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Sebastian Ivascu despre Kisssinger

Creat de sevastase, 08 Aprilie 2008, 13:25:38

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...continuam de aici disertatia despre Kissinger pt ca m-ai blocat din threadul tau din cauza ca nu sunt de acord cu tine....

" Nu are logica poate pentru tine pentru ca refuzi sa citesti tonele de materiale referitoare la legaturile dintre kissinger si noua ordine mondiala al care orchestrator principal e. Nici nu ma mir ca nu intelegi de ce il prezint pe Kisssinger ca un inamic public nr 1 ( care si este ), pentru ca refuzi sa studiezi evidente. Intelegi suficient de bine limba engleza ? Citeste ce a scris David Icke mai sus. Uitate la documentarul lui Alex Jones despre Bohemian Grove, citeste capitolul din " The Biggest Secret " despre Kissinger si rolul lui in schema lucrurilor. Da un google la numele lui plus reptilian si vezi tot ce exista. Dupa ce faci toate astea iti pot lua disertatia in considerare. Pana atunci te consider neinformat si in necunostiinta de cauza. Nu fi lenes : citeste ca e pentru binele tau si al nostru sa aflam cine sunt cu adevarat cei ce iau decizii majore privind viata noastra."


Nu e vorba de faptul ca nu sunt de acord cu tine, chiar daca e dreptul meu sa nu fiu de acord cu tine, e vorba defaptul ca   
1. nu am vazut dovezi. Nu am vazut dovezi in general iar in momentul in care pozele afisate s-au demonstrat a fi false, ati cotit catre simbolistica....
2. nu am vazut logica in cele care le sustii.    
3. fragmentul pe care l-ai prezentat nu vorbeste de pedofilie   
4. folositi constructii persuasive:    
Domnul Kisssinger viziteaza Bosnia....cateva luni mai tarziu.....   
Dl Kisssinger viziteaza Rwanda ( tot pentru tratative de pace    
), cateva luni mai tarziu se dezlantuie iadul...   
Reporterul special al lui Bush e de fapt jucaria sa personala   
demontabile prin faptul ca: Bosnia cu cateva luni inainte de conflict a fost vizitata nu doar de D-l Kissinger. La fel si in cazul Rwanda.   
Constructia cu Bush si cu reporterul este prezentata in afara de context, nefiind in nici un caz un argument, dpdv logic.   
5. In demonstratii, fie din nestiinta, fie pentru a demonstra cu orice mijloace ce credeti dumneavoastra, aduceti ca argument pestele ca semn al crestinismului, pestii neffind reptile. Daca doriti se poate cumpara un atlas zoologic si manualele de zoologie de liceu.   
6. Cand nu aveti argumente aduceti google-ul ca argument final si soarta omenirii. Din nou va spun ca aceste lucruri nu sunt dovezi ci doar constructii persuasive si manevre de evitare.    
Daca nu ati inteles cele scrise de mine in punctele de mai sus, rog pe membrii acestui forum care cred ca pot explica mai bine decat mine sau pe intelegerea dumneavostra (am pus sau pentru ca ori eu sunt de vina ca nu pot explica sau dumneavoastra nu intelegeti) sau va rog pe dumenavoastra sa imi aduceti argumente pentru a demonstra ca demersul dumneavoastra e logic sau ca argumentele si contructiile dumneavoastra nu sunt persuasive, incomplete sau invalide.    




O alta carte care scoate la lumina conexiuni ale acestui criminal ....

"Thirteen years ago, the first edition of Dope, Inc. was released, Commissioned by anti-drug American Senator Lyndon LaRouche. It was the first book to reveal that the illegal drug cartel was becoming the world's biggest business. "DOPE, INC.", has waged war against every nation in the world to expose the operation; and to reveal the names of the "untouchable" figures who protect the cartel, whom Hollywood media have sold to the public as veritable deities. This book, which has since come out in several foreign-language versions, and a second edition, remains unique.

