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Decembrie 1989 (pentru cunoscatori)

Creat de baaron, 30 Ianuarie 2007, 19:00:51

« precedentul - următorul »

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My dear friend

Dan Iosif....revolutionarul lui peste "care face ce vrea muschii lui in Parlament" nu e decat un alcoolic si atata tot.
Postul pe care il detine, il are probabil pentru ca a capatat certificatul de revolutionar si s-a aflat la momentul potrivit in gasca potrivita, atat si nimic mai mult (vezi lista revolutionarilor de pe forum)

Cat despre Mugur Isarescu, ei bine, asta e mai periculos decat tot Parlamentul luat la un loc...

1.Este singura persoana care a rezistat pe o functie inalta dinainte de 89 si pana in prezent si retine ca in timpul asta am schimbat ceva presedinti (nu degeaba e pus acolo de catre cineva anume)

2.La un moment dat postasem pe forum o lista europeana cu masonii mai importanti din toata tarile Europei (singurul reprezentant roman pe lista aia era Mugur Isarescu)...nu stiu daca mai e pe forum...daca nu, o sa o caut si o postez din nou

3.Despre Petre Roman cred ca nu are rost sa mai explic ce si cum cand stie toata lumea cine e si de unde provine.

4.Mugur Isarescu, este intradevar un profesionist al finantelor asa cum bine precizezi, insa asta si este motivul pentru care a fost pus acolo.(sa nu crezi ca Masonii sunt o gasca de alde' Gigi Becali)
Statuie ar merita toti cei calcati de tancuri in Decembrie si nu Isarescu ca si-a facut treaba pentru care era si este platit.

5.Despre Gelu Voican (ala care le-a bagat teava in gura Ceausestilor) se stie public ca este francmason si de aici mai departe no comment.

Si nu in ultimul rand o intrebare intrebatoare: ai fost pe langa baricada in seara aia la Inter??


Baaron a spus:
CitatAmericanii si Rusii  au organizat o lovitura de stat impotriva conducerii de la Teheran. Rusii din statia spatiala sovietica-rusa  MIR au dirijat avionul cu militari americani si tehnica militara care trebuia sa devina centrul de comanda in apropierea capitalei Iraniene, Teheran. Avionul  aterizat cu bine. La scurt timp 6 elicoptere americane burdusite cu militari americani, au pornit spre Iran. Locatia avionul deja aterizat. Elicopterele americane dirijate de Rusi de pe statia spatiala MIR, se deplaseaza in timpul unei furtuni de nisip pentru a nu fi detectate de radarele armatei Iraniene. La aterizarea elicopeterelor in apropierea avionului, un elicopter loveste avionul si amandoua navele explodeaza si i-au foc.
Baaron, ai postat un articol maaare, despre revolutie si increngatura situatiei, cine ce a facut in colaborare cu cine cum si de ce.
Sincer, nu ma pricep, nu stiu, detaliile sunt prea complexe, trebuie muult timp ca sa intelegi si sa pricepi intre atatea personaje, legaturi, momente de timp etc.
Dar stau sa ma intreb in legatura cu ceea ce spui cu statia MIR si coordonarea unor avioane si elicoptere.... e cam trasa tare de par..
Pai statia MIR se invartea (ca acum nu mai este) ca si statia spatiala internationala, cu o viteza mare, poate peste 20000 km/ora, adica inconjurul Pamantului in vreo ora-doua sau nici atat..ceea ce inseamna ca deasupa unui loc oarecare de pe Pamant nu putea fi vizibila si actiona decat cateva minute. Cum adica "a coordonat"? Cum? Miroase a povestile Sherezadei acest aspect.
Adica pari bine informat si ti-ai dedicat timp, dar poate ca si unele informatii ce le preiei si le redai sunt cam "difuze" sa le zic asa... Nu dau si chiar nu pot sa dau alte exemple, dar acesta ce l-am descris m-a "lovit"..parca era dintr-un film de actiune SF de speta a N-a...
David Sereda: "Evidence - The case for NASA UFO's" ... Evidence ?!



Tot ce este posibil sa fie o informatie alterata mai mult sau mai putin...sincer, inca nu am acces la informatii "pure"...
Insa ai absolut perfecta dreptate cand te referi la statia spatiala....intradevar, numai cateva minute poate vizualiza o pozitie, insa nu cred ca asta poate prilejui o problema...exista operatiuni militare coordonate la secunda si 5 sau 10 minute sunt mai mult decat necesare pentru indeplinirea misiunilor (nu este cazul armatei romane careia ii trebuie 3 ore sa vina cu sufertasul pe campul de exercitii...asta da) insa americanii si rusii dispun de tehnica avansata asa cum stim cu totii.
De multe ori viata bate filmul....


