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Alte piramide de pe glob...

Creat de jackie28t, 15 Iunie 2006, 12:44:45

« precedentul - următorul »

0 Membri şi 3 Vizitatori vizualizează acest subiect.

Lone Ranger

O lista - mi-e teama ca incompleta - cu tot soiul de piramide, în Egipt si nu numai, gasiti aici:
Merita citita  / vazuta si asta:


ati fi surprinsi cate astfel de peisaje, cu dealuri in forma de piramida putem gasi si in romania... cine stie...

intre alba iulia si cluj deja ma plictisisem sa le numar...
"In a world of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act." -- George Orwell, 1984

Lone Ranger

Piramida este o forma / structura foarte des întîlnita si în arhitectura traditionala romaneasca. La fel si trunchiurile de piramida... Edgar Cayce, despre care parca s-a mai vorbit pe acest forum, a afirmat, dupa iesirea dintr-una din faimoasele sale transe, ca i-a "vazut" pe constructorii Piramidelor de la Gizeh. Erau (Cayce dixit) niste cuceritori, veniti - cu vreo 10 milenii în urma - din Dacia.


ziguratele,piramidele si templele reprezinta diversitatea stilistica in arhitectura arhaica cat si diversitatea credintelor religioase in timp.


Lone Ranger, paleoastronaut de ce nu faceti o pagina cu toate datele adunate. Mi se par extrem de interesante prezentarile voastre.
In pozele postate de pri3st3ss vad aceeasi tema a constelatiei Sirius. Ciudata asemanare.  :-o

Lone Ranger

Citat din: MrWhite din  30 Martie 2008, 12:32:34
Lone Ranger, paleoastronaut de ce nu faceti o pagina cu toate datele adunate. Mi se par extrem de interesante prezentarile voastre.
In pozele postate de pri3st3ss vad aceeasi tema a constelatiei Sirius. Ciudata asemanare.  :-o
Thanks! Da' m-a cam apucat lenea... Timp de ani de zile am scris despre chestii de-astea. Onor trustu' de presa unde "dau cu sapa" scotea odata o revista de chestii cu iz paranormal, din  pacate, n-o mai scoate. Marturisesc ca m-am cam lehametzit. Problema piramidelor prezente (mai mult sau mai putzin vizibil) în arhitectura traditzionala româneasca am abordat-o pentru doua publicatzii diferite...


Citat din: Lone Ranger din  08 Februarie 2008, 16:53:13
Piramida este o forma / structura foarte des întîlnita si în arhitectura traditionala romaneasca. La fel si trunchiurile de piramida... Edgar Cayce, despre care parca s-a mai vorbit pe acest forum, a afirmat, dupa iesirea dintr-una din faimoasele sale transe, ca i-a "vazut" pe constructorii Piramidelor de la Gizeh. Erau (Cayce dixit) niste cuceritori, veniti - cu vreo 10 milenii în urma - din Dacia.
Ranger... stiu ca o sa sune ciudat dar Cayce.. intr-una dintre reincarnari a fost chiar cel care a construit pyramida impreuna cu toth.....Nu NUMAI DAR cAYCE ESTE IN PREZENT REINCARNAT....E O POVESTE INTREAGA DAR DACA AI CITIT DESPRE Cayce ma gandesc ca ti-ar si place sa il asculti....

sunt 4 parti si au in ele maimulta informaie decat 50 de carti. Iar engleza vorbita e foarte clara.


un subiect despre Edgar Cayce este deja deschis aici:

http://www.rufon.org/forum/index.php/topic,1230.0.html  , asa ca nu vad rostul filmuletelor  tale pe acest topic

acum sa fim on topic :

