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Creat de jackie28t, 12 Iulie 2006, 01:12:37

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North Magnetic Pole Moving East Due to Core Flux

Richard A. Lovett in San Francisco
for National Geographic News
December 24, 2009

Earth's north magnetic pole is racing toward Russia at almost 40 miles (64 kilometers) a year due to magnetic changes in the planet's core, new research says.

The core is too deep for scientists to directly detect its magnetic field. But researchers can infer the field's movements by tracking how Earth's magnetic field has been changing at the surface and in space.
Now, newly analyzed data suggest that there's a region of rapidly changing magnetism on the core's surface, possibly being created by a mysterious "plume" of magnetism arising from deeper in the core.

And it's this region that could be pulling the magnetic pole away from its long-time location in northern Canada, said Arnaud Chulliat, a geophysicist at the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris in France.

Finding North

Magnetic north, which is the place where compass needles actually point, is near but not exactly in the same place as the geographic North Pole. Right now, magnetic north is close to Canada's Ellesmere Island.

Navigators have used magnetic north for centuries to orient themselves when they're far from recognizable landmarks.

Although global positioning systems have largely replaced such traditional techniques, many people still find compasses useful for getting around underwater and underground where GPS satellites can't communicate.

The magnetic north pole had moved little from the time scientists first located it in 1831. Then in 1904, the pole began shifting northeastward at a steady pace of about 9 miles (15 kilometers) a year.

In 1989 it sped up again, and in 2007 scientists confirmed that the pole is now galloping toward Siberia at 34 to 37 miles (55 to 60 kilometers) a year.

A rapidly shifting magnetic pole means that magnetic-field maps need to be updated more often to allow compass users to make the crucial adjustment from magnetic north to true North.

Wandering Pole

Geologists think Earth has a magnetic field because the core is made up of a solid iron center surrounded by rapidly spinning liquid rock. This creates a "dynamo" that drives our magnetic field.

(Get more facts about Earth's insides.)

Scientists had long suspected that, since the molten core is constantly moving, changes in its magnetism might be affecting the surface location of magnetic north.

Although the new research seems to back up this idea, Chulliat is not ready to say whether magnetic north will eventually cross into Russia.

"It's too difficult to forecast," Chulliat said.

Also, nobody knows when another change in the core might pop up elsewhere, sending magnetic north wandering in a new direction.

Chulliat presented his work this week at a meeting of the American Geophysical Union in San Francisco.

A studia ºi a nu gândi este o risipã. A gândi ºi a nu studia este periculos.


Oare la ce dezvaluiri sa ne asteptam de la NASA?
http://kepler.nasa.gov/news/nasakeplernews/index.cfm?FuseAction=ShowNews&NewsID=15 Unii se gandesc la o noua planeta asemanatoare Terrei la asta facand referire si masuratoarea de pe site. Ce credeti ca reprezinta imaginea de pe site? Astept parerile voastre.  :star:


Citat din: Andy din  04 Ianuarie 2010, 19:16:40
Oare la ce dezvaluiri sa ne asteptam de la NASA?
http://kepler.nasa.gov/news/nasakeplernews/index.cfm?FuseAction=ShowNews&NewsID=15 Unii se gandesc la o noua planeta asemanatoare Terrei la asta facand referire si masuratoarea de pe site. Ce credeti ca reprezinta imaginea de pe site? Astept parerile voastre.  :star:

Kepler Planet-Hunting Mission Finds 5 New Lightweight Worlds

WASHINGTON — The list of known exoplanets in the galaxy just got bigger, thanks to the first observations of NASA's Kepler space telescope, which found five new lightweight worlds orbiting distant stars.

"I would like to announce today the discovery of five exoplanets by Kepler," said Kepler science director William Borucki of NASA's Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, Calif., here today at the 215th meeting of the American Astronomical Society.

