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Hacker cauta dovezi despre OZN-uri in serverele NASA

Creat de cristi, 28 Aprilie 2006, 20:27:51

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stupid. nu poti face asta fara sa te astepti sa fii prins. chiar si The Mentor a fost prins:) si ce hacker era ala. ma rog. fiecare cu pasiunea lui.
ceea ce e mai ciudat insa: el a intrat sa caute ozn-uri. zice ca a gasit dar nu zice inca. ce prostie e asta? atunci de ce a mai intrat. asa cu totii stim ca exista....


US wins fight to extradite 'NASA hacker'  McKinnon   
By Robert Jaques | 4 April 2007 11:26AM

'Nasa hacker' Gary McKinnon is to be extradited to the US to face trial.

The computer enthusiast from North London has been defending himself against the order in the UK Court of Appeal, after Home Secretary John Reid determined in 2006 that the extradition should go ahead.

McKinnon will now be tried in the US on charges of breaking into and damaging US government computers.

McKinnon is alleged to have hacked into computers belonging to the US Army, US Navy, US Air Force, Department of Defense and NASA.

He claims that he broke into the networks only to uncover confidential information about anti-gravity propulsion systems and extraterrestrial technology which he believed the authorities were hiding from the public.

"The US government is taking a hard line on cyber-crime, and will not tolerate anyone trying to compromise its own computers.  McKinnon  really should have considered this before he went UFO hunting," said Graham Cluley, senior technology consultant at Sophos.

"This decision will doubtless send shockwaves through the hacking community but, irrespective of McKinnon's motivations, hacking is illegal in the UK and the US, and it's high time people started thinking twice before engaging in such activities."

A Sophos online poll in 2006 revealed that 52 per cent of IT professionals thought  McKinnon  should not be extradited, while 48 per cent said it was correct for him to face a US court.

SURSA: www.pcauthority.com.au
LINK: http://www.pcauthority.com.au/news.aspx?CIaNID=49246&s=McKinnon
Nu tot ce zboară şi este necunoscut este extraterestru.
All warfare is based on deception. -- Sun Tzu, 600 BC

All types of knowledge, ultimately mean self knowledge. -- Bruce Lee


IT workers back 'NASA hacker'  McKinnon   
By Matt Chapman | 11 April 2007 10:45AM

Fewer than half of IT professionals questioned in an online survey want 'NASA hacker' Gary McKinnon jailed for hacking.

A poll carried out by security company Sophos found that 48 per cent feel that jail is the most appropriate sentence if  McKinnon  is found guilty, while 42 per cent suggested community service and 10 per cent a fine.

McKinnon looks set to be extradited to the US to face trial for allegedly hacking into computers belonging to the US Army, US Air Force, Department of Defense and NASA, having lost his appeal to remain in the UK earlier this week.

The closely contested poll echoes a previous Sophos survey back in July 2006 regarding whether or not  McKinnon  should be extradited, which saw a close split between respondents: 48 per cent were in favour and 52 per cent against.

"The IT community can't seem to agree about what would be an appropriate punishment in this case, quite possibly because it's still unclear about how much damage Gary  McKinnon  is alleged to have caused, as well as the motivations behind the alleged crime," said Graham Cluley, senior technology consultant at Sophos.

"Irrespective of where he is tried, let's hope that if  McKinnon  is found guilty, it will be based on reliable evidence, and that he will be sentenced appropriately for the offences he is alleged to have committed."

SURSA: www.pcauthority.com.au
LINK: http://www.pcauthority.com.au/news.aspx?CIaNID=49246&s=McKinnon
Nu tot ce zboară şi este necunoscut este extraterestru.
All warfare is based on deception. -- Sun Tzu, 600 BC

All types of knowledge, ultimately mean self knowledge. -- Bruce Lee


"Bumbling" hacker speaks out at Infosec
by Konstantin Kornakov | Apr 27 2007 09:34 GMT

Gary McKinnon, the "bumbling nerd" who is due to be extradited to the US where he should face criminal charges over his illegal access to secret government computer networks, has appeared on a hacker's panel at the Infosec show in London. McKinnon lost his penultimate appeal at the UK's High Court at the beginning of April and could face some 70 years in a US jail as well as a significant fine over his hacking exploits of six years ago. His only open avenue left is with the Court of Appeal, which will decide whether to allow his extradition case to go before the House of Lords for a final hearing before the extradition finally goes through.

The Scot, who admitted breaking into military and NASA networks on many occasions between 2001 and 2002, spoke about the extradition process in what some American officials have called "the biggest military hack ever". At the Infosec show Mr McKinnon, who has always claimed that he was never out to cause any harm and had been merely looking for evidence of an official US government cover-up regarding UFOs, spoke of his belief that the US authorities have hiked the alleged damages caused by his hacking. According to McKinnon, the estimated $700,000 of damage is too large a sum, particularly as the cost of each machine he broke into has been set at $5,000, much higher than the actual market value of computers at the moment. There have been suggestions that this figure has been provided by the American side to meet standards which dictate that a jail sentence of a year or more has to be faced in order to ask for extradition.