Chiar nu vad rolul MIR in coordonarea aia.. ce faceau? Se uitau cu telecopul de super-rezolutie optica (deci oglinda/lentila de diametru mare), ca sa poti vedea CEVA util, din "zbor" ca sa vada ce? o furtuna de nisip? Aaa, se uitau cumva in infrarosu...pai, la fel, trebuie o lentila de diametru mare. Plus sa nu fie nori sau alte perturbatii. Plus mecanism de urmarire automat a locatiei. Nu ca nu ar fi posibil..dar cam greu pentru acel MIR totusi destul fragil si oarecum improvizat. Si ce faceau? poze? Discutau pe marginea pozei? Cand, in cele 5 minute? Sau cum coordonau? E vreun militar strateg pe-aici sau talentat in acest sens sa ne spuna cum s-ar putea? Nu era mai usoara utilizarea GPS pentru localizare? si altele? Deci, miroase doar a scenarita aspectul pe care il sesizez. Adevarat, americanii si rusii dispun de tehnologie avansata, inca secreta si care te poate lasa cu gura cascata. De acord de asemenea, de multe ori viata bate filmul. Dar si de mai multe ori, diferenta dintre o idee si punerea ei in practica in realitatea cruda este mare... uriasa.. Hai sa nu admitem ca un postulat ca daca cutare detine tehologie avansata, chiar e capabil de toate minunile, si deci e posibil orice. Este insa bine din punctul lor de vedere ca lumea sa creada asa si sa se teama, ca asta e una din strategiile de a-ti demonstra puterea: "sunt atat de tare si avansat, incat pare ca pot face minuni, deci trebuie sa-ti fie frica". Mi-e teama ca multe astfel de scenarii fanteziste cam cad la o analiza atenta si veridica, de unde necesitatea teoriei ca "nu ai cum sa demonstrezi cutare lucru, pentru ca este ultra-secret, deci este real pentru ca nu ai cum demonstra ca nu este real". Ca si concluzie, am subliniat ca acel citat cu MIR este dubios din punctul meu de vedere, si nu-l inghit. Dar, pana la urma asta e doar opinia mea, probabil gresita.

Back to topic: revolutia romana a fost o manipulare a celor puternici si manati de interese.
David Sereda: "Evidence - The case for NASA UFO's" ... Evidence ?!


Da, intradevar...ai dreptate.
Ma rog....sunt de acord cu tine, miroase a scenariu...insa textul e doar informativ.

On topic: unde erai pe 22 Decembrie?


DE la intalnirea cu Gorbaciov si Bush din 88 (parca, nu mai stiu bine) de acolo s-a stricat totul....Preaiubitului tovar i s-a explicat ca trebuie s-o lase mai moale dar.....a fost capos
Scapase tara de datorii si....supara pe multa lume, la urma urmei e si asta o afacere: saracesti o tara pana la haos si apoi vii sa investesti sume mari de bani(venirea lui Bill Gates in Romania), chipurile....sa o dezvolti! :lol:asta chiat e japca pe fata....dar stam si ne uitam, vorbim, analizam si....muncim la ei(straini) pe branci!cainii latra ursu merge :lol:


