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Creat de sevastase, 26 Martie 2008, 23:32:50

« precedentul - următorul »

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Serban M

..nu vreau sa o dau in paranoia insa cunosc diferiti oameni ce au o fizionomie (ochi,par,structura corpului,expresivitate) aproape identica si caracter comun (impotriva oricarui curent spiritual,materialisti,lacomi,ascutiti) sper sa fie doar o coincidenta


Citat din: Sirius13 din  11 Mai 2008, 00:06:17
recomand vizionarea foarte atenta a seriei televizate  :

03:35 DD: "ªi proiectul ãsta Montauk e treabã serioasã, adicã, facutã de..."
         LF: "De americani"
         DD: "....americani"
         LF: "Aºa... nu... eu v-aduc dacã vreþi..."
         DD: "Da, da..."
         LF: "...nu-s pregãtit acuma ..."
         DD: "...vã cred!"

08:50 Lorin Fortuna: "Dar atenþie între anul 2007 ºi 2008 nu va mai fi lume fizicã"

fîîîîssss.... mai vrei?

LE: ªtii care e avantajul înregistrãrilor despre profeþii? Cã le poþi confrunta cu ceea ce (va) se întâmplã(a). Iar apoi poþi face o statisticã... restul e simplu...
Nu tot ce zboară şi este necunoscut este extraterestru.
All warfare is based on deception. -- Sun Tzu, 600 BC

All types of knowledge, ultimately mean self knowledge. -- Bruce Lee

Serban M

Citat din: bluemoon8520 din  11 Mai 2008, 02:11:44
03:35 DD: "ªi proiectul ãsta Montauk e treabã serioasã, adicã, facutã de..."
         LF: "De americani"
         DD: "....americani"
         LF: "Aºa... nu... eu v-aduc dacã vreþi..."
         DD: "Da, da..."
         LF: "...nu-s pregãtit acuma ..."
         DD: "...vã cred!"

08:50 Lorin Fortuna: "Dar atenþie între anul 2007 ºi 2008 nu va mai fi lume fizicã"

fîîîîssss.... mai vrei?

LE: ªtii care e avantajul înregistrãrilor despre profeþii? Cã le poþi confrunta cu ceea ce (va) se întâmplã(a). Iar apoi poþi face o statisticã... restul e simplu...

nu o lua ca atare,chiar am mentionat ca nu iau in serios acest individ,in orice caz cred ca se referea la marele salt :) aici el stie ce vrea sa zica


Exista 7 specii draconiene si nu toate sunt prietenoase unele cu altele....Una dintre ele isi face veacul sub scoarta terestra. Un interviu daca vreti cu o femela reptiliana de 28 de ani care isi facea temele studiind si interactionand putin cu noi : detaliile istorice, biologice, tehnice si spirituale din aceste 2 interviuri artrebui sa lase pe oricine care poseda cunostiinte minimecu gura cascata. Detaliile sunt uimitoare, corelatiile cu numeroase teme abordate aici pe forum la fel. Chiar si subiectul UFO  e abordat. Va las sa va faceti propria parere :



textul e in engleza, germana, franceza ,italiana si spaniola.

Serban M

@sevastase :  nu te supara insa asta e pura fantezie creata de mintea umana ce indeplineste toate elementele fabuloase de tip fat-frumos,daca nu esti deacord cu mine nu am ce sa iti reprosez:

Question: Where can we find such a surface-near entry to your world?

Answer: Do you really think I will tell you their exact location? If you want to find such an entry, you have to search it by yourself (but I would advise you not to do that). When I came to the surface four days ago, I used an entry approximately 300 of your kilometres north from here near to a large lake, but I doubt that you would be able to find it (there are only a few entries in this part of the world—more are far more north and east). As a little advice: if you are in a narrow cave or in a tunnel or even in something that looks to you like an artificial mine shaft and as deeper you walk as smoother appear the walls and if you feel unusual warm air streaming from the depth or if you hear the rushing sound of streaming air in a ventilation or elevator shaft, then look for a special kind of artificial and smooth wall somewhere in the cave with a door made of gray metal. If you would be able to open that door (but I doubt this) you would be in a usually round technical room with ventilation systems and elevators to the depth. This is probably an entry to our world.