The planet-hunting Kepler, which hopes to discover alien Earths, also found an odd object orbiting a star and is measuring the quakes that ripple across stellar surface.
The five newfound planets are all much larger than the Earth-sized bodies Kepler was designed to find, with one coming in at around the size of Neptune, and the other four measuring larger than Jupiter.

All five planets orbit very close to their stars, with orbital periods of around three to four days, and so are very hot. Their temperatures are above those of molten lava; even iron would melt on their surfaces.

"So these are very hot, very bright planets," Borucki said.
While the Neptune-sized planets, dubbed Kepler 4b, is about the density of the ice giants in our solar system (and so likely has an abundance of elements heavier than hydrogen and helium), one of the other newfound planets, Kepler 7b, has one of the lowest densities of any planet ever discovered, Borucki said.

While these planets aren't the type that scientists hope Kepler will ultimately find, the observations that the telescope has made so far show that "we do have the sensitivity to find Earth-size planets," Borucki said.

Kepler, which launched on March 6, 2009, looks for dips in the light curves of stars that indicate a planet transiting in front of the star (from the perspective of Earth).
Kepler also observes occultations of planets, or the light curve dips that occur when the planet moves behind its parent star. The telescope has made one strange observation of a system where the light curve from the orbiting body dips more during the occultation than during its transit, which suggests that it is much hotter than its parent star – certainly an odd situation for a planet-star system. The body could be a small, relatively cool white dwarf, but its size is too big for a white dwarf.

"So we're not quite sure what we're seeing here," Borucki said.
Kepler has also shown its ability to measure the oscillations that occur at a star's surface that cause it to "ring like a bell" and its brightness to vary. Studying this stellar seismology can help scientists better understand the age and structure of stars. Kepler data for one star has pinned down that star's diameter from within a 10 percent margin of error to within 1 percent.

"This in turn gives astronomers much better knowledge of the planet's density, in the case studied this has improved from about 50 percent uncertainty to five percent, which is very important for understanding exoplanets, said Ron Gilliland of the Space Science Institute in Baltimore, Md., and the principal investigator for Kepler's astroseismology program.

The results announced at the meeting come from just the first 43 days of Kepler observations; scientists now have more than eight months of data to comb through, Borucki said.

Kepler telescope has turned up five 'exoplanets,' NASA scientist announces

Kepler Planet-Hunting Mission Finds 5 New Lightweight Worlds  
Science is the great antidote to the poison of enthusiasm and superstition.
(Adam Smith)


Si un link catre site-ul NASA referitor tot la descoperirea facuta cu telescopul Kepler:

În credinta au murit toti acestia, fara sa fi capatat lucrurile fagaduite, ci  doar le-au vazut si le-au urat de bine de departe, marturisind ca sunt straini si calatori pe pamînt.  Evrei 11:13-16


Conform http://sciences.blog.lemonde.fr/2010/01/21/un-ocean-de-diamant-sur-uranus-et-sur-neptune/#xtor=RSS-32280322 exista un ocean lichid de diamant pe planetele mentionate in titlu...de aici rezulta ca guvernul boc ar trebui sa lasa toate autostrazile :? si toate investiile deoparte,si sa se ocupe numai de programul spatial al Romaniei...daca reusesc sa trimita vreo cativa angajati de la salubritate cu 4-5 galeti sa aduca niste diamant lichid...ne-am scos! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
"O piatră nu cade din cer.Sau,daca se intamplă să cada,atunci nu mai e piatră,ci aerolit."


 FONFLEU !  :lol:
"Gãina cu pui vii în varianta Agerpres: povestea porcului"
Oare cite fonfleuri au aparut in presa despre OZN-uri si fenomene paranormale...?  :wink:

                                                                                        JOHN F. KENNEDY


"O piatră nu cade din cer.Sau,daca se intamplă să cada,atunci nu mai e piatră,ci aerolit."



