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Creat de jackie28t, 12 Iulie 2006, 01:12:37

« precedentul - următorul »

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Imaginea aceasta din linkul de mai sus este interesantă.


Citat din: Xanadron din  11 Decembrie 2010, 12:54:51
Chiar interesant - ce ne ascunde Muzeul Smithsonian.
Care, dupa multi autori bine informati, inclusiv John Lear, n-ar fi deloc un simplu institut:


S-a deschis uşa, intrarea e libera


O știre veche (updated on 21-06-2019) dar interesantă:

Navy pilots used Raytheon tech to track a strange UFO

"Today Raytheon stands as a global technology leader specializing in defense, homeland security and other government markets."


Preluat de pe Reddit: https://gofile.io/?c=iGhLen

Se ia curentul în oraș apoi apare o lumină ce pare a fi de la o explozie.

Alt user:
CitatCred ca ii un solar flare, si in centru in Oradea o picat ieri curentul dar nu stiu daca ii coincidenta.


Sunt fulgere (descărcări electrice între nori sau în interiorul norilor).
Probabil că un trăsnet (descărcare electrică între nor și pământ) a lovit linia electrică de înaltă tensiune care alimentează zona și a dus la pana de curent.
distanța dintre a observa și a descoperi este cuprinsă între zero și infinit



pare a fi interesant

"Întâlnire online​
VIDEO. Cum se va schimba viața noastră după carantină? Radu Umbreș, doctor în antropologie socială la University College London, în dialog #deladistanta, joi, 9 aprilie, ora 12

Puteți adresa întrebări invitatului, în scris, până azi, 9 aprilie, la ora 12."


Cica ar fi sateliții 5G ai lui Elon Musk! Cineva din Maramures comenteaza: Imediat dupa ora 21.30 ( au trecut dinspre Vest spre Est )


E posibil ca niste cercetatori de la NASA sa fi descoperit dovezi ale existentei unui univers paralel


"During the balloon's third flight, scientists decided to look over the data from the previous flights again — specifically at the random noises it recorded. What they discovered, according to New Scientist, was something impossible. The signal wasn't coming down from space but up from the ground.

"That means that these particles are traveling back in time and could be evidence of a parallel universe," Tech Times reported."
"The publication wrote, "Explaining this signal requires the existence of a topsy-turvy universe created in the same big bang as our own and existing in parallel with it. In this mirror world, positive is negative, left is right and time runs backwards."

It's extremely rare that the signal might happen once, but the research team saw the phenomenon happen time and time again, leaving them with limited explanations, according TechTimes."

Practic au detectat niste semnale de particule de inalta energie dar care in loc sa vina cum s-ar fi asteptat, din spatiu, pareau ca vin din pamant. Teoria vehiculata e ca emisia de particule calatorea inapoi in timp si provenea dintr-un univers paralel aflat in oglinda cu al nostru si in care pozitivul e negativ, stanga e dreapta si timpul curge invers. Sigur, alti savanti se indoiesc de explicatia asta si considera ca omenirea pur si simplu nu e intr-un stadiu in care sa-si dea seama daca exista sau nu multiversul


Citat din: Guest din  21 Mai 2020, 11:24:07

De dragul discutiei si starnit un pic de graba cu care ai sarit sa "demolezi" teoria asta (care oricum nici nu ma ajuta nici nu ma incurca in vreun fel la momentul asta), in primul rand nu vad care e legatura cu razele gamma alea de le pomenisi prima data?

Apoi legat de articolul de mai sus, continutul si interpretarea unor surse din el nu prea bate cu titlul si cu ideea sustinuta de autor.

Daca ne uitam prin articol vedem ca de fapt nici savantii citati nu resping ipoteza unui univers paralel ci doar, unii dintr ei, spun ca ar putea exista si alte explicatii doar ca la stadiul actual nu pot sa-si dea seama care ar fi ele.

Vezi acolo fraze precum:

" There's another neutrino observatory at the South Pole, known as IceCube, which has been following up on the ANITA observations and suggests the standard model of physics cannot explain these strange events."

(asta pare sa scoata din schema explicatiile mai "pamantene")

"Pat Scott, an astroparticle phenomenologist at the University of Queensland, explains the idea "is plausible" while suggesting there are many, many other theories that can account for the anomalous ANITA detections. "There's nothing that necessarily makes it a detection of a parallel universe," he says."