Nu ma supar Sirius :), stii apropo de textul de mai sus pe care l-ai scos din interviu. Numai in segmentul asta mic pot realiza cateva similitudini. De exemplu una:  descrierea peretilor cu suprafata lucioasa si foarte fina perfect finisata. Aceeasi descriereo gasesti la cei ce au calatorit cu metrourile si carucioarele suprasonice pe sub pamant , si cei ce au descris tunelurile si suprafata spatiilor prin carecircula lifturile in baza Dulce New Mexic Cauta descrieri similare in materiale legate de Montauk, Dulce, si oricedescriere a retelei de tuneluri si orase subterane.....genul respectiv de finisare e tipic reptilian, tehnologia ne este straina.

Serban M

Citat din: sevastase din  11 Mai 2008, 13:18:58
Nu ma supar Sirius :), stii apropo de textul de mai sus pe care l-ai scos din interviu. Numai in segmentul asta mic pot realiza cateva similitudini. De exemplu una:  descrierea peretilor cu suprafata lucioasa si foarte fina perfect finisata. Aceeasi descriereo gasesti la cei ce au calatorit cu metrourile si carucioarele suprasonice pe sub pamant , si cei ce au descris tunelurile si suprafata spatiilor prin carecircula lifturile in baza Dulce New Mexic Cauta descrieri similare in materiale legate de Montauk, Dulce, si oricedescriere a retelei de tuneluri si orase subterane.....genul respectiv de finisare e tipic reptilian, tehnologia ne este straina.

nici eu nu sunt impotriva acestei ideologii de lume subterana,insa daca ce s-a zis in acel lung interviu este catusi de putin adevarat,ei nu ar avea nici un motiv sa se ascunda ,conform tehnologiei avansate de care dispun ar lua terra cu totul



A few details that have appeared about Hurricane Katrina in the Latest Headlines months ago caught my attention (sorry, no links, I simply took note when I saw it, you'll have to dig a little):

FEMA ordered 20,000 body bags at first. This made sense, since there could easily have been 20,000 dead. Fortunately, there were less than 3,000 dead. But FEMA then ordered 75,000 extra body bags. What the hell?! If there were officially only 3,000 human beings dead, where did these 95,000 dead in all come from?

FEMA took control of several crematoriums in the New Orleans area. Witnesses reported that trucks full of bodies in body bags came in day and night, and that they were being cremated day and night under FEMA supervision. The 95,000 extra dead? Why were they being systematically destroyed like this?

On mainstream media like the Oprah Winfrey Show, it was reported by authorities that BABIES were being RAPED left and right by supposed gang members. Gang members raping is one thing, but raping BABIES?! Sounds more like Reptilians in human form to me.

British SIS teams, posing as FEMA teams, were cutting communications lines and shooting at people with high-powered machine guns all over the place, as you would expect in a Black Ops "Clean House" operation. Who were they shooting at?

New Orleans has always been known as a breeding ground for Vampires, demons of the night who drink human blood. Could Hurricane Katrina have been a pretext for nearly 100,000 Reptilians being eliminated and destroyed? "

si inca ceva : Google maps decide ce vedem si ce nu....nu e un secret ca in zone problema gen New Orleans, Google foloseste poze vechi ca sa para ca totul e linistit si relativ ok..Nu e.

" updated 11:43 p.m. ET March 30, 2007

NEW ORLEANS - A congressional subcommittee accused Google on Friday of "airbrushing history" by replacing post-Hurricane Katrina satellite imagery on its popular map portal with images of the region taken before the storm's devastation.

Citing an Associated Press report from Thursday, the House Committee on Science and Technology's subcommittee on investigations and oversight asked Google Inc. Chairman and CEO Eric Schmidt to explain why his company is using the outdated imagery.

"Google's use of old imagery appears to be doing the victims of Hurricane Katrina a great injustice by airbrushing history," subcommittee chairman Brad Miller, D-N.C., wrote Friday in a letter to Schmidt."


Copii si reptile....nu scapam nicaieri de ei ... Gradina Vaticanului


Ted Heath ... fost prim ministru al Marii Britanii

Hello all ...

I read an article with great interested this week about the phenomenon of the 'black-eyed people' because I experienced this myself in 1989 and, as I have travelled to country after country in the 20 years since then, I have met many witnesses who talk of the 'Black-Eyed Ones', or words to that effect.

