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Pamantul este gol pe dinauntru si viu

Creat de sevastase, 14 Aprilie 2008, 16:56:05

« precedentul - următorul »

0 Membri şi 1 Vizitator vizualizează acest subiect.



Locatia deschizaturii. Note: Map contributed by Will Rhea, who shamelessly lifted it from some site somewhere and modified it.



Va aparea de curand pe marele ecrane...............Journey To the Center of the Earth
Cica e frumos in interiorul pamantului.Sunt chiar si dinozauri   :wink:


An exciting adventure based on the classic Jules Verne novel "Journey to the Center of the Earth," Journey to the Center of the Earth stars Brendan Fraser (Crash, The Mummy) as a science professor whose untraditional hypotheses have made him the laughing stock of the academic community. But on an expedition in Iceland, he and his nephew stumble upon a major discovery that launches them on a thrilling journey deep beneath the Earth's surface, where they travel through never-before-seen worlds and encounter a variety of unusual creatures. Journey to the Center of the Earth is directed by Academy Award-winning visual effects veteran Eric Brevig (Total Recall, Pearl Harbor) from a screenplay by Michael Weiss and Jennifer Flackett & Mark Levin. The film is a co-venture between New Line Cinema and Walden Media.


Haioase desenele astea.. Imi aduc aminte de revistele Rahan si Pif & Hercule de cand eram mic.


the hollow Earth is not a theory, but a scientific fact caused by the cooling and spinning of a planet as it is ejected from a star or sun.


Shall we check to see if Meredith Lady Young, author of "AGARTHA" (book about the civilization of the inner earth) agrees?

The primary entry points to the inner Earth are via the North Pole, where there is an opening of 1300 miles, and the South Pole, with an opening of 950 miles. These can be seen from space. That is why commercial aircraft are not allowed to fly over these areas; not because of magnetic disturbances, which is the "official" reason. Admiral Byrd reported on these openings in the 1920s until his information was concealed by the government.

At the very centre, or nucleus, of inner Earth, there is a globe of energy left over from the creation of this planet that acts as an inner sun. It is the light from this object suspended by gravity and centrifugal force that causes the light of the aurora borealis.

Numerous cave entrances to the inner Earth exist in the Rocky Mountains and Sierra Mountains in the western United States, as well as less numerous openings in the Ozarks and Appalachian Mountains. Entries also exist in the Alps, Himalayas, Andes, and the Caribbean. There are also numerous sub-oceanic entry points, particularly in the deep trenches of the Pacific Ocean, the Caribbean Sea, and the Atlantic submarine mountain ranges especially on or near the Azores, Canary Islands, and the Falklands.

All of these areas are closely guarded by local governments and N.W.O. elite forces. Artificially created entrances exist under the new Denver airport, the Giza Plateau in Egypt, major Air Force complexes around the world, and many of the Temples in India and China. A major Chinese entry point is under the Shensi Pyramid that is out of bounds for everyone in Western China.

Of course, with the Reptilians off the Earths surface, the Atlanteans were free to play with this new mankind and establish humans as the ruler of this planet. They established colonies all over the remaining portions of land. They invited the Sirians to come and play with them. They booted the Marduk beings off-world and took control of their slaves. They created new hybrids for sea and land, one of which became the Merfolk, a genetic blend of human and dolphin. The dolphin species was brought here from the Andromeda Galaxy to monitor all of these events.

Whenever the Atlanteans detected underground Reptilian activity, they blasted the inner Earth with lasers and electromagnetic pulses to kill them. Unfortunately, this weakened the upper crust of the Earths top mantle riding over the trapped magma between the upper and lower crusts. After several millennia of these attacks, the Atlantean continent started to break up. Their civilization began to break up as a reflection of the physical deterioration of their continent. The Atlanteans became even more belligerent as fear and destruction overtook their mind-patterns. Black magicians and sorcerers took the place of scientists and religious leaders.

