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Bilderberg 2007: Istanbul, Turcia

Creat de Arckadii, 01 Iunie 2007, 21:27:00

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 Nu trebuie facuta o "tregedie nationala" din faptul ca au disparut doua pagini cu mesaje
dintr-un topic...Cautati in folderul "Temporary internet files" unde puteti gasi cele doua pagini lipsa ...Asta in cazul in care n-ati golit folderul...! Le postam din nou pe forum ...
Si gata...!  :-)
Uite doua pagini care le-am gasit...Le-am transformat in fisiere jpg...!
Sa mai vina "conspiratori" la noi pe forum...!  :-D

                                                                                        JOHN F. KENNEDY


Rufon-ul (si nu numai...) ar trebui sa gaseasca o solutie de back-up a site-ului...Zilnic !
Poate stiti si voi niste solutii pentreu copiere si extragere site-uri...Preferabil programe "free"...

                                                                                        JOHN F. KENNEDY



Puteti descarca interviul cu Paul Dorneanu din emisiunea lui Alex Jones aici:

Bilderberg 2007: Alex jones with Paul Dorneanu on Bilderberg 2007/06/01
(Pentru a salva fisierul audio faceti click dreapta pe link-ul de mai sus, iar apoi alegeti Save Target As...)

Interviul se afla de la minutul 38:20 la minutul 46:33 in varianta originala a emisiunii lui Alex Jones care poate fi descarcata aici:


Citat din: INFOCON.RO

La ora 19:00 m-am întâlnit cu echipa de producãtori în camera lor de hotel de unde am intrat în direct în emisiunea lui Alex Jones (www.infowars.com), o emisiune radio cu peste 5 milioane de ascultãtori în medie. Vã invit sã descãrcaþi înregistrarea emisiunii de Vineri, 1 iunie 2007. În cadrul emisiunii mai sunt intevievaþi ºi: Jim Tucker, Daniel Estulin, Andrew Neel, Luke Meyer. De notat cã anul acesta, din cauza unor probleme perosnale, Daniel Estulin nu a putut sã ajungã la aceastã întâlnire.

mai multe detalii aici:

Nu tot ce zboară şi este necunoscut este extraterestru.
All warfare is based on deception. -- Sun Tzu, 600 BC

All types of knowledge, ultimately mean self knowledge. -- Bruce Lee


Puteti descarca interviul cu Andrew Neels si Luke Meyer, echipa care face un documentar despre Bilderberg:

Bilderberg 2007: Alex Jones with Andrew Neels & Luke Meyer on Bilderberg 2007/06/01
(Pentru a salva fisierul audio faceti click dreapta pe link-ul de mai sus, iar apoi alegeti Save Target As...)

Interviul se afla de la minutul 20:16 la minutul 38:20 in varianta originala a emisiunii lui Alex Jones care poate fi descarcata aici:

Nu tot ce zboară şi este necunoscut este extraterestru.
All warfare is based on deception. -- Sun Tzu, 600 BC

All types of knowledge, ultimately mean self knowledge. -- Bruce Lee


Nu tot ce zboară şi este necunoscut este extraterestru.
All warfare is based on deception. -- Sun Tzu, 600 BC

All types of knowledge, ultimately mean self knowledge. -- Bruce Lee


Nu tot ce zboară şi este necunoscut este extraterestru.
All warfare is based on deception. -- Sun Tzu, 600 BC

All types of knowledge, ultimately mean self knowledge. -- Bruce Lee


Paul...sant mandra de tine,tine-o asa mai copile,felicitari din tot sufletul parintilor tai,ca au asa un baiat!!!Iar noi cei de pe rufon ,avem tot dreptul sa fim cu nasul pe sus  :-D :ufo: :-D Bafta in continuare............
Cei care; ziua dorm si noaptea se odihnesc, cand oare mai au curiozitatea sa vada cum este sa fii trezit la "realitate" ?