My own experience came in a Sky TV make-up room when I was about to appear for the Green Party on an election results programme. I was taken into the room by a production assistant and asked to wait until someone came to see me.

I thought I was alone, but as I sat looking at the mirror in front of me something caught my eye to my right. I turned my head and there was the former British Prime Minister, Ted Heath, who had just been interviewed and was waiting to have his make-up taken off.

Heath was Prime Minister from 1970 to 1974 and he was the man who signed the UK into what is now the European Union, something he had campaigned for to the point of obsession.

It was revealed 30 years later that Bilderberger Heath had systematically lied about the terms of Britain's entry and had officially agreed to vast changes in British economics and law that were designed to destroy the sovereignty and self-government of these islands. All that he secretly agreed to has since been introduced or is in the process of being so.

In short, Heath was a big-time servant of the Illuminati.

When I saw him in that make-up room I nodded and said 'hello', but there was no response from Heath, who just turned to face me without saying a word or acknowledging my existence in any way.

He stared at me intently and, with his head not moving at all, his eyes looked to the top of my head and then slowly moved down to my feet before returning to the top of my head in the same way. At this point he turned back to face his make-up mirror and no words were ever spoken, except for my 'hello'.

That was strange enough, but as this 'scanning' of me was taking place his eyes turned jet black - the pupils, the 'whites', everything. And as they did so there was no longer normal eye contact because, looking back, it was like two black holes had opened up and I was looking into another dimension.

I was shocked at the time because I knew nothing about other dimensions or inter-dimensional possession and certainly not the Reptilian story. From what I now understand I feel I was looking through the five-sense level of Heath (the frequency range we call 'human') and through into the frequency fields from where his mental, and what passed for his emotional, faculties were controlled.

Extras din David Icke newsletter...


s I began to travel to research the global conspiracy and heard significant numbers of people talk about the 'Black-Eyed Ones', I thought 'Crikey, I know exactly what they mean'.

What's more, Heath fitted the bill perfectly for a Reptilian-possessed, or at least demonically-possessed, 'human' hybrid. He slavishly followed the agenda for the centralisation of global power with his manipulation of Britain's entry into the European Community, now Union, and, as I have heard from many different sources, including eye-witnesses, he was a Satanist who got his kicks from the sexual abuse, torture and murder of children (See The Biggest Secret).

Heath was approached by a journalist within days of publication of the first edition of The Biggest Secret in 1998 and he was read the section that revealed his child sexual abuse, torture and murder. His only reaction from that day to when he died in 2005  was 'David Icke must be mad'. The idiot journalist condemned me for saying such things about this 'nice old man'. God help the children.

So you can imagine how interested I was when I saw the first article I had come across about the 'Black-Eyes' (Are Black-Eyed Beings Walking Among Us?) and I spent a few hours seeing what else was 'out there'. What I found were more alleged witness accounts that mirrored what I had seen myself, although on most occasions it was not a 'come and go', as with Heath, but what seemed a permanent blackness. Here are some:

'The eyes, blacker than black, no white at all, wall to wall black, and I just felt a darkness around him, an evil. As I looked in his eyes, I somehow KNEW that was not a human soul occupying that body, and I felt that he knew that I knew that he was not human.'

'I have never felt like this before in all the years I have done this job. I could not look him straight in the eyes. I felt like I was about to die. My instincts told me this. I noticed he was on a bicycle, not in a vehicle. He was not moving toward me or anything, but he was just waiting for me to invite him in or take him to the empty unit.

Now, some people may think that I was just over-reacting or something, but the eyes were completely black - like there was no real pupil. He spoke normally to me, but I had to just shut the door in his face and get as far from him as I could. I felt like I was in extreme danger. Only because of the eyes. I think if I had looked any longer into them, I would have not been able to shut that door.

I shook for hours after that. I called my daughter at work and told her about it. She told me about the "black-eyed kids".  I am still afraid of that image of his eyes. The black-eyed kids are some young kids that try and get people to invite them into their cars or homes, etc. - and the people end up dead.'

