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Creat de sevastase, 26 Martie 2008, 23:32:50

« precedentul - următorul »

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copii cu coada, embrion uman care nu arata uman de loc




Citat din: sevastase din  12 Mai 2008, 20:38:06
copii cu coada, embrion uman care nu arata uman de loc

mai citeste!
da,mare lucru..un copil cu coada...si?asta dovedeste ca e reptilian?o fi
:evil: ...?
stai ca iti mai zic...exista si copii cu 3 maini sau 3 picioare...exista copii cu "gura de lup/iepure"...exista copii carora le lipseste un cromozom sau mai multi...sunt cu totii reptile?!?!?!...fii serios!
Ii invat si ei se indeparteaza,
Ascult si ei se se apropie....
Puterea mea, este tacerea mea.


Sarcina, luna cu luna

Saptamana 6
Embrionul are acum in jur de 1,3 centimetri lungime. Coloana vertebrala in crestere arata ca o coada. Capul este mult mai mare fata de restul corpului.

A treia luna de sarcina

In timpul lunii a treia, oasele bebelusului incep sa se osifice si sa se intareasca. Deja beblusul se misca spontan dar nu simti inca aceste miscari.  Ochii bebelusului sint mari si deschisi. Pleoapele se vor forma mai tarziu. Urechil externe sint deja formate.
Organele genitale exterioare incep sa se diferentieze, dar este inca devreme sa spui ca este vorba despre fetita sau baietel fara monitorizare genetica.  Bebelusul tau se transforma din embrion in fat si acum se numeste fetus.  De asemenea pierde si coada.
Capul bebelusului este cea mai mare parte a corpului. Este jumatate din toata dimensiunea corpului. In timp ce corpul este mare, strcutura creierului este similara cu cea cu care se va naste. Cantareste aproape 14 grame si are 1.8 cm in lungime.

Mãduva spinãrii
Mãduva spinãrii la fetuºi (la cei nenãscuþi) ajunge pânã în sacrum, la sugari ajunge pânã în regiunea lombarã, iar la adulþi mãduva spinãrii se întinde de la cap numai pânã la a doua vertebrã lombarã.
Acest fenomen se explicã prin faptul cã coloana vertebralã se dezvoltã (creºte) mai repede decât mãduva spinãrii (ascensiunea mãduvei = Ascensus medullae spinalis).
Prin acest fenomen de ascensiune a mãduvei, nervii spinali se prelungesc pentru a ajunge mai departe orificiul de ieºire intravertebral formându-se aºa numita coada de cal Cauda equina, acest fenomen este important în medicinã,
între vertebra 3/4 lombarã putându-se cu o seringã luare de probã din lichidul rahidian, sau injecta anumite medicamente fãrã a leza cu acul mãduva spinãrii.
Nu la toate vertebratele se întâlneºte acest fenomen de ascensiune a mãduvei spinãrii. Altfel spus, mãduva spinãrii este localizatã în canalul vertebral ºi þine de la vertebra cervicalã C1 pânã la vertebra lombarã L2. De acolo, are o formaþiune terminalã numitã fillum terminle. Fillum terminale împreunã cu rãdãcinile nervilor spinali sacrali ºi lombari formeazã coada de cal. Mãduva spinãrii este localizatã în canalul vertebral ºi þine de la gaura occipitala pânã la vertebra lombarã L2. Are o formatiune terminalã numitã fillum terminale, aceasta împreuna cu rãdãcinile nervilor spinali sacrali ºi lombari formeazã "coada de cal" .
Mãduva spinãrii este împãrþitã în 5 zone, dupã originea nervilor spinali: - primul orificiu intravertebral fiind între vertebrele atlas ºi axis.

-mãduva cervicalã (sau a gâtului) (8 segmente, vertebre la mamifere)
-mãduva toracicã (12 vertebre)
-mãduva lombarã (5 vertebre)
-mãduva sacralã (5 vertebre)
-mãduva codalã (coccigianã, la om rudimentar)

sursa: http://ro.wikipedia.org

deci...si tu ai avut...si eu,si ciuciulete, si blue...toti

ma mir ca ai uitat sa spui de :
"Saptamana 10
Degetele de la maini si de la picioare sunt conturate, dar inca unite intre ele prin membrane."

