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Creat de B.A.M, 10 Decembrie 2005, 16:49:30

« precedentul - următorul »

0 Membri şi 2 Vizitatori vizualizează acest subiect.


am vazut documentaru ala ... e super super interesant .. si cred ca batranii aia care au mai ramas nu cred ca mint ... si zic ca dupa documentaru asta potzi trage o conculzie ... IS REALL !! :D


E revoltator cit mister se face in jurul unor fenomene petrecute pe pamint.
Omul prin natura lui este predispus in a crea o aura de mister in jurul lui, avind convingerea ca este superior celorlalti. Un exemplu practic la indemina este cu ghicitorii care creaza aceasta atmosfera tocmai in ideea de a atrage cit mai multi clienti


Assiris a scris:
CitatE revoltator cit mister se face in jurul unor fenomene petrecute pe pamint.
Omul prin natura lui este predispus in a crea o aura de mister in jurul lui, avind convingerea ca este superior celorlalti.
Mai degraba un grup restrans de oameni creeaza o aura de mister, inchizand ochii la miliarde de oameni. Insa care ar fi reactia a acelor miliarde de oameni daca ar afla adevarul?

Acum sa revenim la Roswell

La 7 iulie 1947 a fost declansata o operatiune secreta destinata recuperarii resturiloe aparatului prabusit la Roswell. In timpul operatiunii, o recunoastere aeriana a regiunii a condus la descoperirea a 4 corpuri, in aparenta umane, care pareau a fi fost ejectate din vehicul cu cateva momente inaintea exploziei.

Corpurile se gaseau la aproximativ 2 mile est de locul unde fusesera gasite sfaramaturile. Acestea erau lipsite de viata si se aflau intr-o stare avansata de descompunere. Din studiul acestui caz efectuat de generalul Nathan Twining si de doctorul Vannevar Bush si sub directa supraveghere a presedintelui Truman, a rezultat o estimare preliminara datata 19 septembrie 1947, in care se emitea ipoteza ca discul era probabil o nava de recunoastere cu raza mica de actiune.

Aceasta se baza pe faptul ca aparatul avea mici dimensiuni si aparent, nu avea provizii la bord.Concomitent cu aceasta analiza, corpurilor li s-au efectuat o autopsie executata de doctorul Detlev Bronk. O evaluare preliminara , elaborata de grupul Majestic-12(grup creat de Presedintele Truman si secretarul apararii, James Forrestal, in scopul obtinerii unor informatii despre OZN-uri) la 30 noiembrie 1947 estima ca factorii biologici si evolutionisti ai acestor fiinte, sunt foarte diferiti de cei ai lui Homo sapiens sapiens, in pofida aspeectului lor uman.

Este aproape o certitudine ca aceste aparate de zbor nu apartin nici unei tari de pe Pamant. Doctorul Donald Menzel e de parere ca aceste fiinte au venit din alt sistem solar.

Multe din resturle metalice ale navei purtau inscrisuri.Toate incercarile de a le descifra au esuat. La fel de de lipsite de succes s-au dovedit a fi si eforturile de a accede la sistemul de propulsie sau la sursa de putere a navei.  Aparatul nu dispunea de elice sau tuburi de propulsie sau evacuare sau alte componente necesare conducerii si deplasarii navei.  Lipseau total firele metalice, tuburi de vacuum sau alte componente electronice.


Salutare Skywalker

Avem aici "The Majestic Document"  (referitor la Roswell) si ....o copie dintr-un raport.
Subiectul merita a fi continuat pentru ca reprezinta in esenta inceputul nebuniei cu OZN uri...cel putin pentru epoca moderna....


Cand eram mai mica, pe la mijlocul anilor 90 am vazut acest filmulet pe TVR1...fiind adus in studio Andrei Bacalu, impreuna cu alti specialisti si deasemeni a fost prezenta si o clarvazatoare din Iasi, Valentina, ai carei putere de vizune in timp nu o contesta nimeni (si ma refer aici la persoane autorizate nu la "baieti isteti" de pe forum). Andrei Bacalu, e medic de profesie, vorbeste peste 10 limbi straine, a lucrat ca paramedic la NASA, a tradus live aselenizarea pentru Romania( o mare realizare pentru o tara comunista)...de la noi au preluat legatura toate celelalte tari din est...in fine ideea e ca ei toti din studio au sustinut ca Roswell este un caz real. Eu eram mica pe atunci si nu imi mai amintesc bine...poate are careva inregistrarea. Interesante sunt si afirmatiile Valentinei...care a descris in amanunt totul...desi ea e oarba. Cat despre filmulet...poate e o reconstituire a ceea ce s-a intamplat....ca prea real nu imi pare nici mie. :-)


Duminica 15 Aprilie a fost o emisiune,cred eu interesanta ;) ,in care Art Bell l-a invitat pe David Sereda sa vorbeasca despre UFO & Antigravity Disclosure .

