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Sectiune pentru limba româna => Tehnologii vechi și noi => Subiect creat de: abyss din 20 Iulie 2011, 11:23:47

Titlu: Lutec 1000 free energy machine
Scris de: abyss din 20 Iulie 2011, 11:23:47
Aceasta masinarie a iesit la suprafata dupa ce timp de 6 ani lumea a stat cu ochii pe acest subiect. Deja au fost acordate patentele in 60 de tari precum China, India etc.

Inginerii Lou Brits si John Christie au indurat critici enorme dupa ce au dezvaluit inventia lor in 2001. Ei pregatesc acum prototipul ce va iesi pe piata in 2 ani.

Meg Energy Home Generator - Zero Energy Point - Off the Grid (

The dynamic duo said they felt somewhat vindicated they had been able to land patents for their device and have had the Lutec verified by an independent engineer.

"When we first kicked off, there was a huge fuss about it and people said we'd never get patents for it," Mr Christie said.

"They said it would never work, so we couldn't get patents, so it's a good thing to see now."

The generator works as an energy amplifier, generating up to 10 times the amount of electricity it consumes.

The Lutec draws its power from a bank of batteries, with the motor turning due to powerful permanent magnets at its core being attracted and then repulsed from steel cores of fixed coils.

It does not work via perpetual motion, rather it relies on natural magnetic forces and a pulsed electrical input.

The results of the generator were verified by independent engineers from SGS Australia following a test earlier this year, which confirmed the energy output from the generator was indeed greater than its input.

Mr Christie said he and Mr Brits were currently working on a production prototype to suit the domestic market, which they hoped to produce locally.

"If we go with our plan now, there is no reason why it couldn't be available in Australia in two years," he said.

The engineers' invention has drawn the ire of many people over the years, including the Australian Sceptics Society.

Mr Christie said it had been a roller-coaster ride since they debuted their invention, involving occasional death threats and rumours of their untimely demise.

"Last year I was apparently killed in a hotel in north Perth somewhere, according to the internet," Mr Christie said. "I was really quite surprised."

Aici patentul:

<a title="View Patent: Free Energy Machine Lutec 1000  on Scribd" href="" style="margin: 12px auto 6px auto; font-family: Helvetica,Arial,Sans-serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; font-size: 14px; line-height: normal; font-size-adjust: none; font-stretch: normal; -x-system-font: none; display: block; text-decoration: underline;">Patent: Free Energy Machine Lutec 1000 </a><iframe class="scribd_iframe_embed" src="" data-auto-height="true" data-aspect-ratio="" scrolling="no" id="doc_96532" width="100%" height="600" frameborder="0"></iframe>
Titlu: Re: Lutec 1000 free energy machine
Scris de: romulus din 20 Iulie 2011, 11:39:48
CitatEi pregatesc acum prototipul ce va iesi pe piata in 2 ani
Toate bune si frumoase monser insa ce folos pentru oameni ?
Iti aduc aminte ca exista in acest moment motoare care pot functiona cu cel mai la indemana combustibil, practic free APA !
Asa si ? A fost patentat si pus sub oboroc de cine trebuie !
Ori sa-ti mai reamintesc de ce spunea S.Greer cu privire la subiect? Si ce anume a avazut el ca exista deja in domeniul asta de free energy?
Geaba monser ! Pana cand nu se va produce marea schimbare aceste device - uri vor ramane sub lacatele bogatilor&stapanilor  actualei lumi !
Am zis !
Titlu: Re: Lutec 1000 free energy machine
Scris de: abyss din 20 Iulie 2011, 12:08:37
Macar astuia sa-i puna un contor si sa-l puna la dispozitia tuturor. Ar fi un inceput. Marea schimbare inclin sa cred ca se produce lent. Deja au cam disparut vechile tot asa...  sa speram la mai bine pt nepotzii nepotzilor nostri :)   (daca trecem de toamna asta, zic unii)
Titlu: Re: Lutec 1000 free energy machine
Scris de: @Lex din 20 Iulie 2011, 12:22:43
OARE va iesii ??  asta e intrebarea si sa zicem ca DA, atunci ce drq i-ar mai tine pe jegosii care conduc lumea sa dea drumul la intregul 'arsenal' de jucarele bazate pe energia libera?? CHIAR asa simplu sa fie ???  gata peste 2 ani pica industria transporturilor, petrolului si restul de mizerii care au distrus pana acum lumea si totul tocmai  atunci cand se preconizeaza  ca se pot intampla anumite evenimente importante pentru umaniatate (bune sau rele). cam mare coincidenta cu toate ca nu cred ca are vrea mare legatura si dupa cum spuneam OARE se va da unda verde la jucarele free energy ??? ei si sa  vezi atunci distractie   :-) :-)
Titlu: Re: Lutec 1000 free energy machine
Scris de: abyss din 20 Iulie 2011, 12:57:31
Asta cu evenimentele are mari sanse sa fie mai mult o sperietoare, un anestezic eficient. Dupa cum observi sunt multi care incep sa se resemneze gandind ca daca tot crapam ce mai conteaza ce se intampla in plan economic si financiar... aici referindu-ma in special la sclavii de rand cat si cei de lux.

Nu pica nici o industrie chiar mai muti ani, caci ar fi un haos total si mai ales unul necontrolat. Problema e sa-i reasezi in cadru pe cei f.f.multi care au afaceri ce deriva din afacerile cu petrol gaze carbune etc.