Its effectiveness is attested to, above all, by the fact that the kingpins of the U.S. branch of the drug cartel, led by Henry Kissinger and the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith - launched a years-long effort to silence the authors, starting with LaRouche, who was railroaded to federal prison in late 1988 on trumped-up "conspiracy" charges, and is now fighting in the courts to overturn that travesty of justice.

LaRouche was jailed within days of George Bush's inauguration as President in January 1989; and Bush kept him there, for reasons that include a fear by Bush and his backers of the information contained in this book.

Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, ran the risk of Federal criminal prosecution, as the result of his persistent interference into the conduct of the U.S. Department of Justice, the FBI, and the White House, to STOKE-UP the government campaign to SILENCE LaRouche." And so it continues...

This book, "DOPE, INC.", quotes banking and trade statistics which prove the narcotics business is doubling every five years. Figures from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and National Organization for Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) demonstrate the 1987 U.S. marijuana harvest (US$33,095 million) exceeds all agricultural commodities but Cattle and calves (US$33,829 million).

Marijuana is now America's major crop. China produces most of the world's opium and heroin. The world's largest opium-growing area is the Golden Triangle, where by far the largest acreage is found in China's Yunnan Province. Many hundreds of millions of dollars of gold go directly to the Golden Triangle; hundreds of millions more, absorb and hide the profits of drug traffickers - across the Far East.

Former U.S. Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Commissioner, Harry Anslinger, accused China of producing most of the world's opium and heroin. As early as 1960 the U.S. officially listed Hong Kong as the first of the 'principal sources' of heroin seized in the United States; and the Federal Bureau of Narcotics showed its concern by opening a branch office in Hong Kong in 1963. (Dope, Inc., ch 7 and notes).

1950's claims by Anslinger and the U.S. government about Communist China's 'twenty-year plan', to finance political activities, and spread addiction' in the United States, have been proven.

The former Editor of "AL AHRAM," (Mohammed Heikel), reported the following conversation between visiting Chinese Prime Minister Chou En-lai and Egyptian President Nasser on June 23, 1965: "Some of them are trying opium, and we are helping them. We're planting the best kinds of poppies, especially for the American soldiers in Vietnam. Do you remember when the West imposed opium on us?" Nasser appeared to be quite disturbed, but Chou continued: "They fought us with opium. And we're going to fight them with their own weapons ... we want them to maintain a large army in Vietnam that will serve us as a hostage, and we wish to demoralize the troops. The effect of this demoralization on the United States will be far greater than anyone can imagine." Nasser thought that Chou might be exaggerating, but Chou's concept was clear. He left no doubt, that this, was his course of action. (The Cairo Documents by Mohammed Hassanein Heikel, Garden City, NY., Doubleday , 1973. pp 306-307).

In 1975, N.Y. City police arrested the managers of a small branch of Chemical Bank in the borough of the Bronx, who'd been accepting the cash flow of the Paul Lucas heroin mob. Lucas was a small-time operator who drew limited supplies from returning Vietnam veterans, Retailing a few million dollars a year in heavily cut heroin and laundering the dirty money through the corrupted branch. When police moved in, they found the bank's entire vault piled ceiling to floor with small bills. The branch was at the limit of its physical capability to handle cash.

What makes these facts so extraordinary, is that the $3 million a year passing through that single branch, clogging vaults, represented barely one-fifth of 1% of N.Y.City's annual drug money flow of $15 billion. (This figure is the 1977 estimate of N.Y. Drug Enforcement Administration officials. It's skyrocketed in recent years.) If all the dope traffic in the city went through similar channels, 500 bank branches would be required to handle the volume of cash!

Again, during 1980, Treasury investigators announced a "crackdown" on a group of small Miami banks, which, they said, accepted a large volume of funds over the counter from narcotics traffickers. Eighteen banks were named in hearings before the Senate Banking Committee on June 6, 1980, where Treasury officials bragged of the success of their enforcement operations. But the banks involved had allegedly accepted sums in the magnitude of $1 to $2 million each. Compared to the size of Florida's dope traffic, estimated by the Senate Permanent Investigations Subcommittee to exceed $13 billion, the scale of operations the Treasury says it uncovered is extremely modest. If we assume that this is the dope trade's modus operandi, we are forced to imagine that thousands of banks are involved in this.

