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TOP 300 filme si documentare netraduse inca

Creat de FreeYourMind, 29 Septembrie 2007, 22:04:43

« precedentul - următorul »

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Salutare tuturor,
Probabil ca multi dintre voi stiu ca exista deja mii de filme si documentare care abordeaza subiectele tratate pe acest forum, sau in revista NEXUS (pentru cei care o cunosc) si am observat cu satisfactie, ca in ultima vreme oamenii au inceput sa se trezeasca la realitate si au inceput sa traduca filme si documentare din ce in ce mai interesante si mai importante pentru noi si lumea in care traim, gen:

ENDGAME - Blueprint For Global Enslavement (2007)
What the Bleep - Down the Rabbit Hole (2006)
Zeitgeist (2007)
Who Killed The Electric Car (2006)
BBC-The Power Of Nightmares (2004)
THE SECRET - The Law Of Attraction (2006)
EVIDENCE - The Case For NASA UFOs (By David Sereda - 2001)
Doing Time, Doing Vipassana (1997)
The Secret Beyond Matter (HARUN YAHYA)
The Corporation (2003)
The Root of All Evil (2006)
911 Mysteries (2006)
PBS Nova - The Elegant Universe
911 In The Plain Site (2004)
911 The Great Illusion – The Endgame of The Illuminati – Our Choice:Fear or Love? (2004)
Loose Change 2nd Edition (2006)
Montauk Project (Sub. RO)
Orwell Rolls in his Grave (2003)
Secret Space - The Illuminati Conquest Of Space (2005)
The Illuminati (2005)
The Illuminati II - The Antichrist Conspiracy (2006)
Surplus - Terorrized Into Beeing Consumers (2003)
The Illuminated Chakras (2004) by Anodea Judith
Enquete Sur Le Monde Invisible (Lumea Invizibila) (2002)
Bruce Lipton, Ph.D. - The New Biology - Where Mind and Matter Meet (2001)
Bruce Lipton, Ph.D. - Nature, Nurture and the Power of Love - The Biology of Conscious Parenting (2002)
Deliver Us From Evil (2006)
Earthlings (2003)
Great Global Warming Swindle (2007)
Sicko (2007)
Super Size Me (2004)
The Future of Food (2004)
The Root of All Evil (2006)
Who Wrote the Bible (2004)
JFK (1991)
Fahrenheit 9-11 (cu Michael Moore) (2004)
A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Moon (2001)
Ted Pike - Why The Mid-East Bleeds (2006)
The Microchip - Alex Jones (2006)
The Pictures That Fooled The World - Yugoslavia Death Camp Hoax
The Truth Behind The Gates Of Auschwitz (2003)
Why We Fight (2005)
Journey To The Hollow Earth (2005)
Freemasonry - From Darkness To Light (1991)
BBC HORIZON - Flow of Time - God
Einstein and Quantum Physics (1999)
BBC Horizon - The Hawking Paradox (2005)
The Disasters Darwinism Brought To Humanity (2006) (HARUN YAHYA)
Angels And Demons Revealed (2005)
Unlocking The Mystery Of Life - Life's Origins, Evolution And Intelligent Design (2003)
The Fact Of Creation (HARUN YAHYA)
AMERICA - Freedom To Fascism (2006 - by Aaron Russo)
How Jesus Became A Christ
Contact Has Begun (2008)
SECRET SPACE II - The Alien Invasion (2006)
PHENOMENON - The Lost Archives - Monopoly Men
MYSTERIOUS ORIGINS OF MAN - Forbidden Archeology (1996)
Yoghis Of Tibet (2002)
LSD - The Beyond Within (1986)
Evolution - The Foundation For Communism (1995)
Dezvaluirea misterelor sexualitatii sacre
KATHERINE ALBRECHT - RFID - Traking Everything Everywere

(NOTÃ: Filmele de mai sus SUNT DEJA TRADUSE !!! Cele netraduse înca se gãsesc în lista enumeratã mai jos de la 01 la 300)

