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Wake up sheeple!

Creat de daniel, 06 Septembrie 2008, 04:12:08

« precedentul - următorul »

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\We are all mind-conciousness-systems obeying to programs written in our dna which is effected by magnetic fields from everything that "exists" (in particular the planets and stars, hence astrology) , in some way you are the person you are today due to the positions of the stars /moon/sun and time all altering your dna code,which is passed down through your parents and forefamily to you.interestingly this is why we have such common FEARS such as heights, water, insects/lizards, cluastraphobia etc, all physiological traits passed down due to the experiance our ancient ancestors went through when the "great flood" happened and this "war of the gods" began before the fall of "atlantis". we must accept this fact that we are all systems running from chemical programs in our dna/ brains supporting "seperation" and further harming each other mostly because we cant even love ourselves anothers respect anothers view of "reality" . DO I SEE THE SAME COLOUR RED AS YOU DO?

with the internet now we can effect anything at any time/place of the world by those we speak to and then altering their view/ personality in turn they which will affect another they and further adjust the "mind-conciousness-systems"(MCS's) .
singularity would have it that soon we will emmerge as techno-biological (not sure if thats even a term ) beings bridging this gap we once did not have ,is the internet not in someway a form of psychic ability ,in order to contact another on the other side of the world?

WE ARE ALL ONE and how you affect yourself and the world around you will affect everything and everyone in return. so thank you all for even having this convosation or any debate that happens on any forum at all EVER, you are breaking down this Mind-conciousness-system which supports devide and seperation by even contemplating any of the subject.

Due to that fact alone we are changing this world.
The question is are we going to find out the answer together as the unifield field beings we are and break down this "system" which harms all of us in some way?
OR are we all going to put each other down without truly listening to each other further wating to have our lives taken away and allow these fucking tyrannts to get away with this cataclysmic lollipop being taken from a baby ?

HERES A friggin' POLL FOR US ......

answers on the back of a fucking card and send to NWO , P.O. BOX - YOUR FUCKING PLANET!

sorry for my language and dramatics. i love you all even if i dont like some of ya  but if we dont find out the "truth" SOON we are going to be sitting in a concentration camp or in a reptilian (or whatever you like) sacrificial ritual about to get bummed to next week.


Citat din: daniel din  06 Septembrie 2008, 04:12:08

\We are all mind-conciousness-systems obeying to programs written in our dna which is effected by magnetic fields from everything that "exists" (in particular the planets and stars, hence astrology) , in some way you are the person you are today due to the positions of the stars /moon/sun and time all altering your dna code,which is passed down through your parents and forefamily to you.interestingly this is why we have such
answers on the back of a fucking card and send to NWO , P.O. BOX - YOUR FUCKING PLANET!

sorry for my language and dramatics. i love you all even if i dont like some of ya  but if we dont find out the "truth" SOON we are going to be sitting in a concentration camp or in a reptilian (or whatever you like) sacrificial ritual about to get bummed to next week.

Searching for your source of copy & paste action, (you forget to tell us), I found this:

where user "jesta_g" says that words (and even more).

But this is not so important (just the fact you forget to say your copy&paste source)

The first post in that page, from the user "Sebastian", confirm to me a hunch...

looking from other posts of Sebastian at DavidIcke forum, just bingo!

So, Daniel, please allow me to call to your real name, Sebastian, aka SEVASTASE !

Citat din: daniel din  06 Septembrie 2008, 04:07:38
Eu nu sunt userul Sevastase

Aparent avem idei similare, si mai aparent este ca ti-a intrat asa de tare in cap ca il pomenesti chiar daca nu mai e pe forum ...[/color]dar asta are de a face doar cu faptul ca esti o fiinta plapanda din punct de vedere spiritual

Eu te inteleg sa stii, chiar te compatimesc

Tactica ta clasica de a gasi sandwichuri cu o felie de adevar intre 2 minciuni sau o minciuna intre 2 felii deadevar este clasica, veche si total previzibila...la fel si incercarile de discreditare

Iti sugerez sa gasesti ceva mai original

Sunt insa ciurios de ce cu toate ca insulti pe fatza, nimeni nu iti atrage atentia

Probabil te culci cu cine trebuie

Sau poate esti asa de complexat de propriile tale limitatii ca incerci sa tragi pe toata lumea in jos cu tine

Ideea postarilor mele este simpla...Marte are un sistem subteran imens perfect operabil, probabil inca opereaza, construit de cei de pe Sirius A, acum cca 500000 de ani ...

Per ansamblu, incerc si eu si sevastase si alti cativa sa atragem atentia asupra faptului ca am fost si suntem mintiti,si cei care artrebui sa ne protejeze sunt exact cei care ne vor raul....direct sau indirect instrumentand o agenda care e mult mai mare veche si complexa...