'I instantly felt a terrible sense of dread, as though there was something deeply unnatural about her. The eyes ... were completely black. I saw no colour whatsoever, and no pupils. I felt an extremely strong need to get away from her as quickly as possible, as there was something quietly threatening about her. Her stare was devoid of any emotion other than something very cold and disconnected [This is what many people say who have experienced Reptilians].'

'About three years ago, I was sitting in a local coffee shop in upstate New York during a little road trip. The restaurant was empty except for me and the night waitress. She was really pleasant and talked a lot; she was offering places to check out while I was in town and seemed amazingly astute.

In fact, she seemed almost prescient, even guessing my age almost to the day and month and even certain things that I was actually planning to do the next day. It was so light-hearted, I thought I really lucked out by meeting a easy-going, smart young lady quite out my normal way.

[The waitress went out back and the witness later followed her to say goodbye ...]

'So, I got up and knocked on the door in the back of the coffee shop where she went in. At this time, there were only two dim lights in the main eating area, and barely any lights in the back room where she was. I opened the door. This woman who I just finished talking to was standing facing me, just standing there in the back of this dark room when I opened the door. Her skin was suddenly a clammy, cracked olive colour [quite a common description in these cases], and her eyes were just BLACK. I mean, no white at all. Her eyes and mouth were open really wide, and she was screaming in the most spine-chilling sounds, something I couldn't understand, but it definitely wasn't sounds of goodwill.

I literally screamed myself, and she started moving from one spot to the other through the room. Not running, just moving. Her clothes now looked all old, and she moved so fast; the back of the room must have been 15 feet or so back, and she just darted from one side of the back of the room, still facing me, to the other side, at an impossible speed. Then she ran directly straight at me as I was now standing away from the door in the middle of the restaurant.

I got the hell out of there, and jumped in my car still seeing her nightmarish face in the restaurant, darting it seemed to every window at this impossible velocity. The worst thing was, as I tore out of the parking lot ... I looked in my rear view mirror ... and she was sitting in the backseat, still with that nightmarish expression, still screaming. Then she just vanished as I was panicking around. Just gone. I don't know what that was that spoke to me in the restaurant that day, but I know that it wasn't a prank. I swear at night sometimes I see her shadow moving in the dark in my room, just grinning a really ugly, evil grin. I haven't slept properly since.'

'Adele was at home when she had her experience with the beings. More unnerving, perhaps, they were small children. "I was sitting in my bedroom reading a book", Adele says, "when at about 11pm I heard a knocking ... a slow, constant one. I got up out of bed to see what it was. I looked out of the window and to my surprise saw two children. I opened the window and asked them what they wanted at this time of night. They replied by saying simply, "Let us in". I said no and asked what for. "We want to use your bathroom".

I was quite shocked that children of about 10 years old wanted to use a stranger's bathroom at this time of night. I told them no, closed the window, but looked at them through the glass. I glanced at their eyes ... and I have never ever seen eyes like them. They were black, completely black. I got the feeling of evil and unhappiness. It surrounded me. It was horrible.'

'For the first time, I noticed their eyes. They were coal black. No pupil. No iris. Just two staring orbs reflecting the red and white light of the marquee. At that point, I know my expression betrayed me. The silent one had a look of horror on his face in a combination that seemed to indicate (a) The impossible had just happened [or] (b) "We've been found out!"

The spokesman, on the other hand, wore a mask of anger. His eyes glittered brightly in the half-light. "C'mon, mister," he said. "We won't hurt you. You have to let us in. We don't have a gun ..." That last statement scared the living hell out of me, because at that point by his tone he was plainly saying, "We don't need a gun". He noticed my hand shooting down toward the gearshift. The spokesman's final words contained an anger that was complete and whole, and yet contained in some respects a tone of panic: "We can't come in unless you tell us it's okay. Let us in!'

This last eye-witness account is from Brian Bethel, an Abilene journalist, and it is said to be the first reported experience with 'black-eyed kids', or 'BEKS', who are usually estimated at between 12 and 17 years of age.  Brian Bethel's account was circulating in 1998, but my experience of Heath was in 1989 and others I have spoken to around the world have told me about their encounters earlier than that of Bethel.

I am sure there will be endless people who have had such experiences, but their stories have never circulated and, as always, there will be many copycats who claim to have met the 'Black Eyes' while simply repeating reports they have read.

