Forum RUFOn

Resurse => Stiri => Subiect creat de: StarDust din 10 Iunie 2008, 21:20:30

Titlu: NASA va "vizita" soarele
Scris de: StarDust din 10 Iunie 2008, 21:20:30
Cred ca va fi o misiune f. interesanta:
Titlu: Raspuns: NASA va "vizita" soarele
Scris de: alinutzu din 10 Iunie 2008, 21:47:26
"There, the spacecraft's carbon-composite heat shield must withstand temperatures greater than 1400o C and survive blasts of radiation at levels not experienced by any previous spacecraft"

Asta daca se va mentine pe pozitie ... la cate interferente si radiatii solare sunt acolo nu m-as mira sa devieze de la curs, si daca incepe sa se apropie nu stiu cat de rezistenta e ...

Mystery #1—the corona: If you stuck a thermometer in the surface of the sun, it would read about 6000o C. Intuition says the temperature should drop as you back away; instead, it rises. The sun's outer atmosphere, the corona, registers more than a million degrees Celsius, hundreds of times hotter than the star below. This high temperature remains a mystery more than 60 years after it was first measured.