'UFO & Antigravity Disclosure
UFO Researcher David Sereda discussed his recent work, videotaping the disclosure of 73-year old Boyd Bushman, a Lockheed Martin Senior Research Scientist of 20 years, who held Top Secret clearance. He holds a number of patents and designed the Red Eye Missile (now the Stinger Missile), and infrared FLIR systems. Bushman also reverse engineered antigravity and UFO technology, Sereda reported.

There is a force related to the expansion of the universe that is actually stronger than gravity, and this could be connected to antigravity propulsion, Bushman told him. He demonstrated phases that lead up to antigravity, including experiments in which magnets reduced the gravity of a rock. Bushman verified that Area 51 in Nevada was indeed the place where alien craft were tested-- but such testing moved to a facility in Utah after Area 51 became well known, he noted.

Bushman also revealed that he was friends with a Navy doctor that treated a pilot who shot down the Roswell craft in 1947. Though he didn't state the specific type of weapon used, Sereda speculated that it might have been Tesla's "death ray," confiscated by the government after Tesla's death in 1943. Bushman also showed Sereda a diagram for a nuclear-powered flying saucer (click on photo above), which he said was first flown out of Wright Patterson AFB in 1959.' sursa c2c


Evident ca face referire si la filmul lui care trebuie sa apara ,acolo urmand sa prezinte toate dovezile si declaratiile date de Boyd Bushman.
Deci se discuta despre faptul ca cica americanii au doborat ozn ul,ca au folosit cel mai rapid avion al lor la timpul respectiv inarmat cu 'raza mortii' a lui Tesla ...mai multe .

Se intra aici http://www.cjob.com/station/audiovault_preview.aspx se da pe monday ora 1 am.Continuare cred ca o sa bage mai tarziu.Se deschide cu windows media player cel mai bine.
Auditie placuta  :evil:





Am gasit un articol interesant scris in romaneste,in care se citeaza o stire din Weekly world news cu descoperirea senzationala in situl arheologic de la Roswell a statuii unui imparat extraterestru sau probabil o zeitate continind in interior cipuri,avind o structura moleculara aparte si datind probabil din anii 800 i.HR:


Cu toate ca structurile guvernamentale americane s-au straduit din rasputeri sa ascunda fenomenul Roswell se pare ca subiectul este inca foarte fierbinte si aprig discutat in cercurile UFO din toata lumea, ba chiar mai mult incep sa se creeze brese pe unde se scurg informatii....ce pot spune...la cat mai multe :evil:

Cazul Roswell - un secret bine pastrat      

Zvonuri neconfirmate spun ca resturilepresupusei prabusiri a unui OZN la Roswell, în 4 iulie 1947, au ajuns la baza militara Wright Patterson de langa Dayton (Ohio), unde ar fi fost depuse într-o misterioasa ,,camera albastra", sub cel mai sever secret. Ceea ce se stie ceva mai sigur, este ca Barry M. Goldwater general în rezerva al Air Force, senator, presedintele comitetului senatorial pentru serviciile secrete, fost candidat republican la presedintia SUA în 1964, a facut, la începutul anilor saizeci, o vizita la baza Wright-Patterson.

Cu acest prilej, i-ar fi cerut prietenului sau apropiat, generalul Curtis LeMay, seful Statului Major al Air Force, sa-i permita sa vada faimoasa ,,camera albastra" despre care circulau atatea istorii. Se afirma ca LeMay i-ar fi spus ,,La naiba, nu! Eu nu pot sa intru, tu nu poti sa intri si sa nu-mi mai ceri asta niciodata". De data aceasta, ca o dovada solida, cunoastem trei scrisori ale senatorului Goldwater catre prieteni ai sai, în care el face aluzie la neplacutul incident. Citam mai jos din acestea.

,,Problema OZN-urilor ma preocupa de mult timp. Acum zece sau doisprezece ani am facut o tentativa de a afla ce anume era în cladirea, din baza Air Force de la Wright-Patterson, în care sunt pastrate informatiile culese de Air Force, dar am fost refuzat din motive lesne de înteles. Problema este clasificata si acum mai presus de Top Secret. Am auzit totusi ca exista un plan, în curs de realizare, pentru a face cunoscut, în viitorul apropiat, acest material, în parte, daca nu cumva în întregime. Sunt tot atat de nerabdator ca si dumneavoastra sa vad acest material si sper sa nu avem prea mult de asteptat" (28 martie 1975).

