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Creat de draculasblood, 22 Ianuarie 2006, 17:36:50

« precedentul - următorul »

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cele trei de la giseh bineinteles. nici una dintre celelalte piramide care se mai gasesc in egipt nu se pot compara cu cele trei - care sunt aproape perfecte


nu inteleg...
cele 3 piramide sunt originalele si dupa ele s-au construit celelalte?sau invers??

probabil tu te referi la monumentele numite "mastaba"... inaintea piramidelor, tipul de mormant cunoscut sub primele dinastii era mastabaua , un fel de trunchi de piramida, cu baza dreptunghiulara si cu fete plane, avand o singura deschidere, un fel de usa pe latura estica. interiorul adapostea statui, picturi, inscriptii, pastrate timp de secole. mastabaua era impartita in trei compartimente: capela, culoarul (sau serdab) si cavoul. dintre acestea, numai capela le era accesibila celor vii. in ea se adunau rudele la anumite ceremonii aniversare si depuneau ofrande.  in capela existau obligatoriu doua obiecte: stela, care prezenta date biografice despre cel decedat si masa de ofrande. daca initial peretii erau lipsiti de orice ornament, cu trecerea timpului au inceput sa fie impodobiti de sus pana jos cu picturi reprezentand scene din viata privata.
statui ale defunctului, care intruchipau viata dublului sau, cel spiritual, erau asezate in serdab, pe coridorul ce comunica printr-un tunel îngust cu exteriorul .
Piramidele sunt asemanatoare ca structura cu mastabaua, numai capela fiind suprimata, ea regasindu-se la exteriorul piramidei, dupa cum o dovedesc ruinele. Cavoul, situat in mijlocul enormei mese de piatra, era protejat de a fi strivit de greutatea straturilor superioare de cinci incaperi suprapuse, ultima avand un fel de acoperis format din doua blocuri inclinate ce respingeau presiunea de o parte ºi de alta a liniei verticale centrale.
       Cea mai importanta parte din mastaba o reprezenta cavoul, ce continea sarcofagul din granit roz, calcar albastru sau bazalt negru, in care era inchisa mumia.
Ii invat si ei se indeparteaza,
Ascult si ei se se apropie....
Puterea mea, este tacerea mea.


evident ca cele trei sunt originalele. tu credeai altcumva? :-D


scuza-ma,dar din exprimarea ta se poate intelege orice...ori spui clar ce ai de spus si nu te ascunzi dupa deget ca sa ghicim noi ce vrei tu sa spui, ori nu mai spui...
eu te-am intrebat :
Citat din: pri3st3ss din  26 Martie 2007, 21:01:21

nu mi-ai spus de exemplu care piramide sunt copiate...

si tu mi-ai  raspuns:
Citat din: entitate din  27 Martie 2007, 21:31:44
cele trei de la giseh bineinteles.

ce era sa inteleg?? poate tu ai auzit alte teorii,de unde sa stiu??
scuze de off-topic
Ii invat si ei se indeparteaza,
Ascult si ei se se apropie....
Puterea mea, este tacerea mea.


Da, domle ,asa am auzit si eu o teorie precum ca cele 3 piramide (alea smechere  :lol:) sunt facute de nu stiu ce extraterestrii sau cel putin cu ajutorul lor iar restul sunt incercari nereusite de a le copia .Se intreaba lumea de ce s-au oprit egiptenii sa faca numai piramidele alea 3 ,eventual si sfinxul,si nu au continuat sa ridice alte minunatii daca tot aveau asemenea cunostinte.Oricum ceva de genu' asta ...
Exemplu din zilele noastre: au facut americanii sau alte tari dezvoltate zgarie nori acum cativa zeci de ani si au continuat pe aceeasi linie,cladiri tot mai inalte si mai complexe.In Egipt parca invers au facut piramidele alea si apoi nimic sau faceau tot felul de colibe .Si la noi au fost razboaie foamete etc si la ei presupun ca a fost la fel.Dar pe noi nu ne-a oprit nimeni sa progresam...


da,stiu teoria,ms mult,dar nu vreti totusi sa nu ne mai invartim in jurul cozii si sa batem pasul pe loc?
aceste teorii s-au tot discutat..eu credeam ca entitate stie ceva nou.... :|

