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“The Real Controllers”

Creat de Ronin, 10 Aprilie 2008, 22:02:50

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"The Real Controllers" 
Handout #15 // February 8, 2006 
Here are some facts about "The Real Controllers" that are generally not well known: 
   There are some folks in America, even in the "alternative media", who think that "the Jews" control the USA.  Their use of the term "the Jews" generally refers to Jewish bankers, Masonic Jews, Zionist Jews, Jewish neo-conservatives in the Bush Administration, and Israel.  There are indeed some rich Jews at the higher levels of the globalist rich and power elite; however, are they really running things?  Or, are there more powerful people "behind the scenes" who are pulling the strings?  Please consider the following:
•        The Rothschild banking dynasty has the title of "Guardians of the Vatican Treasury". Many of the top "banksters" are Gentiles!   Many top bankers of the 20th century were Knights of Malta, such as Joseph Larkin, Francis X. Stankard (both of Chase Manhattan Bank), and Martin F. Shea (Morgan Bank of NY).  (The Knights of Malta is a Roman Catholic religious-military order located with, and under the command of, the Jesuit Superior General in Rome. This Order inherited the wealth of the Knights Templar.)
•   Author Dr. Stanley Monteith has stated: "He [Professor Carroll Quigley] tells us how banking influences what is going on, because all these organizations [i.e., covert organizations and secret societies] tie into banking – and the secret organizations tie into Lazard Brothers.  And, or course, most people think that [i.e., Lazard Brothers] is a Jewish organization.  It is not Jewish at all.  They push forward the Jewish bankers to conceal what these people are really doing.  And, of course, we could go back in history, and we would find that the same forces that were tied into this group were instrumental in creating the 'Protocols [of Zion]', which were instrumental for the vicious persecution of Jews in both Russia and Germany.  And the Jews have been pushed forward to be the scapegoats while people never were allowed to know who was really running things behind the scenes.  So, let's listen to what Professor Carroll Quigley says about international finance, which, incidentally, is NOT Jewish."
•        Indeed, throughout history the more powerful forces "behind the scenes" have loved to put a Jew into a prominent "mid-level management position", such as head of the Federal Reserve, in order to make the "conspiracy" look "Jewish".  This happened in the Soviet Union, where a number of Jews were made concentration camp commandants; however, two of the most powerful men in the Soviet Union were both Jesuit-trained: Joe Stalin and Cardinal Agagianian.  During the French Revolution, the Jesuit front organization (the Illuminati) took the blame for the bloodshed, yet Jesuits fomented and orchestrated the revolution!  In fact, the Jesuits have loved to use "Jews" as scapegoats for centuries!
•        Knights of Malta have held many key positions in U.S. Intelligence and Law Enforcement agencies: William Donovan, John McCone, William Casey, William Colby, George Tenet, James Jesus Angleton, Cartha DeLoach, etc.  Some have held top positions in publishing, e.g., William Randolph Hearst and Henry Robinson Luce. 
Who really runs America?  Please visit www.pastorbutch.com (click on the "Tackling the Tough Topics" box) or www.tacklingthetoughtopics.net, and read "The Real Controllers".  Read "Deceitful Revisers & Editors of History" to see how our history has been "sanitized".
În timp ce toti oamenii accepta realitatea obiectelor, care sunt perceptibile simturilor lor, Socrate are o atitudine dispretuitoare fata de oamenii, care cred ca pentru a deveni reale lucrurile trebuie sa fie palpabile.