   Sunt deja traduse unele dintre cele mai importante documentare, dar din pacate, intr-un numar extrem de mic comparativ cu cele existente acum pe piata si care sunt, deasemenea, de o importanta uriasa. Acestea sunt documentare care ne pot schimba felul de a gandi, credintele adanc impamantenite, deci inclusiv comportamentul si modul de a trai.
    Stiu ca sunt multi oameni avizi de astfel de informatii (ca cele din documentarele de mai sus) pe care nu le gasim pe nici un post de televiziune si nici nu cred ca o sa le vedem prea curand, deoarece nu se vrea o dezdobitocire a maselor de oameni.
    Oamenii pot fi mult mai usor de controlat daca sunt tinuti in ignoranta, iar "Tembelizorul" face o treaba buna in a hipnotiza si conditiona mintea umana. Tot cu ajutorul televizorului putem deconditiona, dehipnotiza oamenii (care sunt mult mai receptivi la un film sau un documentar decat la carti, in ziua de azi, din pacate).
    Asa ca va invit sa traducem impreuna lucruri mai importante si mai educative decat majoritatea filmelor de 2 lei existente acum pe piata (in cea mai mare masura), filme care nu ne ajuta cu nimic in viata, filme fara nici un fel de mesaj, filme pentru oameni cel putin superficiali, ca sa nu spun altfel. Mai sunt numite si filme de distractie ... mai bine spus de distragere de la adevaratele probleme cu care se confrunta omul astazi, filme din categoria "paine si circ". Omul este distras de la sine, din propria viata, din propriile probleme, intr-o completa uitare de sine, complet automatizat si robotizat, usor de manipulat, de manevrat, dar asta nu ofera o rezolvare ci o evitare a acelor probleme. Uneori evitarea este buna, ofera un repaus, un time out, dar nu e buna mereu si mereu.
       Din pacate, majoritatea acestor filme si documentare despre care vorbesc,cele din lista de mai jos, din top 300, nu au traducere in nici o limba, dar pt altele se mai pot gasi in spaniola, engleza sau portugheza pe emule sau chiar si pe siteurile de titrari din Romania , de ex. pe titrari.ro daca puneti la search Toate limbile.
      Personal am cautat si caut subtitrari in orice limba ar fi (majoritatea gasite le-am postat si pe titrari.ro sub numele FreeYourMind sau FYM), deoarece chiar si daca ai timpul (framurile) unei subtitrari e mai simplu sa traduci, decat de la ureche.
     Ca sa nu mai lungesc vorba va pot scrie o "mica" lista cu top 300 (din punctul meu de vedere) al celor mai importante documentare si filme de tradus (ma refer la cele care nu sunt traduse deja). Ele sunt intr-o ordine aleatorie.
    Si eu personal, traduc incet incet, in masura timpului disponibil din ele (in caz ca va apucati de tradus vreunul din ele, poate postati un anunt ceva aici sa stim si noi sa nu ne apucam de ele aiurea).
     Iata cele mai importante documentare si filme NETRADUSE inca, dupa parerea mea si a altora:

(Ultima actualizare: 10 iulie 2008)