Piramidele din Xi'an, China

In apropierea orasului Xi'an, capitala regiunii Shaanxi, in centrul Chinei, sunt mai multe piramide mari comparabile in marime cu piramidele de la Gizeh, precum si multe alte piramide mici. Aceste piramide sunt din pamant si desi 3 din ele au suprafata la baza comparabil de mare cu suprafata la baza a celor 3 piramide originale de la Gizeh, piramidele din Xi'an au inaltimea, si astfel volumul, mult mai mici.
Limba chineza scrisa cu litere romanesti se cheama pinyin, in care litera x sau sh se pronunta ca litera s, in cuvantul scoala, si litera q sau ch se pronunta ca litera c in cuvantul ceara.
Orasul Xi'an, cunoscut pe numele Chang'an in China antica, a fost in ultimii 3100 ani capitala dinastiilor Zhou, Qin, Han si Tang, are peste 3 milioane locuitori, iar regiunea Shaanxi (a nu fi confundata cu regiunea Shanxi care este imediat la est de Shaanxi) are peste 36 milioane locuitori, si o suprafata de 206000 kilometri patrati, conform peopledaily, aproape cat Romania, care are o suprafata de 238392 kilometri patrati.
Xi'an este punctul de pornire al drumului matasii, si este de asemenea locul in care in anul dacic romanesc 7482 (1974) au fost descoperiti aproape 6000 soldati din teracota, in jur de 1,8 metri inaltime fiecare, cu arcuri si sageti, sabii, unii cu cai, avand diferite expresii pe fata, toti privind spre est, cu exceptia celor din exterior care privesc in afara pentru aparare. Acestia pot fi vizitati la muzeul primului imparat al dinastiei Qin.
Ii invat si ei se indeparteaza,
Ascult si ei se se apropie....
Puterea mea, este tacerea mea.


Postul meu era adresat lui Ranger nu tie... :wink:


Citat din: sevastase din  30 Martie 2008, 20:52:03
Postul meu era adresat lui Ranger nu tie... :wink:

din cate stiu eu,pe acest forum,se incearca :
- A NU DESCHIDE TOPICURI care dezbat aceleasi probleme
- A OFERI LINKURI catre celelalte topicuri care se refera la ceea ce dorim noi sa spunem, in cazul in care ceea ce dorim sa expunem este considerat a fi offline pt topicul respectiv ....
...macar pentru a usura munca moderatorilor ,pentru a  nu incurca/ameti userii cu x topicuri care dezbat acelasi subiect , in general pentru a RESPECTA userii,indiferent de treapta sociala,cunostinte,deschidere spre anumite subiecte,usurinta de intelegere etc...

scuzati offline-ul

Subterranean Pyramids

The seabed contains what appear to be ruins of a previous glacial age and traces of terrestrial flora, fauna and stalactites that form only on the surface. These suggest that these ruins might be more than 3,000 to 10,000 years old, which would make them the world's oldest.
The fame of Yonaguni island began in 1995, when a Japanese marine explorer, Kihachirou Aratake, by chance discovered a set of very singular architectonic structures allegedly belonging to an ancient civilization and previously unknown in archaeology and history.
Shortly thereafter, a group of scientists directed by Misaki Kimura, of the University of the Ryukyus, confirmed the existence of the vestiges. They appear, at least superficially, to be comparable to the pyramids of Egypt, Mesopotamia, Mexico, and Peru.
On May 4, 1998, a part of the island was destroyed by a submarine earthquake.Several analyses indicated that a certain structure, which measured 120 m in length, 40 m wide and 20­25 m high, was 8000 years old. This would make it much older than the first constructions of Mesopotamia, Egypt, India and China.
This antiquity has created discord and controversy among historians and archaeologists since it goes against the accepted chonological history of humanity. Several noted archaeologists, including John Anthony West and Robert Schoch argue that under inspection, the "ruins" turn out to be largely explicable by ocean erosion and coral reef settlements.
Most geologists familiar with the area also maintain that the structures are mere geologic processes of natural origin and consistent with other known geological formations. They point to the fact that local rocks above the surface have right angle cleavages, and that aquatic flora and fauna have simply smoothed out much of the surface of the rocks.
Furthermore, no tools have been found at the site, which could positively identify human settlement. However, the viability of these theories is undermined when one considers that there are no piles of rocks at the foot of the structures, as would be expected if the near-perfect right angles that define these structures were formed by cleavage of the rocks that make them up.
At the time that it was supposedly constructed, the affected area of Yonaguni composed a land bridge between the islands of Taiwan, Ryukyu, and Japan with Asia in the days of the ice age. The level of the sea was lower than at present because of the ice accumulated in the temperate zones. Geologist Teruaki Oshii suggests they have been constructed before the end of the glacial era.
In addition to scientific explanations, other esoteric theories are that Yonaguni was part of the legendary ancient civilizations of Mu (Lemuria), whose fate it shared with Atlantis or Thule, as an ancient advanced civilization which sank into the sea. Another theory is that the Yonaguni structures fit in with the claims made by some biblical creationists regarding the presence of advanced civilizations prior to a global catastrophe, resulting in the destruction of many such civilizations.