In continuare si astazi CNN, BBC, THE TIMES, LE FIGARO tac malc. Oare aceste mega trusturi de presa nu au trimis acolo jurnalisti?...ma indoiesc :evil:  :|
De cateva zile urmaresc ce se scrie in presa din afara, si nici un mare cotidian, nici un mare post tv, nu a scris nici macar 10 randuri.
Cel putin pe CNN vezi numai prostii de stiri de genul: de ce se bate lumea in Darfur, de ce e beata mereu Lindsay Lohan, sau ce ciudatenii se mai intampla in nush ce colt uitat de lume. Oare magnatilor din spatele acestor companii mari de presa, membri clari ai NOM, li s-a interzis sa publice prea mult?...eu asa cred :wink:


Citat din: bluemoon8520 din  02 Iunie 2007, 04:47:00

Puteti descarca interviul cu Paul Dorneanu din emisiunea lui Alex Jones aici:

Bilderberg 2007: Alex jones with Paul Dorneanu on Bilderberg 2007/06/01
(Pentru a salva fisierul audio faceti click dreapta pe link-ul de mai sus, iar apoi alegeti Save Target As...)

mai multe detalii aici:


ai facut o treaba foarte buna postand acele linkuri. :wink:

Citat din: lylyt_ice din  02 Iunie 2007, 05:49:04
Paul...sant mandra de tine,tine-o asa mai copile,felicitari din tot sufletul parintilor tai,ca au asa un baiat!!!Iar noi cei de pe rufon ,avem tot dreptul sa fim cu nasul pe sus  :-D :ufo: :-D Bafta in continuare............

lylyt_ice,bine spus!  :-D

faci o treaba excelenta in Istanbul.Asteptam cat mai multe infomatii despre Bilderberg pe www.infocon.ro
Apropo,felicitari pentru lansarea website'ului.Stiu ca este un site nou dar sunt sigur ca cu timpul acel site va reda foarte multe informatii importante pentru noi toti.Keep up the good work.



By Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D.

In July of 1952 the world was electrified by large newspaper headlines and photos of squadrons of UFOs flying repeatedly over the nation's Capital in Washington, DC. Four months later WW II General Dwight Eisenhower was elected President. The same month President Eisenhower took office (January, 1953), the CIA's Office of Scientific Intelligence (OSI) was ordered to determine if UFOs were interstellar vehicles. OSI convened the Robertson Panel of scientists, which recommended expansion of an Air Force study of UFOs, Project Blue Book.
A year later, in April, 1954, as documented by Gerald Light, President Eisenhower made a secret trip to Muroc Field (now Edwards Air Force Base), in the California desert, accompanied by generals, reporter Franklin Allen of the Hearst Newspapers Group, Los Angeles Catholic Bishop James McIntyre, and others. The President had previously arranged to be in nearby Palm Springs, CA, purportedly for a golfing vacation. He "was spirited over to Muroc one night," while reporters were fed the cover story that the President had a toothache and needed to see a dentist. While at Muroc Air Field, Eisenhower was present while an extraterrestrial disc landed. Several Star Visitors emerged to converse with the President and the generals. The extraterrestrials requested that Eisenhower make the public aware of extraterrestrial contact with Earth forthwith. The President protested that humans were not ready, and needed time to be prepared for adjusting to this stupendous reality.