Citat din: Unidentified din  29 Martie 2007, 20:16:40

Exemplu din zilele noastre: au facut americanii sau alte tari dezvoltate zgarie nori acum cativa zeci de ani si au continuat pe aceeasi linie,cladiri tot mai inalte si mai complexe.In Egipt parca invers au facut piramidele alea si apoi nimic sau faceau tot felul de colibe .Si la noi au fost razboaie foamete etc si la ei presupun ca a fost la fel.Dar pe noi nu ne-a oprit nimeni sa progresam...

daca e sa luam in calcul doar cultul  mortilor care avea un pronuntat caracter magic, toate riturile sale avand ca scop transformarea celui decedat intr-un Osiris, prin puterea magica a formulelor ritualelor:"Tu esti pe tronul lui Osiris, ca reprezentant al Celui dintai intre cei aflati la Apus (respectiv Osiris). Impartaseste-te din puterea lui, primeste coroana lui." . atunci totul se poate explica destul de simplu si..material astfel:

Conform descoperirilor arheologice, in perioada preistorica (Perioada predinasticã a Egiptului (înainte de 3100 î.Hr.) ) egiptenii isi ingropau mortii in pozitia numita "chircita",cadavrul fiind culcat pe partea stanga, cel mai frecvent cu capul spre sud si cu fata spre apus,punand in preajma lor unelte de lucru si provizii de mancare si bautura. In anumite cazuri, trupul defunctului era taiat in bucati si capul asezat deoparte, pentru ca mortul sa nu devina periculos pentru cei vii, venind printre ei ca strigoi. De retinut este faptul ca in acea perioada inca nu exista practica mumificarii.  "Locul de veci" al mortilor din acea perioada trebuia sa fi fost mormantul insusi.

Incepand cu dinastia a IV-a - 2630-2611 î.Hr. , insa, apare credinta potrivit careia sufletul celui decedat poate parasi mormatul pe o perioada mai mult sau mai putin indelungata, ba chiar isi poate alege alta locuinta mai placuta. Tot acum a aparut si credinta in existenta unei lumi indepartate a mortilor, in care se ajunge pe un drum greu, plin de peripetii si primejdii. Pentru calauzirea sufletului spre aceasta lume s-au compus acele Carti ale mortilor, veritabile ghiduri pentru lumea postuma.

incepand chiar din perioada Regatului Vechi, a inceput sa se practice tehnica mumificarii sau imbalsamarii cadavrelor, care avea sa devina in mod treptat o adevarata arta. Acest procedeu demonstreaza, in primul rand, faptul ca vechii egipteni considerau absolut necesara conservarea trupului. In viziunea lor, viata viitoare nu era decat o continuare a celei de pe pamant, ea fiind, de asemenea, legata de trup. Insusi Osiris, asa cum s-a vazut, n-a putut invia, inainte ca trupul sau sa fi fost reconstituit din partile taiate si imprastiate in urma luptei cu Seth.
Mormintele regale si nobiliare, in schimb, aveau inca din cele mai vechi timpuri infatisarea unor adevarate fortarete cu peretii oblici spre centru, purtand astazi denumirea araba de mastaba.

In timpul dinastiei urmatoare au fost construite marile piramide de la El Giseh, inaltate pentru a adaposti mumiile a trei regi din dinastia a IV-a: Kheops, Khefren si Mykerinos, dupa ortografia greceasca, Hufu, Hafra si Menkaura, dupa denumirea egipteana.

Incepand cu dinastia a XVIII-a-1550-1070 î.Hr,  datorita faptului ca jefuitorii de morminte incepusera sa opereze intr-un mod din ce in ce mai ingrijorator, faraonii au adoptat tipul de mormant complet subteran, cu mai multe incaperi, sapate in pereti de stanca, in asa numita Vale a Regilor, la vest de orasul Teba. Aceste sapaturi erau foarte adanci, trecand de 100 de metri, si aveau peretii decorati cu diferite scene si texte ce prezentau viata regelui defunct in lumea de dincolo. In aceasta perioada, templele funerare erau construite departe de aceste morminte, respectiv in apropierea Nilului, unde erau aduse si sacrificiile funerare.

Între 2630-1530 î.Hr. pe pamântul Egiptului au fost construite peste 90 de piramide regale. Timp de aproape un mileniu de istorie si civilizatie, constructiile în forma de piramida au evoluat de la o serie de terase suprapuse în trepte (cam ca etajele tortului miresei!), la structura piramidala în panta.