01) 911 - Loose Change - The Final Cut (2007)
02) LEGEND OF ATLANTIS (este tradusa partea I; au mai ramas de tradus partile: II, III, IV, V) - am mai tradus 10 minute din partea a 2a, dar nu mai pot continua traducerea , documentarul e prea pervers, pana la urma ... cine o vrea, sa-mi spuna.
03) QUEST FOR THE LOST CIVILISATION (Graham Hancock) 1998 - Heaven's Mirror; Forbidden Knowledge; Ancient Mariners. - ns
04) CHARIOTS OF THE GODS (este si unul mai vechi facut de nemti in 1970 dupa cartea lui Erik Von Daniken si altul mai recent de la Discovery in 3 parti) - ns
05) A CRUDE AWAKENING - The Oil Crash (2006)
06) STARTLING PROOFS - Does God Reallly Exist? (Scientific Proofs God is Real)
07) MONEY MASTERS : How International Bankers Gained Control of America (cd1 sub en si cd2 sub Rus, dar am scriptul intregului documentar in engleza) - History of the Federal Reserve - pe asta il traduc eu acum
08) Free Energy - The Race To Zero Point - Bul sub
09) The Montauk Project - One Man's Story - Stewart Swerdlow (pe aceasta pozitie fost inlocuit Who killed the electric car).
10) Indigo (2003) cu Neale Donald Walsch si James Twyman (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0379322/)
11) FRACTALS - The Colors Of Infinity (Arthur C. Clarke) ns
12) Judea Declares War On Germany
13) In The Name Of God - Scenes From The Extreme
14) Nova Origins (1997) - mini sub en
15) Stephen Hawking's Universe (1997) (mini) - in 6 parti, sub EN, Ep 1 tradus
16) The Take (2004)
17) Magical Egypt (un documentar in 8 parti de John Anthony West)
18) ENRON - The Smartest Guys in the Room (2005)
19) GRASS - War on Drugs (1999) (Spanish sub)
20) One, The Movie (2005)
21) Einstein's Equation of Life and Death - En & Span Sub
22) Tot ce gasiti de Alex Jones aici http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1093953/ ... eu am subul in span pt 911.The.Road.To.Tyranny (Matrix of Evil, Terrorstorm samd)
23) Tot ce gasiti cu David Icke ... http://www.davidicke.com/index.php/
24) Gurdjieff'S Legacy - in 3 parti ns
25) OSHO (Baghawan Shri Rajneesh) - Tot ce se poate gasi cu el (http://www.indiaplaza.com/content/movie ... atic.shtml )
26) Harsh Realm (1999) serial tv in genul Etajul 13 sau Existenz (despre o lume virtuala in care am putea trai)
27) Siddhartha (1972) (Sub Span) - film
28) Who Killed JFK - The Jim Garrison Files
29) The Occult History Of The Third Reich
30) Alternative Three (Cosmic Black Operations Of The illuminati) VHS-RIP in 2 parti si ALTERNATIVE 3 (1977)
31) SHAMAN - Other Worlds - Ayahuasca Documentary
32) How Television Affects Your Brain Chemistry
34) KEN WILBER - tot ce gasiti cu el (Integral Life Practice Starter Kit; samd)
35) The Fourth World War (2003)
36) STANISLAV GROF - tot ce gasiti cu el (ex: Psychology of the Future; Talking to the Unconscious Mind; samd)
37) DAVID BOHM - tot ce gasiti cu el
38) Cell Phone Wars
39) John E. Mack, M.D. - Transcending the Dualistic Mind
40) Cults; Dangerous Devotion (Decoding The Past) XviD WS 2007.01.06
41) The Secret NASA Transmissions - The Smoking Gun
42) Tot ceea ce gasiti legat de Cercurile din lanuri (mai bine spus formele din lanuri ca nu mai sunt doar cercuri de mult timp), vezi http://www.cropcircleconnector.com/anas ... n98ro.html - sunt mai multe documentare care aduc niste explicatii foarte bune gen Crop Circles - Quest For Truth (2002) sau Paranormal - Crop Circles (Divx 47 mins).
43) Conspiracy - Anthrax Attacks
44) Behind the Big News
45) History Channel - Brotherhood of Terror (2005.TVRip.SoS)
46) Derren Brown - toate documentarele facute de acest tip sunt geniale
47) Conscious Revolutions (911- Illuminati - Media Propaganda - NWO)
48) First On Moon - Untold Story
49) New World Order Top Secret
50) Hydrogen_Car-and-Multi-Fuel 1
51) HAARP - Holes in heaven (Advanced Tesla technology)
52) The 5Th Dimension - sunt mai multe episoade
52) Hoxsey - How Healing Becomes A Crime (alt. cancer cure)
53) Awakening to Zero Point w Gregg Braden
54) Dreamworlds - Desire. Sex and Power in Music Videos
55) Tesla - Master of Lightning
56) The.Doomsday.Clock.-.Astronomical.Precession.and.2012.(David.Flynn).(2005)
57) Welcome To The Evolution Mayan 2012 This Is How It All Ends
58) Election Fraud USA (20 Video Clips Avi+Flv) Diebold, BlackBoxVoting, Votergate CD-ROM
59) Irate Cinema Underground - Welcome to the Police State
60) Ufo_the_Greatest_Story_Ever_Denied_Xvid
61) Invisibly Visible (Identifying Masonic Symbols)
62) Return to the Source - Philosophy and the Matrix
63) Harry Browne - How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World
64) Richard Kershaw - All Hail the Supreme Architect of the Universe
65) Freeman Perspective - Corporate Logos and Freemasonry
66) Money_Bankers_and_The_Federal_Reserve
67) Masonry - Behind Closed Doors - John Ankerberg Show
68) The Secret History of 911
69) Clash.of.the.Geniuses-Inventing.the.Impossible
70) Psychedelics, DNA, religion and UFOs
71) Future Of Bit Torrent
72) The New Atlantis
73) Bermuda.Triangle.The.True.Story
74) Dan Aykroyd Unplugged on UFOs (2006)
75) Incredible Creatures That Defy Evolution
76) The Capitalist Conspiracy (1960's Anti New World Order)
77) World without cancer (working cure supressed by Edward Griffin)
78) HoagLands Mars - in 4 parti
79) William Cooper - Secret Government, MAJESTY12, Mars and Moon Base
80) Finally The Truth Behind Them All! [Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations)
81) Fingerprints of Creation (Proof Big Bang Theory is a Lie)(Technical)
82) FRONTLINE - PBS - Secret History Of The Credit Card (23 Nov. 2004)
83) The Men Who Killed Kennedy - The Guilty Men (2003)
84) PHENOMENON - The Lost Archives - sunt 14 episoade (Monopoly Men - asta e deja tradus, HAARP, Science Fraud, Tunguska, American Midnight, Unkown Encounter, Heavy Watergate – The war on cold fusion, Genesis Revisited, Noah's Ark Found? samd)
85) Carlos Castaneda's Deception [Tales from the Jungle series]
86) Architecture of Doom - Nazism Documentary
87) Art Meets Science and Spirituality - 1971
88) BBC.Documentary-Greg.Palast-Bush.Family.Fortunes
89) 100 Reasons Evolution is Stupid
90) 9-11 - Osama Is Innocent - The Physical Evidence
91) Jeremiah Films - The Evolution Conspiracy - 4 episoade
92) Astronauts Gone Wild - An investigation into the authenticity of the moon landings (2004)