Ii invat si ei se indeparteaza,
Ascult si ei se se apropie....
Puterea mea, este tacerea mea.


Citat din: sevastase din  12 Mai 2008, 20:38:06

copii cu coada, embrion uman care nu arata uman de loc

bineinteles, probabil ca si embrionii de maimuta sau poate chiar puii de gaina din ou, si o mie de alte specii, tot de la reptilieni li se trage forma in stadiul de embrion. :-D :-D

Esti teribil, Sevastase. Dar, ti-am mai spus: pagina comica e in alta parte.
David Sereda: "Evidence - The case for NASA UFO's" ... Evidence ?!





cred ca la ultimele mesaje esti off-topic, Sevastase!
Trebuia sa postezi pe topicul "Pestilienii" !!

Interesant ca pestilianul alb cu gura deschisa, si se vede ca e acelasi, datorita posturii identice, se regaseste in doua ipostaze diferite, una pe niste frunze in padure, si alta undeva pe nisip. Dar spune-ne cine a facut poza? Tasu' ?

Oricum foarte mare diferenta dintre sirena blonda apetisanta si uratii din pozele urmatoare... presupun ca sunt specii diferite de pestilieni, nu? Si, iarasi ma intreb cine a facut poza...vre-un sirenoi? :-D Si cum a pus poza pe net? a tras netu' si in mare? In plus..saraca sirena blonda... daca nu are picioare, cum s-a suit pe pietroiul ala? S-a tarat? Si, in cazul asta, inteleg de ce nu-i vedem pieptul..o fi plin de zgarieturi.

David Sereda: "Evidence - The case for NASA UFO's" ... Evidence ?!


Ultima pozã seamãnã cu Don King . :lol:

Science is the great antidote to the poison of enthusiasm and superstition.
(Adam Smith)


Oare sirena aia blonda depunea icre? Cum se inmultesc sirenele?
Exista si sireni?  8-)


A list of other people Arizona Wilder says that she has seen shapeshift into Reptiles at these rituals;

USA: Bush and 2 sons, Albright, Kissinger, Reagan and Nancy, J Rockefeller, Ford, Carter and LB Johnson. EUROPE: Queen Mum, Queen Liz II, Princess Margaret, Charles, Tony Blair, and prince Philip, Zecharia Sitchin, Laurence Gardiner.

The big International and Interstellar leader she says is a chap called the Marquis de Libero - aka Pindar [phallus of the Dragon] who provides superior seed to impregnate the specially bred Aryan and Bloodline Children with - including - Princess Diana - who brought forth Prince William - Pindar's son.

In the underground vaults of his castle in the Alsace Region of France, green glowing flourescent rocks turn stored menstrual blood black to be used at that special ritual - whilst in the great heat, clutches of Reptile Eggs incubate.

The Queen Mother is second to Pindar/Libero and she is carried on a rich ornate chair before she changes into something much bigger and stronger. At the ceremonies, voluminous robes of red or purple richly decorated with gold, sewn jewels, and embroidered 'fleur de lis' are worn, not any human clothes for these would tear during the shift.

All the British House apparently have jewel encrusted goblets to drink the blood from the symbolic female 'grail' and a symbolic dagger to give it a bit of a stir. Arizona Wilder then went on to describe the appearance of the British Royal family when they have underwent the shape shift.

The Queen mum is 8 feet tall, with a snout, and fangs. All have a long tongue with hair-like protrusions - with claws for hands and feet. They have scales and these seem to disappear into one another, this, more pronounced on the back. Some have vestigial wings, all have a tail usually kept curled which is whipped about when agitated.

The Queen Mum has a beige belly and more darkly speckled and mottled brown from the head and spine. The body has protrusions running down the spine. The eyes are large and round, protruding, varying in colour from beige to yellow to yellow green - with a black vertical slit for a pupil - the eyes can be hooded. Charles apparently has two large protrusions just above where his human ears are.

The Queen [liz II] is much darker, all over much more homogenous in marking, where the colours gradually and smoothly change to the head, tail and back.