Evolutia piramidelor

În timpul si pentru faraonul Djeser (2630-2611 î.Hr.) legendarul arhitect savant Imhotep a construit un mormânt mult mai elaborat, integral din piatra, cunoscut ca Piramida în trepte de la Saqqarah. Mormântul a pornit initial ca o mastaba, dar arhitectul mai întâi a extins-o pornind de la interior, apoi a înaltat deasupra ei mai multe mastabale succesive mici. Blocurile de piatra erau de dimensiunile caramizilor, asezate în straturi verticale. În final mormântul lui Djeser a aratat ca un tort cu sase starturi.

Mai târziu, în Vechiul Regat, cele mai mari si mai ambitioase piramide au fost construite din mari blocuri de piatra. Cu timpul, dimensiunile si calitatea piramidelor au scazut, foarte probabil pentru ca erau extrem de costisitoare. În Regatul Mijlociu (2040-1640 î.Hr.) ele au fost cladite în special din caramizi de pamânt. Toate piramidele erau aliniate în directia punctelor cardinale, ceea ce însemna ca laturile lor erau orientate aproape exact pe liniile nord-sud, est-vest. Multe dintre ele au aparut în zona platourilor desertice, pe malul vestic al Nilului, în spatele caruia apune soarele. Se credea ca spiritul monarhului defunct parasea trupul si calatorea zilnic împreuna cu Soarele catre cer. La apusul acestuia, spiritele regale se întorceau temporar în mormintele lor piramidale pentru a se reînnoi, adica pentru a se revigora prin intermediul ofrandelor funerare de hrana, care erau puse în mormânt în timpul ceremoniei funerare.

Structura interna a piramidelor s-a schimbat cu timpul, dar intrarea a ramas, în mod tipic, în centrul partii de nord. Din acel punct, un coridor îngust cobora (uneori, pe alocuri, urca), în directia camerei funerare a faraonului, care, în mod ideal, era localizata chiar sub centrul piramidei. Uneori, se adaugau si alte camere, anexe ale celei funerare. Acestea pastrau obiecte folosite în ritualurile funerare precum si pe cele necesare defunctului în viata de dupa moarte. Realizate din materiale pretioase, ori datorita valorii lor peste milenii, ele au constituit de-a lungul timpului o sursa de profit serioasa pentru jefuitorii de morminte care le-au furat aproape în întregime.

O piramida nu se afla niciodata singura în desert, ci era centrul unui complex de temple si piramide de dimensiuni mai mici. În complexul piramidal preotii si înaltele oficialitati intrau printr-un templu aflat în apropierea unui port legat de Nil printr-un sistem de canale. Numit templu vaii, acesta era legat de piramida printr-un drum lung, acoperit, de forma unei galerii, care ducea prin desert la templul mortuar al piramidei. Acesta din urma era legat de piramida în centrul fetei de rasarit.
Ii invat si ei se indeparteaza,
Ascult si ei se se apropie....
Puterea mea, este tacerea mea.


cu placere... eu doar am vrut sa clarific in linii mari neintelegerea cu cele 3 piramide.Cat despre istoria prezentata de tine o stiam si pe asta dar totusi inca exista nelamuriri privind data cand aceste piramide au fost contruite,de ce si de catre cine.Daca nu o sa se faca o descoperire senzationala care sa inlature ceata care pluteste poetic deasupra piramidelor atunci nimeni nu cred ca o sa rezolve acest puzzle.
Poate viitorul o sa ne ajute sa clarificam trecutul ...


chiar asa. da' ce ne facem cu sfinxul care potrivit cercetarilor e chiar mai vechi decat piramidele


ce dragut...
am scapat de o durere de cap si de o intrebare...
unii au gasit raspunsul!!!

Mystery of Great Pyramid 'solved'

A French architect claims to have solved the mystery of how Egypt's Great Pyramid was built.
Jean-Pierre Houdin said the 4,500-year-old pyramid, just outside Cairo, was built using an inner ramp to lift the massive stones into place.
Other theories contend that the three million stones - each 2.5 tons - were pushed into place using external ramps.
Mr Houdin studied the problem for eight years and used a computer model to illustrate how he thought it was done.
"This is better than the other theories, because it is the only theory that works," said Mr Houdin as he unveiled his theory with a 3D computer simulation.
He believes workers used an outer ramp to build the first 43 metres (47 yards) then constructed an inner ramp to carry stones to the apex of the 137m pyramid.
The pyramid was built to house the tomb of Pharaoh Khufu, also known as Cheops.
The Grand Gallery inside the pyramid, another source of mystery for Egyptologists, housed a giant counter-weight used to hoist five 60 ton granite beams into position above the King's Chamber.
Internal counterweights also helped move the massive stones
"This goes against both main existing theories," Egyptologist Bob Brier told Reuters news agency after Mr Houdin explained his hypothesis.
"I've been teaching them myself for 20 years but deep down I know they're wrong."
Mr Houdin said that an outer ramp all the way to the top of the pyramid would have blocked sight lines and left little room to work, while a long, frontal ramp would have used up too much stone.
Further confusing matters, there is little evidence left of external ramps at the site of the Great Pyramid.
Mr Houdin said the pyramid could have been built by 4,000 people using his technique instead of 100,000, as postulated by other theorists.
The architect is now assembling a team to verify his theory on site using radars and other non-invasive means.
Ii invat si ei se indeparteaza,
Ascult si ei se se apropie....
Puterea mea, este tacerea mea.


