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Ce sunt aceste sfere?

Creat de jackie28t, 24 Ianuarie 2006, 22:06:44

« precedentul - următorul »

0 Membri şi 1 Vizitator vizualizează acest subiect.


Asa numite Globes,Spheroids,Orbs,Metallic balls,spyroids...ce sunt defapt?

Voi deschide acest topic pentru am putea reveni aici cu mai multe informatiii despre asa numite sfere care sunt inca un mister pentru noi toti.Binenteles ca fiecare are o opinie personala despre acest subiect dar haideti mai intai sa vedem ce au de spus martorii si poate ascultand si acumulant toate informatiile posibile,poate, ca asa vom putea descoperi cel putin o mica parte din acest mister.Nu trebuie confundate aceste sfere cu fulgere globulare(lightning balls) sau baloane lasate libere dupa  petreceri. Voi incerca sa prezint cateva incidente dar in timp voi reveni cu cu mai multe citate si materiale despre acest subiect.Se pare ca aceste sfere,dupa cum precizeaza unii martori,sunt defapt sfere inteligente pentru a culege si reda informatii.Pot zbura la o viteza imaginabil de mare sau pot fi stationare pe cer petru o perioda lunga de timp...pot trece prin ziduri,deci prin materie si se crede ca pot fi chiar periculoase in unele cazuri asa cum se precizeaza unii martori....Se spune ca aceste sfere sau globuri asa cum le numesc altii au fost vazute inca din anul 1561 sustinut ca incidentul din Nuremburg.
Voi lasa rapoartele in original cu dreptul de autor!

The above image is of an actual sighting that occurred in Nuremburg on the 14th April 1561. It appeared in a local broadsheet and was a woodcut by Hans Glasser. The globes, crosses and tubes began to fight one another, and this went on for an hour. Then they all fell to earth, as if on fire, and faded slowly away producing a lot of steam. Afterwards a black spear-like object was seen, and the whole event was taken to be a divine warning. Held at the Wickiana Collection, Zurich Central Library........

CitatSouth Alabama Daytime Object Excellent Video Footage
by RH - All Rights Reserved

Date: February 20, 2005 Time: Daytime sighting
Once again I was in the yard today kicked back in a chair having a smoke. Suddenly this object came from directly behind me and passed right over my head moving off to the northwest.The object maintained the same altitude for the course of the sighting, somewhere between 500 to 1000 feet.

It's forward speed was that of a small prop plane.The wind was variable with a few high clouds. Having my camera I quickly powered it on and shot video of the object as it moved away from my position. I am attaching a 1.3meg clip of the object.
Video clips and pictures are ©2005 RH

Video clip South Alabama Daytime Object Excellent Video Footage 1.39 mbs

CitatMoon object videotaped in California, June 17, 2005
by Johnny Anonymous - All Rights Reserved

While shooting "fill" footage for an upcoming DVD, I happened to catch an object flying into the viewframe. I had the camcorder positioned so the Moon would travel left to right in the screen's view. I had just locked down the tripod and had taken my eyes away to see what else was happening skyward and so did not notice the object till later this evening while reviewing the tape.

I zoomed in on the object with my editing system and you can clearly tell that between the path and the shape that it is not a airplane, bird, bug or balloon. It catches the reflection of the sun momentarily as it seems to spiral slowly from the bottom right hand area and then exits off the bottom 1/5 of the right viewscreen area.

Distance would be probably 10-13 miles from the cameraperson's POV at an approximate 45* arc to the southern horizon. Size undeterminable as there was nothing but the moon to compare it to. The object was obviously not able to be seen by the naked eye, nor was I aware of it's presence as I had taken my eye away from the viewscreen. I would have loved to have seen it as I would've difinitely followed it.

