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Combustia spontana

Creat de mistic, 05 Septembrie 2006, 18:05:26

« precedentul - următorul »

0 Membri şi 1 Vizitator vizualizează acest subiect.


 Din pacate nu mai stiu ce emisiune a fost in urma cu vreo doi ani pe programul ZDF in Germania si este unul dintr-e cele mai serioase programe.Dar din cite am inteles mai sunt si altii dintre membrii rufon care traiesc in Germ.poate ca au vazut si ei aceasta emisiune....?
Cei care; ziua dorm si noaptea se odihnesc, cand oare mai au curiozitatea sa vada cum este sa fii trezit la "realitate" ?


Alte teorii considera combustia spontana ca o forma extrema a hipertermiei-cresterea artificiala a temperaturii organismului.S-a observat ca aparitia fenomenului coincide cu cresterea activitatii solare.


Dupa cum am spus intr-un post precedent combustia spontana este asociata de unii cercetatorii cu fulgerul globular . Altfel  spus combustia spontana este rezultatul nefericit al interactiunii dintre om si acest fenomen meteorologic  misterios  .

Un cercetator de la Institul de Fizica din Budapesta a investigat un caz in care au fost implicate se pare ambele fenomene.

In randurile care urmeaza voi prezenta acest caz care a fost publicat si in Marea Britanie 1990 in revista Journal of Meteorology. 
"The date was 25 May 1989, and the place a field by the roadside near Kerecsend, a village 109 kilometers from Budapest. The victim was a 27year old engineer within whose body, it is conjectured, ball lightning formed. The man had stopped his car and walked to the edge of a field about ten metres distant to urinate. Suddenly his wife who had remained behind in the car saw that the young man was surrounded by a blue light. He opened his arms wide and fell to the ground. His wife ran to him noticing that one of his tennis shoes had been torn off. Although it looked hopeless she tried to help him, but soon after she was able to stop a passing bus. Amazingly, the bus was filled with medical doctors returning from a meeting; unhappily they immediately pronounced that the man was dead.
"At the autopsy a hole was found in the man's heel where the shoe had been. The lungs were torn and damaged, and the stomach and belly were carbonized! This is indicative of internal combustion, just as the blue light is proof of atmospheric electricity, while the damaged heel and shoe are indicative of electrical earthing."

Referitor la teoria lui CHIP

Cercetarile cu privire la combustia spontana au relevat faptul ca in unele zone unde au avut loc astfel de incidente , campul magnetic al Pamantului era mult mai intens , mai puternic . La inceput , aceasta crestere a campului magnetic in zonele respective , a fost pusa pe seama activitatii solare , insa adevarata sursa care a provocat aceasta anomalie  magnetica a ramas inca un mister .
Science is the great antidote to the poison of enthusiasm and superstition.
(Adam Smith)