93) The Awful Truth with Michael Moore - 2 sezoane ns
94) The Pleiadian Mission - UFO Billy Meier Space,Time Travel,Dinosaur photos (1998)
95) The Nazis A Warning From History (1997) - in 6 parti
96) Mysteries Beyond
97) Krishnamurti & David Bohm - The Future of Humanity
98) IMAX - The Enigma Of The Swastika
99) Satanic Ritual Abuse and Secret Societies
100) Free Energy - Laurence Gardner - Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark
101) Hitler's Search for the Holy Grail
102) Weapons Of Mass Deception
103) Saddam and the Third Reich
104) Jungle Trip Ayahuasca
105) Awakening The Divine Within - Entheogen 2007
106) BBC Documentary - Carl G. Jung - Matter of Heart
107) Death Experiences - Life After Life - Ray Moody
108) Maybe Logic - Robert Anton Wilson - Documentary 2003
109) Therapeutic Potential of Psychedelics
110) Sacred Weeds Amanita Muscaria Series
111) Xtreme Mysteries - Who Killed Princess Diana
112) Vaccination - The Hidden Truth - 1998
113) UFO'S..Seeing Is Believing
114) The Story of God - Xvid 180min
115) Discovery Channel - Documentary - Jesus In the Himalayas
116) Enemy Image - News manipulation of the masses
117) alliance-weather.underground
118) Occult Agenda P1 - Harry Potter - A spirit conspiracy
119) Magic Weed - History Of Marijuana
120) G. Edward Griffin - World Without Cancer (The Story of Vitamin B17)
121) James Arthur - Amanita Muscaria
122) Peter Lindemann - World of Free Energ
123) The Truth About Meat Industry
124) Black Dawn The Next Pandemic
125) CARL SAGAN'S Cosmos - episoadele 5 - 13 (primele 4 sunt traduse)
126) Christopher Dunn - The Giza Power Plant
127) The Big Lies of the Twentieth Century
128) Spotlight Documentary Codename Artichoke - Secret CIA Experiments on Humans
129) Michael Moore Hates America (documentary) (Mike Wilson, 2004)
130) MICHAEL MOORE - The Big One; Roger And Me;
131) MICHAEL TSARION (absolut tot ce a scos , incluzand seria Origins and Oracles ( Program 01) Atlantis Alien Visitation & Genetic Manipulation; Program 02) 2012 - Where History Ends; Program 03) Divination & the Goddess Tradition; Program 04) Weapons of Mass Deception Behind the New World Order ; Program 05) Astro-Theology and Sidereal Mythology; Program 06) The Subversive Use Of Sacred Symbols In The Media); The Destruction of Atlantis; 2012 The Future of Mankind 2006 (3h24min) si altele)
132) Banking With Hitler
133) GNOSIS - The Secrets Of Solomon's Temple Revealed - Reencoded
134) The Occult In Your Living Room - Stephen Dollins, 2h30min
135) Ufos.Down.To.Earth-Uncovering.The.Evidence
136) Equinox-It.Runs.on.Water-Overunity.(Free.Energy.Broadcast.1995)
137) Crazy Rulers of the World - in 3 parti
138) Aldous.Huxley.-.The.Gravity.of.Light.(2003)
139) Nazi UFOs - How They Fly - The German Tesla Anti-Gravity And Free Energy Program (William Lyne)
140) The Oil Factor
141) Breaking the law in the name of the law - The BATF Story
142) The History of LSD
143) Ilegal Drugs (LSD, Ecstasy and The Raves Cyclope)
144) Ilegal Drugs (Opium, Morphine and Heroin)
145) Roots of the Matrix
146) The Hard Problem - The Science behind the Fiction
147) Stan Monteith - Secrets of the Illuminati
148) Meetings with Remarkable Men (1979)
149) The Electricity War - Edison, Westinghouse, Tesla - HistoryChannel
150) Ayurveda - Art of Being (2001)
151) Krishnamurti - interviewed by Dr. Allan Anderson on PBS - 1974 - A Wholly Different Way Of Living (18 parti)
152) BBC Horizon - Most of our Universe is Missing 2006
153) Thalidomide- A Wonder Drug - Second Chance
154) Why The Arabs Hate The West
155) The Origins of AIDS
156) Carlos Castaneda - Enigma of a Sorcerer (2004)
157) Nick Begich - Electromagnetism and the Brain
158) Great Crimes and Trials of the 20th Century-Martin Luther King
159) PBS Vatican Assassins - The Ultimate Conspiracy
160) The Other Israel - The Whole Story of Zionist Conspiracy
161) Bruce McBurney Super Carburetor Stanley Meyer Pogue Oil hydrogen fuel cell Crisis
162) Banned_From_the_Bible
163) CBS 60 Minutes - Skull & Bones
164) Conspiracies The Pope and the Mafia Million
165) Jasmuheen -11.29.2000 Living On Light
166) Kalachakra (Wheel of Time) (2003)
167) The Question Of God - 4 parti
168) UNCOVERED - Why Bush REALLY attacked Iraq
169) Africa - America's New Oil Target (2005-TVRip-d0x)
170) Americas Choice - Liberty or Sustainable Development - 2004 - 3 parti
171) SPIN documentary on how the media lies to manipulate us
172) James Randi demonstrates how 'psychic' Uri Geller bends spoons and other magic tricks on the Toni
173) Last Of The Medicine Men - Peyote
174) Nazi Expedition
175) The Antichrist Dajjal will be a Reptilian Shapeshifter si toate celalte filme de la Hashems Films
176) If Drugs Were Legal
177) Discovery-Best.Kept.Secrets-Mysterious.Societies-Skull.and.Bones
178) Suppressed Medical Discovery - Dr. Robert Beck
179) UFO - Down to Earth - 4 parti
180) BBC-Channel4 - Supermarket Secrets 1 & 2 (Dispatches)
181) Food as Medicine (Jerry Brunetti, 2005) - 2 parti
182) Monsanto_Global food-monopoly.avi
183) The Nature of Things - Part 2 Alternative Agriculture, Food For Life
184) (Aspartame) - Sweet Misery, A Poisoned World
185) BBC-Panorama The Trouble With Sugar (2004)
186) Ufos The Best Evidence Ever (Caught on Tape) FoxTelevision-TVrip (1997)
187) DoubleHelix_theDNAYears & ExtremeCelebrity Ayahuasca
188) The Occult World of Commerce - Maxwell-Whitney
189) Globalism, Iron Mountain and UFOs, The Strong Delusion (2h26min)
190) Secrets of the CIA
191) William Henry - StarGates Of The Gods
192) Water Crystals In Motion - Messages From Water - Dr Masaru Emoto
193) September 11- Evidence to the Contrary REDUX 2006
194) History's Hot Spots-Iran- The Next Iraq
195) Graham Hancock - Supernatural (BBLC - 2005)
196) Shamans Of The Amazon (2002) - Dmt, Ayahuasca, Mckenna
197) The Tibetan Book Of The Dead - 2 parti
198) Secrets of Alchemy - Jay Weidner
199) David Sereda - Ancient of Days 2004
200) Genetically Modified Food - Panacea Or Poison
201) Hijacking Catastrophe, 911-Fear & the Selling of American Empire (2004)
202) Earth Rising, The Series - Earth Changes, The Ripple Effect
203) CYMATICS (Cymatics - Part 1: Bringing Matter to Life With Sound; Cymatics - Part 2: The Healing Nature of Sound; Cymatics - Part 3: Application of Cymatic Therapy; Cymatics - Part 4: Soundscapes - Experiments in Animation With Sound & Vibration)