So, you are a liar, or suffer from multiple personalities...and just say all that to you because i smell not for yesterday the "troll" that you are, the "player with the childs minds"....

Da, Sevastase=Daniel, ai mintit sau suferi de multiple personalitati, si iti spun asta aici, pemtru ca te-am mirosit mai de la inceputuri ca esti un "troll", un tip care se joaca cu mintile naive ale celorlalti, care promoveaza obscurantismul si care, a doua oara, ma ameninta pe mesaje private.
Daca sunt si lucruri adevarate in ceea ce spui, atunci e mare pacat, pentru ca ai un stil mai mult decat diabolic si manipulator, plin de minciunele si interpetari tendentioase (si ti-am semnalat la momentul respectiv, sunt pe topicuri),  cu care, as putea spune, chiar faci rau, bagatelizand si ducand in derizoriu subiecte sensibile.

David Sereda: "Evidence - The case for NASA UFO's" ... Evidence ?!


Wow ...you definetly blew the investigation right open hahahhaha

Ever thought I might be jesta_g ? you must one illiterate gramatically challanged dummy ...

My real name is actually Daniel ...

You also are quite paranoic as I said that you are absolutely obsessed with Sevastase and his posts ...

[...] ;)


Yes, of course, you continue to deceive.... :D

Because, when I found user Sevastase on that page on that forum ( http://www.davidicke.com/forum/showthread.php?t=30521&page=6 )  i just saved that post.... for eventualities.
It was this:

(i've just blured a little your body, to respect some privacy)

Now, at the moment of this post, YOU changed your avatar (picture), and this is it:

(why doesn't surprise me with your sexual jokes?)

So, now, it is more clear that you, Daniel, are Sebastian, aka Sevastase, but, it seems that you are a real shapeshifter!!!  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

David Sereda: "Evidence - The case for NASA UFO's" ... Evidence ?!


I proudly present to you: Mr. Sherlock Holmes  :-D


Citat din: daniel din  09 Septembrie 2008, 00:18:50
[...] ;)

Please use an appropriate language here, otherwise your message will be deleted without further notice.

Citat din: Fr0styan
I proudly present to you: Mr. Sherlock Holmes 

...and same for you (do not spam)!
Nu tot ce zboară şi este necunoscut este extraterestru.
All warfare is based on deception. -- Sun Tzu, 600 BC

All types of knowledge, ultimately mean self knowledge. -- Bruce Lee



Depth of Field e absolut obsedat de mine,sevastase si pe cine a mai gasit el pe forumul ala ....

cred ca e obsedat de oricine nu e de acord cu el, si o ia razna de furie cand isi da seama ca e ridicol

Cred ca ai citit prea multe carti cu Sherlock Holmes ....

Poate investighezi si ne zici si noua cine l-a impuscatpe jfk ? sau si aia era paredolia si de fapt l-a strangulat hahahahahaha


Citat din: daniel din  09 Septembrie 2008, 02:05:13

Depth of Field e absolut obsedat de mine,sevastase si pe cine a mai gasit el pe forumul ala ....

Da, recunosc, ti-am acordat cu mult prea multa atentie, am consumat mult prea mult timp pentru oameni ne-onesti ca tine, si am facut asta nu pentru ca meriti atentie, ci pentru ca iti cersesti atentie prin mai tot ceea ce spui si minciunile pe care le sustii. Am hranit trollul din tine. Si am sperat ca poate mai putina obscuritate si iluzie vor fi pe acest forum, unde intra si copii usor influentabili, daca arat oameni ca tine si modul parsiv cum intretii aceste deturnari. Vorbesti de mind-control? Pai asta faci! Pacat ca ti se permite sa-ti faci jocul... inteleg si de ce ...
David Sereda: "Evidence - The case for NASA UFO's" ... Evidence ?!


Top Legal Expert: "President Obama ... Says That He Can Kill [Any American Citizen Without Any Charge and] On His Own Discretion. He Can Jail You Indefinitely On His Own Discretion"

December 21, 2011
Source: Washington's Blog

Mirrored at:    http://www.blacklistednews.com/Top_Legal..../0/0/0/Y/M.html

Government Says It Can Assassinate or Indefinitely Detain Americans on American Soil Without Any Due Process of Law

I've previously noted that Obama says that he can assassinate American citizens living on U.S. soil.
This admittedly sounds over-the-top. But one of the nation's top constitutional and military law experts – Jonathan Turley – agrees.