Prior to the Senate hearings, the national press was filled with stories about drug money laundering in Florida, citing treasury sources. These articles spoke of teenagers in jeans and T-shirts walking calmly into banks with suitcases full of cash for deposit, and even phoning in advance, at the bank's request, to be sure that sufficient tellers were on hand to count it all.

Lurid as this information is, on closer inspection, it fails to tell us much, about how $200 billion, (the minimum, retail dope dealers take each year off American streets and school corridors), could be hidden from the eyes of the tax and drug enforcement authorities. On the contrary, if it were all so simple, the dope trade would stand out like a sore thumb. Under federal legislation, every bank must file a report with the Internal Revenue Service on every cash deposit in excess of $10,000. Even if the dope traders funneled smaller amounts than $10,000 into their accounts, the sudden buildup of cash in a bank account would immediately arouse the suspicion of bank officials, according to investigator, Robert Potter, IRS Assistant Director for criminal investigation.

Large commercial banks with computerized internal operations employ supersophisticated methods to monitor what happens to their internal cash flow, mainly to prevent embezzlement.' (p. 167-168).


Am citit fragmentul: din pacate la fel nu demonsreaza reptilianul pedofil satanist...
Cred ca nu ai citit cu atentie
Citat din: LupinThe3rd din  08 Aprilie 2008, 15:19:48
Nu e vorba de faptul ca nu sunt de acord cu tine, chiar daca e dreptul meu sa nu fiu de acord cu tine, e vorba defaptul ca   
1. nu am vazut dovezi. Nu am vazut dovezi in general iar in momentul in care pozele afisate s-au demonstrat a fi false, ati cotit catre simbolistica....
2. nu am vazut logica in cele care le sustii.    
3. fragmentul pe care l-ai prezentat nu vorbeste de pedofilie   
4. folositi constructii persuasive:    
Domnul Kisssinger viziteaza Bosnia....cateva luni mai tarziu.....   
Dl Kisssinger viziteaza Rwanda ( tot pentru tratative de pace    
), cateva luni mai tarziu se dezlantuie iadul...   
Reporterul special al lui Bush e de fapt jucaria sa personala   
demontabile prin faptul ca: Bosnia cu cateva luni inainte de conflict a fost vizitata nu doar de D-l Kissinger. La fel si in cazul Rwanda.   
Constructia cu Bush si cu reporterul este prezentata in afara de context, nefiind in nici un caz un argument, dpdv logic.   
5. In demonstratii, fie din nestiinta, fie pentru a demonstra cu orice mijloace ce credeti dumneavoastra, aduceti ca argument pestele ca semn al crestinismului, pestii neffind reptile. Daca doriti se poate cumpara un atlas zoologic si manualele de zoologie de liceu.   
6. Cand nu aveti argumente aduceti google-ul ca argument final si soarta omenirii. Din nou va spun ca aceste lucruri nu sunt dovezi ci doar constructii persuasive si manevre de evitare.    
Daca nu ati inteles cele scrise de mine in punctele de mai sus, rog pe membrii acestui forum care cred ca pot explica mai bine decat mine sau pe intelegerea dumneavostra (am pus sau pentru ca ori eu sunt de vina ca nu pot explica sau dumneavoastra nu intelegeti) sau va rog pe dumenavoastra sa imi aduceti argumente pentru a demonstra ca demersul dumneavoastra e logic sau ca argumentele si contructiile dumneavoastra nu sunt persuasive, incomplete sau invalide.    
Daca exista neintelegeri legate de cele scrise, poti sa ma intrebi chiar si pe PM.





Hello all,

From the earliest days of my research into the global conspiracy one name stood out for its breadth of deception and frequency of appearance ... Henry Alfred Kissinger.