204) Rupert Sheldrake - Heretic - BBC Untold Mysteries
205) Solar Empire-Space Trek
206) Power Play - 3 parti
207) The 50 Years War - Israel and the Arabs - 6 parti
208) The Nature of Things - in 2 parti
209) Welcome To The Evolution - Mayan Calendar
210) TIMOTHY LEARY - Beyond Life with Timothy Leary; LSD Science and Experience; Millbrook and the Raid; Young Turks at Harvard; How to Operate Your Brain; The Origin of the Human Be-in;
211) Natural Questions - Richard Feynman - Horizon Interview
212) Psychedelic Science - by Bill Eagles
213) Blue Apples (Stargate 2012 Wormholes) by William Henry
214) History's Mysteries - The True Story of the Philadelphia Experimen
215) Physics 1 - Time Travel, Tunneling, Tennis, and Tea
216) Physics 2 - May the Force Be With You - Dark Energy
217) Shroud of Turin - Fabric Of Time - Documentary 2007
218) Secrets of Levitation
219) William Henry - Stargate 2012 - Surfing The Tides Of The Milky Way
220) Devotion.and.Defiance.(2004)
221) The Message of the Tibetans - Buddhism & Tantrism
222) Taboo Of Tarot (1999)
223) The Book Of Life (1998)
224) [Documentary Banned] (Discovery Channel) Conspiracy Of Silence Pedophiles In High Places
225) The Subversive Use Of Sacred Symbols In The Media
226) Dick Cheney - The Unauthorized Biography
227) The Mindscape of Alan Moore - Writer Shaman Documentary
228) Who Controls The Children (schools dumb down kids deliberately)
229) BBC - Jesus - The Real Story - 3 parti
230) Yoga - Paramahansa Sri Ramakrishna - A Documentary (Vedanta Society)
231) Homosexual Blackmail In The U.S. Government (Kay Griggs Interview) - 2 parti
232) Masters Of The Universe
233) ECHART TOLLE - Power of Now 2 parti ; Bringing stillness into everyday life ; Flowering of Human Consciousness - 6 parti;The Power of Not Knowing - 2 parti ; Dimension of Stillness - 2 parti; The Deepest truth in Human Existence - Sub span
234) Video - The Soft Skeletons and Emily Haines - Our Hell
235) Darwin's Nightmare - (About Capitalism, Eco-Destruction--Not Evolution, Which Is Fraud)
236) UFO's The Complete Truth
237) Area 51 The Alien Interview
238) Best Evidence - Disguise And Deception In The Assassination Of JFK
239) Hollywood And The Pentagon - A Dangerous Liaison (Propaganda)
240) The Fourth Reich - Toward An American Police State
241) Bermuda Triangle - sunt mai multe parti legate de asta
242) Stewart Swerdlow - History of Mind Control (History and Deprogramming) (Excellent)
243) This Is What Democracy Looks Like (Seattle WTO Protest 1999)
244) Freemason Council admition of mason rule in US
245) Bush Skull & Bones Secret Society - 2 parti
246) Why Politicians Can't Tell the Truth
247) Whats_The_Truth-How_Indeed_Did_The_Twin_Towers_Collapse'
248) DISINFORMATION The Complete Series - Robert Anton Wilson &others © - 2 parti + interviul
249) Global Governance - The Quiet War Against American Independence
250) Whoever says the truth shall die
251) CHRIS ANGEL - Masterminds - The DVD Series, Mindfreak, Supernatural si altele
252) Peter Russell - White Hole in Time
253) The Pentagon's New Map (C-SPAN) - 2 parti
254) Restul documentarelor netraduse ale lui BRUCE LIPTON (Biology of Perception;
As Above So Bellow; Fractal Wisdom, etc)
255) Secret Rulers Of The World - David Icke, Lizards And Jews
256) Mechanical Universe (Stephen Hawking) - 13 parti
257) From Here To Andromeda (cu David Sereda)
258) Spiritworld (Enigma Channel)
259) Secrets Of The Bible Code Revealed / The Bible Code II - Apocalypse & Beyond / Conspiracies... - The Bible Code Warnings
260) 911 The Ripple Effect (2007) (Full Version including 2 deleted scenes)
261) History's Mysteries Secret Brotherhood of Free Masons
262) V (1983) - serial TV in 2 sez http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0085106/ - sub EN
263) The Grid (2004) Serial TV - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0389635/ Sub EN
264) The Brotherhood Of The Bell - Tv-Movie,1970, Skull & Bones, Conspiracy, Freemasons - film
265) WHAT THE BLEEP! Down The Rabbit Hole (5 DVD Collection) (cu exceptia DVD-ul 3 - What The Bleep: Down The Rabbit Hole)
266) PADRE PIO - Tra Cielo E Terra (2000) - film
267) Einstein Theory Of Relativity (1992)
268) World Greatest Conspiracy Theories
269) Cold Fusion - Fire From Water Free Energy
270) Steal This Film I & II
271) Millenium 2K DVD h264 2hrs Secrecy Exposed
272) CHANNEL 4 (Sacred Weeds) - The Blue Lily - Flower Power; The Fly Agaric Mushroom; Henbane; Salvia Divinorum.
273) Stuart Wilde - Mastery Of Money
274) The Extraordinary Nature of Water - Based on the theories of Viktor Schauberger
275) China vs the US - The Battle For Oil (2007-SDTV-d0x)
276) Emerging Truth Productions - A Look Into the New World Order
277) Mother Teresa (2004) - film - sub EN
278) Francesco (1989) - film - Sub Span
279) Absolute Zero (2007) - un documentar in 2 parti ce cuprinde Absolute Zero Episodul 1: The Conquest of Cold si Absolute Zero Episodul 2: The Race for Absolute Zero - Sub EN
280) Pollyanna (1973) TV - un film cu o fetita care vedea partea pozitiva in orice situatie ... extrem de inspirat (diferit de varianata Disney din 1960)
281) Lost Horizon (1937) si Lost Horizon (1973)
282) KUNG FU (Un serial TV din 1972 in 3 sezoane (62 epsioade), din care primul sezon de 16 episoade e tradus 90%, lipsesc doar 3 subtitrari in romana)
283) The Tao Of Caine - Production & Beyond (2003)
284) From Grasshopper To Caine - Creating Kung Fu (2003)
285) The Secret Bible Apocalypse
286) Energy From The Vacuum – Part 1 (Feat Tom Bearden)
287) PBS – Special – FAT – What no one is telling you (2007)
288) Zero-Point Energy Extraction from the Quantum Vacuum (Tom Valone) (2004)
289) Freemasons On Trial (National Geographic Channel)
290) War Made Easy - How Presidents and Pundits Keep Spinning Us To Death (2007)
291) MICHAEL PARENTI – Terrorism, Globalization & Conspiracy
292) Liberty Bound
293) Jon Rappoport - The Secret Behind Secret Societies
294) Noam Chomsky – Rebel Without A Pause (2005)
295) We Become Silent: The Last Days Of Health Freedom
296) The Society Of The Spectacle
297) The Iron Triangle (2003)
298) McLibel – BBC Storyville Episode
299) Ramtha's School of Enlightenment
300) The Emissaries Of Jahbulon (The Sick World Of Freemasonry)