Se pare ca un meteorit de mari dimensiuni a strabatut cerul Irlandei. Mi-e cam neclar daca a cazut sau nu, sau doar a trecut razant prin atmosfera superioara, stirea e prezentata cam aiurea... Se pare ca a cazut, nu se stie unde, dar, nu sunt victime... Astept cu interes sa vad daca va fi gasit acest meteorit...

În credinta au murit toti acestia, fara sa fi capatat lucrurile fagaduite, ci  doar le-au vazut si le-au urat de bine de departe, marturisind ca sunt straini si calatori pe pamînt.  Evrei 11:13-16


"Programul NASA pentru reasenelizare a fost anulat"

"Preºedintele Obama a propus, în mod oficial, abandonarea planurilor Statelor Unite de a pune astronauþi pe Lunã, prin închiderea programului Constellation. Argumentând cã trebuie fãcute anumite reduceri ale bugetului, administraþia Obama va utiliza metode de deplasare ale altor guverne, probabil ruseºti. Fondurile rãmase se vor duce în cercetarea ºi descoperirea unor modalitãþi mai ieftine de explorare a spaþiului."


Din pacate cand vine vorba de armata imediat se gasesc peste 650 miliarde dolari pe an, sau cand vine vorba de banci se arunca cu mii de miliarde de dolari... insa pentru spatiu nu se gasesc cateva zeci de miliarde.

Din pacate cred ca nici noi nu vom apuca sa vedem o noua aselenizare.... iar calatoria omului pe Luna va deveni o poveste spusa la gura sobei copiilor nostri...


   Lasa ca se duc indienii. Uite aici o stire:
Agenția Spațialã Indianã și-a prezentat planurile sale pentru urmãtorii ani, declarând în mod oficial intenția începerii unui program spațial cu echipaje umane spre Luna.
Adevarul este dincolo de noi



                                                                                        JOHN F. KENNEDY


"O piatră nu cade din cer.Sau,daca se intamplă să cada,atunci nu mai e piatră,ci aerolit."


Soarele ameninta sistemul GPS


Sursa originala: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/science-news/7204617/Stronger-radiation-from-the-Sun-will-cause-sat-navs-to-fail-scientists-warn.html

Retelele britanice de navigatie prin satelit ar putea experimenta, in scurt timp, probleme si intreruperi cauzate de nivelurile tot mai ridicate de radiatie venind dinspre Soare, avertizeaza oamenii de stiinta.

Expertii sunt de parere ca valurile de radiatii cauzate de flacarile solare interfereaza cu semnalele satelitilor de pe orbita Pamantului, cauzand colapsarea receptoarelor de la sol si pierderea informatiilor referitoare la coordonatele pozitiei.

Noul maximum solar, ce se prefigureaza pentru 2012, va orbi pentru un timp aparatele de pozitionare globala, provocand ratacirea unor soferi si accidente in trafic. Ar putea afecta, de asemenea, serviciile de urgenta, sistemele de supraveghere de mare precizie, transportul de marfuri si chiar operatiunile militare.

Profesorul Cathryn Mitchell, de la Universitatea din Barh, sustine ca efectele solare asupra navigatiei sunt greu de prezis, erorile si defectiunile putand dura ore si chiar zile. Totusi, expertii spun ca problema va fi mai degraba cauzatoare de dificultati decat un pericol real.

Semne ale interferentelor exista deja: cifrele arata ca anul trecut sistemele de navigatie prin satelit au fost acuzate de provocarea a 300 000 accidente in Marea Britanie. Mai mult, peste 1,5 milioane de englezi recunosc ca de multe ori au optat pentru schimbari bruste de directie, ca urmare a modificarii subite a indicatiilor date de dispozitivele lor GPS. Efectele sunt si vor fi sesizabile la nivel global, in grade diferite.
A studia ºi a nu gândi este o risipã. A gândi ºi a nu studia este periculos.


Aici trebuia sa pun ceva inteligent