But I have no doubt about the reality of the phenomena after experiencing myself what witnesses describe and it happened to me before I was researching any of this stuff. I was a television presenter and Green Party spokesman at the time.

I can recognise everything the above accounts describe, except for the feeling of extreme malevolence. With Heath it was the shock and weirdness of the experience that struck me, although there was an extraordinary level of arrogance coming from the man. At no time did I feel any fear, just 'What the ...' There are witnesses of the black eyes phenomenon who also felt no fear, but that does not appear to be the norm.

Most speak of an overwhelming feeling of dread and danger with great malevolence coming from the Black-Eyed People. A common description is of seeing them in a public place and people consciously or subconsciously avoiding going near them.

Another is that the Black-Eyes indicate that they must be given permission by the target before they can take the action they want - like enter their house or get into their car - and become very agitated when permission is refused.

It also clear that at least some of these people may look 'solid', but operate on a very different level of physics. We have heard the story of the 'waitress' speeding off in all directions and then appearing in the back of the car and this witness account of a late-night experience in an Australian office block describes something similar:

'As I'm descending, the elevator flashes that it has been called to floor 2. I thought it was very strange, seeing as I said the only other two people on the first five floors were me, the banker and Stan. Regardless, the elevator stops at floor 2 and in comes a tall man with more or less a black crew-cut.

The first thing I did was open my mouth to ask what sector he was from and who gave him permission, but as I looked into his eyes they where entirely black. The pupils, the retinas, everything ... As the elevator slowly starts up moving back on route, he asked me where I was going, and I simply replied, "home". He then asked why, and I more or less laughed and just said I want to go to sleep and see my wife. He then just murmured very softly, like he was talking to himself, "It must be nice to have a home".

I figured he was just being friendly and that he must be renting. As we got to B1, I realized he hadn't pushed the button on where he was going, so I asked, "Where are you going?" to which he replied rather angrily looking at me with his creepy eyes, "Nowhere".

Feeling a little annoyed with his outburst that made zero sense at the time, I was glad to leave when we reached B2. As I walked to my car, which was roughly 10 metres from the lift, I saw that he didn't get out; in fact, he hardly moved. He just kept staring at me and where I was walking to. Starting to get freaked out that the guy was some warped-out creep, I ran the little distance to my car and turned to see the lift was on an ascent up to floor 6. Feeling a little relieved, I drove up the ramps and coming to the security door I swiped the card and drove out onto the road.

Now the real freaky part. As I drove down the street, all the lights were out - and this is in Sydney. Then I turn ... and guess who is walking just ahead of the car - our favourite black-eyed man! No need to say, I sped home, probably breaking five road laws. How could he have left the building and be ahead of me when he had no car, and went up to floor 6?

It gets weirder. On the videotapes and records, there shows no one using the elevator at that time apart from me.'

Now, there are many urban legends that are made-up accounts that do the rounds and become accepted truth. It is also a fact that there are contact lenses available that can make the eyes look black, as with the pictures in this article. But this does not explain away all that is being described and especially not to me as someone who has directly experienced it, actually more than once.

It is also not a coincidence, I would suggest, that so many of the 'Men-in-Black accounts sound remarkably similar to these in terms of people apparently appearing out of nowhere and disappearing just as fast, sometimes in a desert setting where you can see the land and road for miles. They are also quite frequently described as having 'dark' complexions or being of foreign appearance, which is along the same lines as the 'olive complexion' that many black-eye witnesses report.

Will some of these black-eye stories be urban legends? Yes, of course. Will some have other 'rational' explanations? Yes, of course. But all of them? No, no, no.

As I have been stressing for a long time now, this 'solid' reality is not 'solid' at all. What appears to be 'physical' is only energy fields decoded by the mind/brain/body into holographic images that appear 'solid', but are not. This is why scientists say that everything 'solid' is made of atoms and yet atoms have no solidity. It's all an illusion.

Humanity has been systematically manipulated to be ignorant of this and believe in the solidity of the 'world'. And what you believe you conceive - and decode into illusory reality. I am sure there has been genetic manipulation to this end, also, to reprogram the body computer and the frequencies it can access and decode.