SAMD ...
    Mai vreti?
     Adevarul este ca abia am zgariat suprafata in ceea ce priveste ceea ce este cu adevarat important de tradus. Asa cum am spus sunt mii de astfel de documentare, dar eu am selectat ce mi s-a parut mai interesant si mai urgent de tradus, cel putin din ceea ce stiu eu.
     In fine, ca sa nu spuneti ca nu aveti de unde va inspira, poate ca lista asta va va folosi. Un search in google ar trebui sa va ajute sa le gasiti.
     Asa ca nu este timp de pierdut. Timpul zboara, informatiile sunt multe si trebuie sa circule pe la cat mai multa lume. Sunt documentare care nu o sa le vedeti niciodata la TV, asa ca informati-va si dati si la altii. Traduceti si dati cunoscutilor. Or sa se uite la voi cu alti ochi (unii cu ochi mai buni alti or sa va ia de nebuni, in fine... o sa fie o viata mai intensa oricum). Trust me...
Sa-i dam bataie   

P.S. Inca ceva ...
Nu stiu daca mai tineti minte serialul de la Tele7abc, Kung Fu (1972) se numea, cu David Carradine in rolul lui Kwai Cheng Caine http://www.tv.com/kung-fu/show/2162/episode_listings.html , de prin anii 1995 - 1996, parca . Personal consider acest serial un MUST SEE! Daca se poate sa dati o mana , un picior ceva, de ajutor aici, ar fi super...
P.P.S. Deoarece suntem pe un forum care abordeaza in special subiectul UFO va recomand, daca nu l-ati vazut deja, documentarul EVIDENCE - the Case For NASA UFO's facut de david Sereda, un bun UFOlog, fizician de profesie (mie mi-a schimbat viata ... mai ales ca l-am si tradus dupa ureche si cu acea ocazie l-am vazut de 2-3 ori) ... Daca mai exista cineva care se indoieste de fenomenul OZN dupa ce vizioneaza acest documentar nu va mai avea nici o indoiala ... Suntem vzitati!
   Vorba lui Dan Aykroyd, faimosul actor din Ghostbusters si altele, care vorbeste in deschiderea filmului, "Este cel mai cuprinzator, socant si puternic caz prezentat acum, la început de nou mileniu, in care se demasca secretele ascunse în spatele fenomenului OZN si a cunoasterii lui de catre guvern". (mai nou Dan Aykroyd a scos un nou documentar numit  Dan Aykroyd Unplugged on UFOs (2005) impreuna cu David Sereda in care afirma sus si tare ca el insusi a vazut OZN-uri samd, deci un VIP de la Hollywood isi risc cariera spunand asa ceva ... cred ca este interesant).
   Eu am tradus varianta in 2 cduri VHSrip (Evidence The Case For NASA UFOs - Part 1 - VHSRip 697 Mb si Evidence The Case For NASA UFOs - Part 2 - VHSRip 701 MB).
P.P.P.S. Daca cineva nu stie unde sa gaseasca filmele si documentarele din lista sa ma intrebe aici sau in adresa e-mail din profil.