Fortunately, the population foresaw the destruction that was coming. Many refugees relocated to what is now Egypt, Peru, the Appalachian Mountains and Western Europe, just before the continent collapsed into the upper crust of the Earth. This collapse caused the Earth to flip on its axis, creating the legend of the Flood written about in the Bible, and in other world cultures.

This catastrophe was used as a window of opportunity by the groups that donated DNA to create mankind. They immediately began reorganizing the humans into new groups that became the basis for future nationalism. The Sirians helped to create the ancient Egyptian culture. Those from Tau Ceti organized the Slavic culture. The Rigelians were busy in China and the Orient.[3]

While all this was transpiring, the Reptilians saw an opportunity and seized it!

The inner Earth provided a subterranean locale for the Reptilians to regroup and formulate plans to retake the surface. At this point, the Reptilians were completely cut off from their home in the Draco constellation. Their spaceship, the Moon, was in human hands. They were alone, isolated on a now hostile planet. They needed to defend themselves.

They developed a plan to insidiously retake the surface by blending their genetics with the genetics of the surface humans. Because the human prototype already had Reptilian genetics, it was easy to access the mind-pattern. The Reptilian frequency was already established in the brain stem as well as the Reptilian brain section of these hybrid humans.

The population of Sumer was chosen as the starting point. These humans were primarily descendants of the Martian, Maldekian, and Lyraen refugees. The Reptilians have a preference for the genetics of blonde-haired, blue-eyed people whose mind-patterns and genetics are so easily controlled. They abducted members of the ruling classes, including political leaders.

Using these humans, they began a new hybridization program that took several generations to perfect. Their goal was to reach a human/ Reptilian genetic 50/50 split. This would produce a human-looking Reptilian that could easily shapeshift from Reptilian to human, then back again. Shapeshifting was accomplished simply by concentrating on the genetics the hybrid wished to open, or lock up, whatever the case may be.

For this program the Reptilians engaged the help of the Sirians who had the technology to implement such a program. The Sirians knew a lot about genetic alterations and mind-programming, which they freely shared with the Reptilians.

Once the hybridization program was complete, the Sumerian leaders were now shapeshifting Reptilians. The new Reptilian hybrid became the elite of that culture. Their blood, because of the increased Reptilian DNA, contained more of a copper content. Since copper-based blood turns blue-green upon oxidizing, these Reptilian hybrids were called "Bluebloods".

American government is probably the main focus of the current reptilian shapeshifters. Your attention is drawn to the vertical slit eyeballs which shape shift in to many US military leaders - Norman Russbacher, Rupert Murdock, etc. Pictures: were at wiolawa.com We suggested new rules requiring all government decisions and voting must take place in 20% oxygen air, to kill the shapeshifters.

The Bluebloods quickly realized that with a 50/50 human/Reptilian genetic split, it was necessary to intermarry to maintain the 50/50 split bloodline necessary to shapeshift. When the split increased too far to the Reptilian side, shapeshifting became difficult, and holding human form became impossible. In these cases, it was discovered that the ingestion of human hormones, flesh, and blood, allowed the Reptilians to maintain the human form.

Human form was necessary to maintain to avoid scaring the population, which was now not accustomed to the Reptilian form. Control of the masses was easier when the orders came from a humanoid. The Reptilian format was kept to religious icons and legends. The statues of their gods and goddesses reflect the Reptilian influence, even showing a female Reptilian holding a hybrid baby.

The shapeshifting Reptilian Bluebloods asked the Sirians for help with the daily maintenance of their human forms. The Sirians determined that feeding the hybrids human hormones and blood in an altered animal form would be the easiest way to do it unnoticed by the population.

The sacrificial animal used by most Middle Eastern people was the wild boar, so the Sirians chose it as the basis for this new animal hybrid. Human genetics were mixed with those of the wild boar to create the domesticated pig. This animal was served daily to the Bluebloods as a method of temporarily maintaining their human form until they could use an actual human in a sacrificial ceremony.