Tovarasu' a fost un bou...
Si sa iti dau cateva exemple: industrie neferoasa la Baia Mare pentru cupru. Puritatea minerului de acolo cam 30%. Argentina are minereu cu puritate de 98%, cred. Rezultatul: un dezastru ecologic, munti de steril. Dupa ce calitatea minerelului era proasta se adauga la asta transportul.
La fel, a pus pe harta combinate chimice ca pe flori, cam atat... In loc sa le pui pe unde ai acces la transport ieftin (maritim) il pui la Borzesti, samd.
Se adauga mentalitatea de anii 50: cat mai multe cuie pe cap de locuitor...
Sti cat le trebuie la aia de la Roman ca sa asambleze un camion: de 10 ori mai mult decat celor de la Volvo iar calitatea e catastrofala.
Si acum imi aduc aminte stirea cu tractorul care a iesit e poarta fabricii si i-a cazut una din rotiile alea mari din spate care s-a oprit in portierea unui Olcit.
Sti calculatoarele pe care invatau studentii in 89: erau cu cartele :D... nu aveau nici macar niste HC-uri in Univ.
Dacia a fost copiata tot timpul dupa Renault? Ce a produs Dacia de una singura?
Olcitul dupa Citroen.
A platit datoriile. Cu ce pret? Sistemul a schiopatat pana cand a tinut Pactul de la Varsovia. Cand s-a dus dracu tot (si bine a facut) s-a dus si Nea Nicu. Noi dadeam tractoare la africani, aia ne dadeau banane si noi vindeam bananele la rusi care ne dadeau cuie...samd
In 90 cand Romania a aterizat in economia globala nu a facut fatza si nu ar fi facut nici cu nea Nicu presedinte , nici cu altii.
Inainte de 89 au aparut in Editura Politica,culmea, si  niste carti foarte bune. Una il avea ca autor pe Alvin Toffler. In ea scrie, si cartea a aparut necenzurata, ca daca tarile comuniste nu schimba industria vor pierde... Si asa s-a intamplat...
La un moment dat se auzise in acele timpuri ca : "Capitalismul e pe marginea prapastiei si noi o sa il depasim"... Am facut-o cu brio....
Asa ca : plata datoriilor a fost fix pix...
Si inca ceva: nimeni nu investeste sa ridice ceva fara sa faca profit... Si nu te intreba niciodata ce prfit face ala ci ce profit faci tu...
Iar in privinta muncii baiate, nu ai inteles nimic.... Muncesti pentru tine nu petru ei...
Si de asta se duc oamenii la scoli sa invete, ca sa nu care cu carca sacii pe tarla...
Nu stiu cati ani ai, dar sincer incep sa cred ca nu ai fost prea multi ani pionier sau utecist, sau fie ai fost prea multi...  :-D


Lupin prietene, l-ai luat prea tare...nici nu cred ca stie prea bine ce si care e treaba cu tovarasii :-D
(dar poate ma insel...no offence Xennon...asta e fara intentie)
Asta imi aduce aminte de faza dupa 89 cu "Noi muncim, noi nu gandim" ...ce tampenie crasa.
Sau aia cu "Noi nu ne vindem tara"....Pffff, si ea saraca era arvunita demult sau jucata la o septica prin cazinouri la Monte Carlo de tovarasu' ala mic care acum umbla sa-si ia vilele inapoi....
Ce sa mai, ne meritam soarta...!!!

Alta chestiune...eu nici acum nu pot sa imi dau seama cum naiba inca mai are succes Iliescu dupa toate porcariile pe care le-a facut....


Iliescu mai are succes dator :evil:ita celor mai in varsta ...si a revolutionarilor....carora le-a promis multe!


Mama si-a luat si acum tin minte imaginea cand avea 2 dungi pe spate rosii de la baztoanele politilor de acolo... nu ei sunt de vina ci sistemul de stanga, ceea ce se voteaza acum in parlament... asta vrem?


Citat din: baaron din  01 Februarie 2007, 14:54:52
My dear friend

Cat despre Mugur Isarescu, ei bine, asta e mai periculos decat tot Parlamentul luat la un loc...

2.La un moment dat postasem pe forum o lista europeana cu masonii mai importanti din toata tarile Europei (singurul reprezentant roman pe lista aia era Mugur Isarescu)...nu stiu daca mai e pe forum...daca nu, o sa o caut si o postez din nou

Cred ca despre lista asta e vorba:

                    The 2005 Trilateral Commission Membership List
                                           May 2005
                                    Executive Committee

