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Rase care convietuiesc cu noi pe Terra

Creat de sevastase, 10 Iunie 2008, 10:17:30

« precedentul - următorul »

0 Membri şi 1 Vizitator vizualizează acest subiect.


Din multitudinea de rase care coabiteaza aceasta planeta 2 specii distincte ne sunt foarte familiare: balenele si delfinii. Orcile, casalotii, toate rasele de delfini, sau mai pe scurt balenele si delfinii sunt doua specii complet straine habitatului terestru care au venit si vin din alt sistem solar.

De o inteligenta care ne depaseste cu mult, au ales aceasta forma de manifestare. Cel mai cunoscut exemplu este senatorul Robert C Byrd ( C BIRD...SEA BIRD )

Majoritatea acestor entitati din ce am inteles eu intra in planul terestru prin fisuri ale planului terestru gen triunghiul bermudelor.

Robert C Byrd este/a fost un cunoscut senator american, mult mai important in schema lucrurilor decat de exemplu pseudo presedintele Bush. El a fost programatorul si controlorul lui Cathy O'Brien, modelul prezidential al sclavilor/carausilor/robotilor umani preprogramati

Un fragment in care senatorul insusi descrie ce si cum in cartea lui Cathy si al sotului ei " Trance Formation of America "


"  He often threatened me that I was considered "disposable" because, after all,

    "The first Presidential Model, Marilyn Monroe, was killed right in front of the public eye and no one knew what happened."

Byrd's threats and cruelty were unnecessary as I could no longer think to seek help anyway, but he loved to hear himself talk and would often drone on and on and on in his infamous long-winded recitations, while I was photographically recording every word he said.

He detailed the inner operational structure of the world domination effort, including psychological warfare strategies, and explained how he had and would utilize his "expert" knowledge of the Constitution to manipulate it and the so-called U.S. Justice System, and more. His loose lips provided me yet another means of surviving and staying a step ahead of "the game" once Kelly and I were rescued from our mind-con trolled existence.

Senator Byrd revealed his "justifications" for criminal activity to me as well. He used me as a sounding board even though he knew I was incapable of input or response. He rehearsed in keeping with his motto "The only way we can fail, is to fail to think of an excuse."

Byrd "justified" mind-control atrocities as a means of thrusting mankind into accelerated evolution, according to the Neo-Nazi principles to which he adhered. He "justified" manipulating mankind's religion to bring about the prophesied biblical "world peace" through the "only means available"—total mind control in the New World Order.

    "After all," he proclaimed, "even the Pope and Mormon Prophet know this is the only way to peace and they cooperate fully with The Project."

Byrd also "justified" my victimization by saying, "You lost your mind anyway, and at least you have destiny and purpose now that it's mine." Our country's involvement in drug distribution, pornography, and white slavery was justified" as a means of "gaining control of all illegal activities world wide" to fund Black Budget covert activity that would "bring about world peace through world dominance and total control".

He adhered to the belief that,

    "95% of the (world's) people WANT to be led by the 5%", and claimed this can be proven because "the 95% DO NOT WANT TO KNOW what really goes on in government".

Byrd believed that in order for this world to survive, mankind must take a "giant step in evolution through creating a superior race".

To create this "superior race," Byrd believed in the Nazi and KKK principles of,

    "annihilation of underprivileged races and cultures" through genocide, to alter genetics and breed "the more gifted-the blondes of this world".

In keeping with NCL's Caribbean operations, Byrd adjusted his use of programming themes to include the mirror-reversal, interdimensional, Air-Water mind-control theme used on me by NASA and the Jesuits. I often saw dolphins playing in the ocean while being transported from port to port via the Cruise ships, but the popular "whales and dolphins" mind-control theme was avoided in favor of a theme more suitable to my experience-that of the Sea-Bird-Robert C. (Sea) Byrd.

He told me,

    "Atlantis1 has long been the epicenter of alien activity. The path is so well warn that there are holes in the fabric of time and space whereby airplanes and ships, even people, timelessly seemingly disappear, transformed into another dimension alien to this world. Likewise, we (aliens) came in, entering through the mirror reflection of the hole in the fabric of space, the deep blue sea. Some of us entered Earth's plane as whales and dolphins. And when we emerged from the sea, some of us came flying out. Or is that in? At any rate, we are here. Watch for the flying fish when you are out to see/sea. When you see one, you will know it is kin to me. A flying fish by any other name is a C. Byrd. A sea bird. Robert C. Byrd."


Copii AUTISTICI  sunt reancarnari ale acestor rase in forma umana. Din cauza asta le este imposibil sa comunice cu noi. Sugestia mea este sa ii duceti la un delfinariu si sa ii lasati sa se apropie de delfini sau macar sa stea in preajma lor.

Autismul este o afectiune complet neantelesa.


Citat din: sevastase din  10 Iunie 2008, 10:17:30

Copii AUTISTICI  sunt reancarnari ale acestor rase in forma umana. Din cauza asta le este imposibil sa comunice cu noi. Sugestia mea este sa ii duceti la un delfinariu si sa ii lasati sa se apropie de delfini sau macar sa stea in preajma lor.

Autismul este o afectiune complet neantelesa.

din cate am citit  eu din ce in ce mai multi copii devin autistici ,de ce oare????am citit  multe intamplari  in care   multe mame au depus plangere  din cauza ca dupa ce au vaccinat propriul lor copil  acesta a devenit afectat de autism, .Mafia medica  nu o   sa va spuna niciodata că vaccinurile  au fost facute pentru  a dauna sanatatea  oamenilor ,mafia nu va  spune  si nu va afirma niciodata ca:
în anii 1970  numai 1 din 10.000 de copii au avut autism,
in anul 1980  1 din 2.500  din copii  au avut autism
  la ora actuala  1 din 90  din copii  sufera de autism
de la ora actuala  pana in 2020 ,1 din 10  copii vor suferi de aceasta boala ...

parerea mea este ca vaccinurile creaza autismul ...