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Creat de B.A.M, 10 Decembrie 2005, 16:49:30

« precedentul - următorul »

0 Membri şi 4 Vizitatori vizualizează acest subiect.


Citat din: mey_mey
omg...cat de oribil!!!
Asta este chiar adevarata???
cat de scarbos poate sa fie un et...cu capu ala si ochii aia...
dar...mie sa pare mie sau chiar clipeste?

kiar clipeste !! dar nu inteleg de ce .. daca era doar un manechin nu clipea ... si de unde atatea organe ?


da...inseamna ca nu m-a lasat vederea..pai daca nu ar fi adevarat ..poate o fi vreo papus de aia japoneza ..nu stiu ...aia le au cu tehnologia.. :? ..dar capul parea cam din plastic..parerea mea :shock:


in filmulet ... atunci cand i se taie crestetul ( bleagh ) ... arata super ciudat are deja o altfel de fata ... nu mai shtiu ce sa cred


Roswell este un subiect prea batran pentru tine Wlady....cred ca mai indicat ar fi sa discutam de subiecte mai apropiate de varsta ta.

Iar toate articolele de pe net si toate informatiile disponibile (false si reale) ...cam toate duc la un singur raspuns...si anume ca ROSWELL este un caz clasat iar valva care exista la ora actuala provine doar din nestiinta oamenilor.

Deci nu exista acum extraterestrii la roswell si nici nu se fac experiente pe extraterestrii ...nici nu se teleporteaza pe alte planete echipe Delta.

Este pur si simplu o baza militara pe care jurnalistii incerca sa o transforme in altceva .


De mult timp caut filmul cu autopsia acelei creaturi si ma intreb daca este reala sau nu.Nu stiu ce sa cred.Dupa 2 zile de cautari am gasit un site de unde puteti downloada filmul cu autopsia gratuit.


Am zis sa il dau pe mana expertilor.


Cum spune si baaron, poate fi doar o simpla baza militara, dar totusi sunt unele dovezi care sugereaza altceva. In ceea ce priveste acel filmulet a fost o emisiune pe Discovery ce a incerca sa arate ca este o farsa. Nu stiu ce sa cred, poate fi doar o farsa sau poate fi ceva adevarat? :?


Pot sa-ti spun doar un lucru, acel "extraterestru"  nu este un extraterestru. Dar tu poti sa crezi ce vrei. :|


Am vazut nu de mult, pe TVR 2 parca, un documentar despre un "Roswell rusesc" in care, intocmai ca si in cazul Roswell din SUA, s-ar fi prabusit un OZN, cadavrele ocupantilor ar fi fost recuperate, si s-ar fi realizat si un film al autopsiei, in care erau prezentati niste doctori relativ tineri care studiau cadavrul unui ET si il disecau cu instrumentele specifice vremii si in conditiile dure din spitalele rusesti. In mod inexplicabil, doctorii care au realizat autopsiile au decedat in conditii suspecte, ba de cancer, ba de alte boli nepotrivite varstei lor.

Daca cunoaste cineva mai multe amanunte as fi recunoscator sa aflu pentru ca am fost placut surprins de documentar. Existau dovezi video complete, cu ofiterii de armata imbracati in uniforma, cu armele aferente, pazind resturile navei, etc.
Magic is any sufficiently advanced technology. (Arthur C. Clarke)


Nu tot ce zboara se manaca! Ai grija, ca sunt foarte multe farse pe net.....daca vrei poti sa-ti dai seama daca sunt farse sau nu... :-)


Da, s-a mai discutat, este o facatura... :-D


Pai,cand Dl.Santini a numit defapt RECONSTRUCTION a unui film prost oxidat dar si admiterea ca nui 100% real.Defapt este chiar departe de a fi ceva genuine



Ma scuzati, dar nu am timp sa traduc acest articol, dar sper sa fie util.