David Rockefeller Founder and Honorary Chairman
Thomas S. Foley North American Chairman Allan E. Gotlieb North American Deputy Chairman
Lorenzo H. Zambrano North American Deputy Chairman
Paul A. Volcker North American Honorary Chairman
Michael J. O'Neil North American Director
Peter Sutherland European Chairman
Hervé De Carmoy European Deputy Chairman
Andrzej Olechowski European Deputy Chairman
Georges Berthoin European Honorary Chairman
Otto Graf Lambsdorff European Honorary Chairman
Paul Révay European Director
Yotaro Kobayashi Pacific Asia Chairman
Kim Kyung-Won Pacific Asia Deputy Chairman Shijuro Ogata Pacific Asia Deputy Chairman
Tadashi Yamamoto Pacific Asia Director EUROPEAN GROUP
Paul Adams, Chief Executive, British American Tobacco, London
Urban Ahlin, Member of the Swedish Parliament and Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Stockholm
Krister Ahlström, Vice Chairman, Stora Enso and Fortum; former Chairman, Finnish Employers Confederation; former Chairman, Ahlström Corp., Helsinki
Edmond Alphandéry, Chairman, Caisse Nationale de Prévoyance, Paris; former Chairman, Electricité de France (EDF); former Minister of the Economy and Finance
Bodil Nyboe Andersen, Chairperson of the Board of Governors, Danmarks Nationalbank, Copenhagen
Jacques Andréani, Ambassadeur de France; former Ambassador to the United States
Stelios Argyros, Chairman and Managing Director, Preveza Mills, Athens; former Member of the European Parliament; Chairman of the Board, STET Hellas; former Vice President of UNICE, Brussels; former President and Chairman of the Board of the Federation of Greek Industries, Athens
Jerzy Baczynski, Editor-in-Chief, Polityka, Warsaw
Estela Barbot, Vice President, AGA, Porto; Vice President of the Board, AEP -- Portuguese Business Association; Consul of Guatemala, Lisbon
François Bayrou, Member of the French National Assembly; President of the UDF Party; former Minister, Paris
Erik Belfrage, Senior Vice President, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken; Director, Investor AB, Stockholm

Georges Berthoin, International Honorary Chairman, European Movement; Honorary Chairman, The Jean Monnet Association; Honorary European Chairman, The Trilateral Commission, Paris

Nicolas Beytout, Editor, Le Figaro, Paris ; former Editor, Les Echos,Paris

Carl Bildt, Chairman, Nordic Venture Network and Senior Adviser, IT Provider, Stockholm; former Member of the Swedish Parliament, Chairman of the Moderate Party and Prime Minister of Sweden; former European Union High Representative in Bosnia-Herzegovina & UN Special Envoy to the Balkans

Lord Black of Crossharbour, Member of the House of Lords, London
Ana Patricia Botin, Chairman, Banesto, Madrid; Member of the Board & of the Executive Committee, Banco Santander Central Hispano

Jean-Louis Bourlanges, Member of the European Parliament (ALDE Group/UDF) and Chairman, Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, Brussels; former President of the European Movement in France, Paris

Jorge Braga de Macedo, President, Tropical Research Institute, Lisbon; Special Advisor to the Secretary General, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Paris; Professor of Economics, Nova University at Lisbon; Chairman, Forum Portugal Global; former Minister of Finance

Rolf-E. Breuer, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Deutsche Bank, Frankfurt-am-Main; President, Association of German Banks (BDB), Berlin
Lord Brittan of Spennithorne, Vice Chairman, UBS Investment Bank, London; former Vice President, European Commission
Robin Buchanan, Senior Partner, Bain & Company, London

François Bujon de l'Estang, Ambassadeur de France; Chairman, Citigroup France, Paris; former Ambassador to the United States

Sven Burmester, Writer and Explorer, Denmark; former Representative, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Beijing; former World Bank Deputy Secretary and Representative in Cairo

Richard Burrows, Joint Managing Director,

Pernod Ricard, Paris; Chairman and Chief Executive, Irish Distillers, Dublin; Deputy Governor of the Bank of Ireland; former President, IBEC (The Irish Business and Employers Confederation)

Hervé de Carmoy, Chairman, Almatis, Frankfurt-am-Main; former Partner, Rhône Group, New York & Paris; Honorary Chairman, Banque Industrielle et Mobilière Privée, Paris; former Chief Executive, Société Générale de Belgique

Antonio Carrapatoso, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Vodafone Portugal, Lisbon; Member of the Board of Directors, Vodafone Spain & Vodacom
Salvatore Carrubba, Culture Alderman, Municipality of Milan; former Managing Editor, Il Sole 24 Ore, Milan
Henri de Castries, Chairman of the Management Board and Chief Executive Officer, AXA,Paris
Luc Coene, Minister of State; Deputy Governor, National Bank of Belgium, Brussels
Sir Ronald Cohen, Chairman, Apax Partners, London
Vittorio Colao, Chief Executive Officer, RCS MediaGroup, Milan; former Managing Director, Vodafone Omnitel
Bertrand Collomb, Chairman, Lafarge, Paris; Chairman, World Business Council for Sustainable Development
Richard Conroy, Chairman, Conroy Diamonds & Gold, Dublin; Member of Senate, Republic of Ireland
Eckhard Cordes, Member of the Board, DaimlerChrysler, Stuttgart
Alfonso Cortina, Chairman, Repsol-YPF Foundation & former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Repsol-YPF, Madrid