ahh pri3st3ss ce usor ai scapat  :-P


Citat din: Unidentified din  04 Aprilie 2007, 21:13:33
ahh pri3st3ss ce usor ai scapat  :-P
:lol: :lol: :lol: ,din pacate eu nu..pe mine nu ma multumeste explicatia acestui domn..poate pe unii da..
Ii invat si ei se indeparteaza,
Ascult si ei se se apropie....
Puterea mea, este tacerea mea.


underground passages connecting pyramids
The pyramids at Memphis were the pyramids at Giza, for Giza was originally called Memphis (see reference, "Giza formerly Memphis" on Nordan's map from Travels in Egypt and Nubia, 1757, on page 152 of previous chapter). Many ancient writers supported Herodotus' record of underground passages connecting major pyramids, and their evidence casts doubt on the reliability of traditionally presented  Egyptian history . Crantor(300 BC) stated that there were certain underground pillars in Egypt that contained a written stone record of pre-history , and they lined accessways con-necting the pyramids. In his celebrated study, On the Mysteries, particularly those of the Egyptians, Chaldeans and the Assyrians, Iamblichus, a fourth-century Syrian representa-tive of the Alexandrian School of mystical and philosophical studies, recorded this infor-mation about an entranceway through the body of the Sphinx into the Great Pyramid:
This entrance, obstructed in our day by sands and rubbish, may still be traced between the forelegs of the crouched colossus, It was formerly closed by a bronze gate whose secret spring could be operated only by the Magi. It was guarded by public respect, and a sort of religious fear maintained its  inviolability better than armed protection would have done. In the belly of the Sphinx were cut out galleries leading to the subterranean part of the Great Pyramid. These galleries were so art-fully crisscrossed along their course to the Pyramid that, in setting forth into the passage without a guide throughout this network, one ceasingly and inevitably returned to the starting point.

It was recorded in ancient Sumerian cylinder seals that the secret abode of the Anunnaki was "an underground place entered through a tunnel, its entrance hidden by sand and by what they call Huwana his teeth as the teeth of a dragon, his face the face of a lion". That remarkable old text, unfortunately fragmented, added that "He [Huwana] is unable to move forward,nor is he able to move back", but they crept up on him from behind and the way to "the secret abode of the Anunnaki" was no longer blocked. The Sumerian record provided a probable description of the lion-headed Sphinx at Giza, and if that great creature was built to guard or obliterate ancient stairways and lower passages leading to subterranean areas below and around it, then its symbolism was most appropriate.Local 19th-century Arab lore maintained that existing under the Sphinx are secret chambers holding treasures or magical objects.That belief was bolstered by the writings of the first-century.Roman historian Pliny, who wrote that deep  below the Sphinx is concealed the "tomb of a ruler named Harmakhis that contains great treasure", and, strangely enough, the Sphinx itself was once called "The Great Sphinx Harmakhis who mounted guard since the time of the Followers of Horus " . The fourth-century Roman historian Ammianus Marcellinus made additional disclosures about the existence of subterranean vaults that appeared to lead to the interior of the Great pyramid:
Inscriptions which the ancients asserted were engraved on the walls of certain underground galleries and passageswere constructed deep in the dark interior to preserve ancient wisdom from being lost in the flood.
Upon learning about strange happenings under the Pyramid,Ahmed Ben Touloun expressed a desire to see the goblet of glass. During the examination, it was filled with water and weighed, then emptied and re-weighed. The historian wrote that it was "found to be of the same weight when empty as when full of water" . If the chronicle is accurate, that lack of additional weight provided indirect evidence of the existence of an extraordinary science at Giza. According to Masoudi in the 10th century, mechanical statues with amazing capabilities guarded subterranean galleries under the Great Pyramid. Written one thousand years ago, his description is comparable to the computerised robots shown today in space movies. Masoudi said that the automatons were programmed for intolerance, for they destroyed all "except those who by their conduct were worthy of admission". Masoudi contended that "written accounts of Wisdom and acquirements in the different arts and sciences were hidden deep, that they might remain as records for the benefit of those who could afterwards comprehend
them ". That is phenomenal information, as it is possible that,since the times of Masoudi, "worthy" persons have seen the mysterious underground chambers. Masoudi confessed, "I have seen things that one does not describe for fear of making people doub one's intelligence...but still I have seen them". In the same century , another writer, Muterdi, gave an account of a bizarre incident in a narrow passage under Giza, where a group of people were horrified to see one of their party crushed to death by a stone door that, by itself, suddenly slid out from the face of the passageway and closed the corridor in front of them.