By the end of the following month, May, 1954, President Eisenhower's CIA Director, Walter Bedell Smith, Prince Bernhard of Netherlands, David Rockefeller and other top world financiers, later-Secretary of State Dean Rusk, later-British Minister of Defense Denis Healey, and other Western power leaders convened the inaugural meeting of the Bilderberg Group, "a means of Western collective management of the world order." One of the early items on the Bilderberg agenda was extraterrestrial contact.
The following information was disclosed to me by a confidential reliable informant, who previously worked on contract for the National Security Agency, and maintains connections within the Intelligence community. This information has been confirmed by a second source, Dr. Michael Wolf of the National Security Council's unacknowledged subcommittee, the MJ-12 Special Studies Group. The report which follows is not "leaks", but rather based on releases of information which are part of the Acclimation Program, an official though unacknowledged U.S. Government policy of "processed release of information", as Dr. Wolf describes it.
Shortly after establishing itself, the Bilderberg Group collaborated with the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), another international policy body devoted to world management, concerning the problem of adjusting humankind to extraterrestrial presence. Bilderberg and CFR decided jointly in the mid-1950s to enter into an arrangement with the extraterrestrials: The ETs were given an island in French Polynesia as a base on Earth. This arrangement afforded them an opportunity to monitor closely Earth cultures and behavior; and it permitted Earth governments a way to monitor extraterrestrial culture and behavior. "It became an on-going experiment," as my former-NSA informant put it. He adds that when official public announcement of the extraterrestrial presence occurs, "they will be the ones introduced to Earthlings; 'Oh, by the way, we want to welcome our neighbors from the Pleiades, who by the way have been here since [the beginning of Earth] time, but [are] actually living in our place, date, space and time.'" "They are the diplomatic corps."
My ex-NSA informant reported that the U.S. particularly held out for many concessions before agreeing to the arrangement. (He did not specify what those concessions were, but history subsequent to 1954 suggests that what the U.S. obtained was the lion's share of extraterrestrial scientist consultants, to assist American scientists in understanding and adapting exotic ET technologies into such devices we now know as the computer chip, fibre optics, lasers, gene-splicing therapy, cloning, night-vision equipment, super-tenacity fibers (such as Kevlar lightweight armor), aerospace ceramics, Stealth technology, particle-beam devices, and gravity-control flight.) NSC's Dr. Michael Wolf has previously revealed in his book The Catchers of Heaven that he worked with ETs as part of his governmental duties. "I met with extraterrestrial individuals every day in my work, and shared living quarters with them," while doing research at extremely-classified underground government research laboratories. He added, "Zetas work in underground facilities, as requested by the U.S. Government. The ETs are not breaking the U.S. Government-Zeta treaties, but the Government has broken treaties by mistreating ETs, and trying to fire on UFOs." Dr. Wolf also described working with very human-appearing races dubbed the Nordics and Semitics. He said, "The Semitics and Nordics come from Altair 4 and 5 and from the Pleiades [star systems]." Wolf also disclosed that in 1954 the U.S. had four extraterrestrial corpses in the "Blue Room", Hanger 18 at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio. These bodies came from a series of retrievals of downed UFOs. "The first UFO came down in 1941 into the ocean west of San Diego, and was retrieved by the Navy." (The Navy has held a leadership position in UFO matters ever since.) Between that and the first publicly-announced Roswell UFO crash in 1947, Wolf says there was another crash in 1946, as well as two other crashes in 1947.



In a report earlier this year, I wrote that in 1969, Apollo 10 astronauts Stafford, Cernan and Young were the first to approach an extraterrestrial beacon (dubbed The Monolith) and film it. Now, with additional information, I can add that they were not, however, the first astronauts to spot this ET beacon. That Monolith was first sighted by Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, the first man in space, in 1961. He was followed that same year by American astronaut Alan Shephard, who also sighted the beacon. It turns out that sighting the beacon was not that unlikely. My NSA informant says, "There are billions of them floating all over." Dr. Michael Wolf shed additional light on the beacons. "They are 'postcards from the rim'. They emit both light and tone signals, sending a mathematical language. There may be five or more ET civilizations involved in setting up these beacons."

Ignore those Boeing commercials and the NASA press releases about how America "soon" will have its own first manned space station. My ex-NSA informant revealed that there has been a manned "deep space platform" in orbit above Earth for over thirty years! "It [has] had three-manned [American] crews as well as Russians 'on' since '68!" He further states that since 1973, the space station received additional extremely-high technology, "and has had upgrades since." His disclosures confirms reports I had heard previously from former military officers about a secret space platform in orbit. This disclosure makes clear, as does my earlier report about a secret military astronaut program retrieving the "Apollo 10" Monolith in 1972 for study, that the Cape Canaveral Space Shuttles launches and the "first American" space station on NASA's drawing boards are just government "cover" programs. Such programs have served to deflect the public from becoming aware before now of the existence of a black-project military space station and classified military craft which can go well past orbit into deep space. The ex-NSA informant, who provided information on a secret U.S.-USSR manned spacestation in orbit since 1968, now has furnished me additional details about its operation. The space station has been serviced by secret military spacecraft long before the first American Space Shuttle flew in 1981. In 1988 previous spacefaring vehicles were superseded by the "Nautilus", a spacecraft with a rounded delta shape built jointly by special projects divisions of Europe's Airbus Industrie and U.S.'s Boeing Corporation. Nautilus has a propulsion system which utilizes magnetic pulsing. Nautilus-type craft make twice-weekly trips up into space and back, to service the secret international space station. The Nautilus is based in Utah. (Although my informant did not identify the base, the likely candidates are the Dugway Proving Ground, Utah, or Hill Air Force Base Range.) Nautilus-class craft were also used at the beginning of the Gulf War, to penetrate Iraqi airspace from space. Soon thereafter, Stealth aircraft took over covert penetration operations.
sursa: http://www.abovetopsecret.com/pages/etbase.html
ps: asta ca sa nu mai zica cineva pe aici : "ce lagatura are nom(bilderberg si etc) cu fenomenul ufo?"


