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Technical Remote Viewing TRV/ RV (vederea de la distanta)

Creat de jackie28t, 20 Septembrie 2008, 00:19:22

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Despre ''Remote Viewing'' vederea de la distanta

Pentru cei care nu stiu inca ce inseamna ''Technical Remote Viewing'' prescurtat TRV/RV adica vederea de la distanta poate gasi de pe legatura de mai jos o lecturare unde se prezinta chiar foarte bine ce inseamna ''Remote Viewing''.

Iar mai jos ve-ti gasi un documentar ce prezinta o intreaga istorie despre ''Remote Viewing''


CitatThe CIA get into everything first. This film gives a history of RV (Remote Viewing) America's Psychic Spies (Remote Viewing - 1997) Remote viewers claim to be able to visualize events occurring in distant places by using higher or paranormal powers they say are inherent in all humans. Remote viewing involves a "receiver," who visualizes a particular object anywhere in the world and, with the help of a "monitor," describes that item and its perceived location. That information is said to be useful in then determining the actual location of the item. The U.S. government has a long history of promoting and funding paranormal operations in such programs as the Stargate Project. This is a documentary from 1997 documenting how the U.S. military utilized (or at least tried to) remote viewing during the cold war.

Mai mult despre Remote viewing gasiti la Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Iar AICI pe aceasta pagina ve-ti gasi un mic documentar al unei echipe de Remote Viewers condus de Ed Dames unde in numai cateva ore toti se straduiesc prin vederea de la distanta sa gaseasca ramasitele unei fetite care a fost rapita de mult de un criminal.

Remote Viewing investigation unit, operated by retired military intelligence officer, Major Ed Dames.Dames is called in. Only accepting a few public operations a year, these cases have never previously been seen by public eyes as usually the presence of news and camera crews are restricted. This behind-the-scenes look into the world of professional Remote Viewing is truly an unprecedented peek into what really goes on behind closed doors.

Iar Website'tul oficial si cei care au adus defapt public ''Remote Viewing'' sunt defapt si unii de la:


Singura concluzie pe care o pot trage este cã sfârºitul programului de Remote viewing coincide cu începutul erei digitale .
Tehnologia a bãtut Paranormalul .:lol:
Science is the great antidote to the poison of enthusiasm and superstition.
(Adam Smith)