Arizona Wilder says that the princess Diana death was a ritual public sacrifice to usher in the Age of Horus [Egyptian magical tradition - rebirth of the dead god Osiris]. Because the magicians like to mirror dates, the dark goddess Hecate's number is 13, which was why the 31st August was chosen.  (The mirror effect of numbers)

It was a mirror of a Isis, Osiris, Horus ritual because 3 people died and the unborn baby Diana was carrying was the very special 3 months old. Apparently Baron Rothschild had to be in the tunnel at the 13th pillar where the accident happened to take the soul of Diana - and indeed an ambulance did arrive on the scene a minute after the crash. The driver Henri Paul was Mind Controlled and trained for the crash. Bits of Diana were then eaten by the hierarchy. Arizona Wilder has said that some Spencers were there at these Rituals, but that Diana would not attend - and that symptoms of Bulemia and Anorexia were mind control techniques used on her.

Wilder also said that the smell of Diana's periods would have caused Charles to shape shift - especially whilst sleeping because the Reptiles cannot retain their human form without concentration.

Arizona Wilder came across as sincere with this disturbing account and spoke of the hideous abuse to which herself and her children had been subject. .

Andrew Hennessey
Transformation Studies Group
Edinburgh Scotland

Pindar called Sirius "the shape-shifting dog of the Great Goddess." Chinese astronomers knew it as the Celestial Jackal (Lang) that legendary figures used for target practice (with the constellation Hu or Hushi, "bow").




FROM; http://www.reptilianagenda.com/cont/co121099f.html

Q: I wonder if you could talk more about the Draconians and the children that are missing? I know you have information and I am hoping you will share it with us today.

A: This is the one subject I don't like to talk about. The Draconians are a very large reptilian race, otherwise known as "the Dracs". There is royal line of the reptilian race called the Ciakar. They range from 14 to 22 feet tall and can weigh up to 1,800 pounds. They do have winged appendages and they are awesome beings. They're extremely clairvoyant and extremely clever, and they can also be extremely sinister. They apparently were brought by someone to our time and space, our universe, in full physicality, and dumped here. I don't know who. They were taken to Alpha Draconis because the nature of that place gave them the best chance of survival. So, they were kicked out of some other place. They are a major factor to be reckoned with. They are for the most part Service-to-Self and do not care for the human race, because when they were dumped here they were told that this universe was theirs to command. So, whoever did this really screwed up. They still have this mind set. They were one of the first races to chart our solar system, and in fact they were the first race to state that our solar system belonged to them.

Apparently, some of them still have the attitude that everything in this solar system belongs to them, and I understand that some of them have been coming back, and that more of them will be coming back. It's going to get real interesting, folks. I can't begin to tell you how interesting it's going to get. They have had space travel for 3 billion years, and they are a remarkable race. But, they have an attitude, and a lot of human races inside and outside our galaxy have had problems with them. I don't want to say that all of them are like this, but that is all I have heard from the Andromedans about them. They look like a 22 foot tall veloci-raptor, and they're smart, intelligent and very different from us.

They apparently at one time came across human colonies in Lyrae. Now, the human race, per se, was not created in the Lyraen system. It was brought there to survive, and again from what the Andromedans have told me, for some reason once they go back 427 million years, they just don't know what else is there. For some reason, although the physicality is there, there is no history of races before that. At least, that they know of, in the Lyraen system. Anyway, the Draconians were flying through there are came across these human colonies, which were agricultural in nature. Because of their talents in horticulture, these humans were making the planets better, like gardens. When the Draconians came and saw this incredible wealth of food, they basically wanted to control it. Apparently there was a misunderstanding. The Lyraens wanted to know more about the Draconian race before they gave them what they wanted, and apparently the Draconians misunderstood this request, went back and attacked the planets, blew three of them up and killed a lot of people. The Lyraens were forced to migrate and scatter into different parts of our galaxy. So, the action did facilitate colonization, although I wrestle with whether the Draconians were planted here specifically to force us to evolve, or that there is some other agenda here. I do know that there are other reptilian races that are descendants of the Draconians, and many of them are master geneticists. I am told that most of the dinosaurs were brought here, and to Mars, where they came first. Our current human form was crafted on Mars, where the primate and human genes were combined, and then brought to earth to work as slaves in the mines. So, we're still working for a paycheck.

