta parte ne deranjeaza 'unitatea' in diversitate...

Succes !
În timp ce toti oamenii accepta realitatea obiectelor, care sunt perceptibile simturilor lor, Socrate are o atitudine dispretuitoare fata de oamenii, care cred ca pentru a deveni reale lucrurile trebuie sa fie palpabile.


Ronin, ori n-am explicat bine ºi îmi cer scuze, ori tu nu ai înþeles, ori nu vrei sã înþelegi. Mesajele tale nu sunt spam, ci flood. E o diferenþã. Am explicat, te rog citeºte.
Nu tot ce zboară şi este necunoscut este extraterestru.
All warfare is based on deception. -- Sun Tzu, 600 BC

All types of knowledge, ultimately mean self knowledge. -- Bruce Lee


"In a world of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act." -- George Orwell, 1984

Bine spus...si asta nu-i spam...!!!

"Duty is ours. Consequences are God's." T.J. (Stonewall) Jackson
"The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men (and women) to do nothing."
Edmund Burke
În timp ce toti oamenii accepta realitatea obiectelor, care sunt perceptibile simturilor lor, Socrate are o atitudine dispretuitoare fata de oamenii, care cred ca pentru a deveni reale lucrurile trebuie sa fie palpabile.