,,Este adevarat ca mi-a fost interzis accesul la Wright-Patterson. Pentru ca nu am intrat, nu pot spune ce se afla înauntru. Dar amandoi cunoastem zvonurile" (11 aprilie 1979). ,,Am renuntat de mult sa mai primesc acces la asa numita Camera Albastra de la Wright-Patterson, deoarece am avut parte de un lung sir de refuzuri de la mai multi sefi s...t Nu cunosc pe nimeni care sa fi avut acces la Camera Albastra si nici nu am cunostinta despre continutul ei sau despre vreo schimbare a amplasarii ei s...t Ca sa va spun drept, domnule Graham, problema este clasificata la un grad de secret atat de înalt încat, desi o buna parte din informatii au si fost divulgate, este pur si simplu imposibil sa pui mana pe ceva" (19 octombrie 1981).

Istoria cazului Roswell a stat îngropata treizeci de ani. Cand a iesit din nou la iveala, Air Force va da, pe rand, mai multe explicatii. Ca de fapt nu a fost un balon meteorologic ci un balon militar ,,Fugo" trimis peste ocean de japonezi. Cand s-a spus ca razboiul se terminase de doi ani, Air Force s-a scuzat, zicand ca nu a fost un balon ,,Fugo" ci o racheta V2 cu cimpanzei. Cand s-a descoperit ca astfel de experiente s-au facut abia în iunie 1948, cu maimute de marimea unei pisici, s-a spus ca nu a fost o racheta ci un balon ,,strict secret" al proiectului ,,Mogul" destinat detectarii unor eventuale explozii nucleare sovietice. Dar acest proiect era cunoscut ofiterilor bazei, deci nu putea fi luat drept OZN s.a.m.d.

În 1995 Biroul General de Conturi al SUA (GAO), la solicitarea Congresului SUA, a constatat ca au fost distruse arhivele administrative si cele cu mesaje, dintre anii 1946 si 1949, ale bazei 509 de la Roswell, în mod nemotivat, fara aprobarile necesare si nu se stie din ordinul cui, ceea ce constituia o grava încalcare a legii. A disparut si arhiva din perioada respectiva a companiei 1395 de politie militara din Roswell, aflata sub comanda maiorului Easley. Din Arhivele presedintelui SUA Truman, au fost sustrase înregistrarile convorbirilor telefonice pentru zilele de 4, 5 si 6 iulie 1947. Ancheta GAO admite, în concluzie, ca ,,dezbaterea privind ce anume s-a prabusit la Roswell continua"...

Pentru a mai adauga o pata de culoare la acest mozaic, mentionam ca locotenent colonelul Philip J. Corso, fost sef al Diviziei de Tehnologii Straine a departamentului de Cercetare-Dezvoltare al Armatei Terestre SUA, a scris în 1997 în cartea sa The Day After Roswell (publicata la varsta de 82 de ani, cu un an înainte de a muri, si tradusa si în romaneste) ca realizari ale industriei militare SUA ca: microprocesoarele, armele cu laser de mare energie, antisatelit si antiracheta, aparatura bazata pe fibre optice, kevlarul folosit la vestele antiglont, binoclurile în infrarosu etc. au fost realizate pe baza studierii obiectelor recuperate din OZN-ul de la Roswell, pe care chiar el însusi le-a transmis companiilor IBM, Hughes Aircraft, Bell Labs etc., ca fiind procurate prin spionaj de la ,,adversari". El mai afirma ca a vazut în 1947 cadavrele extraterestrilor recuperati. (Va urma)


sursa: revista magazin

si inca


April 10th, 1996

Art Bell P.O. Box 4755 Pahrump, Nevada 89041-4755

Dear Mr. Bell,

I've followed your broadcasts over the last year or so, and have been considering whether or not to share with you and your listeners, some information related to the Roswell UFO crash.

My grandfather was a member of the Retrieval Team, sent to the crash site, just after the incident was reported. He died in 1974, but not before he had sat down with some of us, and talked about the incident.

I am currently serving in the military, and hold a Security Clearance, and do NOT wish to "go public", and risk losing my career and commission.

Nonetheless, I would like to briefly tell you what my own grandfather told me about Roswell. In fact, I enclose for your safekeeping "samples" that were in the possession of my grandfather until he died, and which I have had since his own estate was settled. As I understand it, they came from the UFO debris, and were among a large batch subsequently sent to Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio from New Mexico.

Roswell-delar hos Art Bell My grandfather was able to "appropriate" them, and stated that the metallic samples, are "pure extract aluminum". You will note that they appear old & tempered, and they have been placed in tissue-paper, and in baggies for posterity.

I have had them since 1974, and after considerable thought and reflection, give them to you. Feel free to share them with any of your friends in the UFO Research Community.

I have listened to many people over the years discuss Roswell and the crash events, as reported by many who were either there or who heard about it from eyewitnesses.

The recent Roswell movie, was similar to my grandfather's own account, but a critical element was left out, and it is that element which I would like to share.