(din nou, nu neaga de fapt posibilitatea existentei unui univers paralel, spune doar ca nimic nu sugereaza ca e singurul lucru necesar care explica fenomenul, deci ar putea fi asta sau ceva inca nedetectat/necunoscut)

""There are a number of potential candidate particles that could account for the results from ANITA," says Geraint Lewis, an astrophysicist at the University of Sydney.

"Whilst parallel universes sound exciting and sexy when discussing the ANITA signal, alternative ideas are still on the table," Lewis notes. He also says that doesn't mean the idea is wrong -- but the weight of evidence is currently against it."

din nou, nu neaga posibilitatea, doar spune ca nu au date si cunostinte suficiente pentru a o explica in vreun fel


Apreciez avantul demitizator dar in goana lui cred ca ai sarit peste niste puncte acolo.

Articolul de la care porneste popularizarea recenta apare din cate imi dau seama in New Scientist, o publicatie chiar serioasa (si tot englezeasca), din pacate e cu subscriptie si nu se poate citi tot articolul


din ce ai postat acolo, articolul din tabloid apare la vreo luna jumate dupa, fiind clar inspirat de acolo.

Tot aia au postat si mai inainte alte informatii despre descopririle de acolo


Si aici e inspirat tot din New Scientist si preia de acolo asta


"The bizarre phenomenon was reported by the NASA scientists, led by Peter Gorham, an experimental particle physicist from the University of Hawaii, as well as the principal investigator of the ANITA.
Even the discovery of the tau neutrino happened by accident, as Gorham and his team decided to investigate signals that have been dismissed as noise in the first two flights of the device, as noted by New Scientist."
"In an attempt to explain the strange happening, Gorham suggests that the particle changed into a different type before it passed through the Earth and then back again, which is the only way it could happen, but "not everyone was comfortable with the hypothesis."

It's extremely rare that it might only happen once, but the team has witnessed this phenomenon happen several times.

With that, the simplest and the most scientifically elegant explanation is linked to the parallel universe, wherein when the Big Bang happened, two universes were formed and that the other world runs in reverse."

deci tot niste oameni de stiinta, chiar dintre cei implicati direct in cercetari acolo, au venit cu ipoteza asta cu universul paralel despre care spun ca ar fi cea mai simpla si mai eleganta explicatie stiintifica. Sigur, e inca o ipoteza intre alte posibile explicatii nedescoperite inca, insa o ipoteza care nu e respinsa de nimeni ca fiind imposibila sau chiar improbabila


Articolul din New Scientist nu poate fi citit in detaliu, e cu plata deci nu stim exact ce scrie mai departe de primele paragrafe.

Insa ce ati postat cu Gorham e valid si din pct asta de vedere convingator, intr-adevar. As merge insa mai departe cu ideea pentru ca impresia mea e ca cercetatorii doar nu vor spuna direct lucrurl asta si incearca (aparent fara rezultat) sa gaseasca explicatii alternative, in timp ce unii dintre ei admit ca ipoteza unui univers paralel e plauzibila ori nu poate fi eliminata direct. Sigur, nici nu spun ca e dovedita direct



"The unusual ANITA events have been known and discussed since 2016," says Ron Ekers, an honorary fellow at CSIRO, Australia's national science agency. "After four years there has been no satisfactory explanation of the anomalous events seen by ANITA so this is very frustrating, especially to those involved."
"There's also another neutrino observatory at the South Pole, known as IceCube, which has been following up on the ANITA observations and suggests the standard model of physics cannot explain these strange events.

"In such a situation you start exploring even more extreme possibilities," says Ekers."
"Pat Scott, an astroparticle phenomenologist at the University of Queensland, explains the idea "is plausible" while suggesting there are many, many other theories that can account for the anomalous ANITA detections. "There's nothing that necessarily makes it a detection of a parallel universe," he says."


"When the ANITA events were detected, the main hypotheses were an astrophysical explanation (like an intense neutrino source), a systematics error (like not accounting for something in the detector), or physics beyond the Standard Model. "Our analysis ruled out the only remaining Standard Model astrophysical explanation of the anomalous ANITA events," says Pizzuto. "So now, if these events are real and not just due to oddities in the detector, then they could be pointing to physics beyond the Standard Model."

Cu alte cuvinte, explicatiile mai "pamantene" posibile si ceea ce se stie in (astro) fizica la data asta nu ofera un raspuns ori o explicatie satisfacatoare la ce s-a detectat acolo. Ca ei se feresc sa spuna ca e vorba de un univers paralel e adevarat, dar printre randuri se admite asta ca o posibilitate