The news broke this week that he is, according to the Italian newspaper, La Stampa, to become a 'political advisor' to the Pope. They will have much in common with their German backgrounds and undying allegiance to the Illuminati and all things Satanic.

Henry Kissinger is a true child of Babylon, a member of, and major lieutenant for, the Illuminati bloodline families that emerged from the ancient lands of Sumer and Babylon, now called Iraq, and went off in all directions. Kissinger is a member of the Ashkenazi Jewish elite that can trace its bloodline out of Sumer to Khazaria, which was in the Caucasus region close to the Black and Caspian Seas, and up into Eastern and then Western Europe. They have no historical connection to the biblical 'Israel', although this very alleged connection has been used to justify the creation of the modern Israel.

As with all races and peoples, Ashkenazi Jews come in basically two categories. There are the overwhelming vast majority who just want to get on peacefully with their lives and then there's the 'Royal' elite that answers to the Illuminati global web. To say that Kissinger is clearly one of the latter is like saying George Bush is stupid. In other words, patently obvious.

Henry Kissinger was born Heinz Kissinger on May 27th, 1923 in Bavaria, which was also the birthplace of Pope Benedict XVI whom he will now apparently 'advise'. His name derives from the German city of Bad Kissingen, so someone was clearly psychic.

His family fled Germany in 1938 and headed for New York. He became a United States citizen in 1943 and was educated at Harvard where he was a consultant to the Director of the Psychological Strategy Board. He has maintained a keen interest in 'psychology' to this day. Many recovering mind control victims have told me of their experiences with Kissinger and how the man is a skilled mind-programmer and 'pure evil'.

He became a 'Study Director' for the Illuminati Council on Foreign Relations in the mid-1950s and began to 'advise' government departments and agencies. One of his 'clients' and close associates was Nelson Rockefeller, the long-time Governor of New York, and Kissinger has been a vassal of the Rockefeller family ever since.  With this kind of patronage his career of manipulation and genocide would explode.

Kissinger went on to become both Secretary of State and National Security Advisor to Richard Nixon, the only man to hold both posts at the same time, and he was at the heart of the Watergate affair that led to Nixon's resignation in 1974. This allowed vice president Gerald Ford to take over the presidency without an election and to choose his own vice-president ... Nelson Rockefeller.

While Nixon took the blame for Watergate and its cover up, Kissinger emerged unscathed, his 'reputation even enhanced, and he continued his pivotal role 'under' Ford.

Kissinger with Nixon, Ford and Chief of Staff Alexander Haig

Kissinger was the key figure in an Illuminati coup on the United States as the bloodline network massively increased its control of the apparatus of government, not least by controlling the web of security agencies and committees. As National Security Advisor, Kissinger increased the power of the National Security Council (NSC) and gave it responsibility for clearing policy cables to American representatives around the world.  He created and chaired six committees related to the NSC - the Senior Review Group, the Washington Special Actions Group, the Verification Panel, the Intelligence Committee, the Defense Program Review Committee and the 40 Committee that oversaw US covert operations.

The power he accumulated through this and other means allowed him to usurp the presidency and Kissinger became president in all but name.

It also put him in the perfect position to instigate the Watergate 'sting' on Nixon through the intelligence network and ensure that it became a national scandal through 'leaks' to the Washington Post reporters, Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein. The Post was owned by Katharine Graham, an Illuminati pawn and close associate of Kissinger.

Nixon with Kissinger and Donald Rumsfeld. 'Shall I stab him in the back, Don, or would you like the honour?'

His attitude to freedom and human life was captured in the book, The Lost Crusader: The Secret Wars of CIA Director William Colby, published in 2003. Author John Prados quotes Kissinger from minutes of a secret meeting of the National Security Council in 1975 when he said: 'It is an act of insanity and national humiliation to have a law prohibiting the President from ordering assassination'.