•Is the second most cited law professor in the country
•Has worked as both the CBS and NBC legal analyst during national controversies
•Ranks 38th in the top 100 most cited 'public intellectuals' in a recent study by a well-known judge
•Is one of the top 10 lawyers handling military cases
•Has served as a consultant on homeland security and constitutional issues
•Is a frequent witness before the House and Senate on constitutional and statutory issues

Turley said yesterday on C-Span (starting at 15:50):
"President Obama has just stated a policy that he can have any American citizen killed without any charge, without any review, except his own. If he's satisfied that you are a terrorist, he says that he can kill you anywhere in the world including in the United States.

Two of his aides just ... reaffirmed they believe that American citizens can be killed on the order of the President anywhere including the United States.

You've now got a president who says that he can kill you on his own discretion.
He can jail you indefinitely on his own discretion."

Trăim pe-o planetă nebună - opriţi-o să mă cobor !!!


Per ansamblu, incerc si eu si sevastase si alti cativa sa atragem atentia asupra faptului ca am fost si suntem mintiti,si cei care artrebui sa ne protejeze sunt exact cei care ne vor raul....direct sau indirect instrumentand o agenda care e mult mai mare veche si complexa...

"The history of our race, and each individual`s experience, are sown thick with evidence that a truth is not hard to kill and that a lie told is immortal." Mark Twain


Citat din: dab270277 din  22 Decembrie 2011, 14:19:30
Per ansamblu, incerc si eu si sevastase si alti cativa sa atragem atentia asupra faptului ca am fost si suntem mintiti,si cei care artrebui sa ne protejeze sunt exact cei care ne vor raul....direct sau indirect instrumentand o agenda care e mult mai mare veche si complexa...


You're absolutely right, dab272077, but... you are now posting in the English Section of RUFOn!!!
A mistake made also by myself recently. :-D

P.S. I'm not at all the sheep begging for protection from the Big Bad Wolf. :-P
The only cure of slavery remains ACTION - even if at an individual level and, subsequently, somehow inefficient. :roll:
Trăim pe-o planetă nebună - opriţi-o să mă cobor !!!


About the
CitatWe are all mind-conciousness-systems
   Here is an extract from a fictional work - in fact you'll have to decide if is fictional, or not  :-D


A telling exert from the novel: 'Behold The Cosmic Wave' by S J McAuliffe

RANDY BLOOM:  I'm going to play for you some audio here that backs up exactly what I've been telling you is the truth.  This is a lecture given to some media students over in London England, at the prestigious Goldsmiths College, the speaker is Maynard Foxx; the guy who just bought the second biggest mainstream news organisation in America, so listen up...

(There immediately follows audio of Maynard Foxx's address to the Goldsmiths University students of Media and Culture)...

   I own your thoughts.
   Each and every one of you.

   I look around and what I see pleases me –uniformity.  With the occasional smattering of what some of you think passes for individuality.
   But it's not individuality.  It's just a release valve; and guess what? – We created that very release-valve.     Your rebellion is not your own.
   You see, we don't dictate any one thing: That would be silly and pointless.  What we do is we control the rebellion as well as the status quo.
   Why do you think Chè Guevara became a cultural icon?  Because bastards like me realised they could oh-so-easily divert the anger of the masses with iconography.  You want revolution? – Put a poster on your wall and wear a revolutionary t-shirt (mass produced, you understand – one does have to turn a profit after all!)


   You laugh, but it's true: your thoughts are owned.
   When it was decided that your parents or – God forbid – grand-parents had outlived their damp-squib revolution: we hit them with unfettered and celebratory consumerism.
   I sat in your charming University corporate-franchised café earlier: and just observed. –And listened.
   You talked passionately about your new shoes; your trainers, your things.  You caressed your status-symbol cell-phones and your gadgets.  And guess what? –I heard not one mention of politics, yet alone revolution, not from any of you: You, who will leave this university saddled with debt; you who will begin your adult lives effectively as property of the state.
   But that's okay.
   In fact it's great.
   It was enough to gladden my stony-heart, I can tell you that.


   But it's true: You are owned.  And the funny thing is: you don't care.
   I mean, it was engineered that way – - that you wouldn't care: but we did actually think you'd put up more of a fight.
   I guess we never realised how good our advisors really were.
   But this goes back over decades really; a slow drip, drip, drip...
   We made your parents actually believe that their thoughts were their own, while we subtly steered them, and steered them all the time.
   But you – you don't really care one way or the other, do you?  You dose everything with a helping of detached irony, but your every thought, your every deed is mannered; learnt from TV and the internet.
   If I were, tomorrow, to hand-pick some of my most visible celebrities and send each of them out to be photographed by the mass media with kettles strapped to their heads; within a few days you'd start to see some of the much-admired 'trend-setters' amongst you begin to promenade doing exactly the same.  At least one of you would be, this time next week sat in your franchised university coffee shop: feigning casualness – with a kettle strapped to your head.