Interestingly, attendees at the Infosec show have given their backing to Mr McKinnon via a survey, according to which nearly 75% of respondents think that evidence against him should be first heard at a British court and he should not be extradited. However, an earlier survey indicated that the IT security community was divided over the fate of the hacker, with 48% saying that he should be sent to jail, 42% suggesting community service and 10% believing a fine should be the punishment handed out.

PC Authority
The Register
ZdNet UK

SURSA: www.viruslist.com
LINK: http://www.viruslist.com/en/news?id=208274074
Nu tot ce zboară şi este necunoscut este extraterestru.
All warfare is based on deception. -- Sun Tzu, 600 BC

All types of knowledge, ultimately mean self knowledge. -- Bruce Lee

Marius MMG

Citat din: Seeker din  29 Aprilie 2006, 14:22:05
  Daca esti prins poti face ani buni de inchisoare si poti fi considerat terorist. Ati vazut, la sfarsit el a spus ca nu poate divulga tot ce a gasit deoarece, spune McKinnon, nu este momentul potrivit.


Dar de ce cum se pretinde ca se stie ceva, automat nu se poate face public pentru ca nu e momentul potrivit? Asa se zica ca In Vatican in subteran, sunt tinute secrete foarte multe evanghelii, desigur nu se fac publice pentru ca nu e momentul potrivit si pentru ca in ele se zice sa este scris totul altfel decat stiam noi pana acum...


Am repostat aici interviul cu Gary McKinnon:

LINK: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4PkNPCEnJM
Nu tot ce zboară şi este necunoscut este extraterestru.
All warfare is based on deception. -- Sun Tzu, 600 BC

All types of knowledge, ultimately mean self knowledge. -- Bruce Lee



I discovered names and ranks of non-terrestrial officers.
They were all very human-like - although I can't remember the details as my hard drive was seized by the police.
Nu tot ce zboară şi este necunoscut este extraterestru.
All warfare is based on deception. -- Sun Tzu, 600 BC

All types of knowledge, ultimately mean self knowledge. -- Bruce Lee


Credeti ca o institutie ca NASA isi pastreaza "secretele" pe un server accesibil de pe internet?


O mica paranteza. Din cate am citit, hacker este cel ce apara, iar cracker e cel care sparge.


Un hacker adevarat nu are cum sa fie prins.
Chiar daca folosesc tehnologii cu 5 ani mai avansate decat cele dupa piata, tot nu te pot prinde.
Chiar si el cand a fost intrebat daca mai erau si alti hackeri in acel sistem a raspuns ca da, apoi a fost intrebat de catre reporter de ce nu au fost prinsi si ei ? a dat un raspuns cat se poate de sincer ... nu au fost gasiti...

can't stop the signal ...


La data de 16 octombrie 2012, după o serie de proceduri legale în Marea Britanie, Secretarul de Stat Theresa May a retras extrădarea lui McKinnon către Statele Unite.



PS: După ce am publicat mesaju anterior despre McKinnon pe Forumul lui Lovendal şi pe RUFON am suferit un atac cibernetic:
1/3/2000 2:44:57> Firewall: Filter port scan attack!
1/3/2000 2:45:13> Firewall: Filter no port UDP packet!
1/3/2000 2:45:42> Last errorlog repeat 1 Times
1/3/2000 2:45:42> Firewall: Filter port scan attack!
1/3/2000 2:45:57> Firewall: Filter no port UDP packet!
1/3/2000 2:46:27> Firewall: Filter port scan attack!
1/3/2000 2:46:28> Last errorlog repeat 2 Times
Am instalat un nou firewall mai performant şi s-a rezolvat. Atacul se putea face numai cu conoştiinţa IP-ului meu, lucru pe care-l ştiu/văd adminii de aici şi de acolo. Aşadar unul dintre voi este vinovat!


R.P.D. (RUFOn Police Departament) e pe tine. Ancheta e in desfasurare. Ne vedem peste 29 de zile.  :evil:
Unul dintre capetele de acuzare: deconspirarea unor evenimente top secret aparute la stirile pro tv in urma cu un an.  :-D


Mamaaaaa, dom' Jeneral iar va atacat astia?  Sa vina men in blecii cu mulder si cu sculii ca nu se mai poate :lol: Bre terraflorine, n-am mai comentat de ceva vreme p'aciulea, caci am niste timp lipsa, dar asta "mi-a placut" bine rau de tot :lol: :lol:


Hai că am dat-o în pagina comică!  :-D