Kissinger used his control of foreign policy under Nixon and Ford to become one of the biggest war criminals of the 20th century.  Journalist Christopher Hitchens wrote a book in 2001 called The Trial of Henry Kissinger  in which he detailed his fundamental involvement in war crimes in Indochina, Bangladesh, Chile, Cyprus and East Timor and the book later became a documentary film. But while individuals have sought to bring Kissinger to justice and expose his murder on a staggering scale, the human rights organisations have looked the other way. A 2001 article in the Village Voice, headed 'Manhattan's Milosevic', said:

'Since Hitchens and others go after Kissinger for war crimes against civilian populations-like killing 200,000 Timorese, one third of the population-one might think the big human rights organizations would weigh in on this subject. But when it comes to Dr. K., these groups tread lightly.

Alistair Hodgett, Amnesty International's American media director, says his agency can do little until the government declassifies reams of information. Even then, Amnesty wouldn't necessarily take aim at Kissinger. "We would put the emphasis with the U.S. government to look at significant information," Hodgett says. "I don't believe or suggest that that's likely to occur."

The Lawyers Committee for Human Rights likewise barely dips a toe in the water. "The international justice system shouldn't be about any one case," says Raj Purohit. "If there is someone who has solid evidence, then he [Kissinger] should be held accountable."

As for a citizen's arrest of Kissinger, Purohit says, "That's not something we would support. When it comes to these most serious crimes there has got to be a proper [order] from a tribunal or indictment. I think under any of these tribunals none of these would apply to Kissinger."

Human Rights Watch in the United States took a similar stand because Kissinger sits at the centre of a nexus that only the truly committed will take on. As I have said many times, to control the game you have to control both sides and the Kissinger cabal makes sure through various means that the organisations and agencies that should bring him to trial leave him alone.

I am often asked by the unresearched and naive why, if what I say is true, the criminals in government like Kissinger and the Bush family are not investigated by the FBI, CIA, Drug Enforcement Administration, Securities and Exchange Commission, human rights organisations and the whole range of agencies that are supposed to investigate war criminals, drug runners, financial scandals and so on.

The answer is the same as with the other common question: 'Why don't the media expose them?' It is because the perpetrators are agents for the network that controls the media and all those institutions of government and 'law enforcement'. This is how they get away with it and Henry Kissinger, the 'Teflon Man' because nothing sticks, is one of the most protected of all because he has among the most to hide.

The extent of this control and manipulation can be seen in the astonishing fact that Kissinger, a mega war criminal and mass killer who has manipulated so many wars across the globe, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1973 for his part in 'ending' â€" I just love it â€" the Vietnam War.

'Hey, we need Henry to win your Nobel Peace Prize'.

'Okay, sir, no problem, sir, what would you like to be for, exactly?'

'Er ... how about Vietnam?'

'You got it.'

Kissinger specialised in so-called 'Shuttle Diplomacy' in the Middle East and Africa, which consisted of telling two sides whatever was necessary to bring them into conflict. For Illuminati and heritage reasons, Kissinger always manipulated, and still does, on behalf of Israel.


His side-kick in this period was Lord Carrington, the one-time British Foreign Secretary and Secretary General of NATO. Together they conspired to install Robert Mugabe as leader of Zimbabwe in 1980 which has led to the utter devastation of that once abundant land. They were active in manipulating South Africa so well that when I talked with former Prime Minister P. W. Botha some years ago he told me about the visits and meetings with Kissinger and Carrington, but clearly had no idea what they were actually doing behind his back.

The deadly duo flew to Rwanda on a 'diplomatic mission' just three days before the genocidal civil war began in 1994. Earlier the same year, Kissinger's puppet, the then Israel Defence Minister, Yitzhak Rabin, approved large arms sales to Rwanda. As one insider told me: 'When Kissinger and Carrington came to an African country it was best to leave when they did'. The same was true of the world in general.

The Rockefeller-Kissinger-Carrington axis was also at work in the Bilderberg Group, the highly-secretive gathering of both the political, business and banking elite of Europe and North America, and the pawns in government and elsewhere that they want to manipulate to their way of 'thinking'. David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger have been stalwarts of the Bilderberg Group for decades and Carrington was its long-time chairman.