   You laugh, but it's true.
   Okay, here's a little test; it requires honesty.
   One person, just one: Raise your hand and tell me ONE thought, ONE SINGLE THOUGHT that you have had recently – that you could describe as original.
   Go on; hands up.


   See, you're laughing because you're nervous – you don't like silence – that was by design too.
   We wanted a generation afraid of silence; suspicious of contemplation. We succeeded there too.
   Still waiting on the original thought-thing.  –No? –No takers?
   Well of course not.  –Thank you for your honesty.
   You see, your greatest ambition is to be valued by your peers.  To that end you have denied your own habits and desires; buried your suspicions.
   That's why I say, I own your thoughts; because I do.
   And you love me so much for it, you invite me here, you treat me like a visiting guru; and hang off my every word.
   It's just a satisfying confirmation for me, that the great work pioneered by the likes of Edward Bernays has borne such sweet fruit.  I merely carry the torch; I never lit it; I just ensure its flame keeps burning on my watch.
   Now, onto sex:
   Many of you, no doubt, though conservative in thought; are very liberal in deed – especially when it comes to sex.
   Some of you here tonight will experiment in some form of sexual kink, or perversion. You will think yourself something of a libertine in your actions; not even suspecting that those very kinks and perversions have been carefully placed by the mass media to trigger the very reaction that you will have.
   You are robot libertines; unwittingly taking your cues from programs you cannot comprehend.
   As I say, I own you.
   If I own your behaviours it is because I own your thoughts, and if I own your thoughts, I own your soul.
   Your speech patterns; your dress codes; your rebellion; your ideological beliefs (as meagre as they are); your 'political correctness' – think about where the term political correctness came from:  It was a form of political thought control from Marxist Russia and Maoist China.  Tens of millions, maybe hundreds of millions of people were killed for merely not adhering to this form of mass mind-control. 
   Our techniques these days are more subtle.
   We realised the hive-mind, if cultivated properly, could be self-regulating; and so we set-up a system of subtle indoctrination.
   You are the products of that.
   As a result, none of you here today are capable of original or individual thought.  You are therefore perfect for the world you are so determined to enter.  The world of media; of programming (both television and mental programming); having been weaned on a self-regulating culture, you are the most perfect people to judge future output.
   And if you do happen to put a step wrong, to forget your cultural conditioning; your peers and companions here will be the first to tell you; to criticise you; and if you persist – they will ostracise you.  The system is so finely balanced that it is almost never necessary for we, the controllers (Television and mind-controllers) to step in.
   You are now self-regulating entities: You are both jailer and prisoner.  The programming is now more subtle, but always ongoing; a slow drip, drip into the consciousness; just to keep you topped up.  Of course in times of crisis: Unpopular overseas wars; economic ruin by the financial elite etcetera; then the programming is ramped up; the media whips up the more susceptible in society who in turn will turn on those who question the state: Words like unpatriotic and appeaser; even terrorist are banded about; and we, the controllers sit back, fold our arms and smile: Knowing full well that we control the mob; we turn the right keys, press the right buttons, set up the best distractions – and let you guys do the rest.
   You know, there is a story from ancient Rome:
   You know Rome? – The place where they wore sandals and Russell Crowe was a gladiator?


   What worries me is that many of you can't even remember Russell Crowe.


   Actually, it doesn't worry me – it's just how we like it.  Anyway, back in Rome: this one wise senator came up with the idea: 'Hey, why don't we get all the slaves in Rome to wear a white arm band? That way we could recognise all the slaves among us.'
   A still wiser senator took him to one side and whispered in his ear:
   "If we did that, they'd look around and see how many of them there are, and how few of us..."
   Consequently, of course, the idea was scrapped.
   It was a crap idea.


   But the same principle plays out today; never let them know how many like minded souls there are among them.
   There are millions; and be in no doubt: The establishment fear them.  They fear the ones who can't be put to sleep.  That's why they work overtime to keep the majority mired in ignorance and distracted by triviality.  And that's why they come to me:  I provide the cakes and circuses.
   But also the fear:  Via television news we create a feeling of helplessness within the individual; this leaves them either defeated or desperate for distraction: Either way we win.
   This is what I mean when I say, I own you.
   Those among you still capable of cognoscente thought may be wondering: 'If he says there are millions who can't be put to sleep, how does he know that I'm not one of them?'
   I'll tell you how I know: You're third year media students.


   So, if you're lecturers and convenors have done their jobs properly; and I have no reason to doubt they have – that's over two years of more-or-less prolonged indoctrination.  I am virtually certain that after undergoing that level of indoctrination, following on from the mandatory indoctrination of your various schools; and of course the ongoing bombardment of media indoctrination – you can't help but be incapable of individual thought.
   Again: We like that.