frate eu vreau tot ce stii si traduceri tot sunt pasionat de asa cevaa


                The revolution is NOW      

Asta este linkul de unde puteti sa il extrageti (dureaza cam 15-20 de minute in functie de viteza)
Documentarul este arhivat si are inclusa subtitrarea in limba romana (il dezarhivati si vizionare placuta)....  http://www.transfer.ro/storage/The_Revolution_is_NOW.rar

Incepand din momentul asta fisierul sta acolo maxim 10 zile....spor la download.



Aceiasi procedura....click dreapta cu mouse-ul pe link, selectati SAVE TARGET AS si download documentarul.

Storage...10 zile.


Orwell Rolls in his Grave

Click dreapta cu mouse-ul pe link, selectati SAVE TARGET AS si download documentarul.


Citat din: Urban din  24 Octombrie 2007, 12:16:34
                The revolution is NOW      

Asta este linkul de unde puteti sa il extrageti (dureaza cam 15-20 de minute in functie de viteza)
Documentarul este arhivat si are inclusa subtitrarea in limba romana (il dezarhivati si vizionare placuta)....  http://www.transfer.ro/storage/The_Revolution_is_NOW.rar

Incepand din momentul asta fisierul sta acolo maxim 10 zile....spor la download.

Buna urban,
apreciez initiativa ta, dar ar fi fost si mai bine sa mentionezi numele exact al documentarului ... eu l-am tras si abia apoi am realizat ca era vorba de documentarul, de altfel foarte bun, Zeitgeist (sau American Zeitgeist, dupa cum este de gasit in alte parti). Deasemenea am crezut ca o sa gasesc filmul si subtitrarea la Horizon-Most of our Universe is Missing. Asa se intelegea. Am tras tot fisierul doar pentru subtitrare, ca documentarul il aveam, si am descoperit ca nu era subtitrarea. In fine. Poate ar fi bine sa fii un pic mai clar pe viitor, ca sa nu pierdem timp, banda si spatiu pe hdd cu trasul aiurea asa. In rest treaba pe care o faci este f buna. Eu le-am tras destul de repede, cu aprox 4MB/s, mult mai repede decat daca le-as fi luat de pe torrente sau de prin alte parti.
Numai bine  :-)