Kissinger with David and Jay Rockefeller

Carrington became a founding director of Kissinger Associates, the New York-based 'consulting' firm launched in 1982. Other directors have included Pehr G. Gyllenhammar, chairman of Volvo, William D. Rogers, Undersecretary of State for Economic Affairs under Richard Nixon, Eric Roll, chairman  of S.G. Warburg, William E. Simon, Secretary of the Treasury under Nixon, Saburo Okita, the former Japanese Foreign Minister, and Étienne Davignon,  a former vice-president of the European Commission and the current chairman of the Bilderberg Group.

Other prominent names connected with Kissinger Associates include Paul Bremer, who became Director of 'Reconstruction' for Iraq after the 2003 invasion; Lawrence Eagleburger, former Secretary of State under father Bush; Richard W. Fisher, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas; Timothy F. Geithner, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York; and Brent Scowcroft, a former United States National Security Advisor.

In 1999, Kissinger joined forces with Mack McLarty, the former White House Chief of Staff to Bill Clinton, to form Kissinger McLarty Associates in Washington DC. McLarty is also a corporate member of the Council of the Americas, the 'business' organisation established by Kissinger's no-soul-mate, David Rockefeller.

It is through such companies and other sources, like the Bilderberg Group, that Kissinger has continued to manipulate events while apparently no longer in government. I say 'apparently' because he has been at the heart of government through the administrations of Bush-Reagan (the right way round), Bush-Cheney and even Bill Clinton, who answers to the same web as the Bush family.

A CIA scientist who was ordered to report to the Oval Office during the father Bush presidency told me of his shock to find Henry Kissinger sitting in the president's chair and conducting the whole meeting while Bush just nodded. This was at a time when Kissinger was supposed to have nothing to do with government.

And we learned from State of Denial, the 2006 book by Watergate reporter, Bob Woodward, that Kissinger is also a major figure behind George W. Bush. Woodward reveals that Kissinger was meeting regularly with Bush and Cheney to 'advise' them on Iraq and, of course, Kissinger's man, Paul Bremer, was appointed to head Iraq's 'reconstruction' (asset stripping).

Mr. Kissinger, sir, wasn't that man with us at the ritual last night?'

When Bush and Cheney needed someone they could trust to cover up what really happened on September 11th they called upon Kissinger to head the '9/11 Commission'. But such is his reputation now, thanks to conspiracy writers and other researchers, that even parts of the mainstream media condemned the appointment as not credible. In the end, Kissinger stepped down to avoid questions about Kissinger Associates and its clients that he had no intention of answering.

Kissinger now much prefers to work from the margins and behind doors that don't open. He knows that the public eye is ever more sceptical. He is the most blatant example of how the Illuminati funnel their demands and policies through the 'advisors' to the puppets in government. They do have their place people in the political hierarchy as presidents and prime ministers etc., but these are at most the gofers and pee-ons of the secret order. The real source of power is usually a few steps back from the person in the spotlight and even then these advisors, like Kissinger, are only higher-level messengers for those deeper in the shadows.

So the news of some sort of official association between Kissinger, the Bavarian fascist, and the Bavarian Pope with the Nazi tendencies, comes as no surprise at all. Two children of Babylon scheming for the Church of Babylon relocated to Rome.

Who said synchronicity was a myth?


Din pacate mi-e peste mana sa traduc toate materialele astea insa sunt sigur ca majoritatea cititorilor avizati inteleg suficient de bine limba engleza incat sa inteleaga ceea ce incearca sa transmita autorul.



Henry Kissinger (CFR, TC, Bil, RIIA, Comm 300)

Henry Kissinger became world famous after 1968 as the Secretary of State and National Security Advisor to President Richard Nixon, the only man in US history to hold both posts at the same time. But Kissinger's enormous service to the Babylonian Brotherhood goes back a long way before then and continues to the present day. He was born in Germany in 1923 and grew up a Jew under Adolph Hitler.