Because the domesticated pig is a combination of human and animal genetics, eating it is a form of cannibalism. This explains why the Hebrews considered it unclean to eat. This is also why the pig is considered to be the most intelligent animal on Earth, why pig skin can be grafted directly onto humans in burn cases, and why pig heart valves can be used in humans with little difficulty. Cancer drugs and other chemicals are often tested on pigs before humans.

The domesticated pig frequency, or group mind, is the perfect vehicle for animal species to enter before entering human form on their evolutionary progression. In many respects, pigs can be considered a form of humanity. To a lesser degree, the same is true about cats.



aasa.. am facut cont special pt asta.

atentie va fi un post lung, sa citeasca doar cine crede ca imi poate explica mai clar de ce ma insel.

am gasit si eu o asa numita carte pe net.. in care scria de astea si mi-am dat seama imediat din ce categorie face parte, am dat cu google si uite ca am ajuns aici.

sincer.. nu vreau sa spun asta si ailalta.. NU CRED NIMIK din ce scriepe acolo.. dar sunt UIMIT ca sunt atatia care chiar cred.. am mai auzit si de la altii aceleasi lucruri! mai demult!!! intrebari al caror raspuns mie unu mi se pare banal dar nu pot fi eu destept si toti nebuni pe langa mine asa ca va rog din suflet sa ma lamuriti si pe mine. Desi astept niste explicatii rationale la aceste lucruri care dupa cum multi spun doar "par" irationale.

De inceput cred ca sunteti de acord ca toate aceste conspiratii nu au nici o componenta mistica si pur si simplu "ascunsa" sau .. cum sa spun secreta. un caracter ce poate fi mistificat prin faptul ca e tinut ascuns DAR toat lumea e de acord ca POATE fi explicat rational.

am vazut parca pe aici una despre... ca pamantul e gol?! BUN sa incepem de aici.
GRAVITATEA. forta de atractie universala
F=K*m1*m2/R^2 (R patrat)
K este aproximativ egalã cu 6,672 × 10-11 N m2 kg−2 (determinata experimental de Cavendish 1798)