Citat din: Anna din  02 Iunie 2007, 14:06:52
ps: asta ca sa nu mai zica cineva pe aici : "ce lagatura are nom(bilderberg si etc) cu fenomenul ufo?"

Adica eu...!  :-)

La inceputul anilor '90,dupa Revolutia din Decembrie,Romania a cunoscut o puternica
miscare "culturala"...Odata cu disparitia cenzurii si a recapatarii libertatii ,s-au
tiparit vrute si ne-vrute...Ca,deh,nu mai era cenzura..."Marile taine" ale omenirii au
inceput sa se dezvaluie si cetatenilor patriei noastre...Si ce s-au gindit unii conationali...? Hai sa "spiritualizam" poporul roman...! Dupa 45 de ani de comunism tiparim orice,spunem orice,dezvaluim mistere,rescriem istoria planetei,aratam cu degetul dusmanii sistemului solar,ai marilor,pesterilor,oceanelor,saloanelor...Lumea ne va crede,va casca gura si o creada tot ce debitam noi...Ce visam ziua si noaptea,ori ce-am vazut la bautura sau prin saloanele spitalelor de psihiatrie...
Tarabele chioscurilor si rafturile librariilor s-au umplut repede de reprezentanti ai genurilor...Multi "docti" au inceput sa scrie "Volumele revelatiei"...Cartile despre paranormal,"conspiratiuni",Shambale,ingeri pazitori,fantome,prieteni si insotitori extraterestrii care te vizitau noaptea si te insoteau ziua la piata,profetii tulburatoare,
apocalipsa care se apropia cu pas rapid,Noua Ordine Mondiala,venirea extraterestrilor,coborirea lui Isus Christos din astronava,pacea vesnica,sfirsitul omenirii si a reformei guvernului Vacaroiu...
Hirtia era ieftina,profiturile din vinzari erau rapide,fabrica Letea- Bacau n-avea de ce sa dea faliment...
Si,cum spuneam,au inceput sa apara tot felul de scriitori care aveau "revelatii" tulburatoare...Despre una,despre alta...Printre care si Noua Ordine Mondiala...
Printre reprezentantii "de antologie" ai genului se numarau Gregorian Bivolaru,Cristian
Negureanu si altii care semnau prin revistele de "paranormel" si "senzationel" care umpleau tarabele...Apareau si pe pe la televizor (posturile erau mai putine...!) unde aveau "rating"...
Timpul a trecut,moda s-a stins,cartile au ajuns la maculatura, iar unii abia acum descopera America...
Nu trebuia sa ma convingi prin postul de mai sus...
Inca mai am prin casa o stiva de maculatura,de prin anii '90 care sa te "convinga" de  "justetea" spuselor...Si-a "legaturilor"...
Ce sa faci,unii pornesc -din nou !-pe carari de mult batute...