As my grandad stated, the Team arrived at the crash site just after the AAF/USAF reported the ground zero location. They found two dead occupants, hurled free of the Disc.

A lone surviving occupant, was found within the Disc, and it was apparant, it's left leg was broken. There was a minimal radiation contamination, and it was quicky dispersed with a water/solvent wash, and soon the occupant was dispatched for medical assistance and isolation. The bodies were sent to the Wright-Patterson AFB, for dispersal. The debris was also loaded onto three trucks which finished the on-load just before the sunset.

Roswell-delar hos Art Bell Grandad was part of the Team that went with the surviving occupant. The occupant communicated via telepathic means. It spoke perfect english, and communicated the following:

The Disc was a "probeship" dispatched from a "launchship" that was stationed at the dimensional gateway to the Terran Solar System, 32 light years from Terra. They had been conducting operations on Terra for over 100 years.

Another group were exploring Mars, and Io.

Each "probeship" carried a crew of three. A "launchship" had a crew of (100) one-hundred.

The Disc that crashed, had collided with a meteor in orbit of Terra, and was attempting to compensate it's flight vector, but because of the collision, the inter-atmospheric propulsion system malfunctioned, and the occupants sent out a distress signal to their companions on Mars. The "launchship" commander made the decision to authorize an attempted soft-landing on the New Mexican desert. At the same time, the inter-atmospheric propulsion system had a massive electrical burn-out, and the Disc was soon virtually helpless.

There was another option available to the occupants, but it involved activating the Dimensional powerplant for deep space travel. However, it opens an energy vortex around the Disc for 1,500 miles in all directions. Activating the Dimensional powerplant, would have resulted in the annihilation of the states of New Mexico, Arizona, California and portions of Mexico. Possibly even further states would have been affected.

Thus, the occupants, chose to ride the ship down, and hope for the best. They literally sacrificed their lives, rather than destroy the populations within their proximity.

The Dimensional powerplant was self-destructed, and the inter-atmospheric propulsion system was also deactivated, to prevent the technology from falling into the hands of the Terrans. This was done in accordance with their standing orders in regards to any compromise with contact experiences.

Roswell-delar hos Art Bell Grandad spent a total of 26 weeks in the Team that examined and debriefed the lone survivor of the Roswell crash. Grandad's affiliation with the "project" ended, when the occupant was to be transported to a long-term facility. He was placed on-board a USAF Transport aircraft, that was to be sent to Washington, D.C.

The aircraft and all aboard disappeared under mysterious and disturbing circumstances, enroute to Washington, D.C.

It may interest you that three Fighter aircraft, dispatched to investigate a distress call from the Transport experienced many electrical malfunctioning systems failures, as they entered the airspace of the transports last reported location. No crash or debris of the Transport was ever found. The Team was disbanded.

Well, I realize I have likely shocked you with this bizzare and incredible account, and seeking to remain "unknown" likely doesn't do anything for my credibility ...eh? And the metal "samples" only will likely add to the controversy.

But, I know you will take this with a "grain of salt", and I don't blame you, Mr. Bell.

I just hope that you can understand, my reasons and my own desire to maintain my career and commission.

I am passing through South Carolina with an Operational Readiness Mobility Exercise, and will mail this just prior to this Exercise, possibly from the Charleston area.

I will listen to your broadcast, to receive any acknowledging or confirmation, that you have received this package.

This letter and the contents of the package are given to you, with the hope that it helps contribute to discussion on the subject of UFO Phenomena.

I agree with Neil Armstrong, a good friend of mine, who dared to say, at the WHITE HOUSE no less, that there are things "out there", which boggle the mind and are far beyond our ability to comprehend.

Sign me,
A Friend


Brookhaven's U.S. National Laboratory Scientist confirms UFO crash site

Doi cercetatori de la laboratorul mai sus mentionat confirma, in urma analizelor unor mostre de sol de la presupusul loc a prabusirii unui OZN, faptul ca acolo s-a prabusit intr-adevar ceva, de origine necunoscuta si ce a avut o viteza foarte mare... adica un O.Z.N. Nu s-a putut stabili natura obiectului prabusit, dar s-a aratat ca exista urme (radiatii) de uranium saracit (U238) eliberat in urma unui proces denumit: Procesul de Shimb al lui Locard. Obiectul ar putea fi si un meteorit.

Mai multe pe:
"In a world of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act." -- George Orwell, 1984


da..dar aaaaaaaaa....meteoritii nu ricoseaza din pamant  :roll:


Extras...(Dr. Ben R. Rich confirmed: There are 2 types of UFOs -- the ones we build and ones 'they' build.  We learned from both crash retrievals and actual "hand-me-downs."  The Government knew and until 1969 took an active hand in the administration of that information.  After a 1969 Nixon "purge", administration was handled by an international board of directors in the private sector...etc... etc)