este complet corecta, daca nu ar fi!!! LUNA nu ar sta in loc.. si trecand peste astfel de chestii a fost determinata de N ori in laborator plus ca ENORM de multe aplicatii ale ei sunt folosite in astronomie si multe altele deci.. fara nici o urma de dubiu este corecta formula. ACUM daca pamantul este GOL. SI NU cu un miez de nichel si fier (cum credem noi astazi) cum stam noi pe pamant? acuma... o sa spuneti "cine a fost in centrul pamantului si a vazut?!" nimeni corect dar stim ca asa e pt ca nu poate fi altfel.. si am vz in spatiu alte planete.. care nu au vederea obstructionata de o atmosfera.. cum e.. MARTE?! nu vede nimeni gauri inspre centru si banuiesc si eu ca toate planetele s-au format la fel. DAAR ok.. pamantul nu e gol natural.. a fost.. SCOBIT! :))) nu stiu unde au depozitat tot pamantul dar fie.. pey daca pamantul e gol pe dinauntru.. si totusi forta gravitationala este F=m*g (g = atractia gravitationala, aproximativ 9.8 calculata in tara noastra.. mai mare la poli pt ca e mai aproape de centrul pamantului si mai mica la ecuator ca e mai departe.. iar noi CREDEM ca asta explica ceva de genu.. centrul pamantului e.. GREU.. nu gol..) atunci pt ca acest calcul sa fie corect.. si trebuie ca altfel am plutii prin aer.. inseamna ca undeva e masa adunata.. ca sa compenseze pt aceasta goliciune.. logic.. marginile pamantului sunt mai grele... pey.. cu cat?! ar trebui cu INDULGENTA sa fie de cel putin 2.5 ori.. asta nu stiu daca va dati seama ca tot ne lasa cu o scoarta EXTREM de groasa adik acest centru gol ar trebui sa fie la.. R/3 distanta adik ~6,356 / 2.5 adik sa ajungi in acest gol.. mergi cam vreo 2600 kilometri in pamant. oricum din cauza presiunii exercitate de o scoarta asa de GREA ar fi insuportabila cam pt orice dar sa zicem ca nu. fie.. ideea e ca acest caz nu numai ca zice ca pamantul e gol la o adancime EXTREM de mare deci aproape imposibil de ajuns acolo.. dar trecem peste.. ca sa fie posibil scoarta.. acesti 2100 de km ar trebui sa cuprinda ceva EXTRE de greu.. de 2.5 ori mai greu ca nichelul sa compenseze! ca sa ramana g=9.8 ar trebui sa fie COMPLET facut din osmium si iridium.. si tot nu e de 2.5 ori dar las eu de la mine. nichelul are densitatea de 8.9grame / cm3 (cm cub) osmium 22.52, iridium 22.47. nu mai vb de alte metale ca plutonium.. 19,.. ceva.. care sunt radioactive. nu am mers prea mult noi in jos asa e.. groapa marianelor are 10 km.. care e un fleac in comparatie cu 2600 dar totusi pe o mare arie.. este APA.. multa apa.. deci cred ca e ok sa spun cu sinceritate ca nu avem astfel de chestii si metale necunoscute la 10 km in pamant. CU CAT mergi mai mult inspre aceste scoarte.. cu atat la fund trebuie sa fie densitati SI MAI MARI pt a compensa per total pt apa.. si pamant.. si toate cele.  pt ca astfel de metale e f stiut ca sunt rare pe suprafata.. daca nu ar fi .. toti ar avea arsenal nuclear.. dar nu au! nu mai spun ca am fi tti morti si iradiati dar fie.. mai mult.. aceste metale grele NU SUNT STABILE!!! plutonium si uraniumul sunt in continua descompunere .. lasand afara surplus de energie spre exemplu sub forma de radiatii alpha pana ajung sa fie stabile.. forma lor stabila este plumbul.. care desi e greu.. nu e ASA de greu. deci nu prea ai cum sa comprimi atata masa! incat noi sa stam pe pamant. cu o acceleratie de 9.8 (m/s^2 ) (metri / secunda la patrat). cazul asta nu mergge .. pt ca dupa cum vedem cnu dam cu piciorul in pamant si sare plutonium si iridium!  DACA vrei sa faci neaparat posibilia asta.. tre sa micsorezi gaura din centru ca sa ai mai mult loc pt a pune metale F grele din abundenta catre centru.. daca faci asta.. vei avea un centru care ar fi sub o presiune EXTREMA! (nu ca in cazul de sus nu era deja...) mai mult.. daca toate aceste metale f grele sunt distribuite inspre centru si nu la suprafata (cum nu sunt) vei avea un miez EXTREM de greu.. MIEZUL zoarelui are o densitate de 150 g/cm3 si a spune ca pamantul are un miez cu o densitate de 23... nu stiu daca e destul dar cred ca ar trebui sa atinga temperaturi si masa critica sa inceapa un proces de fuziune si sa devina o stea..desi nu sunt sigur de asta.. e destul de clar ca un miez asa de greu fie si la un raport de 1/2.5 nu ar sta fara sa se atraga pe sine insasi si adio gaura. nu ar putea fi tinut artificial in loc pt ca sincer.. temperatura ar topi orice.. ORICE! daca va inchipuiti ca las ca nu chiar "orice" va inselati.. indiferent de tehnologie.. tabelul lui mendeleev este bun! si desi e posibil sa te joci cu el pt a obtine proprietati minunate... nici unul din ele nu ar sta al o asa temperatura.

acum.. cine a stat si a citit aceasta lectura.. va rog sa imi explicati CUM este posibil sa fie pamantul gol. sau ce credeti ca am omis. multumesc. voi veni inapoi sa recitesc una sau alta zileel astea.


