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In curand la Cinematograf!

Creat de jackie28t, 09 Aprilie 2006, 18:08:29

« precedentul - următorul »

0 Membri şi 5 Vizitatori vizualizează acest subiect.


un Sci-Fi ... un sfarsit sumbru al omenirii: http://www.cinemagia.ro/movie.php/I_Am_Legend?movie_id=16574&wnd=_default&hist=1  are ceva potential filmu asta  :-D
can't stop the signal ...


si actorul e pe masura :) Will Smith :)
Nu voi fi un om obisnuit, pentru ca am dreptul sa fiu extraordinar.


Citat din: alinutzu din  29 August 2007, 23:25:58
un Sci-Fi ... un sfarsit sumbru al omenirii: http://www.cinemagia.ro/movie.php/I_Am_Legend?movie_id=16574&wnd=_default&hist=1  are ceva potential filmu asta  :-D
Merci de instiintare alinutzu.Filmul pare interesant  :-D


din nou!
"În noaptea de 13 martie 1977, a fost înregistratã cea mai mare formaþiune de OZN din sudvestul SUA. Acest fenomen a fost observat timp de mai multe ore de cãtre conducãtorii comunitãtii si fortele de ordine la fel ca si de mii de cetãteni.
Acest film se bazeazã pe pe înregistrãrile audio fãcute în timpul sedintelor de hipnozã regresivã efectuatã asupra unui martor din acea noapte. Amintiri pe care persoana insistã cã sînt adevãrate... "





"Having escaped her abusive ex-husband Goss (Harry Connick Jr.), recently released from state prison, Agnes (Ashley Judd), a lonely waitress with a tragic past moves into a sleazy, run-down motel and her lesbian co-worker R.C (Lynn Collins) introduces her to Gulf War veteran Peter (Michael Shannon), a peculiar, paranoiac drifter and they begin a tentative romance. However, things don't always seem as they appear and Agnes is about to experience a claustrophobic nightmare reality as the bugs begin to arrive... "

Ce este interesant la filmul asta este faptul ca acest personaj principal (cu tendinte de paranoia) vorbeste despre Bilderberg:

Extras din film:

"[...] 29 mai 1954, un consorþiu de bancheri, industriaºi, directori executivi ºi politicieni, au avut o serie de întâlniri în 3 zile la hotelul Bilderberg în Oosterbeek, Olanda. Au fãcut un plan pentru a menþine status quo-ul. [...] Bogaþii se îmbogãþesc ºi sãracii sãrãcesc. Au fãcut un plan de manipulare a tehnologiei, economiei, mediei, controlul populaþiei, religia lumii, pentru a pãstra lucrurile aºa cum erau. Au continuat sã se întâlneascã o datã pe an în fiecare an de la prima tedinþã. Sub ordinele lor, CIA au adus oameni de ºtiinþã naziºti în SUA pentru a lucra cu armata americanã ºi cu Calspan, pentru a dezvolta un cip subdural de urmãrire. [...]"

LE. ATENTIE! Filmul contine scene de violenta, nuditate si consum de droguri.
Nu tot ce zboară şi este necunoscut este extraterestru.
All warfare is based on deception. -- Sun Tzu, 600 BC

All types of knowledge, ultimately mean self knowledge. -- Bruce Lee


Nu voi fi un om obisnuit, pentru ca am dreptul sa fiu extraordinar.


                Asta  e  mai  simpatic... :-D  Cu  ajutorul  tau    cred  ca   voi  da  la   jurnalism :-D


Citat din: baguvix din  20 Septembrie 2007, 12:40:46
La anu in primavara http://youtube.com/watch?v=_OKs8tMopn8 pt cunoscatori

nu pare a fi trailerul original :( , deoarece secventele sunt cele din seriale deja difuzate .. oricum, abia astept sa inceapa noul sezon(10) stargate SG-1  :-o
can't stop the signal ...


itzi sugerez sa intrii http://stargate.mgm.com/ pt trailer e de sec vor aparea la anul 2 filme stargate the ark of truth si continuum sunt deja post-production deci trebuiesc bagate efectele la filme ele fiind deja terminate ... www.imdb.com
Nu voi fi un om obisnuit, pentru ca am dreptul sa fiu extraordinar.


