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Sectiune pentru limba româna => Noua Ordine Mondiala (NOM/NWO) => Subiect creat de: Ronin din 10 Aprilie 2008, 21:53:30

Titlu: “World War I”
Scris de: Ronin din 10 Aprilie 2008, 21:53:30
 "World War I" 
Handout #12 // February 7, 2006 
Here are some facts about "World War I" that generally are not included in many history textbooks or encyclopedias here in America: 
•        This quote by Edmond Paris, author of the book The Secret History of the Jesuits, tells us quite a bit about a certain institution that has a long "track record" of fomenting wars and revolutions: "The public is practically unaware of the overwhelming responsibility carried by the Vatican and its Jesuits in the starting of two world wars – a situation which may be explained in part by the gigantic finances at the disposition of the Vatican and its Jesuits, giving them power in so many spheres, especially since the last conflict."
•        Pope Pius X in 1913 told Prince Schonburg: "It would certainly have been better if Austria-Hungary had punished the Serbians for all the wrongs they had done."  (Note: World War I started in August of 1914 when Austria-Hungary attacked Serbia!)
•   Author Edmond Paris also tells us: "So the war-like sentiments of [Pope] Pius X were clearly expressed in 1913 already.  ...What were the Hapsburgs [rulers of the Austro-Hungarian Empire] supposed to do [after hearing the statement of Pope Pius X in 1913 that Austria-Hungary should have punished the Serbians]?  [The answer: They were to] chastise Serbia, an Orthodox [Christian] nation.  The prestige of Austria-Hungary, of those Hapsburgs who, with the Bourbons of Spain, were the last supporters of the Jesuits...would have greatly increased.  For Rome [i.e., the Vatican], the affair became one of almost religious importance; a victory of apostolic monarchy over Czarism could be considered a victory of Rome over the schism of the East." ((Note: The Russian Czar was the protector of Eastern Orthodox Christianity. The "schism of the East" refers to the split in the year 1054 between Western Christianity (the Roman Catholic Church) and Eastern Christianity (the Eastern Orthodox Catholic Church).  The split occurred when the Eastern Church refused to recognize the primacy of the Pope of Rome.))
•   Author Edmond Paris adds: "The ambitious plans of the Vatican and the apostolic imperialism of the Hapsburgs [rulers of the Austro-Hungarian Empire] were then in perfect accord, as in the past.  To Rome [i.e., the Vatican] and Vienna [capital of Austria], the growing power of Serbia marked her out as the enemy to overthrow."
•   The Vatican, and more specifically her Jesuit Order, had just set up World War I by telling Austria-Hungary that Serbia needed to be "punished".  We must understand that the Vatican and her Jesuits have long hated non-Roman Catholic Christians, especially Orthodox Christians (most especially those in Serbia and Russia).  World War I was to be used to crush the Serbian Orthodox Christians.  This effort failed, so World War II would later be used to murder as many Orthodox Christians, Jews, and Protestants as possible!
For more information on World War I, please visit (click on the "Tackling the Tough Topics" box) or, and please read the TTT newsletter entitled "World War I".  You might also wish to purchase a copy of Edmond Paris' excellent book The Secret History of the Jesuits.  This book has information on both World War I and World War II, as well as chapters on the early history of the infamous Jesuit Order.  It is $10.75 postpaid, and can be ordered via credit card from "Chick Publications" by calling 1-909-987-0771.