   So, having said what I wanted to say: I'm wondering if I managed to ruffle anyone's feathers here today.  So, how about a quick straw poll?  -A show of hands please.
   Following what I've just told you – how many here today, still would like, after graduating, as I'm sure you all will (you've paid good money for it after all), how many among you would still like to find employ within the mass media, despite all my goading?
   Show of hands please.
   Yes, thank you.
   Oh, well – virtually unanimous.
   Thank you.
   I suppose the ones who didn't raise their hands are doing their 'not part of the herd' thing.  –But we all know, they're just the kettle-on-the-head brigade anyway, so ignore them.


   Well, thank you, you have greatly reassured me here today.
   If you have any questions, please direct them to someone else.
   Thank you.



   So, where do you think the dream, the fictional world ends-up and where does the real life starts ?
   When are you going to wake-up from this nightmare and start a new journey in a new beautiful "dream" ?
"The end is the beginning of all things, Suppressed and hidden, Awaiting to be released through the rhythm Of pain and pleasure." - Jiddu Krishnamurti


Re-discovering me too (Honni soit qui mal y pense, Siberia :wink:) how easy is to trick the requirements of the 2.9 RUFOn law :-D by posting without the need of any translation in the English Section, here I am bringing a load of Jay Weidner stuff about the Archons. :evil:
Good stuff I'd rather say, even if I don't fully agree with some details.
Hoping that I'll be someday able to point out these disagreements on the normal romanian section, here-s the Rense's interview with Weidner:

Rise of the Archons

An interview with Jay Weidner on Rense Radio
Rense: Many people have heard the term "Archon" but would be hard-pressed to define it. What is an Archon?

Weidner: To begin with, I would draw attention to two articles on your site: The Global Coup d'Etat and the one about ownership of the world. The Queen of England owns one sixth of the non-ocean surface of the world; and keep that in mind as we go into the Archon subject. The Archons were whispered about in texts after the burning of the library at Alexandra with some mention of mysterious beings called Archons. But the powers that be spent 1,300 years cleaning up the records and had written out the Archons from our history. In 1947, texts were found in clay jars in Nag Hammadi in Egypt and, on these texts was a story of what the Nag Hammadi people, 2,000 years ago, thought the world was about.

The reason the Nag Hammadi texts, which date back 2,100 years (100 BC), are so important is that no-one has been able to put a spin on it [the texts have not been altered, destroyed or omitted as in the Bible], no-one has been able to distort or destroy them which is what they'd really like to do [to keep the information and knowledge from the masses]. Luckily, they survived, were successfully translated and when many people read them, they found a clear and defined discussion of what these Archons are. The texts had been buried in a deep cave in Egypt, in order to protect the most important information that they had.

Rense: There are 13 codices containing over 50 texts, which is quite a substantial amount of writing.

Weidner: A highly descriptive document of an entirely different world [from the one we know]. People don't realise that, 2,000 years ago, there was a religion on this planet called Gnosticism, which was the biggest religion on earth at the time, was vying with Hinduism. You could go take a university course on the history of religions now and wouldn't even find a mention of Gnosticism. The Nag Hammadi texts provide a description for what the Gnostics believed. Gnostic is a Greek word meaning knowledge – gnosis. The Gnostics believe that liberation can only be achieved by knowledge, by the consumption and evaluation of reality through knowledge. The library at Alexandria was run by Gnostics and they were the first people to collect scrolls and books and assemble this information. Their culture spread throughout Europe and the Middle East. This was long before the advent of the Western religions outside of Judaism which was mostly concentrated in Israel. Gnostics preached that there was an invasion that occurred about 3,600 BC and, about 1,600 years before the Nag Hammadi texts were buried, they wrote that this invasion was like a virus and, in fact, they were hard pressed to describe it. The beings that were invading were called Archons. These Archons had the ability to duplicate reality, to fool us. They were jealous of us because we have an essence of some kind, a soul, that they don't possess, and the Nag Hammadi texts describe the Archons. One looks like a reptile and the other looks like an unformed baby or a foetus. It is partially living and partially non-living and has grey skin and dark, unmoving eyes. The Archons are duplicating reality so that when we buy into it, when we come to believe that the duplicated, false state reality is the real reality - then they become the victors.

Rense: How are they duplicating reality? Is it by using consciousness?

Weidner: Yes, according to the texts, they can get into people and can manipulate people to do things very suddenly that are very odd. But also they are actually responsible for the deterioration of culture, so unlike the culture of the ancient Greeks or Chinese but a cheap façade of a culture. As the Archonic presence has spread across the earth and has escalated in the 20th century, you can see that they are responsible for sprawl and the mass ugliness that is everywhere.