Old records confirmed
Herodotus said Egyptian priests recited to him their long-held tradition of "the formation of underground apartments" by the original developers of Memphis. The most ancient inscriptions therefore suggested that there existed some sort of extensive chamber system below the surfice of the areas surrounding the Sphinx and pyramids.
Those old records were confirmed when the presence of a large cavity was discovered in a seismic survey conducted at the site in 1993. That detection was publicly acknowledged in a documentary called The Mystery of the Sphinx, screened to an audience of 30 million people on NBC TV later that year.  The existence of chambers under the Sphinx is well known. Egyptian authorities confirmed another discovery in 1994; its unearthing was announced in a newspaper report that was carried under the headline, "Mystery Tunnel in Sphinx":
Workers repairing the ailing Sphinx have discovered an ancient passage leading deep into the body of the mysterious monument. The Giza Antiquities chief, Mr Zahi Hawass, said there was no dispute the tunnel was very old. However, what is puzzling is: who built the passage?Why? And where does it lead...? Mr Hawass said he had no plans to remove the stones blocking the entrance. The secret tunnel burrows into the northern side of the Sphinx, about halfway between the Sphinx's outstretched paws and its tail.  

The popular supposition that the Sphinx is the true portal of the Great Pyramid has survived with surprising tenacity. That belief was substantiated by 100-year-old plans prepared by Masonic and Rosicrucian initiates, showing the Sphinx was the ornament surmounting a hall that communicated with all Pyramids by radiating underground passages. Those plans were compiled formation originally discovered by the supposed founder of the Order of the Rosicrucians, Christian Rosenkreuz, who allegedly penetrated a "secret chamber beneath the ground" and there found a library of books full of secret knowledge. The schematic drawings were produced from information possessed by mystery school archivists before sand-clearing commenced in 1925, and revealed hidden doors to long – forgotten reception halls, small temples and other enclosures. (Those plans
are included in "The Master Plan" section at the end of the book.) The knowledge of the mystery schools was strengthened by a series of remarkable discoveries in 1935 that provided proof of additional passageways and chambers interlacing the area below the Pyramids. The Giza complex showed major elements of being a purposely built, uniting structure with the Sphinx, the Great Pyramid and the Temple of the Solar-men directly related to each other, above and below the ground. 

Chambers detected by ground penetrating radar
Chambers and passageways detected by sophisticated seismograph and ground penetrating radar (GPR) equipment in the last few years established the accuracy of the plans. Egypt is also successfully using sophisticated satellites to identify sites buried beneath the surface at Giza and other locations. The novel tracking system was launched at the begin-ning of 1998 and the location of 27 unexcavated sites in five areas was precisely determined. Nine of those sites are on Luxor's east bank and the others are in Giza, Abu Rawash, Saqqara and Dashur. The printouts of the Giza area show an almost incomprehensible mass of net-like tunnels and chambers crisscrossing the area, intersecting and entwining each other like latticework extending out across the entire plateau.
With the space surveillance project, Egyptologists are able to determine the location of a major site, its probable entrance and the size of chambers before starting excavations. Particular attention is being focused on three secret locations: an area in the desert a few hundred metres west/southwest of the original location of the Black Pyramid, around which is currently being built a massive system of con- crete walls seven metres high covering eight square kilometres; the ancient highway that linked the Luxor temple with Karnak; and the "Way of Horus" across northern Sinai.