They enjoy human flesh, and human children best, for two reasons. The first is that children don't have the accumulation of pollutants in their bodies that adults do, and when children are put into a state of fear, their energy and field and andrenylin just explodes. The reptilians get a "rush" from this stuff.

You know, be dedicated to family and to each other. That's the only way we are going to get through all of this.

Q: What is it about the human mind that causes some species to want to suppress us so much? What is it that is so unique to the genetic make up? Do they have free will in the same way we do?

A: I don't know that it is so much our minds as it is our extremes of emotions and our essence. They have always stressed that the containment of emotion in physical form is what is most attractive, because they want this due to their loss of passion, and as a result they have become more dependent on technology. Here we are, getting deeper and deeper into physicality, when in fact we have the ability to just leave all of this behind. So, we are not correctly using our power as a race. We are wasting it. As far as our free will as compared to the free will of other races, it is one and the same. It's just that we don't as a population have the realization of the power of our collective free will. We don't totally realize the sovereignty that our free will gives us. That is why they are manipulating us through belief systems in order to try and get is to relinquish our free will, by coercing us to use our own free will against us and ask them to come down here and control us. It's a choice.

REPTOIDS: There are many races belonging to the reptilian lifestream, a group far older than that of the human. The reptoids commonly witnessed by Earthlings, come from the Draco constellation; about eight feet tall, covered in lizard scales, with ferocious talons. They are quite a self-involved race, only interested in space exploration for the purpose of conquest. Many wars have been waged between the Draconians and humanoids in the past; the latter often becoming slave races to the former. Reptoids tend to be great warriors, owing to their physical strength, natural body armour, and firey temper.

The Draconians do not maintain diplomatic relations with many planets, but are in contact with several other reptilian races. They are also in contact with the Global Elite, for the prospect of using this planet as a slave and food colony attracts them here. They have no respect for humans and would have invaded long ago if we did not have such outstanding support from our benign space brothers.

Commentary from Dan Winter: The politics of the interventionist Draco trading colonies (see Dune - whose Arrakeis  - the home star of Dracos and Dune - is correctly located in Alpha Draconis) - definitely became represented by Enlil / Yahweh / Michael side of the An - Annunaki family. Also should be seen as the roots of insurance and banking on Earth. The templar followers of the MAG (draco matriliny) line are often credited with 'inventing' insurance and banking for the west. This is absurd - since they had already installed such industry - so close to fear and extortion - to HARVEST COLONIES on hundreds of planets. The "skull and bones" - Orion- origins of the Piracy and Extortion story is an example of insurance and banking that loses its public relations budget. More on the skull of the Mag below.

Later - as Enlil / Yahweh under the name of 'God" Michabo (Michael) installs genetic rules in Aboriginal Australia and the America's he is following the Drac tradition entirely focused on preventing change - and facilitating harvest of colonies- like forests whose only purpose is to be cut down.

At a deeper level we should investigate the connection between loss of DNA implosion - the physics of loss of soul & access to BLISS - called NEPHILIM which befell these Draco (lost Seraphim) families. Loss of fire in the blood created loss of lucid dreaming, loss of "ensoulment" and LOSS OF LONG TERM MEMORY. Part of their problem was loss of ability to navigate in time travel ('`Guild Navigator' in Dune - star navigating time travelers, able to warp space from within) - due to this loss of DNA coherence. Not unlike one of their resultant cultures - TIBETAN - who are intensely aware that their is no steering their collective cultural direction (time travel) without a leader who IS able to remember past lives. This is exactly what Draco lost. It is profound to compare this to Zulu shaman leader last week bemoaning to us how his grand children lost the ability to lucid dream just after they suffered being immunized. This is an example of how borg - fallen Drac empires treat DNA. By not loving their genes enough to set them free - they blind their children.
The Reptilian Agenda

The Reptilian agenda was, and is, to seek out the human refugees for destruction or assimilation, and to use their blood and hormones for sustenance.

