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Creat de jackie28t, 18 Octombrie 2007, 00:33:53

« precedentul - următorul »

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Voi incepe cu un articol foarte interesant de la The New York Times scris de William J. Broad pe 3 mai 2006 
Este vorba de baza STARFIRE din New Mexico
Intregul articol al puteti citi AICI

CitatAdministration Researches Laser Weapon
An aerial view of Starfire, a government observatory in New Mexico where laser work is being done.

The Bush administration is seeking to develop a powerful ground-based laser weapon that would use beams of concentrated light to destroy enemy satellites in orbit.
The largely secret project, parts of which have been made public through Air Force budget documents submitted to Congress in February, is part of a wide-ranging effort to develop space weapons, both defensive and offensive. No treaty or law forbids such work...................

Unclassified pictures of Starfire in action show a pencil-thin laser beam shooting up from its hilltop observatory into the night sky.
(Three green lasers are seen emanating from facilities at the Starfire Optical Range on Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico. Lasers and deformable optics are used here to eliminate or minimize optical distortions caused by the Earth's atmosphere)


Ciudate sunt cercetarile Dr. Michael Persinger despre radiatiile electromagnetice implicate chiar si in proiectele pentagonului si NSA. Clipul pe care-l voi expune mai jos este doar un mic episod ce reda foarte putin despre unele experimente din spatele cortinei.




" the late US Naval Observatory astrophysicist, Dr. Tom van Flandern, proposed that a planet in our own solar system exploded aeons ago. When it came to proposing a mechanism capable of doing that, Van Flandern proposed that somehow, in the interior or the planet, a mass of antimatter had somehow managed to accumulate and remain contained, until the containment broke down and... KABOOM, the planet exploded. Might he have been thinking of plasmas in a planetary interior? Very possibly. It is also worth noting that Dr. van Flandern also had difficulties with his various proposed models, and eventually, and reluctantly proposed "deliberate action" or even a "technological mishap" as the reason for the planet's explosion.

Perhaps, in trying to divine the past, Dr. van Flandern had managed to peer into present secrets, and prophecy a grim future. In any case, howsoever one may interpret his prescience, this announcement seems to me to have about it the characteristics of a message, and the message is We can do this, we've taken the first steps. So who is the message for? Russia? China?  It seems to be a rather hamfisted message to send just for invading the Ukraine...

...or the message could be intended for "someone else"...


Pe scurt, sunt capabili la CERN sa faca singularitati desi au promis la inceput ca nu vor face asa ceva. Asta inseamna ca pot sa faca cantitati mari de antimaterie, stocata intre membrane de plasma . Antimaterie care poate fi folosita ca arma . Dupa toate probabilitatile, CERN are origini militare. Mai multe in articolele de mai sus.