Michel David-Weill, Chairman, Lazard LLC, worldwide; Managing Director and Président du Collège d'Associés-Gérants, Lazard Frères S.A.S., Paris; Deputy Chairman, Lazard Brothers & Co., Limited, London

Baron Paul De Keersmaeker, Chairman of the Board of Domo, Corgo, Foundation Europalia International and the Canada Europe Round Table, Brussels; Honorary Chairman Interbrew, KBC, Nestlé Belgilux; former Member of the Belgian and European Parliaments and of the Belgian Government

Vladimir Dlouhy, Senior Advisor, ABB; International Advisor, Goldman Sachs; former Czechoslovak Minister of Economy; former Czech Minister of Industry & Trade, Prague

Prince Edward, Duke of Kent, President of the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club, Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge Freemasons, England and has served Grand Master of the Order of St Michael and St George

Bill Emmott, Editor, The Economist, London
Thomas Enders, Executive Vice President, Member of the Board of Management & Head of the Defence and Security Systems Division, EADS, Munich
Pedro Miguel Echenique, Professor of Physics, University of the Basque Country; former Basque Minister of Education, San Sebastian
Laurent Fabius, Member of the French National Assembly and of the Foreign Affairs Committee; former Prime Minister & Minister of the Economy & Finance, Paris
Oscar Fanjul, Honorary Chairman, Repsol YPF; Vice Chairman, Omega Capital, Madrid

Grete Faremo, Former Executive Vice President, Storebrand; former Norwegian Minister of Development Cooperation, Minister of Justice and Minister of Oil and Energy, Oslo

Nemesio Fernandez-Cuesta, Executive Director of Upstream,Corporate Director of Shared Services, Repsol-YPF; former Chairman, Prensa Española, Madrid
Jürgen Fitschen, Member of the Group Executive Committee, Deutsche Bank, Frankfurt-am-Main
Klaus-Dieter Frankenberger, Foreign Editor, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Frankfurt am Main
Hugh Friel, Chief Executive, Kerry Group, Dublin
Lykke Friis, Head of European Department, Federation of Danish Industries, Copenhagen
Michael Fuchs, Member of the German Bundestag, Berlin; former President, National Federation of German Wholesale & Export Traders
Lord Garel-Jones, Managing Director, UBS Investment Bank, London; Member of the House of Lords; former Minister of State at the Foreign Office (European Affairs)
Antonio Garrigues Walker, Chairman, Garrigues Abogados y Asesores Tributarios, Madrid
Lord Gilbert, Member of the House of Lords; former Minister for Defence, London
Prince Phillip of Greece, member, House of Lords, London
Mario Greco, Managing Director, RAS, Milan
General The Lord Guthrie, Director, N M Rothschild & Sons, London; Member of the House of Lords; former Chief of the Defence Staff, London
Grand Duke William John Hagan II, Former Chairman, New Obelisk Press; Grand Master of the Order of Ormus, London
Sirkka Hämäläinen, Former Member of the Executive Board, European Central Bank, Frankfurt-am-Main; former Governor, Bank of Finland
Grand Duke Karl Habsburg, Member of European Parliament

Toomas Hendrik Ilves, Member of the European Parliament; former Estonian Foreign Minister and Member of the Parliament; former Ambassador to the United States, Canada and Mexico

Alfonso Iozzo, Managing Director, San Paolo IMI Group, Turin
Mugur Isarescu, Governor, National Bank of Romania, Bucharest; former Prime Minister

Max Jakobson, Independent Consultant and Senior Columnist, Helsinki; former Finnish Ambassador to the United Nations; former Chairman of the Finnish Council of Economic Organizations

Baron Daniel Janssen, Chairman of the Board, Solvay, Brussels
Zsigmond Jarai, President, National Bank of Hungary, Budapest
Trinidad Jiménez, International Relations Secretary of the Socialist Party (PSOE) & Member of the Federal Executive Committee, Madrid

Béla Kadar, Member of the Hungarian Academy, Budapest; Member of the Monetary Council of the National Bank; President of the Hungarian Economic Association; Former Ambassador of Hungary to the O.E.C.D., Paris; former Hungarian Minister of International Economic Relations and Member of Parliament