INAINTE DE A VEDEA UN FILM  ,regula 1) intreaba-te cine a facut scenariul ,cine l-a realizat, unde  l-a realizat,cand ,cum, de ce , cu ce fonduri,cu ce rezultat  ca tinta finala........ vizionare placuta ( TEHNICI DE ANTIMANIPULARE),...... DIN CURSUL DE MANIPULARE AUDIO -VIDEO.   regula 2) repeta vizionarea  pe frgmente logice adica sparge unitatea informationala in bucati si analizeazale  fuzzy ,......succes




290) War Made Easy - How Presidents and Pundits Keep Spinning Us To Death (2007)


daca o sa am timp o sa o fac in romana dar daca are cineva timp mai repede il rog sa o faca...

multumim pentru lista prietene e mina de aur ... abia acu am dat de acest site si am vazut doar mica parte din toate documentarele alea de care spui ... merci again ...

de asemenea mai puteti incerca sa gasiti documentarul ca eu nu l-am gasit inca ... Bigger, Stronger, Faster* DETALII AICI nu e chiar ca astea de aici dar merita vazut doar ca sa vedem unde e in stare sa mearga cineva pentru un fizic bun, bani si etc ..


Pun si eu, TOP 13 carti netraduse...carti rare !!!

•   The History of Romanism: From the Earliest Corruptions of Christianity to the Present Time by Rev. John Dowling (674 pages; 1845)
•   History of the Jesuits: Their Origin, Progress, Doctrines, and Designs by G.B. Nicolini (556 pages; 1854)
•   Popery, Puseyism, Jesuitism by Luigi Desanctis (178 pages; 1905)
•   The Engineer Corps of Hell by Edwin A. Sherman (46 pages; 1883?)
•   Secret Instructions of the Jesuits by W.C. Brownlee (144 pages; 1857)
•   The Black Pope: A History of the Jesuits by M.F. Cusack (404 pages; 1896)
•   The Jesuits: A Complete History of their Open and Secret Proceedings from the Foundation of the Order to the Present Time by Theodor Griesinger (838 pages; 1903)
•   The Footprints of the Jesuits by R.W. Thompson (512 pages; 1894)
•   The Awful Disclosures of Maria Monk by Maria Monk (94 pages; 1836?)
•   The Thrilling Mysteries of a Convent Revealed (100 pages; 1835?)
•   The Jesuit Conspiracy: The Secret Plan of the Order by the Abbate Leone (320 pages; 1848?)
•   The Crisis: or, The Enemies of America Unmasked by J. Wayne Laurens (308 pages; 1855); and,
•   Romanism as a World Power by Luther S. Kauffman (85 pages; 1922).
These rare old books cover a range of topics from the abuse of nuns inside convent walls to the nefarious and sinister activities of the Jesuit Order.  Many writers in the 18th and 19th centuries saw the Jesuit Order as one of the greatest threats to religious liberty that the world had ever known!  Many famous Americans (such as Samuel Morse, President Abraham Lincoln, and President John Adams) tried to warn us about the grave dangers posed to any society that would permit the Jesuit Order to exist within its borders!  One of the authors listed above, R.W. Thompson, was an ex-Secretary of the Navy.  Two of the authors, M.F. Cusack and Maria Monk, were ex-nuns.  The authors all share one thing in common: they knew quite a bit about the topics upon which they expounded.  Some of the above-listed authors risked their lives to get this critical information to the public – we must keep this information alive in our generation!  A lot of history has disappeared from America's history textbooks and encyclopedias – these books will help to fill in a lot of those "missing historical gaps".
În timp ce toti oamenii accepta realitatea obiectelor, care sunt perceptibile simturilor lor, Socrate are o atitudine dispretuitoare fata de oamenii, care cred ca pentru a deveni reale lucrurile trebuie sa fie palpabile.


a explirat linku :((

mai punetil odata va rog...sau spunetimi de unde sal iau...

pace !
A nation which has forgotten the quality of courage which in the past has been brought to public life is not as likely to insist upon or regard that quality in its chosen leaders today - and in fact we have forgotten.



Am upload-at un film documentar care zic eu merita sa fie vazut...
"Mysterious Origins of Man - Forbidden Archeology"...filmul are si subtitrare in lb. romana bine sincronizata si se download-eaza foarte repede de pe transfer.ro (eu spre exemplu il iau cu 8-9MB/s) pentru ca este metropolitan serverul, adica in maxim 2-3 minute luati filmul, in functie de conexiunea pe care o aveti...
Acesta este linkul (filmul este in format WinRAR) :

(Fisierul sta pe server maxim 10 zile)


Mai mult decat interesant acest documentar. Ar fi interesant un topic despre aceste sfere din Klerksdorp mi s-a parut ca s-a vb prea putin despre ele. Oricum Urban ai facut o treaba foarte buna si nu cred ca exista cineva care sa nu fie pus pe ganduri de un astfel de documentar, oare suntem prea mici deocamdata ca sa aflam adevarul? Oare ne vom trezi vreodata din amnezie? :star:


Un alt film documentar...
"Journey To The Hollow Earth"...filmul are subtitrare in lb. romana.
Linkul (filmul este in format WinRAR) :

(Fisier pe server maxim 10 zile)