PS : Sper sa nu dispara mesajul de pe topic...!  :lol:

                                                                                        JOHN F. KENNEDY


http://www.infocon.ro/stiri/2007/06/bilderberg_2007__ziua_2-20070602-5.html prezinta peregrinarile lui Spooky in jurul hotelului si cateva informatii despre concluziile Bilderberg din prima zi, care corespund de facto cu Washington Post din 30 Mai:
Despre Bilderberg
CitatPrima concluzie a întâlnirii Bilderberg e faptul cã Robert Zoellick a fost nominalizat urmãtorul preºedinte al Bãncii Mondiale ºi a fost acceptat în unanimitate
Zoellick a fost propus de George Bush pe data de 30 cand inca intalnirea de la Istanbul incepea pe 31? Iar daca anuntul a fost facut pe 30 inseamna ca hotararea era luata putin mai inainte... Adica grupul Bilderberg a fost pus in fata faptului implinit :)).
Si apropos, din Washington Post citire:
CitatBut the insider credentials that make Zoellick favored in the Bush White House, where loyalty carries enormous weight, could work against him at the bank as they did with his predecessor. Many European governments were dismayed by the appointment of Wolfowitz, who was a primary architect of the Iraq war while at the Pentagon.
"People think Zoellick is highly intelligent and has a pragmatic mind-set," said a senior World Bank official who spoke on condition that he not be named for fear of alienating his new boss. "But he's still from the same people who brought you the Iraq war, the same people who brought you Paul Wolfowitz and Donald Rumsfeld. There's immediate jaundice about his country of origin. Any American appointed by this president would carry that stigma.
In the days since Wolfowitz resigned to end an ethics controversy, several foreign governments and dozens of aid organizations have called for an end to a handshake agreement that has for more than 60 years given the president of the United States the right to select the World Bank chief while allowing Europe to pick the head of the International Monetary Fund.
Developing countries argue that this system renders the institutions tools of the most powerful nations. Over the weekend, finance ministers in Australia, Brazil and South Africa jointly declared that the next World Bank president "should be appointed using an open, transparent selection process with candidates not restricted by nationality."
Some analysts had suggested that the White House might hand the World Bank board a list of candidates, then invite the board to pick the final name. Paulson acknowledged hearing sentiments in favor of that course as he conferred with governments. But he said the administration decided to give the board a single name to swiftly end the crisis. Wolfowitz has relinquished day-to-day management of the bank and is to formally step down June 30.
Adica Australia, Brazila si Africa de Sud au comentat ca nu sunt de acord si conform:
CitatUniunea Europeanã ºi Statele Unite au o înþelegere tacitã ca preºedintele bãncii mondiale sã fie un american, pe când preºedintele Fondului Monetar Internaþional sã fie un european, dar acest status-quo nu mai este pe placul membrilor Bilderberg europeni
Adica fie Australia, Brazila si Africa de Sud sunt membri Bilderberg europeni fie sunt manipulate de Bilderberg europeni dar nu pot fi manipulate de Bilderberg USA. Sau nu? Sau da? Sau poate nu fac parte din NWO sau, sau , sau?
Oricum felicitari pentru aparitie in Alex Jones show dar din pacate mie mi-a adus aminte de niste versuri, Fara Zahar, De la sate:
CitatCel mai mult m-am bucurat cand o venit 'Din dragoste'
Am vorbit cu Mircea Radu si mi-a zis si mie 'bre'
O venit si de la 'Iarta-ma' la noi la poarta odata
Sper sa nu fie nimanui cu suparare, iar daca ii este sa ii treaca repede ca este nervos pe nervii lui si nu pe ai mei... De la 0Tv la Alex Jones....
Ma gandesc doar ca: "Sic transit gloria mundi"...


Citat din: LupinThe3rd din  02 Iunie 2007, 17:00:38
Zoellick a fost propus de George Bush pe data de 30 cand inca intalnirea de la Istanbul incepea pe 31? Iar daca anuntul a fost facut pe 30 inseamna ca hotararea era luata putin mai inainte... Adica grupul Bilderberg a fost pus in fata faptului implinit :)).

Stirea a aparut si-n ziarul ZIUA : http://www.ziua.ro/display.php?data=2007-05-31&id=221555
Iar editia ziarului din 31.05.2007 s-a afisat pe Internet in seara zilei de 30.05.2007...
Si pina s-a afisat pe Internet,pina au luat legatura cu corespondentul...

                                                                                        JOHN F. KENNEDY


Nu stiu ce sa zic ,dar si aici in Germ.....liniste pe tot frontul....nu am auzit nimic despre Bilderberg...etc...!De ce oare atata mister???
Cei care; ziua dorm si noaptea se odihnesc, cand oare mai au curiozitatea sa vada cum este sa fii trezit la "realitate" ?