But if Kissinger really is a 'Jew', why was he one of those involved in Project Paperclip, the Anglo-American Intelligence operation which allowed Nazi genetic and mind experimenters and torturers like Josef Mengele to escape from Germany at the end of the war to continue their work in the United States and South America? Because he could not give a shit about Jewish people, that's why.

They are just cattle to him like every other race, except his own, the reptilians. Kissinger is a Satanist, mass murderer, mind control expert, and child killer. He arrived in the United States on September 5th 1938 and later became a naturalized American citizen. In 1972 the Polish KGB agent, Michael Goleniewski, told the British Government that KGB documents he saw prior to his defection in 1959 included the name Henry Kissinger as a Soviet Union asset.

According to Goleniewski, Kissinger was recruited by the KGB into an espionage cell called ODRA and was given the code name BOR or Colonel BOR. He built his power-base and 'reputation' at Harvard and he was on his way. As I reveal in detail in ...And The Truth Shall Set You Free, Kissinger has been the man behind all the presidents since Nixon, even though he has not been involved officially.

It was he who arranged for the Watergate scandal which removed Nixon and brought in Gerald Ford (CFR, Bil) as President and Nelson Rockefeller, Kissinger's crony and mentor, as vice-president. It was Nelson Rockefeller who advised Nixon to appoint Kissinger in the first place.

The Watergate scandal was exposed by journalists Woodward and Bernstein of the Washington Post, a paper owned by Kissinger's friend, Katherine Graham (CFR, TC, Bil). I was approached by a scientist working for the Brotherhood against his will, who was ordered to a meeting at the White House during the Bush administration (1988-92).

He was astonished to find Kissinger in the Oval Office dictating events while Bush sat there and nodded. Kissinger had no official role in the Bush administration to the knowledge of the American public and yet there he was calling the shots. Kissinger's 'shuttle diplomacy' consisted, and consists, of misrepresenting each side to the other, so sparking war after war. In 1973, Kissinger 'was given the Nobel Peace Prize for stopping the Yom Kippur War which he had actually started. When Kissinger and Carrington come into your country, its time to go on holiday, because all hell normally follows the moment they leave. Ask the people of Burundi and Rwanda...

When George Bush became President in 1988, he appointed two executives of the Kissinger Associates to his administration. Brent Scowcroft, the head of the Washington office, became Director of the National Security Council, and Lawrence Eagleburger, the President of Kissinger Associates, became Under-secretary at the State Department. As I've said, Kissinger Associates was behind the war in Bosnia and the first 'peace' negotiator appointed by the European Union was Lord Carrington, a founding director of Kissinger Associates.

This company was also instrumental in the Gulf War, arranging loans for Iraq through the Banca Nazionale del Lavoro (BNL) as early as 1984 to allow Saddam Hussein to finance arms purchases through a little known subsidiary of Fiat, the Italian car giant owned by Giovanni Agnelli, the Black Nobility Bilderberger. Charles Barletta, a former Justice Department investigator, was quoted about this in the Spotlight newspaper in Washington on November 9th 1992.

The report said:

    "Barletta added that federal probers had collected dozens of such incriminating case histories about the Kissinger firm. But Henry Kissinger seems to possess a special kind of immunity. I'm not sure how he does it, but Kissinger wields as much power over the Washington national security bureaucracy now as in the days when he was the Nixon administration's foreign policy czar. He gets the payoff; others get the blame. Kissinger will remain unscathed until Congress finds the courage to convene a full-dress investigation into this Teflon power broker."

Kissinger operates in the highest levels of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, and the Club of Rome, and he is a member of the Grand Alpine Freemasonry Lodge in Switzerland, which controlled the notorious Italian terrorist lodge known as P2.

The world will not be safe while this man is on the streets. Another of his 'specialities' is genocide in the Third World to dramatically reduce the number of non-white faces and to cull those members of the white races considered the lower stock. This programme is being introduced by manipulating famine, disease (including those created in laboratories), war, sterilisation and 'population control'. See ... And The Truth Shall Set You Free.

David Icke