Among the mystics or members of Egyptian mystery schools,tradition explained that the Great Pyramid was great in many ways. Despite the fact that it was not entered until the year 820, the secret schools of pre-Christian Egypt insisted that the interiorlayout was well known to them. They constantly claimed that it was not a tomb nor a burial chamber of any kind, except that it did have one chamber for symbolic burial as part of an initiation ritual. According to mystical traditions, the interior was entered gradually and in various stages via underground passageways .
Different chambers were said to have existed at the end of each phase of progress, with the highest and ultimate initiatory stage represented by the now-called King's Chamber . Little by little, the traditions of the mystery schools were verified by archaeological discoveries, for it was ascertained in 1935 that there was a subterranean connection between the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid and that a tunnel connected the Sphinx to the ancient temple located on its southern side (today called theTemple of the Sphinx).
As Emile Baraize's massive 11-year sand and seashell clearing project neared completion in 1935, remarkable stories started to emerge about discoveries made during the clearing project. A magazine article, written and published in 1935 by Hamilton M. Wright, dealt with an extraordinary discovery under the sands of Giza that is today denied. The article was accompanied by original photographs provided by Dr Selim Hassan, the leader of the scientific investigative team from the University of Cairo who made the discovery. It said:
We have discovered a subway used by the ancient Egyptians of 5000 years ago. It passes beneath the causeway leading between the second Pyramid and the Sphinx. It provides a
means of pqssing under the causeway from the Cheops Pyramid to the Pyramid of Chephren [Khephren] . From this subway, we have unearthed a series of shafts leading down more
than 125 feet, with roomy courts and side chambers

Around the same time, the international news media released further
details of the find. The underground connector complex was originally built between the Great pyramid and the Temple of the Solarmen, for the Pyramid of Khephren was a later and superficial structure. The subway and its apartments were exca-vated out of solid, living bedrock-a truly extraordinary feat, considering it was built thousands of years ago.There is more to the story of under-ground chambers at Giza, for media reports described the unearthing of a subterranean passageway between the Temple of the Solar-men on the plateau and the Temple of the Sphinx in the valley. That passageway had been unearthed a few years before the release and publication of that particular newspaper article. The discoveries led Dr Selim Hassan and others to believe and publicly state that, while the age of the Sphinx was always enigmatic in the past, it may have been part of the great architectural plan that was deliberately arranged and carried out in association with the erection of the Great Pyramid. Archaeologists made another major discovery at that time.Around halfway between the Sphinx and Khephren's Pyramid were discovered four enormous vertical shafts, each around eight feet square, leading straight down through solid limestone. It is called "Campbell's Tomb" on the Masonic and Rosicrucian plans, and "that shaft complex", said Dr Selim Hassan, "ended in a spacious room, in the centre of which was another shaft that descend-ed to a roomy court flanked with seven side chambers ". Some of the chambers contained huge, sealed sarcophagi of basalt and granite, 18 feet high. The discovery went further and found that in one of the seven rooms there was yet a third vertical shaft, dropping down deeply to a much lower chamber. At the time of its discovery , it was flooded with water that partly covered a solitary white sarcophagus. That chamber was named the "Tomb of Osiris" and was shown being "opened for the first time" on a fabricated television docu-
mentary in March 1999. While originally exploring in this area in
1935, Dr Selim Hassan said:
We are hoping to find some monuments of importance after
clearing out this water. The total depth of these series of
shafts is more than 40 metres or more than 125 feet. . . In the
cour,'!e of clearing the southern part of the subway, there was
found a very fine head of a statue which is very expressive in
every detail of the face

