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“Haters of Liberty”

Creat de Ronin, 10 Aprilie 2008, 22:04:28

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"Haters of Liberty" 
Handout #10 // February 6, 2006 
Here are some facts about certain "haters of liberty" that generally are not included in many history textbooks or encyclopedias here in America: 
•        Pope Gregory XVI stated: "The unrestrained freedom of thinking and of openly making known one's thoughts is not inherent in the rights of citizens and is by no means worthy of favor and support."
•        Pope Pius IX (1792-1878; pope: 1846-1878) stated: "These false and perverse opinions [e.g., of popular government, religious liberty, etc.] are so much the more detestable, by as much as they...hinder and banish that salutary influence which the [Roman] Catholic Church, by the institution and command of her Divine Author, ought freely to exercise, even to the consummation of the world, not only over individual men, but [over] nations, [over] peoples, and [over] sovereigns." (Quanta Cura; December 8, 1864)
•   Pope Pius IX also stated in December 1864 in his "Syllabus of Errors":  "The State has not the right to leave every man free to embrace whatever religion he should deem true.  ...The [Roman Catholic] Church has the right to require that the Catholic religion shall be the religion of the State, to the exclusion of all others.  ...Cursed be those who assert liberty of conscience and worship and such that maintain that the [Roman Catholic] Church may not employ force."
•   Roman Catholic Archbishop John Hughes of New York stated the following in 1864: "No man has a right to choose his religion."
•   The Catholic World in August 1871, on page 735, stated: "...We do not accept it [i.e., the Constitutional Republic of the United States of America], or hold it to be any government at all... If the American Republic is to be sustained and preserved at all, it must be by the rejection of the principle of the [Protestant] Reformation, and the acceptance of the Catholic principle..." (Note: "Catholic principle" means Catholic religious monopoly!)
•   Civilta Cattolica (House organ of the Jesuits) stated: "Fascism is the regime that corresponds most closely to the concepts of the Church of Rome."
•   Charles Chiniquy, ex-Catholic priest and friend of Abraham Lincoln, stated: "Have not the popes publicly and repeatedly anathematized the sacred principle of Liberty of Conscience?  Have they not boldly said, in the teeth of the nations of Europe, that Liberty of Conscience must be destroyed – killed at any cost?  Has not the whole world heard the sentence of death to liberty coming from the lips of the old man of the Vatican?"
•   Dave Hunt, author of A Woman Rides the Beast, stated: "The Constitution of the United States was condemned by the Papacy because it separated church and state and prohibited the establishment of any religion [Ed. Note: as an official State-sponsored religion] by the government.  The popes, on the other hand, had long required governments to make Roman Catholicism the official religion and to prohibit the practice of any other." (Please call 1-909-987-0771 to order Hunt's book for $16.20 postpaid.)
For more information on this hatred of liberty (and other historical facts missing in our history textbooks), please visit www.pastorbutch.com (click on the "Tackling the Tough Topics" box) or www.tacklingthetoughtopics.net, and please read TTT newsletter "Deceitful Revisers and Editors of History".
În timp ce toti oamenii accepta realitatea obiectelor, care sunt perceptibile simturilor lor, Socrate are o atitudine dispretuitoare fata de oamenii, care cred ca pentru a deveni reale lucrurile trebuie sa fie palpabile.


Iata ce i-am raspuns lui 'bluemoon8520' la 'Official Warning"...
Deasemenea, am postat raspunsul la topicul "Haters of Liberty" deoarece noi NU trebuie sa folosim metodele lor...ale Iezuitilor...!!!

Raspuns: You Have Received an Offical Warning
« Trimis cãtre: bluemoon8520 : Ieri la 10:27:04 » Citat Rãspunde Eliminã   

Oamenii au nevoie de aceste informatii...Iezuitii joaca un rol deosebit de important in politica lumii, America este 'folosita' de Iezuiti pentru realizarea unei politici de gen 'ev-mediu'... deja se vad 'rezultatele' in politica mondiala...falsul 'terorism' folosit pentru anularea unor libertati fundamentale ale lumii...Romania nu poate ramane neutra, am vazut asta la recentul summit NATO...liber la interceptari, liber la abuzuri, etc...
In aceste 'materiale' (carti rare) sunt 'parti' din istorie care lipsesc in mod voit deoarece demasca adevaratul 'inamic' al tuturor libertatilor...deja in anumite parti ale lumii (inclusiv SUA) cartile astea sunt INTERZISE...de ce
In schimb exista un volum imens de 'material' anti-masonic...de ce 
Iezuitii se folosesc de 'arma' lor principala, francmasoneria, pentru a ne pune pe o pista gresita...manipularea este de asa natura incat ei, iezuitii, vor sa-si realizeze 'agenda' cu ... suportul nostru...!!!
Asa ca pentru voi, il cunosc pe Paul si va admir in ceea ce vreti sa faceti...dar daca va temeti ca veti avea probleme din 'cauza' unor asemenea materiale...dincolo de faptul ca le puteti sterge...vreau sa va redau ceea ce au spus altii, inainte de noi...:

"Duty is ours. Consequences are God's." T.J. (Stonewall) Jackson
"The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men (and women) to do nothing."
Edmund Burke

Eu, ca simplu om, sunt deja 'interzis' in anumite cercuri ale mass-media...in 2008... cu libertatea la interceptari...acolo unde puteam discuta liber...acum imi este (aproape) imposibil...
Daca nu as deranja...probabil eram lasat in 'pace'... daca 'vorbeam' si postam despre masoni...doar despre ei..in mod sigur eram lasat in 'pace'... faptul ca incerc sa readuc o parte din istoria 'pierduta' in prezent...asta deranjeaza...dar..."duty is ours, consequences are God's..."
Cu bine !

În timp ce toti oamenii accepta realitatea obiectelor, care sunt perceptibile simturilor lor, Socrate are o atitudine dispretuitoare fata de oamenii, care cred ca pentru a deveni reale lucrurile trebuie sa fie palpabile.