Date: June 17th, 2005
Time: approximately 7:20pm.
Wind/Weather: blowing from the East/NorthEast, mild clouds behind me in the
Object: Oval or Eggshapped.
Duration: Approximately 3-4 seconds.
Color: Dark with slight sun reflection off the top.
Size: Unknown with no comparitive to judge against.
Distance: 10-13 miles (guessing).
Object's Location: 45' arc to the Southern horizon.
Trajectory: UP and slightly to the West/SouthWest.
Speed: Unknown, but not very fast, as a jet in the same POV would've
travelled 3X the speed.
Witnesses: One, the cameraperson.
CameraPerson's Location: 70 miles East of San Francisco.
Equipment:  Sony DCR-TRV720 Digital8 format, Fluidhead tripod, 2x Optical
June 17th. 2005
Video & Still Photos © Johnny Anonymous

Download Windows Media File: http://www.ufocasebook.com/jamoonobject.wmv

Object By Moon (Updated)
by Johnny Anonymous - All Rights Reserved

Several months ago, I reported on my videotaping the full moon as part of a seque scene for a DVD movie I've been producing for a fellow ufologist and aerial researcher. During this period (which I was unaware of at the time), an object of unknown type and source passed below the moon going against the wind. This report and video was provided to UFOcasebook and many have expressed an interest in possibly a closer rendition of just the object. Well with the advent of my purchasing some new filters and effects for my multimedia studio, I've been able to do just that.

The final processed clip is available for download below and is about 5.4 megs big in a mpeg2 format at 720x480 resolution. Simply right click the link and choose "save target as" (or with other browser's it may be "save link as")


Below is one frame from near the end (Marker - 08:01) that clearly shows that there is more to this object than what meets the eye. The single frame has been processed and enhanced to bring out more detail of the appendages..
The bottom section of the semi-spheroid shaped object angulates and rotates in a very inconsistent pattern.


mie mi se pare ca sunt niste FZ - uri majoritatea... :?


stiu un filmulet cu nasa ( un film din spatiu ) cu o chestie metalica ce seamana cu ele


Inca n-am apucat sa citesc totul(sorry, sesiunea e de vina), insa din ce am vazut in poze, acel obiect pare sa fie si ceea ce am vazut si eu.

CitatDupa cum se stie in raport,acel obiect(sfera) a disparut din vedere dupa ce a fost luata prima fotografie.Obiectul era stationar..parea foarte solid si era la o distanta foarte indepartata

Aceleasi proprietati le avea si obiectul vazut de mine. Mai multe detalii la
topicul Amintiri din ufologie


Amazing UFO Fleets Over Mexico un incident foarte ciudat:

More fleets of UFOs are identified on Mexico dupa cum se poate vedea aici:http://world.altavista.com/babelfish/trurl_pagecontent?lp=pt_en&trurl=http%3a%2f%2fwww.ufo.com.br%2fexclusivo%2fmexico%2f


Se pare ca Johnny Anonymous a mai prins o asa spusa ''sfera'' pe camera.
Material si report nou/26 aprilie 2006/mai multe amanunte la sursa: http://www.ufocasebook.com/modesto042606.html


La http://rense.com/general66/amazfl.htm nu pot spune decit: Mai ce multe sunt. De ce unii vad prea multe si altii (eu) niciunul? E nedrept, nu?


Citat din: assiris din  28 Aprilie 2006, 19:17:13
La http://rense.com/general66/amazfl.htm nu pot spune decit: Mai ce multe sunt. De ce unii vad prea multe si altii (eu) niciunul? E nedrept, nu?
Asta e.Unii vad altii nu!Se poate intampla oricui,oricand si oriunde!
Nu trebuie sa ne plangem...de invatat invatam cu toti,ceea ce este cel mai important.Uneori ceea ce vezi te poate chiar si rani.Deci sa te simti norocos ca TU nu ai vazut 8-)


Voi lasa acest film urmator in acest topic deoarece se incadreaza foarte bine pentru a acumula cat mai multe date si a intelege cat mai bine misterul acestor sfere.
Intotdeauna m-au fascinat aceste sfere misterioase.Sunt constient ca exista si fenomene naturale ca fulgere globulare dar sunt cazuri care sunt total diferite ce duce la sfere inteligente.Mai jos voi lasa o legatura cu un scurt clip filmat in Mexico.este extraordinar si va rog sa nu-l pierdeti sa-l vedeti.In nici un caz nu sunt pasari si nu cred ca sunt baloane lasate dupa petrecere.urmariti cu atentie miscarea sferelor ce zboara,lumina care degajeaza si alte elemente.FASCINANT pot spune...si eu sunt pe urmele lor :wink:


