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Free Energy Project

Creat de Quicksilver, 27 Februarie 2010, 15:47:21

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Asta cu "energia nu poate fi transmisa prin aer" e un nonsens. O facem de zeci de ani numai ca rutina nu ne lasa sa vedem asta.
Cel mai banal transformator de curent alternativ transmite energia de la o infasurare la alta ...fara contact, deci prin aer. Problema cred ca se poate pune altfel - randamentul factorului de transfer pe distante mai mari decat cei cativa cm din infasurarile unui transformator. Probabil savantii nu au gasit solutia optima pt transfer de energie la distante mari, cu adresa precisa (adica nu o scanteie aruncata "la gramada") si cu un factor de transfer de 80-90% din energia emisa care sa justifice scoaterea din calcul a cheltuielilor cu liniile de transport traditionale - adica eficienta. Solutii ineficiente probabil ca sunt...
Sa revenim la Tesla - si sa privim un pic dinamic evolutia situatiei.
- Pana la Tesla curentul electric exista sub forma de "curent contiinuu" si era transportat la consumator prin cabluri electrice. Asa cum a spus Tayca se aplicau legile lui Ohm pe diferente de potential si era considerat "consumator rentabil" ultimul dintr-o retea in care consumul pe liniile de transport nu transforma acest mijloc(de transport) intr-un consumator real (consumul pe liniile de transport > consumul la consumator) - adica pe distante relativ scurte.(parca max 20 km). Acest fapt ar fi dus la o dezvoltare a industriei energetice cu "centrale electrice" la fiecare raza de 20 km de consumatori.
- Din cate stiu Tesla, ca angajat a lui Edison, a primit acest proiect ca sarcina de servici - "rentabilizarea transportului CC la consumator" De aici a rezultat "curentul alternativ" ca varianta optima de transporta a energiei de la producator la consumator (evident au rezultat si variantele de taxare a consumatorului - lucru aflat la distanta mare de conceptele umaniste ale lui Tesla caredorea ca toata lumea sa se "aboneze la oceanul de energie care ne inconjoara").
- "Curentul alternativ" nu a fost cu siguranta varful tehnologiei gandite de Tesla. El a fost doar o solutie de moment care i-a dat savantului ragazul sa-si gaseasca finantarile (Morgan) pt punerea in aplicatie a variantei Wireles - sau altfel spus "energie gratuita pt toata lumea". In fata faptului implinit si a rezultatelor pozitive ale experimentului ...finantarea s-a oprit iar laboratorul (i-)a fost ditrus.
- Logica sub care Tesla, si cei care au urmat dupa el, au realizat inventiile pe domeniu cred ca o putem privi astfel
energie primara - procesare la emitator - emitere - cale de transfer/taxare - receptie - procesare la receptor - consumator (casnic/industrial).Toate formele de energie actuala respecta acesasta schema logica - fie ca e vb de "energie"  electrica/atomica/fosila sau informatie.
Problema majora a ramas insa aceeasi - cuantificarea in BANI a utilizarii produsului finit la consumator - iar lista cu savantii care au murit "suspect de sanatosi" pentru ca au optat pentru "energie gratuita pt toata lumea" - free energy - este extrem de lunga.
Cred in mod cert ca aceasta energie, acest "ocean de energie" in care plutim (cum spunea Tesla) exista. Ca nu avem factorul de transfer, ca nu stim sa translatam aceasta energie in utilizatorii nostrii casnici/industriali (construiti exclusiv pe "curent alternativ")  ca nu putem (si nu suntem educati sa putem...) gandi altfel decat in varianta Hertziana a curentului (energiei) electrice ... e alta poveste.
Ganditi-va doar la "bateriile Tesla" care alimentau autobuzele de transport persoane, sau la "bateriile de pamant" (asa numitele baterii "orgonice") ce alimentau primele telefoane din primul razboi mondial si o sa veti dimensiunea efortului depus pentru ascunderea cailor de a ajunge la "free energy".
- Si ca final o parere personala cu probabilitate 3-4 % - Timp de zeci de ani documente si teorii de acest fel au zacut in seifurile marilor companii transnationale sau a elitelor serviciilor de informatii. Nu s-a ajuns la nimic, sau la mai nimic - sau in nici un caz la aplicatiile pe care savanti ca Tesla, Gogu Constantinescu (sonicitatea) le-au avut in timpul vietii. Si pentru ca "logica" posesorilor de azi a acestor documente/teorii a ajuns la limita ... aceste documente "transpira" pe net - poate, poate vre-un traznit din nu stiu ce tara va da o solutie, va aprinde scanteia care sa rezolve/demonstreze teorii care zac de prea mult timp de la emiterea/realizarea/demonstrarea lor.