Bine ai venit... þi-am mutat mesajul în topicul corespunzãtor.
Nu tot ce zboară şi este necunoscut este extraterestru.
All warfare is based on deception. -- Sun Tzu, 600 BC

All types of knowledge, ultimately mean self knowledge. -- Bruce Lee


 Frumoase teoriile astea! La cate mistere ascunde Terra...ar fi posibil. E una din teoriile lui Sevastase cu care sunt partil de acord


  Aici nu am argumente sa te contrazic si nici dovezi ca nu ar putea fi asa. Ar putea fi doar o teorie a unor minti teribiliste. Doar ca prin zona au fost detectate mai multe fenomene inexplicabile!!


Adevarul este dincolo de noi


Pamantul chiar este "viu".

Vizionati intai cu ATENTIE, reflectati oleaca si continuam subiectul.


CitatCAS was established to preserve the unique atmospheric and terrestrial conditions from South Pole Station influences. Except for special circumstances, access to the CAS is prohibited. This includes foot and vehicle traffic. Aircraft activity is limited in CAS, and guidelines for scientific or other activities are under discussion at this time. The pristine nature of CAS is strictly preserved, not just for the current scientific activities, but also for future science at South Pole.
CAS fiind clean air sector adica un sector interzis daca citim printre randuri. De ce interzis? Am preluat citatul dintr-unul din linkurile tale, DepthOfField. Si cine interzice accesul pe-acolo ca doar continentul sudic nu e proprietatea vreunei tari? E un mare semn de intrebare care pune sub semnul intrebarii "activitatile stiintifice" de pe acolo. Ramane intrebarea-banuiala: oare nu cumva taman acolo e ditamai gauroiul?
Cand te afli la frontierele cunoasterii trebuie sa privesti dincolo de gard.


Un link al emisiunii Conspiratia Tacerii realizat de G-ral Emil Strainu la postul de televiziune N24

29/10/2009 Conspiratia tacerii - Teoria Pamantului gol 1/5

29/10/2009 Conspiratia tacerii - Teoria Pamantului gol 2/5

29/10/2009 Conspiratia tacerii - Teoria Pamantului gol 3/5

29/10/2009 Conspiratia tacerii - Teoria Pamantului gol 4/5

29/10/2009 Conspiratia tacerii - Teoria Pamantului gol 5/5

Momentan unele link-ri vad ca nu functioneaza, pt. cei interesati eu le-am copiat de pe Youtube cu un programel si le am pe HDD


e acceptata cred de toata lumea ca reala, imaginea pamantului cu campul magnetic ce-l inconjoara.asadar pentru ca nu se pierde pe nici unde, pe axa nord-sud (polii magnetici ) intensitatea campului mgnetic ar fi maxima ,respectiv suma celui de la exteriorul pamantului.asta ar fi un aspect. un alt aspect ar fi dimensiunea golului. raza medie a pamantului undeva in jur de 6300km.daca consideram o valoare de vreo 2000-3000km (luata arbitrar ), ca fiind distanta de la suprafata la interiorul gol,rezulta un diametru mediu al golului undeva la vreo 8000km, si o suprafata de cel putin 5 ori mai mica decat a pamantului la exterior.nu pare a fi tocmai mare.... raportat la dimensiunile pamantului,bineinteles. o idee ce mi-a venit in timp ce faceam calculul asta...golul aproape ca ar corespunde cu dimensiunile lunii.
...apropo de intrebarea cuiva care se intreba ca in cazul in care pamantul ar fi fost scobit de cineva,unde au depozitat pamantul scos.

cand am pomenit despre campul magnetic, ma gandeam cum ar putea supravietui cineva intr-un camp atat de puternic, dar care pe de alta parte ar putea crea o luminozitate asemanator aurorelor, nefiind necesar un "soare" interior, respectiv un corp care sa produca lumina.
eliminand imposibilul,ceea ce ramane,oricat de improbabil ar fi,constituie adevarul.Arhtur Conan Doyle