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Creat de ryn, 29 Iunie 2005, 15:53:32

« precedentul - următorul »

0 Membri şi 3 Vizitatori vizualizează acest subiect.



Te faci ca nu auzi?  :oops:
Hm... Arckadii, Spooky, Skywalker, Blacky?...? Aveti voi ceva fotografii? :mrgreen:


nu nici eu nu vad nici o fotografie!!!
cred ca nu te aude nimen, calinahanna!!


            E interesant ce  spuneti....dar  nu  vad  fotgrafia...


Exact cum spuneam... trebuie sa ne rugam muuuuulttt sa ne mai dea si noua cineva o poza :|



        Poate nu  mai  are  Calina....si  noi tot ne  rugam :-D
        Ce  zici? Mai  insistam?


Multumesc, uite ca ryn s-a preocupat de subiect, primul pas a fost facut, a gasit cd-ul...


Ok... asteptam.. :-)


Am descoperit cu chiu cu vai cum sa recuperez fotografiile. Le postez aici


            Multumesc frumos Ryn.  INtr-adevar are ceva   vechime si  mesajul
pe  care   vrea  sa-l  transmita poate  fi  orice...  In  ce  oras si  la   ce  muzeu l-ai  gasit ?


ce e aia? un mic cupidon care fumeaza narghilea???? :?


Nu stiu nici eu ce sa zic!dar pare un ingeras cam "dracos"...mie m-i se pare ca are coada... :evil:
Cei care; ziua dorm si noaptea se odihnesc, cand oare mai au curiozitatea sa vada cum este sa fii trezit la "realitate" ?


               Sa fie un inger malefic ?  :-D



La prima vedere, obiectul acela din stanga ingerasului, pare un ...hidrant...ceea ce m-a facut sa rad, m-am gandit ca, fiind amorash, stinge focul inimii...  :-P

Acum... serios. Pare un "fir", o legatura, dar..(probabil e si calitatea pozei) nu se observa unde se opreste acest fir, decat ca iluzie optica, in spatele ingerasului...

Ok, spuneai ca ar putea fi o "butelie", ceva...
Stii ce? Cred ca trebuie sa il vad personal, inainte sa ma pronunt si sa mai cercetez cate ceva, elemente similare din aceeasi perioada istorica etc., inainte de toate.


si multumesc pentru publicarea fotografiei..nu am apucat sa itzi zic.


Basorelieful asta e cam ciudat:

1) Corpul pare a fi desenat in spatiu pe cand capul este desenat in plan;

vezi desen_0001.jpg

2) Capul este rupt/deplasat de restul trupului:

vezi desen_0002.jpg

3) Se observa o disportionalitate evidenta. Atasez un desen in care sunt prezentate distantele intre elementele corpului uman. Toate aceste distante respecta asa numitul golden ratio (sau fi (eng. phi) care este ~ 1.618)

Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_ratio

vezi desen_0003.jpg

Human Body and the Golden section

It is a very proveable fact that our human bodies are phi-designed as the golden section template is intimatelyseen throughout our whole human form ratio's. This absolutely proves that we like the macrocosm (the planets, and stars) or the microcosm (of atomic and subatomic particles) all were created using the PHI design.
When conducting their researches or setting out their products, artists, scientists and designers take the human body, the proportions of which are set out according to the golden ratio, as their measure. Leonardo da Vinci and Le Corbusier took the human body, proportioned according to the golden ratio, as their measure when producing their designs.
The first example of the golden ratio in the average human body is that when the distance between the navel and the foot is taken as 1 unit, the height of a human being is equivalent to 1.618. Some other golden proportions in the average human body are:
The distance between the finger tip and the elbow / distance between the wrist and the elbow,
The distance between the shoulder line and the top of the head / head length,
The distance between the navel and the top of the head / the distance between the shoulder line and the top of the head,
The distance between the navel and knee / distance between the knee and the end of the foot.
Lift your hand from the computer mouse and look at the shape of your index finger. You will in all likelihood witness a golden proportion there. Our fingers have three sections. The proportion of the first two to the full length of the finger gives the golden ratio (with the exception of the thumbs). You can also see that the proportion of the middle finger to the little finger is also a golden ratio. You have two hands, and the fingers on them consist of three sections. There are five fingers on each hand, and only eight of these are articulated according to the golden number: 2, 3, 5, and 8 fit the Fibonacci numbers.
There are several golden ratios in the human face. Do not pick up a ruler and try to measure people's faces, however, because this refers to the "ideal human face" determined by scientists and artists.
For example, the total width of the two front teeth in the upper jaw over their height gives a golden ratio. The width of the first tooth from the centre to the second tooth also yields a golden ratio. These are the ideal proportions that a dentist may consider. Some other golden ratios in the human face are:
Length of face / width of face,
Distance between the lips and where the eyebrows meet / length of nose,
Length of face / distance between tip of jaw and where the eyebrows meet,
Length of mouth / width of nose,
Width of nose / distance between nostrils,
Distance between pupils / distance between eyebrows.

Intrebarea care o pun este: Exista posibilitatea ca acel cap sa fie redesenat/sculptat si atasat ulterior? Sa fi aratat acel cap altfel?
Nu tot ce zboară şi este necunoscut este extraterestru.
All warfare is based on deception. -- Sun Tzu, 600 BC

All types of knowledge, ultimately mean self knowledge. -- Bruce Lee


bine punctat...
insa mai interesanta este "butelia" si acel "fir"...
Ii invat si ei se indeparteaza,
Ascult si ei se se apropie....
Puterea mea, este tacerea mea.