Ii invat si ei se indeparteaza,
Ascult si ei se se apropie....
Puterea mea, este tacerea mea.

Lone Ranger

Eu sunt cel care l-a pomenit pe Edgar Cayce în context... ^Imi pare rau ca te-ai suparat...
Citat din: Lone Ranger din  08 Februarie 2008, 16:53:13
Piramida este o forma / structura foarte des întîlnita si în arhitectura traditionala romaneasca. La fel si trunchiurile de piramida... Edgar Cayce, despre care parca s-a mai vorbit pe acest forum, a afirmat, dupa iesirea dintr-una din faimoasele sale transe, ca i-a "vazut" pe constructorii Piramidelor de la Gizeh. Erau (Cayce dixit) niste cuceritori, veniti - cu vreo 10 milenii în urma - din Dacia.


ok,am vazut asta,dar sa avem respect macar pt munca moderatorilor,nu?sa nu stea saracii sa caute topicuri ,sa avertizeze etc...

si nu ma mai domni atat te rog,nu-s baba,merci anticipat

Pyramids in Turkey

Mt Nemrut,  Kâhta  is a natural mountain (2150m), with a 50 metre artificial peak built on top.  It was constructed as a tomb for King Antinochus I during the period  80 B.C-72 B.C.  If pyramids are meant to represent mountains, the builders of this one have gone a step further by placing it on top of a real mountain. Not just an artificial mound, this site features huge (10 metre high) statues.

Ii invat si ei se indeparteaza,
Ascult si ei se se apropie....
Puterea mea, este tacerea mea.

Lone Ranger

Citat din: pri3st3ss din  31 Martie 2008, 20:10:05
si nu ma mai domni atat te rog,nu-s baba,merci anticipat
Sorry, am vrut doar sa fiu politicos...


 ms mult,te cred, dar  eu consider ca aici suntem intr-o familie. pls nu ma mai domni atat. :lol:  nu a fost un repros, nu am luat-o ca rea intentie sau ironie etc;zi-mi pe nume si atat.ms

Pyramid Built 5000 years ago Found in Inner Mongolia

A three-story pyramid dating 5000 years back has been discovered in north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. The pyramid, which looks like a trapezoidal hill from afar, is located on a hill one kilometer north of Sijiazi Town, Aohan County. The pyramid is about 30 meters long and 15 meters wide at its base. This is considered the best-preserved pyramid built during the Hongshan Culture period that has been found so far, said Guo Dasun, an archaeologist in charge of the excavation.
Seven tombs and one altar were also found on the top of the pyramid. Archaeologists also discovered a number of pottery pieces with the asterisk character inscribed on the inner wall. The asterisk character is believed to be related to the understanding of ancient people on astrology.
Among the culture relics excavated from one of the seven tombs are a bone flute and a stone ring and a full- sized stone statue of Goddess unearthed from another tomb. What astonished the archeologists is a one palm-sized stone genital found on the inner wall of a tomb with a small stone statue of Goddess below. Guo Dasun said that most of these relics are found for the first time and will shed light on studying the origin of Chinese civilization.

Zangkunchong Step Pyramid - imagini

This step pyramid, 31.58 by 31.58 meters square and 12.4 meters high, is located at Ziban, now in China. It fronts on the KukNae castle (Ziban) to the westsouth, and 12 stone plates, the largest one of them measures 2.7m long and 4.5m high, leaned against the first step. There was four guardian stones, looks like a dolmen on the step, but survived just one which you can see below. It is called 'Paechong', means guardian tomb in korean. What a strange post looks like a sphinx in Egypt.
It was guessed having constructed in Kokuryo period, maybe before A.D. 500, but nobody know whose tomb. It was once known a stone tomb of the great Kwangkaeto, but now a destroyed stone pyramid, nearby the stone monument of the great Kwangkaeto, should be of the great, and so this pyramid might be a tomb of king Zangsu. 'Zangkunchong' means a tomb of general in korean.
By the last discovery, new fact that the head part of stone coffins in the inner chamber put towards Chonzi (crater lake) on Paektusan (Mt. PaekTu), to the northeast, is unearthed.

Ii invat si ei se indeparteaza,
Ascult si ei se se apropie....
Puterea mea, este tacerea mea.