There are other entities, however, those doing the manipulating, who know that human 'physics' is a bunch of crap and they operate to very different 'laws'. They can hold an apparently 'solid' human form in public, but behind the scenes they can have no solidity; they are just energy. These are the 'demonic' entities or energies that Satanists invoke during rituals.

Shapeshifting at that level of energetic potential is a synch, as is possessing human bodies that have a vibrational sympathy with the possessing entity - the Illuminati bloodlines that I talk about.

There are so many reports of people witnessing shapeshifting reptilian entities or seeing them appear and 'disappear'. It is the same principle and this is not confined to non-human entities that take a reptilian form, but involves any consciousness/energy that has the knowledge of this more advanced 'physics' and the reality it can conjure.

As I have said so many times: This 'world' is not just a little bit not like we think it is. It is nothing like we think it is and the 'Black-Eyed Ones' are but one example.


Lady Di a incercat sa expuna familia Windsor ca fiind shapeshift-eri reptilo/umani insa nu a  apucat

S-a intrebat vreo cineva dece cand a murit regina mama la 104 ani, a fost nevoie de un sicriu de 3 metri pentru o babuta de 1m 60 si 50 kg ?Si de ce se chinuiau sa il care 8 barbati ?  Simplu : pentru ca orice shapeshifter revine in forma reptiliana la exact 98 minute de la deces. Dupa Arizona Wilder, bunicuta avea de fapt 2m 60 si probabil aproape 160-180 kg...  Si ramane asa dupa ce moare ....


In cuvintele lui LADY DI :

"  "The Queen Mother... now that's a serious piece of wizardry. The Queen Mother is a lot older than people think. To be honest, the Royal Family hasn't died for a long time, they have just metamorphosised. It's sort of cloning, but in a different way. They take pieces of flesh and rebuild the body from one little bit. Because it's lizard, because it's cold-blooded, it's much easier for them to do Frankenstein shit than it is for us. The different bodies are just different electrical vibrations and they have got that secret, they've got the secret of the micro-currents, it's so micro, so specific, these radio waves that actually create the bodies. These are the energies I work with when I'm healing.

They know the vibration of life and because they are cold-blooded, they are reptiles, they have no wish to make the Earth the perfect harmony it could be, or to heal the Earth from the damage that's been done. The Earth's been attacked for zeons by different extraterrestrials. It's been like a football for so long. This place was a bus stop for many different aliens. All these aliens, they could cope with everything, including the noxious gases.

They're landing all the time and coming up from the bowels of the Earth. They looked like reptiles originally, but they look like us when they get out now through the electrical vibration, that life key I talked about. They can manifest how they want to. All the real knowledge has been taken out and shredded and put back in another way. The Queen Mother is "Chief Toad" of this part of Europe and they have people like her in each continent. Most people, the hangers on, don't know, you know, about the reptiles. They are just in awe of these people because they are so powerful.

"Bal moral is a very, very nasty place. That's somewhere they want to dig underground. They will find reptile fossils, it goes back that far. Don't think of people like the Queen Mother and Queen Victoria, as different people. Think of them as the same person which after a while has had to replace their coat. When the flesh dies, that energy, while it's dying, will be immediately up someone else's jacksy (backside). It's very vampire, worse than vampire.

They are not going to come to you with hooked teeth and suck you're blood. Fear is their food, they can actually take fear and manifest it into a tangible thing. The key is the vibrational current. At that vibrational current, they can manifest anything from anything. Its like a holographic image. We are all minerals and water vibrating. This is all an illusion we are living in. That's the secret. You know when the monarchy's fallen, it's not the end of it. They will manifest in another form. The reptiles have never been defeated and this is the closest they have come to it.

The reason they are so threatened today is because the Earth is in such trouble and the mental power of people is returning. This is their most frightening time, but this is not going to kill them. There are long centuries before it's over yet. The difference this time is that it'll be more difficult for them and they are going to have to settle for less and the Earth people are going to get more.

But even though these reptilian ones are fuckers, they are sad, pathetic beasts really, while humanity is galloping towards light. They're just pathetic lumps of nastiness who aren't going to win. I can't talk about this everywhere because they would just go 'Christine, get a white coat, put it on backwards, get out'. But I want an end to the bullshit."

Text obtinut de David Icke de la Christine Fitzgerald, confidanta Printesei Diana.