Karl Kaiser, Visiting Scholar, Weatherhead Center for International Studies, Harvard University, USA; Senior Scholar and former Otto-Wolff Director, Research Institute of the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP), Berlin; Professor Emeritus of Political Sciences, University of Bonn

Robert Kassai, General Vice President, The National Association of Craftmen' s Corporations, Budapest

Lord Kerr, Member of the House of Lords; Director of Rio Tinto, Shell, and the Scottish American Investment Trust, London; former Secretary General, European Convention, Brussels; former Permanent Under-Secretary of State and Head of the Diplomatic Service, Foreign & Commonwealth Office, London; former British Ambassador to the United States

Denis Kessler, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Scor, Paris; former Chairman, French Insurance Association (FFSA); Former Executive Vice-Chairman, MEDEF-Mouvement des Entreprises de France (French Employers' Confederation)

Jiri Kunert, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Zivnostenska banka; President of the Czech Association of Banks, Prague

Count Otto Lambsdorff, Partner, Wessing Lawyers, Düsseldorf; Chairman, Friedrich Naumann Foundation, Berlin; former Member of German Bundestag; Honorary Chairman, Free Democratic Party; former Federal Minister of Economy; former President of the Liberal International; Honorary European Chairman, The Trilateral Commission, Paris

Emilio Lamo de Espinosa, Director, Elcano Royal Institute of International and Strategic Studies; Professor of Sociology at the Universidad Complutense, Madrid

Kurt Lauk, Member of the European Parliament (EPP Group-CDU); Chairman, Globe Capital Partners, Stuttgart; President, Economic Council of the CDU Party, Berlin; Former Member of the Board, DaimlerChrysler, Stuttgart

Anne Lauvergeon, Chairperson of the Executive Board, Areva; Chairperson and Chief Executive Officer, Cogema, Paris

Pierre Lellouche, Member of the French National Assembly and of the Foreign Affairs Committee, Paris; Chairman of the French Delegation to NATO's Parliamentary Assembly

Enrico Letta, Member of the European Parliament (ALDE Group), Brussels; Secretary General, AREL; Vice President, Aspen Institute; former Minister of European Affairs, Industry, and of Industry and International Trade, Rome

André Leysen, Honorary Chairman, Gevaert, Antwerp; Honorary Chairman, Agfa-Gevaert Group
Marianne Lie, Director General, Norwegian Shipowner's Association, Oslo
Count Maurice Lippens, Chairman, Fortis, Brussels
Helge Lund, Chief Executive Officer of the Norwegian Oil Company, Statoil, Oslo
Cees Maas, Vice Chairman and Chief Financial Officer of the ING Group, Amsterdam; former Treasurer of the Dutch Government

Peter Mandelson, Member of the European Commission (Trade), Brussels; former Member of the British Parliament; former Secretary of State to Northern Ireland and for Trade and Industry

Abel Matutes, Chairman, Empresas Matutes, Ibiza; former Member of the European Commission, Brussels; former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Madrid
Francis Maude, Member of the British Parliament; Director, Benfield Group; former Shadow Foreign Secretary, London

Edgar Meister, Member of the Board, Deutsche Bundesbank, Frankfurt-am-Main; Chairman, the Banking Supervisory Subcommittee of the European Monetary Institute (EMI); Chairman, the Banking Supervision Committee of the European System of the Central Banks (ESCB)

Vasco de Mello, Vice Chairman, José de Mello SGPS, Lisbon
Joao de Menezes Ferreira, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, ECO-SOROS, Lisbon; former Member of the Portuguese Parliament
Peter Mitterbauer, Honorary President, The Federation of Austrian Industry, Vienna; President and Chief Executive Officer, MIBA, Laakirchen

Mario Monti, President and Professor Emeritus, Bocconi University, Milan; Chairman of BRUEGEL and of ECAS, Brussels; former Member of the European Commission (Competition Policy)

Dominique Moïsi, Special Advisor to the Director General of the French Institute for International Relations (IFRI), Paris
Sir Mark Moody-Stuart, Chairman, Anglo American; former Chairman, Royal Dutch/Shell Group, London
Klaus Murmann, Honorary Chairman, Confederation of German Employers' Associations (BDA), Berlin; Chairman, Sauer Holding, Neumünster

Heinrich Neisser, President, Politische Akademie, Vienna; Professor of Political Studies at Innsbruck University; former Member of Austrian Parliament and Second President of the National Assembly

Harald Norvik, Chairman and Partner, ECON Management; former President and Chief Executive, Statoil, Oslo

