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Creat de sevastase, 26 Martie 2008, 23:32:50

« precedentul - următorul »

0 Membri şi 2 Vizitatori vizualizează acest subiect.



Imagine capturata pe o camera video de supraveghere la o uzina de energie termonucleara in Altamira, Tamaulitas in Mexic

Roswell, si din nou oficiali cu un et incatusat.

1941 Missouri

Seattle Washington, 1996


Ideea reptiliana este introdusa in sistemul didactic prin intermediul benzilor desenate si al " povestilor "

Coperta 2 a unei carti pentru copii

website-ul de referinta este http://www.scholastic.com/animorphs/index.htm

Serban M


nu m-am putut abtine  :-D however de ce holywoodul mentine ideologia si mentalitatea anti-extraterestra (inamici,cuceritori,etc) ,iar pe de alta parte ''subliminal mass-media'' ar avea ca scop sa ne familiarizeze cu ei ?


Citat din: Sirius13 din  05 Mai 2008, 11:41:06

nu m-am putut abtine  :-D however de ce holywoodul mentine ideologia si mentalitatea anti-extraterestra (inamici,cuceritori,etc) ,iar pe de alta parte ''subliminal mass-media'' ar avea ca scop sa ne familiarizeze cu ei ?
citeste topicul meu in sectiunea in limba engleza intitulat "Well..." ...ultimele 2 posturi ar trebui sa iti raspunda la intrebare.



This twenty meter wide sculpture behind the current Pope, Benedict XVI, bears a bizarre resemblance to tentacles (among other things). Needless to say, it's easily one of the creepiest pieces of modern Catholic art, a worthy successor to a long line of ancient religious depictions bearing a dark edge.

Despite the sensationally outre appearance of this work, there is a much more mundane surface explanation from the artist. The piece is entitled "The Resurrection," and it can be visited at the Vatican's Paul VI Audience Hall. Still, the sculpture's facets are not totally removed from the weird, as (now deceased) designer Pericle Fazzini explained:

The Vatican commissioned Mr. Fazzini to provide a work for its modern auditorium. The result was ''The Resurrection,'' a statue depicting Jesus rising from a nuclear bomb crater.

''Suddenly there came to me the idea of Christ preaching peace for 2,000 years, and the place where He prayed for the last time: the olive grove of Gethsemane,'' said Mr. Fazzini in a book about the work. ''I had the idea of depicting Christ as if He were rising again from the explosion of this large olive grove, peaceful site of His last prayers. Christ rises from this crater torn open by a nuclear bomb; an atrocious explosion, a vortex of violence and energy.''



The biscione as a symbol of Milan, seen here at the Central Station

The Biscione ('large grass snake'), also known as the Vipera ('viper' or in Milanese as the Bissa), is a heraldic charge showing a blue serpent in the act of swallowing a human: usually a child and sometimes described as a Moor. It has been the emblem of the Italian Visconti family for around a thousand years. Its origins are unknown. (Is it really?) However it has been claimed that it was taken from the coat of arms of a Saracen killed by Ottone Visconti during the crusades.

The biscione appears in the coats of arms of the House of Sforza, Milan, the historical Duchy of Milan and Insubria. It is also used as a symbol or logo by the football club Inter Milan, and in a version where a flower replaces the child, by Fininvest.

Italian (Illuminati) Former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi's Residence with a Crowned Reptile (Biscione) Eating a Human depicted on the Lawn.

Quetzalcoatl depicted as a snake devouring a man, from the Codex Telleriano-Remensis.

Quetzalcoatl, the Mayan "lord of life"and King of Tula being `consumed' by a `serpent'.

A statue of the Great Sun Buddha, dating from the 12th century in Cambodia. He is seated in the coils of a snake.

Jesus as a serpent-god from bas-relief in Egypt. This drawing was made by a member of Napoleon's army in 1798, one hundred years before the same face appeared to the world `for the first time ever' on the photograph of the Shroud of Turin.

E.A., the standing serpent wave, offers the secret of the stars to a priest.

Jason, the Argo & Athena

In the designs above from Egypt and Europe, the little souls is emerging jubilantly from the mouth of a Serpent (or worm hole). These express the passage "Osiris enters the tail of a great serpent, was drawn through its body and came out through its mouth, and was then born anew." The story of Jesus/Jonah and the whale mirrors this story.

Alchemical drawing of the serpent, the jar or Grail. From it a man emerges or exits.



 Nu-i exclus totus, ca unii tineri sa foloseasca lentile de contact"ochi de pisica" si fiie-mea avea acum vreo doi ani un set de astfel de lentile cu mai multe motive....printre care si de'astea cu ochi de pisica.....ochi rosii, fosforescenti,...total albi...............Parca si cap de mort si pentagram.......!!!
Cei care; ziua dorm si noaptea se odihnesc, cand oare mai au curiozitatea sa vada cum este sa fii trezit la "realitate" ?


Citat din: lylyt_ice din  10 Mai 2008, 13:19:21
Nu-i exclus totus, ca unii tineri sa foloseasca lentile de contact"ochi de pisica" si fiie-mea avea acum vreo doi ani un set de astfel de lentile cu mai multe motive....printre care si de'astea cu ochi de pisica.....ochi rosii, fosforescenti,...total albi...............Parca si cap de mort si pentagram.......!!!

Am vazut un tanar care dorea sa se angajeze la noi la firma, acum 15 ani cred, caruia i s-au schimbat ochii, brusc, in ochi de pisica, atunci cand am fost anuntat ca a murit Valeriu Popa. Era langa mine un colonel SRI care s-a speriat pur si simplu de acest lucru. Acest colonel este un om extrem de serios.
Tanarul respectiv mi-a transmis atunci, sa nu ne punem cu ei...Cred ca era in transa. Facea parte dintr-un grup de tineri satanisti din Craiova, care dormeau prin cavouri. El canta foarte frumos, dar numai muzica satanista. Multi ani l-am ajutat pe acel tanar sa se apuce de ceva serios in Viata. De-atunci, n-am mai vazut pe nimeni sa i se intample astfel de lucruri.


 Eu am o cunosinta...de multi ani...are ochii caprui-verzi, am observat de multe ori la aceasta persoana, ca atunci cand se enerveaza sau este prins cu o minciuna, devine agitat, aproape ca-si pierde coerenta miscarilor, iar ochi isi transforma culoarea devenind de culoare foarte deschisa...un fel de alb grii, culoarea fumului gros. Aceasta persoana are un caracter cu totul neobisniut; traieste singur nu are sentimente pt. nimeni, dar iti da impresia ca-i binevoitor si de buna credinta, pana afla despre tine multe secrete...dupa aceea te manipuleaza cum doreste...in functie de cat de bine te are la mana..........Eu am avut noroc si nu i-am cazut in plasa...dar cu alte cunostiinte s-a jucat dupa cum i-a placut...fara scrupule, respect, sau macar mila..........
Cei care; ziua dorm si noaptea se odihnesc, cand oare mai au curiozitatea sa vada cum este sa fii trezit la "realitate" ?

Serban M

exista posibilitatea diferitor radacini rasiale in afara celor cunoscute,insa sunt ferm convins ca asta nu implica si constientizarea acestor lucruri (vezi rasa ariana si Hitler) este posibil sa fim atat de diferiti incat sa incep sa cred din teoriile socante ale domnului Lorin Fortuna

recomand vizionarea foarte atenta a seriei televizate  :