It is said those (Ophanim? Seraphim? winged Dracs? Ciakar? Cherubim?) who placed the Draco in our galactic sector knew that the humanoid remnant would need an aggressive parasite to trigger development. Further the result of the part of the humanoid blood on Earth today receiving a blood line cross from Draco (URu cross with Ibi) - is beneficial. (see Lawrence Gardner defending his Drac family root). This is related to usually AN or Celtic or British RH negative blood. The reptilian Drac blood Enki (RA - abRAham) crossed with the cro-magnon monkey blood had DNA was LESS vital than the indigenous (RHesus) monkey blood. So the reptilians had to keep in-breeding (as in Holy Blood Holy Grail) - consistent with what Swerdlow says below. Areas (UK) where this RHESUS Monkey blood is absent (RH negative) may lead the world in lack of compassion. E-liz-a beth (from Lizard born) breeds a line where no permission to cry produces a stiff upper lip.

The remnant Lyraens who colonized other planets formed an alliance against the constant Reptilian attacks. They called this alliance the Galactic Federation, comprised of 110 different colonies. The colonies belonging to the Federation wished to maintain their new identities, and no longer associate with the old way. Together, the Federation colonists managed to repel the Reptilian attacks.

There were three primary groups who did not join the Federation. These three groups were considered extremists, or nationalistic idealists, seeking to recreate the glory of the old Lyraen civilization. One group was the Atlans, located on a Pleiadian planet. The Pleiades actually consists of thirty-two planets orbiting seven stars. At that time there were sixteen different colonies of Lyraen descent throughout the Pleiades. These colonists all wanted to oust the renegade Atlans because they remained independent and did not assist their human cousins.

The other two groups were the Martians and Maldekians, who were already at odds with each other. For this reason, the Reptilians turned their attention toward this solar system with its two human colonies. In the Reptilians estimation, it would be easy to divide and conquer.

The Reptilians love to use comets and asteroids as weapons and ships, using them to travel through the stars. First, they create a small black hole as a propulsion system that pulls the larger planetoid towards its destination. When used as a weapon, they use a particle beam accelerator to create a blast that hurls the comet or asteroid to its target. All of the technology was obtained by the beings from Sirius A[1].

In this way, they hurled a huge ice comet aimed at Mars and Maldek. The Reptilians, not being very technologically oriented, miscalculated the trajectory. The pull of the gigantic gas planet, Jupiter, pulled the comet off course. The ice comet then headed directly for Maldek. The citizens of that planet asked the Martians for help. Even though they were at odds with each other, they allowed some of the Maldekians to move to the Martian underground. The comet came so close to Maldek that the planet got caught between the gravitational pull of Jupiter, Mars, and the comet. This caused the planet to explode, leaving an asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.[2]

The explosion pushed the ice comet close enough to Mars to rip the atmosphere off that planet, leaving only an extremely thin atmosphere. The explosion also pulled Mars further away from the sun.

The comet then continued on toward the Earth. The heat of the sun and the gravitational pull between the two globes forced the watery atmosphere of the Earth to polarize. This polarization pulled most of the ice from the comet to the polar regions of the Earth, thus covering most openings to the inner Earth, while at the same time exposing huge land masses for the first time.

The comet then switched places with Earth, taking up the second orbit from the sun, becoming the planet now known as Venus. The heat of the sun melted the ice on the comet, creating a cloudy covering to this new planet. The Earth was pushed out to the third orbit occupying the previous position held by Mars. The Earth was now ready to be colonized. Most of the surviving amphibians were transported to a new home on Neptune. Some stayed in the newly formed oceans.

The Reptilians who were inside the hollow comet, now Venus, came to the surface of this new world. They built seven domed cities, one for each of the seven groups in the hierarchy. In the mid-1980s one of New Yorks daily papers, Newsday, reported that a Soviet space probe penetrated the cloud layer of Venus and photographed seven white domes the size of small cities, all in a row. After a page-long diatribe, the American scientists concluded that this was all a natural formation.