Arend Oetker, Chairman, German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP); Vice Chairman, Federation of German Industries; Chairman, Atlantik-Brücke (Atlantic Bridge); Managing Director, Dr. Arend Oetker Holding, Berlin

Andrzej Olechowski, Leader, Civic Platform; Former Chairman, Bank Handlowy; former Minister of Foreign Affairs and of Finance, Warsaw
Richard Olver, Chairman, BAE Systems, London

Janusz Palikot, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Polmos Lublin; Vice President, Polish Confederation of Private Employers; Co-owner, Publishing House slowo/obraz terytoria; Member of the Board of Directors, Polish Business Council, Warsaw

Dimitry Panitza, Founding Chairman, The Free and Democratic Bulgaria Foundation; Founder and Chairman, The Bulgarian School of Politics, Sofia
Lucas Papademos, Vice President, European Central Bank, Frankfurt-am-Main; former Governor of the Bank of Greece
Schelto Patijn, Member of the Supervisory Board of the Schiphol Group and Amsterdam RAI; former Mayor of the City of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Lord Patten of Barnes, Chancellor of the University of Oxford; Co-Chairman, International Crisis Group, Brussels; former Member of the European Commission (External Relations), Brussels; former Governor of Hong Kong; former Member of the British Cabinet, London

Heinrich von Pierer, Chairman of the Board, Siemens, Munich

Josep Piqué, Chairman of the Popular Party of Catalunya, Barcelona; Member of the Parliament of Catalunya; Member of the Spanish Senate; former Minister of Foreign Affairs

Benoît Potier, Chairman of the Management Board, L'Air Liquide, Paris
Alessandro Profumo, Chief Executive Officer, UniCredito Italiano, Milan
Henri Proglio, Chairman, Veolia Environnement, Paris

Luigi Ramponi, Member of Parliament; Chairman of the Defence Committee of the Chamber of Deputies, Rome; former Deputy Chief of the Defence Staff (Italian Army)

Wanda Rapaczynska, President of the Management Board, Agora, Warsaw
Heinz Riesenhuber, Member of the German Bundestag; former Federal Minister of Research and Technology, Berlin
Gianfelice Rocca, Chairman, Techint Group of Companies, Milan; Vice President, Confindustria
H. Onno Ruding, Chairman, Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), Brussels; Retired Vice Chairman, Citibank; former Dutch Minister of Finance
Renato Ruggiero, Vice Chairman, Citigroup European Investment Bank, Zurich; former Italian Foreign Minister and Director General of WTO
Anthony Ruys, Chairman of the Executive Board, Heineken, Amsterdam
Jacques Santer, Former Member of the European Parliament; former President of the European Commission; former Prime Minister of Luxembourg
Prince Rafael of Savoy, Business Person, Lisbon
Silvio Scaglia, Chairman and Founcer, e.Biscom, Milan; former Managing Director, Omnitel
Paolo Scaroni, Chief Executive Officer, ENEL, Rome
Guido Schmidt-Chiari, Chairman, Constantia Group; former Chairman, Creditanstalt Bankverein, Vienna
Henning Schulte-Noelle, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Allianz, Munich

Prince Charles of Schwarzenberg, Founder and Director, Nadace Bohemiae, Prague; former Chancellor to President Havel; former President of the International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights

Miguel Sebastian, Chairman of the Economic Bureau of the Prime Minister of Spain; Professor of Economics at the Universidad Complutense, Madrid
Carlo Secchi, Professor of European Economic Policy, Bocconi University, Milan; former Member of the Italian Senate and of the European Parliament
Tøger Seidenfaden, Editor-in-Chief, Politiken, Copenhagen

Maurizio Sella, Chairman, Banca Sella, Biella; Chairman, Association of Italian Banks (A.B.I.), Rome; Chairman, Finanziaria Bansel
Stefano Silvestri, President, Institute for International Affairs (IAI), Rome; Commentator, Il Sole 24 Ore; former Under Secretary of State for Defence, Italy

Lord Simon of Highbury, Member of the House of Lords; Advisory Director of Unilever, Morgan Stanley Europe and LEK; former Minister for Trade & Competitiveness in Europe; former Chairman of BP, London

Nicholas Soames, Member of the British Parliament, London
Hermann Otto Solms, Vice President of the German Bundestag, Berlin
Sir Martin Sorrell, Chief Executive Officer, WPP Group, London