Television is an example of Archonic imitation.

Humans are imitated on television but the imitation is altered and is nearly always obscene and profane because the Archons not only do not understand the sacred but they hate it. They are jealous of the natural world and of human beings with the natural world. Also of sexual relationships: loving couples make them angry and they love violence and are sexually titillated by anger and war and death. They create war to consume energy from the dying.

Rense: The Archons seem to be making their big move now, at this time. You can find out about the Nag Hammadi Library on the Internet, which is the living record of the great Gnostic movement. Gnostics and Templars seem to have been all but cleansed from history. How, in the texts, have the Archons been described as coming here? Is there any reference to their mode of transit, travel?

Weidner: Supposedly, they live or lurk outside the inner planets near Saturn i.e. in our solar system. The Gnostics thought that Jehovah was an alien, off planet, demon and that he was a fake god – a masquerading Archon again - duplicating reality. They did believe in God, they believed in what they called the one true God and that's how they always defined it. Interestingly, Jesus defined his belief as being of the one true God, always delineating it. I believe many of the stories of Jesus are actually Gnostic myths about a possible rebellion against the Archons who came down very severely on the rebel.

So the Archons were released somehow from a prison – and this is probably what The Book of Enoch is about – where he said he took the demons and locked them in a box but that they would come back at the end of time. Jesus was very interested in relating this idea that something was going to happen at the end of time. So you see this illusion going on and then we see also that when Sitchin translated the texts, the cuneiform tablets, that the Annunaki are probably also the Archons. So we can learn more about the Archons by reading about the Annunaki who came here and altered us genetically [using our DNA] so that they could make slaves of us. So we can work out a picture of what these Archonic forces are. They were somehow successfully quelled and then began their re-emergence and they are as close to immortal as we could understand and that's why their plan is so precise but they needed time to gain power because, the people of the earth were essentially Gnostics who were resistant to, and didn't believe in the "religion" that was being foisted on them where they must be fearful of an angry, war god called Jehovah. But eventually, the forces of Jehovah conquered the last of them and now they are pretty much in control of the system and are getting ready for the final, gleeful [sarcastic] orgy of despair and horror [imposed upon humans] which is what they like. So, following Tim Rifat and his horrific description of what is about to happen. This is very appropriate, very accurate because this is exactly what they want to occur.

When I did a show for the History Channel last year, I shot it so that it would not end up making people fearful. I shot it so that it didn't have any fearful footage and they went behind my back and they shot more footage without my knowing and they filled this special, for which I was one of the producers, resulting in two hours of terrorising fear. This is the head of a major network. I think the Archons are involved in some bizarre pornography where they are here and they are perverting us and enjoying every last second of it and we're letting it happen and I don't know if there's any escape from it because now they've made it almost desirable to be violent and perverted and sick.

Rense: Ask any young person what their life is like and you will hear much of what Jay Weidner is describing. There was a news story, the average 14-year old watches an average of one and half hours of hard core porn per week. There are current terms that we use which could be ascribed to Archon activity: Zionists, megalomaniacs, but this evil that we're talking about certainly has been around for a long, long time.

Weidner: It's highly organized and beyond human and one of my reasons for delving more deeply into the subject, was that I could see that the organization was just too effective and too trans-generational

[to be earthly] and that's when I found John Lamb Lash's book, which I highly recommend, called "Not in His Image" about the Nag Hammadi and the Archons. We must realize that we can tell which ideas are the truest by how much they are repressed. When they are suppressing an idea, a language, or individuals [or a way of being] you know you have accessed the truth or that individual is portraying the truth. The Gnostics were completely wiped out. One group of people that were exposing that they were being invaded by these duplicators, these Archons – were wiped out of history. They were wiped out completely. They called them pagans and other names but that is not what they named themselves, which was Gnostics who were very knowledgeable. They knew at the center of the galaxy were millions of stars, they knew how far the sun was from the earth. They were incredibly advanced people and the undertow of this one war-god religion spread across the entire world and now it's going to burn itself up in a conflagration where all the Jehovah worshiping religions are going to murder each other – which has always been the point.

I really hate to say this but we have all been fooled. The whole idea that some kind of messiah is going to come to save us is an Archon trick to make you think you don't have to do anything about your present situation, no accountability. Maybe some supernatural force will come but I think you have to look at how this oppression occurred and why it was written out of history. When you begin to look back, you realize the early Christian, from the time of Jesus to the time of Constantine in 310 AD, they were preaching that they did not worship Jehovah; they worshiped the one true God. It could be argued that the early Christians were actually Gnostic followers of Jesus instead of what we, today, call Christians. The entire New Testament was completely rewritten by Constantine and all of the information on the Archons was removed and the ideas of Jehovah being a cruel god were lessened. This is a fact. The Nag Hammadi texts are older than the New Testament by 400 years. The New Testament that we have today wasn't concocted until about 350 AD. When you go back to the Nag Hammadi, it doesn't have the sin factor; they say what they really think.