The Reptilians drove a large, hollowed out object into Earths orbit to begin the colonization process. This object is now called the Moon. Conventional science considers the Moon natural, yet it is the only known object in space that does not spin on its axis. The Moon faces the Earth in the same position all of the time, leaving one side in complete darkness. A sonic resonance sent to the surface of the Moon makes a pinging noise like a hollow object. If the Moon were solid, the noise would sound like a thump or thud. The Moon is hollow. A recent article in an astronomy magazine said that the Moon was being reclassified because it is considered to be hollow.

The Reptilians chose a large continental landmass to begin their civilization on the Earth, now referred to as Lemuria or Mu. This was a vast area in what is now the Pacific Basin, extending from Japan to Australia, and from the coast of California to Peru. The Hawaiian Islands are in the middle of this one-time landmass.

Here, an androgynous Reptilian culture developed. They brought with them the creatures that were their sustenance the dinosaurs. All beings create beneath them animals and plants that are a reflection of the mind-pattern. Reptilians create dinosaurs, humans create mammals. They are not designed to coexist on the same planet.

Additionally, the thinking process of the Reptilians differs from the human thinking process. Because Reptilians do not evolve rapidly and remain unchanging, their expansion is also slow moving and insidious. It would take several millennia for the Reptilians to decide whether or not they would coexist with humans. After all, Earth was still an outpost far from the centre of the Draconian Empire.

In the meantime, the Martians were now living underground with their hostile Maldekian guests. Something had to be done quickly to prevent them from destroying one another. So, the Martians petitioned the Galactic Federation to remove the Maldekian refugees to another planet. The Galactic Federation also received a petition from the Pleiadian Council at the same time, asking the Federation to remove the Atlans from their star cluster.

The Federation thusly decided to use the Atlans as a counterbalance on Earth. If the Atlans survived, the Maldekians would also be sent. The human/Lyraen descendants were literally throwing their own riffraff to the Reptilian colonists on Earth. In this way, the Federation would get rid of their undesirables. The undesirables would occupy the attention of the Reptilians. The Federation would gain valuable time to build their own forces against the Reptilians.

When the Atlans arrived on the Earth, they colonized what became known as Atlantis. Their continent stretched from what is now the Caribbean Basin to the Azores and Canary Islands, as well as several small island chains reaching up to what is now the East Coast of the United States, including Montauk Point.

The industrious Atlanteans rapidly grew to a large, prospering civilization needing more territory. The dinosaur population was rapidly increasing and becoming dangerous to the human colonists. The Atlanteans began destroying the dinosaurs to protect themselves. This did not sit well with the Reptilians. Soon major battles occurred on the Earth between the Lemurian Reptilians and Atlantean humans.

At the same time, the Maldekian refugees arrived on Earth. They created a large human colony in what is now the Gobi desert, northern India, Sumer, and other parts of Asia.

The Maldekians attacked the lunar surface where the Reptilians guarded their Earth outpost from invasion. The Maldekians also bombarded Atlantis and Lemuria with laser weapons. The dinosaurs were wiped out.

Additionally, the Martians also attacked the Reptilians from space since they, too, were searching for a Reptilian-free environment in which to live. This might be considered the real First World War on this planet. It was a mess!

The loss of the Martian atmosphere caused by Draco's playing billiards became the "Total Recall" legend (movie about Martian history and the oxygen war). The Draco bases there today still have no hesitation to shoot down a NASA probe, although increasingly as the US government becomes a satellite of the shape-shifters- they begin to let a few Earth probes in.
Conflict & Creation

To stop the fighting and make the Earth peaceful enough for colonization, a meeting was held by a council from the Andromeda Galaxy, on a planet called Hatona. This meeting took place outside of the Milky Way Galaxy with a neutral council because all civilizations within the Milky Way Galaxy were in some way connected to the fighting, and all had some sort of stake in belonging to the winning side.

Interesting prequel to lettersfromandromeda.com from Alex Collier (author of "Defending Sacred Ground").

The Hatona Council convened for many decades as the fighting continued in this solar system. Finally, with their intercession, an agreement was reached between some of the human factions and the Reptilian Earth colonists. Keep in mind that this agreement was without the participation of the Reptilians from the original Draco Empire.