Myles Staunton, Former Member of the Irish Senate & of the Dail; Consultant, Westport, Co. Mayo

Thorvald Stoltenberg, President, Norwegian Red Cross, Oslo; former Co-Chairman (UN) of the Steering Committee of the International Conference on Former Yugoslavia; former Foreign Minister of Norway; former UN High Commissioner for Refugees

Petar Stoyanov, President, Centre for Political Dialogue, Sofia; former President of Bulgaria
Peter Straarup, Chairman of the Executive Board, Danske Bank, Copenhagen; Chairman, the Danish Bankers Association

Peter Sutherland, Chairman, BP p.l.c. ; Chairman, Goldman Sachs International; former Director General, GATT/WTO; former Member of the European Commission; former Attorney General of Ireland

Björn Svedberg, Former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Ericsson, Stockholm; former President and Group Chief Executive, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken

Péter Székely, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Transelektro, Budapest; President, Confederation of Hungarian Employers' Organisations for International Co-operation (CEHIC); Vice President, Confederation of Hungarian Employers and Industrialists

Pavel Telicka, Partner, BXL-Consulting, Prague

Jean-Philippe Thierry, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, AGF (Assurances Générales de France), Paris

Marco Tronchetti Provera, Chairman, Telecom Italia; Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Pirelli & C., Milan

Elsbeth Tronstad, Director of Information, ABB, Oslo

Loukas Tsoukalis, Jean Monnet Professor of European Integration, University of Athens; President of the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP); Visiting Professor at the College of Europe

Mario Vargas Llosa, Writer and Member of the Royal Spanish Academy, Madrid

George Vassiliou, Head of the Negotiating Team for the Accession of Cyprus to the European Union; former President of the Republic of Cyprus; Former Member of Parliament and Leader of United Democrats, Nicosia

Franco Venturini, Foreign Correspondent, Corriere della Sera, Rome

Friedrich Verzetnitsch, Member of Austrian Parliament; President, Austrian Federation of Trade Unions, Vienna; President, European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC)

Marko Voljc, General Manager of Central Europe Directorate, KBC Bank Insurance Holding, Brussels; former Chief Executive Officer, Nova Ljubljanska Banka, Ljubljana

Alexandr Vondra, Managing Director of the Prague Office, Dutko Group Companies; former Czech Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
Joris Voorhoeve, Member of the Council of State; former Member of the Dutch Parliament; former Minister of Defence, The Hague
Panagis Vourloumis, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Hellenic Telecommunications Organization (O.T.E.), Athens
Marcus Wallenberg, President and Chief Executive Officer, Investor AB, Stockholm
Prince Charles of Wales, Duke of Cornwall of the House of Windsor, London

Serge Weinberg, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Weinberg Investissements; former Chairman of the Management Board, Pinault-Printemps-Redoute; former President, Institute of International and Strategic Studies (IRIS), Paris

Heinrich Weiss, Chairman, SMS, Düsseldorf
Nout Wellink, President, Dutch Central Bank, Amsterdam

Arne Wessberg, Director General, YLE (Finnish Broadcasting Company) and Director General, YLE Group (YLE and Digits Oy), Helsinki; President, European Broadcasting Union (EBU)

Norbert Wieczorek, former Member of the German Bundestag & Deputy Chairman of the SPD Parliamentary Group, Berlin
Hans Wijers, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Akzo Nobel, Arnhem

Otto Wolff von Amerongen, Honorary Chairman, East Committee of the German Industry; Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Otto Wolff Industrieberatung und Beteiligung, Cologne

Emilio Ybarra, former Chairman, Banco Bilbao-Vizcaya, Madrid


Pentru Baaron:Oare mai exista dreptate in lumea asta? Pentru ce am iesit eu strada atunci la Revolutie si ma intreb pentru ce ai luptat tu?


discutia era despre COR... si nu alte organizatii
Ti-ar place sa confundam si noi Steaua Mortii cu Steaua Fara Nume...?


Ce sa mai....topicul isi scimba parca fara sa vrem numele in "Conspiratia impotriva lui Ceausescu"


pai daca vorbim despre Decembrie 89 este normal. Prea multe lucruri care nu pot fi trecute cu vederea.
A fost o conspiratie intr-adevar...
Chiar credeti ca noi romanii am facut ceva? Asa ni s-a indus. Altii au facut asta si au manipulat masele.
De...macar daca n-ar fi murit atatia oameni, inclusiv Ceausescu...si de Craciun..mai mare rasul....