According to a separate newspaper report of the time, the statue was an excellent sculpted bust of Queen Nefertiti, described as "a beautiful example of that rare type of art inaugurated in the Amenhotep regime". The whereabouts of that statue today are unknown. The report also described other chambers and rooms beneath the sands, all interconnected by secret and ornate passageways.Dr Selim Hassan revealed that not only are there inner and outercourts, but they also found a room they named the "Chapel of
Offering" that had been cut into a huge, rock outcrop between Campbell's Tomb and the Great Pyramid. In the centre of the chapel are three ornate vertical pillars standing in a triangular shaped layout. Those pillars are highly significant points in this study, for their existence is recorded in the Bible. The conclusion drawn is that Ezra, the initiated Torah writer (c. 397 BC), knew the subterranean layout of passages and chambers at Giza before
he wrote the Torah.That underground design was probably the origin of the triangular shaped layout around the central altar in a Masonic lodge. In Antiquities of the Jews, Josephus, in the first century, wrote that Enoch of Old Testament fame constructed an underground temple consisting of nine chambers. In a deep vault inside one chamber with three vertical colpmns, he placed a triangular-shaped tablet of gold bearing upon it the absolute name of the Deity (God). The desc ription of Enoch's chambers wassimilar to the description of the Chapel of Offering under the sand
just east of the Great Pyramid.An anteroom much like a burial chamber, but "undoubtedly a room of initiation and reception " was found higher up the plateau closer to the Great Pyramid and at the upper end of a sloping passage, cut deep into rock on the northwest side of the Chamber of Offering (between the Chamber of Offering and the Great Pyramid). In the centre of the chamber is a 12-foot long sarcophagus of white Turah limestone and a collection of fine alabaster vessels. The walls are beautifully sculpted with scenes, inscriptions and emblems of particularly the lotus flower. The descriptions of alabaster vessels and the emblematic lotus flower have remarkable parallels with what was found in the temple-workshop on the summit of Mt Sinai/Horeb by Sir William Petrie in 1904. Additional underground rooms, chambers, temples and hallways were discovered, some with vertical circular stone support columns, and others with wall carvings of delicate figures of goddesses clothed in beautiful apparel. Dr Selim Hassan's report described other magnificently carved figures and many beautifully coloured friezes. Photographs were taken and one author and researcher who saw them, Rosicrucian H. Spencer Lewis recorded that he was "deeply impressed" with the images. It is not known where the rare specimens of art and relics are today, but some were rumoured to have been smuggled out of Egypt by private collectors. The foregoing particulars are but a few contained in Dr Selim Hassan's extensive report that was published in 1944 by the Government Press, Cairo, under the title Excavations at Giza (10 volumes). Howevet, that is just a mere fragment of the whole truth of what is under the area of the Pyramids. In the last year of
sand clearing, workers uncovered the most amazing discovery that stunned the world and attracted international media coverage.

"the city" deep in huge natural cavern
Archaeologists in charge of the discovery were "bewildered" at what they had unearthed, and stated that the city was the most beautifully planned they had ever seen. It is replete with temples, pastel-painted peasant dwellings, workshops, stables and other buildings including a palace. Complete with hydraulic under- ground waterways, it has a perfect drainage system along with
other modern amenities. The intriguing question that arises out of the discovery is: where is that city today? Its secret location was recently revealed to a select group of
people who were given permission to explore and film the city. It exists in a huge natural cavern system below the Giza Plateau that extends out in an easterly direction under Cairo. Its main entry is from inside the Sphinx, with stairs cut into rock that lead down to the cavern below the bedrock of the River Nile.The expedition carried down generators and inflatable rafts and
travelled along an underground river that led to a lake one kilometre wide. On the shores of the lake nestles the city, and permanent lighting is provided by large crystalline balls set into the cavern walls and ceiling. A second entry to the city is found in stairs leading up to the basement of the Coptic Church in old Cairo (Babylon). Drawing from narra-tives of people "living in the Earth" given in the books of Genesis, Jasher and Enoch, it is possible that the city was originally called Gigal. Film footage of the expedition was shot and a documentary called Chamber of the Deep was made and subsequently shown to private audiences. It was originally intended to release the footage to the general public, but for some reason it was withheld. A multi-faceted spherical crystalline object the size of a baseball was brought up from the city, and its supernatural nature was demonstrated at a recent conference in Australia. Deep within the solid object are various hieroglyphs that slowly turn over like pages of a book when mentally requested to do so by whoever holds the object. That remarkable item revealed an unknown form of technology and was recently sent to NASA in the USA for analysis. Historical documents recorded that, during the 20th century, staggering discoveries not spoken of today were made at Giza and
Mt Sinai, and Egyptian rumours of the discovery of another underground city within a 28-mile radius of the Great Pyramid abound. In 1964, more than 30 enormous, multilevelled subsur- face cities were discovered in the old Turkish kingdom of Cappadocia. One city alone contained huge caverns, rooms and hallways that archaeologists estimated supported as many as
2,000 households, providing living facilities for 8,000 to 10,000 people. Their very existence constitutes evidence that many such subterranean worlds lie waiting to be found below the surface of the Earth. Excavations at Giza have revealed underground subways, temples, sarcophagi and one interconnected subterranean city, and validation that underground passageways connected the Sphinx to the Pyramids is another step towards proving that the whole complex is carefully and specifically thought out.

