Forum RUFOn

Resurse => Video [legaturi] => Subiect creat de: kandaon din 27 August 2012, 10:20:33

Titlu: O noua serie la History Channel
Scris de: kandaon din 27 August 2012, 10:20:33
History Channel nu e chiar o sursa extraordinara dar uneori prezinta lucruri interesante, macar si pentru ca starnesc imaginatia si chiar arata cate ceva ce a scapat spre marele public (ma gandesc la ce nu a scapat inca)

Razele mortii si armele energetice

History Channel - That's Impossible (Death Rays and Energy Weapons) 1/5 (
History Channel - That's Impossible (Death Rays and Energy Weapons) 2/5 (
History Channel - That's Impossible (Death Rays and Energy Weapons) 3/5 (
History Channel - That's Impossible (Death Rays and Energy Weapons) 4/5 (
History Channel - That's Impossible (Death Rays and Energy Weapons) 5/5 (

Camuflajul invizibil

That's Impossible - Invisibility Cloaks 1 (
That's Impossible - Invisibility Cloaks 2 (
That's Impossible - Invisibility Cloaks 3 (
That's Impossible - Invisibility Cloaks 4 (
That's Impossible - Invisibility Cloaks 5 (

Titlu: Re: O noua serie la History Channel
Scris de: kandaon din 27 August 2012, 10:25:41
Viata eterna

That's Impossible Eternal Life (1 of 5) (
That's Impossible Eternal Life (2 of 5) (
That's Impossible Eternal Life (3 of 5) (
That's Impossible Eternal Life (4 of 5) (
That's Impossible Eternal Life (5 of 5) (
Titlu: Re: O noua serie la History Channel
Scris de: kandaon din 27 August 2012, 10:30:09
Controlul mintii

History Channel - That's Impossible Mind Control FULL [HQ] (

Razboi meteorologic

That's Impossible - Weather Warfare - [iLLuMiNati, DajjaL] (

Terminatori adevarati

That's Impossible: Real Terminators (

Din pacate nu sunt traduse si in romaneste, sunt doar in engleza