Inca o secventa la dosarul SFERE MISTERIOASE
S-a intrebat cineva macar de ce se intampla asa de mult in MEXICO? :roll:
Ei bine,de-aici incepe UFOlogia....intrebari si raspunsuri cat mai multe pentru a ajunge pe drumul cel bun.Vizionare placuta.Defapt nici nu stiu daca este cineva aici la care il intereseaza asemenea fenomene  :-D ah LOL
Multiple Objects Videotaped over Mexico

Puteti vedea secventa si chiar puteti sa o extrageti in PC'ul DV de la sursa originala:


Poate cineva sa-mi explice ce reprezinta acel obiect zburator :roll:
M-am uitat atent si pot spune ca nu am vazut in viata mea un obiect care sa zboare dintr-o data asa de repede.AMAZING!Nu pierdeti sa vedeti aceasta secventa.
Se incadreaza foarte bine aici in topicul''Ce sunt aceste sfere?'' :wink:

CitatEastern Suburbs, Sydney Australia
Date: April 2006
Witnesses: 1

Other Details: The witness reports seeing a bright light circling for two minutes (at the front of her house.) She went to get her camera, but the light had gone. When she went to the back of the house, she shot this brief clip of a light zooming across the sky.



nici un organism viu n-ar putea rezista unei acceleratii gravitationale atat de mari...probabil de ordinul sutelor de G...si totusi nici un corp fizic nu poate teoretic sa-si schimbe starea de miscare fara inertie...cum face acest ozn...s-ar ajunge la acceleratie infinita....este clar ca aceste vehicule au capacitatea de a-si anula complet greutatea...iar legile sunt astfel shuntate prin mecanisme de gravitatie artificiala in interiorul lor...dar nu sisteme de gandire terestra ce presupun rotatie....ci ALTCEVA......sa se fi perfectionat  intr-atat oznurile USA?Sau sunt de marca alien?


Citat din: jackie28t din  10 Iulie 2006, 23:44:35
Poate cineva sa-mi explice ce reprezinta acel obiect zburator :roll:
M-am uitat atent si pot spune ca nu am vazut in viata mea un obiect care sa zboare dintr-o data asa de repede.AMAZING!Nu pierdeti sa vedeti aceasta secventa.
Se incadreaza foarte bine aici in topicul''Ce sunt aceste sfere?'' :wink:

CitatEastern Suburbs, Sydney Australia
Date: April 2006
Witnesses: 1

Other Details: The witness reports seeing a bright light circling for two minutes (at the front of her house.) She went to get her camera, but the light had gone. When she went to the back of the house, she shot this brief clip of a light zooming across the sky.


Acea secventa ce reprezinta acea sfera (HOAX) este defapt una din toate acele clipurile false produse de AUSTRALIAN UFO WAVE 2006
Asta ca sa nu amestecam materialele acelor sfere misterioase cu baloane sau sfere realizate pe calculator cu programe speciale :|


Oare ce-o fi acea sfera ce pica din acel OZN? :roll:
Puteti vedea sau extrage filmul de pe legatura de mai jos:


Daca ne apucam sa postam clipuri cu ozneuri doar pentru a spune ca sunt FALSE dupa cateva zile asta nu cred ca slujeste cauzei nostre....De a dezvalui celorlalti adevarul despre cea mai mare operatiune de MANIPULARE,ascundere,COVER-UP din istorie.....
De fapt cred ca NEMERNICII ASA ZIS SCEPTICI JUBILEAZA aruncand in noi,THE TRUE BEALIVERS cu gunoaie asa zis dovezi ufo......
De aceea un adevarat luptator pentru adevar nu trebuie sa intre in jocul manipularii prin DEZAMAGIRE..Atentie..este cea mai EFICIENTA manipulare!
Mai ales pentru cei care cred ca fenomenul OZN se reduce la observatiile din ultimii 60 de ani...
Apropo..Dar ce sunt.....ACESTE SFERE?