Rense: The issue of someone coming here to save us, whether it's the second coming of Christ, a spiritual master or ET which may be the most sorry line of them all. This is the most damaging of all to take humans off the hook of responsibility.

Weidner: I agree. It's an abuser/abused relationship. What these religions have done is beat us with a stick with nails and, whilst they are beating us, they are telling us they love us and that they are doing it because they love us. It's a trick, a reversal of reality that the Archons are always doing. They are always trying to convince you that war is peace, that love is hate. Everything is always backwards and the ultimate in this duplication. Once you can see it, you are able to see that everything is being turned into a head-over-heels con trick where everything is reversed. I don't know how we get out of this except to talk about it and people are very afraid. Even scholars who know about the Archons are very afraid to talk about them in public because you attract Archonic energy by even mentioning them but, at this late stage in the game, we have to start thinking about who is fooling us and why they are doing it – and study what the ancients had to say about all of it.

Rense: Many people look into the media – not the mainstream media – for information. So who are these Archons now? These are Talmudic Zionists, to a large degree. They are part of it, perhaps they are the central core of it. We need to start looking at the name values are and where their DNA says they came from, the Czarian Empire. They adopted Judaism and used it like a stick to beat people and hide behind at the same time which is a great tragedy for true, honest and Jews of good heart and there are millions of them. So they are being used perhaps more cruelly and ruthlessly than any other group. This is a summation, a viable thesis as to why there is so much cogent evil on the planet and why so many deaths in the last century – well over 100 million people have been killed and something is feeding psychically off the energy of these events.

There is a blood lust, a very dark and evil satanic blood lust and we are, apparently, well in the hands of these beings now. They have made their plans long ago and intensified them over the last two hundred years and they've pulled it off. They're doing it without any stealth now. They're pushing it in the faces of an ever dumber and helpless American populus. Did the Gnostics leave any strategies in the Nag Hammadi texts or anywhere else or any ideas to attack or subvert this evil?

Weidner: The Gnostics believed that there were advanced beings who actually care for us and that there was a bet or forecast made that the advanced beings' creation i.e. human beings, would one day stop falling for the tricks of the Archons and wake up and they provided avenues for this to happen. One thing that is certain is that the Archons hate more than anything after love is courage. They cannot stand up to courage or a clear, articulate debate because their own premises are built entirely on falsity. It's all false and so we can begin deconstructing history by seeing through the lies. By observing outside the box, outside the norm, you can see the tricks of the Archons. Everything they do is fake, it is not real and has no history, no veracity. It is always a parasitical living off others. Anyone who is following this mad, insane god, Jehovah, will be lead to their death for certain. If you think there's a reward for you for serving the Archons, I assure you there is not. As they hate courage, stand up to them. They will try to destroy, try to tear you down and do everything they can but nothing makes them shudder in fear more than someone standing up to them and they always overreact to it because they are cowards and terrified themselves.

They don't believe in an afterlife and there may not be an afterlife for Archons but I think there is for humans and that humans are a divine principle. This is also what the Gnostics say and we were gifted with intelligence and reasoning and this is what makes the Archons so angry and jealous of us because we have this innate, creative intelligence, which can almost solve any problem.

Solving the Archon problem may very well be the test. The final test of humanity is can you define the Archon problem and solve it? The thing that will solve the Archon dilemma more than anything is to love each other unconditionally. That just drives them out of their minds. They cannot stand familial love or the love between men and women and that's why they do all these things to destroy the pureness of it. If you look at the path of modernity, it's one attempt after another to remove any sense of purity even from the children. It is really hard for them because children of 6 or 7 years old who watch television see things that probably no human should even see. The same thing is true about the horror films, these are all Archonic tricks to desensitize people so that they create even higher levels of violence when that point becomes necessary for them, so they can become satiated. Because that's what they are doing, drawing energy from us because they have no intrinsic assets.

Rense: The whole idea of the Archon controlled media is to desensitize the masses and reprogram them with the most base of drives and instincts.

Weidner: I don't watch television but I was at a conference recently and switched on the television in the hotel room and was bombarded with people getting killed, all kinds of sex going on.

Rense: I won't have a television in my home and got rid of it over 21 years ago.

Weidner: Television images are the fastest way into your mind.