The agreement stated that a new breed of humanity would be created on Earth that would contain the DNA of all interested parties who participated in the "peace" process. A designated area on Earth would be set aside for the creation of this new species. The Earth-based Reptilians of Lemuria agreed to this under the condition that the Reptilian body be the foundation for this new being. This is why the original Bible states, "Let us make man in our own image." This is a plural statement because it was a group project.

To achieve a new species from a Reptilian androgynous body, it was necessary to separate the genetics into male and female components. This is the allegorical story in the Bible of Adam and Eve. Creating Eve out of the rib of Adam is actually the story of separating the androgynous Reptilian body into male and female. This is why all humans on this planet have Reptilian DNA with Reptilian traits. This is also why human fetuses go through Reptilian-style development in the womb before looking humanoid.

Many prototypes were developed over millennia. Under the supervision of the Hatona Council, races were created and then destroyed when it was not acceptable by all parties. This explains why ancestors of mankind appear and then suddenly disappear in layers of archaeological analysis.

Twelve humanoid, and one Reptilian, groups donated DNA for this purpose. Mankind was developed in the area now known as Iran/Iraq, as well as parts of Africa. Hybrids were also developed on Atlantis and Lemuria. Remnants of these are seen today as the Bigfoot or Yeti in North America and Asia; the aborigines of Australia; and the pygmies and Watusi in Africa.

The African versions were created by beings from a nomadic, artificial planet known as Niburu, or Marduk. These Reptilian-like beings travel in a manufactured world looping our solar system. The Sumerians called them Annunnakki.

It is here - we would have to assume - the family of AN - with son's Enki / Enlil (Lucifer / Michael - Adon / Yahweh) arrived from Sirius techno craft - with all the Nephilim genetic disasters we called THE RETURN OF ENKI - soulinvitation.com/enki While people like Sitchin can add useful puzzle pieces like how their home atmosphere repair could gain the necessary gravity fractality using gold deposits - the Sumerian basically did not give him a clue as to the bigger galactic politic mess than triggered Enki's (Abraham) genetic experiments. After repeatedly encountering the Enki Enlil story in Australia - (fish or dolphin god vs snake god -LEVITE) - it was cool to listen to Creto Mutwa tell the Zulu KILIMANJARO means ENKI mountain!

The cosmic joke to this project is that all of the groups donating DNA secretly programmed sequences to cause their genetic strand to be predominant. This set the precedent for eternal conflict. Humanity was doomed to fight and be controlled. No one group would ever be in charge. The project was doomed for failure before it even began!

Such DNA programming invites tyranny and oppression. Soul-personalities attracted to such a planet have a victim mentality. Many advanced cultures call Earth a prison planet, and dump their criminals here as punishment. Once in a while, one of these soul-personalities reveal themselves, such as Richard Dahmer, Charles Manson, Richard Speck, and Vlad the Impaler (Count Dracula), to name a http://www.greatdreams.com/reptlan/draconians.htm


The Reptilians ensured that the new Man would be forever attached to the Reptilian frequency because the foundational prototype was Reptilian. This meant that the new Man could easily be mentally controlled by them.

Upon discovery of this information that the Reptilians wanted control of the new race, the Atlanteans began a severe electromagnetic bombardment of Lemuria. This bombardment caused the bulk of the continent to submerge into the ocean, now called the Pacific Ocean. The only parts left above the water are the Hawaiian Islands, the California coast west of the San Andreas fault, Australia, New Zealand, the South Pacific Islands, Japan, the Philippines, Taiwan, and the islands of southeast Asia.

The Reptilian survivors went to Northern India, the Earths interior, the planet Venus, and parts of Central and South America. Inner Earth became the "homeland" for most of the surviving Reptilians of Lemuria. Here, they created a vast underground civilization. This started the legends of hell and demons living in fire under the Earth. They built tubes containing fast, subway-like vehicles that can travel to any point on the Earth within a few hours. They created the famed underworld cities of Akkadia, Agartha, Hyperborea, and Shamballa that are sought by explorers to this very day. These cities are built along the inside wall of the inner crust that lines the interior of the Earth. Remember, the hollow Earth is not a theory, but a scientific fact caused by the cooling and spinning of a planet as it is ejected from a star or sun.