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free energy Steven Mark solid state generator video 2

Steven Mark says:

There is a book about Nicola Tesla "The Man Who Had Lightning in His Hand".
I suggest that you find a copy of that book and read it.

During an interview in 1894 Tesla said:

You will think me a dreamer and very far gone if I should tell you what I really hope for.  But I can tell you that I look forward with absolute confidence to sending messages through the earth without any wires.  I have also great hopes of transmitting electrical force in the same way without waste. Concerning the transmission of messages through the earth I have no hesitation in predicting success: I must first ascertain exactly how many vibrations to the second are caused by disturbing the mass of electricity which the earth contains.  My machine for transmitting must vibrate as often to put itself in accord with the electricity in the earth.

In a meeting of the National Electric Light Association, Tesla said:

We now know that electrical vibrations may be transmitted through a single conductor.  Why then not try to avail ourselves of the earth for this purpose?  We need not be frightened by the idea of distance.

A point of great importance would be first to know what is the capacity of the earth? and what charge does it contain if electrified?  If ever we can ascertain at what period the earth's charge, when disturbed, oscillates, with respect to an oppositely charged system or known circuit, we shall know a fact possibly of the greatest importance to the welfare of the human race."

I propose to seek for the period by means of an electrical oscillator or a source of alternating currents.  One of the terminals of this source would be connected to the earth, as, for instance, to the city water mains, the other to an insulated body of large surface.  It is possible that the outer conducting air strata or free space contains an opposite charge, and that, together with the earth, they form a condenser of large capacity.  In such case the period of vibration may be very low and an alternating dynamo machine might serve for the purpose of the experiment.  I would then transform the current to a potential as high as it would be found possible, and connect the ends of the high tension secondary to the ground and to the insulated body.  By varying the frequency of the currents and carefully observing the potential of the insulated body, and watching for the disturbance at various neighboring points of the earth's surface, resonance might be detected.

Should, as the majority of scientific men in all probability believe, the period be extremely small, then a dynamo machine would not do, and a proper electrical oscillator would have to be produced, and perhaps it might not be possible to obtain such rapid vibrations.  But whether this be possible or not, and whether the earth contains a charge or not, and whatever may be its period of vibration, it is certainly possible--for of this we have daily evidence--to produce some electrical disturbance sufficiently powerful to be perceptible by suitable instruments at any point on the earth's surface.

Bruce Cathie writes:

He [Tesla] discovered that a rate of 150,000 oscillations a second, which produced electrical pulsations with a wavelength of 2000 metres, was necessary to produce the effects he required in the transmission of usable power through the earth.

If we convert the wavelength of 2000 metres to a minute of arc, or nautical mile equivalent on the earth?s surface the result is 1.0792237.  The experimental value was therefore very close to 1.08 minutes of arc, or one twenty thousandth of the circumference of the earth, 21600 minutes divided by 1.08.

The exact number of cycles to obtain a 1.08 minute wavelength would be 149892.18 per second.  This would tune the transmitter in harmony with the world grid system.