Diana: Last Days of a Princess (2007)


Ten years after the tragic accident that ended the life of Princess Diana, controversy and conspiracy still surround the events leading up to her death. But what isn't well known is what really was happening in Diana's own life those final days - who the people were that surrounded her and why, and ultimately how all the choices, emotions, places and events of her final few days are important to understanding the real Diana. Using full-scale drama and unprecedented access to key participants and witnesses, Diana: Last Days of a Princess sheds new light on the inside story behind the untimely demise of one of the 20th Century's greatest icons.
Nu tot ce zboară şi este necunoscut este extraterestru.
All warfare is based on deception. -- Sun Tzu, 600 BC

All types of knowledge, ultimately mean self knowledge. -- Bruce Lee


Transformers (2007)


A long time ago, far away on the planet of Cybertron, a war was being waged between the noble Autobots (led by the wise Optimus Prime) and the devious Decepticons (commanded by the dreaded Megatron) for control over the Allspark, a mystical talisman that would grant unlimited power to whoever possessed it. The Autobots managed to smuggle the Allspark off the planet, but Megatron blasted off in search of it. He eventually tracked it to the planet of Earth (circa 1850), but his reckless desire for power sent him right into the Arctic Ocean, and the sheer cold forced him into a paralyzed state. His body was later found by Captain Archibald Witwicky, and before going into a comatose state Megatron used the last of his energy to engrave a map, showing the location of the Allspark, into the Captain's glasses, and send a transmission to Cybertron. He is then carted away by the Captain's ship. A century later, Sam Witwicky, nicknamed Spike by his friends, buys his first car. To his shock, he discovers it to be Bumblebee, an Autobot in disguise who is to protect Spike, as he bears the Captain's glasses and the map carved on them. But Bumblebee is not the only Transformer to have arrived on Earth - in the desert of Qatar, the Decepticons Blackout and Scorponok attack a U.S. military base, causing the Pentagon to send their special Sector Seven agents to capture all "specimens of this alien race," and Spike and his girlfriend Mikaela find themselves in the middle of a grand battle between the Autobots and the Decepticons, stretching from Hoover Dam all the way to Los Angeles. Meanwhile, within the depths of Hoover Dam, the cryogenically stored form of Megatron awakens...
Nu tot ce zboară şi este necunoscut este extraterestru.
All warfare is based on deception. -- Sun Tzu, 600 BC

All types of knowledge, ultimately mean self knowledge. -- Bruce Lee


The Man from Earth (2007) (aka Jerome Bixby's The Man from Earth)


Un film cu buget redus, dar in care se prezinta un subiect interesant.

LINK: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njU5CsrYfKM
Nu tot ce zboară şi este necunoscut este extraterestru.
All warfare is based on deception. -- Sun Tzu, 600 BC

All types of knowledge, ultimately mean self knowledge. -- Bruce Lee


Nu cred ca va apare asa curand pe ecrane...
Scenariul e interesant....(il aveti atasat)


Citat din: bluemoon8520 din  11 Noiembrie 2007, 02:46:22
The Man from Earth (2007) (aka Jerome Bixby's The Man from Earth)


Un film cu buget redus, dar in care se prezinta un subiect interesant.

abia acum l-am terminat de vazut , foarte interesant...
intradevar cu buget redus  :lol: , actiunea se petrece la gura sobei  :lol:
daca o parte din ce se spune acolo ar fi adevarata ar putea rasturna cateva teorii  :roll:, in rest interesant
can't stop the signal ...



                                                                                        JOHN F. KENNEDY