Max Headroom creator made Roswell alien

THE creator of Max Headroom, a 1980s television cyber-presenter, has claimed he was one of the hoaxers behind the Roswell film, the grainy black and white footage supposedly showing a dead alien being dissected by American government scientists after a UFO crash.

Alien Autopsy, a movie about the footage, is currently on release across Britain. It stars real-life television presenters Ant and Dec.

John Humphreys, a sculptor and consultant on Alien Autopsy who has also worked on special effects for Doctor Who, said it was he who made the models for the alien dissected in the original fake footage.

His confession, 11 years after the Roswell footage was first shown, will raise questions about the role of Channel 4, which unleashed Max Headroom on the world in the 1980s and bought the UK rights to screen the Roswell footage in Britain.

The footage was first exposed as a fake by The Sunday Times, but an estimated billion people still watched it around the world.

Rather than being shot in 1947 near Roswell in the New Mexico desert as previously claimed, the film was actually made at a flat in Camden, north London, in 1995.

Philip Mantle, a UFO researcher and author who has been investigating the Roswell hoax for 10 years, said Humphreys had been a prime suspect but had never before admitted involvement.

Mantle, who next month will deliver a lecture at Glasgow University on the Roswell story, said: "I didn't think it would take so long, but I am delighted this hoax has finally been exposed and the mystery has been solved."

Humphreys, who is based in Manchester, says he also appeared in the Roswell film as the chief surgeon. The bug-eyed alien models were filled with sheep brains, chicken entrails and knuckle joints bought from Smithfield meat market. After filming, the dummies were cut up and dumped in bins across London.

For a few short weeks the world held its breath after the 91-minute silent film was unveiled by Ray Santilli, a London-based video distributor. He claimed to have bought the footage, shot on 14 reels, from a retired American military cameramen.

Humphreys said the Roswell film was shot by himself, Santilli and three others. He said he spent four weeks fashioning the models from latex using clay sculptures.

Humphreys, a graduate of the Royal Academy who has also created special effects for the film Charlie and the Chocolate Factory starring Johnny Depp, says he only told his wife about the hoax when he was hired to work on Alien Autopsy.

"It was a very, very strange feeling to know that I had played a key part in it," he said.

Santilli, who is played by Declan Donnelly in Alien Autopsy, insists he was trying to "re-create" a real Roswell incident. He claims he bought genuine footage that was badly damaged when it was exposed to the air after 48 years in a can. "John was given very precise images to work with and what he did was sheer genius," he said.
"In a world of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act." -- George Orwell, 1984


aoleuu .. am avut filmu si l-am vaz .. da ce sa zic .. la inceput pare o mare papusa din plastilina ... uitatziva la rana aia de la picor sau mai degraba picoru ala distrus .. park ar fi rasa o bucata de plastlina ... inas cand incepe doctoru sa extraga din el pana si crereu ... si dak atzi observat cum avea inima ... cam ciudat .. un torace imens cu o inima mare si cam atat ... e greu de zis insa tzinand cont ca prin anii 40 50 s-au realizat destule ... yo zica ca ar fi fost posibil si o mare farsa bine regizata .... parerea mea ...mai interesant e interviu cu extraterestru ala de la Area 51 ... ba dak analizez bine filmu ala cam ramai shokat


Urmariti acest documentar ''Incidentul Roswell'' de pe legatura de mai jos.
Am vazut acest documentar mai demult si va pot spune ca se merita sa fie tot vazut si ca veti gasi foarte multe lucruri interesante.
Veti vedea cum martorii precizeaza c-au vazut cadavrele extraterestrilor si plus unul care inca a ramas in viata.Material extraterestru tinut in mana si multe alte marturisiri interesante.Acum cu ajutorul lui GOOGLE pot spune Vizionare placuta!  8-)

Roswell Incident UFO Documentary - rare BBC broadcast


yo zic ca e pare mult mai reala autopsia celui din filmu postat de waldy ..