Because of Dr Selim Hassan's excavations and modern space surveillance techniques, the records and traditions of the ancient Egyptian mystery schools that claim to preserve secret knowlege of the Giza Plateau all rose to the highest degree of acceptability. However, one of the most puzzling aspects of the discovery of underground facilities at Giza is the repeated denial of their existence by Egyptian authorities and academic institutions. So persistent are their refutations that the claims of mystery schools were doubted by the public and suspected of being fabricated in order to mystify visitors to Egypt. The scholastic attitude is typified by a Harvard University public statement in 1972:
No one should pay any attention to the preposterous claims in regard to the interior of the Great Pyramid or the pre- sumed passageways and unexcavated temples and halls beneath the sand in the Pyramid district
made by those who are as lociated with the so-called ,secret cults or mystery
societies of Egypt and the Orient. These things exist only in the minds of those who seek to attract the seekers for mystery, and the more we deny the existence of these things, the more the public is led to suspect that we are deliberately trying to hide that which constitutes one of the great secrets of Egypt. It is better for us to ignore all of these claims than merely deny them. All of our excavations in the territory of the Pyramid have failed to reveal any underground passageways or halls, tempies, grottos , or anything of the kind except the one temple adjoining the Sphinx.

si o "poveste"care seamana incredibil cu cea a Atlantidei:
Ii invat si ei se indeparteaza,
Ascult si ei se se apropie....
Puterea mea, este tacerea mea.



"They will come to discover the hidden topography of the land, the urns holding wisdom within the monuments opened up. Their contents will cause the understanding of holy philosophy to expand greatly. White exchanged for black, falsehoods exposed, new wisdom replacing the established tradition that no longer work. VII,14."--Nostradamus

The Roman Marcellinus, in the 4th century, stated: There are certain subterranean galleries and passages full of windings beneath the pyramids which, it is said, the adepts in the ancient rites (knowing that the flood was coming, and fearing that the memory of the sacred ceremonies would be obliterated), constructed vaults in various places, mining them out of the ground with great labor. And upon leveled walls they engraved the hieroglyphic characters.

Marcellinus contemporary, Iamblichus, wrote a treatise on the Mysteries of the Egyptians, and described the Initiation associated with the Sphinx. In a secret location between the paws of the feline monument, he said, is a bronze door, its opening triggered by a hidden spring. Beyond it, the neophytes went into a circular room. From this point on, they were subject to a series of trials to become full members among the Initiates, eventually reaching Masterhood.

In similar fashion, the tenth century Coptic chronicler Al Masudi observed from earlier accounts that in the area of the Sphinx were subterranean doorways to the Giza monuments: One entered the pyramid through a vaulted underground passage 100 cubits or more long; each pyramid had such a door and entry.

In later centuries, the medieval Arab chronicler Firouzabadi noted that the chambers of the Sphinx were constructed at the same time as the Great Pyramid: The Pyramid was erected by Esdris (Hermes or Thoth), to preserve there the sciences, to prevent their destruction. And also, the first priests, by observations of the stars, preserved records of medicine, magic and talismans elsewhere. Likewise, Ibn Abd Alhokim, who told the story of the antediluvian king Salhouk's dream of the Flood and his building of the Pyramid to save wisdom, also recounted that Salhouk dug a vault nearby the Pyramid, filling it with all manners of works on mathematics, astronomy and physics: And they built gates (entrances) of it forty cubits underground, with foundations of massive stones from the Ethiopians, and fastened them together with lead and iron. When Salhouk was finished, he covered it with colored marble from top to bottom and he appointed a solemn festival, at which were present all the inhabitants of the kingdom.

The Jewish historian Josephus recorded further that Enoch built an underground temple of nine vaults, one beneath the other, placing within tablets of gold. His son, Methuselah, also worked on the project, putting in the brick walls of the vaults according to his father's plan. As Manly P. Hall noted, the Freemasons predict that someday a man will locate this buried vault, and that he will be an initiate after the order of Enoch.

MAI MULTE AICI :  http://www.hallofrecords.2truth.com/
Ii invat si ei se indeparteaza,
Ascult si ei se se apropie....
Puterea mea, este tacerea mea.


gata priestess nu vezi ca nimeni nu mai aduce nimic nou in afara de tine? :-D


speranta moare ultima, entitate...

nu e prima data cand aud de un oras sub piramide, dar nu mai stiu exact legenda si nici de unde am auzit-o...
Ii invat si ei se indeparteaza,
Ascult si ei se se apropie....
Puterea mea, este tacerea mea.