Rense: The saddest thing is that this is all self-policing. They understand how the masses work perfectly and peer pressure. They understand the drive of young people defining themselves in order to be accepted by a group and they know that no-one wants to be threatened by expulsion from a group. So we get stories like the one last week: British middle school age students who are very bright, gifted kids on the fast track, individuals are now dumbing themselves down so they can have friends.

Weidner: It happened to me in school. I had to play stupid so my peers would get along with me and would stop beating me up.

Rense: Intelligence is viewed as arrogance and conceit by those who don't have it or don't want it.

Weidner: They are against gnosis, they are against knowledge. The defining myth of Western mythology is that Jehovah told Adam and Eve that they could not eat of the Tree of Knowledge. Not only that but if they did eat of it, they would surely die. Yet they both ate of it and didn't die so he wasn't even telling them the truth.

This essential core myth that we're being told from the very beginning is that we are to stay stupid and if you attempt to smarten yourself up, you will be punished. This central myth is the reason we are caught in this nightmare world of abused relationship where they beat us up whilst telling us how much they love us and say, don't worry, some saviour somewhere is going to save you. You don't have to do anything, just lay there because it's going to come in an alien spaceship or the clouds or Obama.

Rense: Many of the photographs of Obama picture him, as they did Bush, with halo-like lighting above his head. Look at the video of Obama on www.rense.com and his deep-waisted bow at the same time as holding his right hand with the King Abdullah of Saudi, which they denied and at the photo shoot, see him grinning from ear to ear. He is as phoney as they get.

Weidner: Yes, and the thing with the Archons is, as soon as you get rid of one, they will trick you and just produce another face. Islam is not what we want to have in this world either. It is another form of Archonic trickery. I'm not saying we shouldn't believe in the spiritual world, I do, but I'm saying we have to be a lot more discerning about what is being forced upon us.

Rense: I'm seeing the most primitive behaviour now, rising up, as more of the second and third world climbs up the metaphorical ladder.

Weidner: If anyone thinks that we are not being targeted by foreign powers with that president and our current state weakness, well they are out of their mind.

Rense: If they have any minds left to get out of anymore! We are heading towards a conflagration, as you say, there's no question about it. When and how, we don't yet know but please do prepare. We're talking about food, protection, common sense, growing your own food. The Archons have made it very difficult for anyone to live a healthy life because of the constant toxicity pumped into their bodies, the air they breathe, the water they drink but beyond that, but also through energetic subjugation of the masses through cell-phone radiation, all kinds of ELFs and EMFs, Gwen towers, the HAARP projects (including the mobile HAARPs that can be set up anywhere), so there is a tremendous amount of these technologies. All of the telephones all of the media can come through the electricity into your homes, everything can be carried over the electric grid, as we know.

The issue is, they know that, too. 8-)

Trăim pe-o planetă nebună - opriţi-o să mă cobor !!!


   I must say that my intution was on the right path when it highlighted me the idea that you won't miss the chance to point-out the fact that we post here to trick in a way the RUFOn law :-D
   Well, from my point of view, when we'll all wake up in a new (let's say not an utopian world, but a beautiful harmonic one :-D) "dream", we'll realise that we must help each other... so, if we won't have time to translate important things, other friends or colleagues which may have time to spare will translate and post them in the romanian section. Now you may say: dream on! (is ok for me, because as Ozzy said in a song of his: I'm just a dreamer...  :lol: )

   This being said, I must thank you for the interview that you posted, Xanadron. I don't resonate with what mr. Rense has to say (and not just because I'm the "Counter-George"  :wink: :lol:). I remember the majority of what I've read in the Nag Hammadi online library, but believe me, I cannot remember where is said that the Archons are grey or that "one looks like a reptile and the other looks like an unformed baby or a foetus"; so, if you can indicate a text from that library related to this description, I'll be forever gratefull to you, Xanadron.
   The rest of the story it's a mixture of ideas borned from the miss-interpretation of religious texts and conspiracy theories. I don't say that Archons or Archangels does not exists. They may exists and they may guide this world from other spheres of influences, but frankly, what I've read in this interview does not clear for me the question:
   Who and what are the Archons ?

   I hope that you'll find the time to debate on this subject, because  I'll be happy to read more about this and about your opinion on this subject - even in english (if is not chinese, is still good for me  :-D )
"The end is the beginning of all things, Suppressed and hidden, Awaiting to be released through the rhythm Of pain and pleasure." - Jiddu Krishnamurti


Topic name was changed.
În credinta au murit toti acestia, fara sa fi capatat lucrurile fagaduite, ci  doar le-au vazut si le-au urat de bine de departe, marturisind ca sunt straini si calatori pe pamînt.  Evrei 11:13-16