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Symbols of an Alien Sky/ Simbolistica cerului extraterestru - David Talbott

Creat de abyss, 08 Septembrie 2011, 11:53:55

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Din nefericire filmul e inca netradus... :-(
////Filmul lui David Talbott 'Symbols of an Alien Sky' studiaza in profunzime identificand "provocarea celesta" a istoriei noastre adevarate. Simbolurile reinvie si confirma geniul lui Immanuel Velikovsky. Cu o mare si chinuitoare atentie pentru detalii, Talbott rivalizeaza obsesia intelectuala si integritatea a mii de cronicari antici ce ne preseaza "sa ne amintim". Credibilitatea simbolurilor este in mod unic formidabila prin conectarea ferma a bibliotecii Epocii de Piatra cu Perioada Moderna si cosmologya acesteia sustinuta de fizicianul Anthony Peratt, Wal Thornhill si altii. Cu eruditie Simbolurile definesc o provocare catre ipotezele institutionale moderne, promovate si pazite de catre o gama pornind de la religii si ajungand la politica si zona academica si chiar dincolo de acestea. Ca si realizare fundamentala implinita prin acest film de catre Talbott putem concluziona ca aceasta ar putea fi reconectarea intregii umantitati catre ea insasi, catre adevarata ei istorie si catre ceea ce aceasta reconectare implica vizavi de viitor si bunastare.////

David Talbott's film 'Symbols of an Alien Sky' goes far beyond merely identifying "the celestial provocation" of our true history. Symbols resurrects and confirms the genius of Immanuel Velikovsky. With excruciating attention to detail Talbott rivals the intellectual obsession and integrity of the thousands of ancient chroniclers that are "urging us to remember." The credibility of Symbols is uniquely formidable as it firmly connects the library of the Stone Age to the Modern Age cosmology of leading edge plasma physicists Anthony Peratt , Wal Thornhill and others. With erudition Symbols defines an overdue and not-so-subtle challenge to modern institutional assumptions, promoted and guarded by the gamut from religion to politics to academia and beyond. As such Talbott's most fundamental accomplishment in 'Symbols of an Alien Sky' is the reconnecting of global humanity to itself; to its true history, and what that reconnection implies for our future peace and well-being.

David Talbott Symbols of an Alien Sky. 1/6

David Talbott - Symbols of an Alien Sky. 2/6

David Talbott Symbols of an Alien Sky. 3/6

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David Talbott - Symbols of an Alien Sky. 6/6