In the early stages of my work I wondered why I could not obtain pure harmonics from all my calculations when dealing with physical substance ? that is, exactly 144 for the light harmonic etc. Tesla stated that it was not possible to obtain pure resonance or harmonic vibrations, because if this were so than matter itself would disintegrate. A certain amount of resistance must be allowed for it to prevent complete destruction of physical substance.

Steven Mark writes...

It is important that you note that you can never tune too closely to the exact frequencies of power conversion because the power received by the collector will instantly destroy it.  We instead must deliberately tune off the frequencies of conversion in order to make the thing properly work.

Bruce Cathie writes...

With a pocket sized vibrator, he [Tesla] told reporters, he could generate resonant tremors that could split the Earth in two.  He gave its resonance frequency as one hour and 49 minutes.  Whatever the plausibility of his Earth-splitting scheme, the rather precise estimate of the Earth's frequency turned out to be close to the mark, as was demonstrated during the great Chilean earthquake of 1960, when geophysicists were able to measure the time it took waves to travel back and forth through the Earth.

I wondered just what time base the Earth frequency was based on and after several calculations discovered that it was related directly with the yearly cycle of the Earth round the Sun of 365.25 days.

One Earth year = 365.25 days = 8766 hours
One hour 49 minutes = 1.8166 hour
8766 divided by 1.8166 = 4825.3211
Square root of 4825.32 = 69.464

In grid terms the reciprocal harmonic of the speed of light (144,000 minutes of arc per grid second, in free space, relative to the Earth's surface) is 69444444.

If we work backwards from this harmonic value, then:

69.444444 squared = 4822.5308
8766 divided by 4822.5308 = 1.8177178
1.8177178 hours = One hour 49 minutes 03.7842 seconds

The results are so close that I would venture to say that the resonant frequency of the Earth is directly related to the speed of light. 

Another interesting point that I believe we should note is that Tesla insisted that 60 cycles a second would be the most efficient frequency to use in all the alternators and motors produced from his patents.  There was much opposition to this from the manufactured and practical men in the field, but Tesla won his point and, to this day, 60 cycles a second is the frequency used in alternating-current transmission.

Why?  It has been found that one of the basic natural frequencies of the Earth is six cycles per second. Tesla picked a harmonic of 6 which would be the most practical.

6 cycles a second = 5.33333 cycles a grid second = 518400 cycles for one revolution of earth, or 27 grid hours

the square root of 518400 = 720 = 1440/2 = C(speed of light)/2 harmonic

Steven Mark states re: his earliest smallest unit:

These devices take energy from the natural magnetic field of the earth which has an inherent frequency... These basically tune into that and take the energy that is readily available from the earth's magnetic field and produce electricity from it.

Now I'm going to turn the device on through the use of a single magnet.

If you take this device and hold it in your hands, it vibrates ever so slightly.. right around 7.3 cycles per second.

Bruce L. Cathie quotes from "The Energy Grid, Harmonic 695, the Pulse of the Universe"


ma intereseaza si pe mine foarte mult o metoda usoara,simpla si la indemana de ecranaj magnetic.spre ex o banda din acel material bun izolator...de fapt aqm nevoie de bucati de 1x4 cm si cat mai subtiri posibile(2-3 mm)stiti vreun material care m-ar putea ajuta?


Citat din: denis_natea din  21 Octombrie 2012, 20:44:17
ma intereseaza si pe mine foarte mult o metoda usoara,simpla si la indemana de ecranaj magnetic.spre ex o banda din acel material bun izolator...de fapt aqm nevoie de bucati de 1x4 cm si cat mai subtiri posibile(2-3 mm)stiti vreun material care m-ar putea ajuta?

Incearca pe un forum de electronica si automatizari ... nu pe ... UFO & para-malaiata ...  :evil:




Acum sa te rezolv (o singura data si ultima) ....



Prin credinta a fost mutat Enoh de pe pamânt, ca sa nu vada moartea. Si n-a mai fost gasit, pentru ca Dumnezeu îl mutase. Caci înainte de mutarea lui, primise marturia ca este placut lui Dumnezeu.   Evrei 11:05