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Frumusetea Naturii!

Creat de jackie28t, 18 Iunie 2006, 15:07:56

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uluitor! :-o
chestiile astea care par asa fragile,traiesc in apele alea pe jumatate inghetate?!


Specie pe cale de disparitie!


special pt xenon...
specii noi si specii pe cale de disparite...

The large blue butterfly (Maculinea arion) made its earliest recorded appearance at Collard Hill, Somerset, on 2 June. The National Trust-owned site is the only place in the UK where the public have access to see the nation's rarest butterfly( pe cale de disparitie )   - im 1

24 Species Believed New To Science Discovered In Suriname Rainforest
A frog with florescent purple markings (Atelopus spp.) and other amphibians, fish, and insects are among the newly discovered species.

"This is a totally unexplored area: lots of new species, with many more still to be found," says Leeanne Alonso, CI vice president and head of the RAP program. "Our study will be a vital component in determining how to promote economic development in Suriname while protecting the nation's most valuable natural assets
This remarkable looking toad may be a new species to science. It's from the genus Atelopus, and was discovered during a follow-up survey of the Nassau plateau in mid 2006 by Surinamese scientists Paul Ouboter and Jan Mol. A population of these toads would be of significant concern, especially as it was found at the more disturbed of the two survey sites

In the relatively unexplored region, researchers discovered freshwater sources clean enough to support abundant fish and amphibian life. The expedition team recorded a total of 467 species. Among them, scientists documented 27 species that live nowhere else on Earth. They also rediscovered a rare armored catfish (Harttiella crassicauda) that was thought to be extinct and had not been seen for more than 50 years.
Among the 24 species believed new to science are an Atelopus frog with brilliant purple markings, four Eleutherodactylus frog species, six species of fish, 12 dung beetles and an ant species. The scientists also found 27 species endemic to the Guayana Shield region comprising Suriname and neighboring Guyana, French Guiana and northern Brazil, including a rare armored catfish, Harttiella crassicauda, feared extinct because gold mining activities had contaminated a creek where it was last seen more than 50 years ago.

Overall, the survey recorded 467 species at the two sites, including large cats such as panther and puma, various monkeys, and a range of reptiles, amphibians, bats, birds, fish and insects indicative of the lush natural environment

Ii invat si ei se indeparteaza,
Ascult si ei se se apropie....
Puterea mea, este tacerea mea.



Foarte reusite sunt pozele pe care le-ai facut Dreamy.Merci de expunere.A-mi plac astfel de imagini.
Observ ca le-ai facut astazi dimineata la 9:30.Fusese o ploaie mare?
Am sa atasez si eu o imagine pe care am fotografiata-o anul acesta pe data de  2 martie 2007


Citat din: jackie28t din  23 Iunie 2007, 14:14:52
Foarte reusite sunt pozele pe care le-ai facut Dreamy.Merci de expunere.A-mi plac astfel de imagini.
Observ ca le-ai facut astazi dimineata la 9:30.Fusese o ploaie mare?
Am si eu cateva imagini asemanatoare.Am sa incerc sa le postez ceva mai tarziu.

Da jackie...a fost furtuna in toata regula...si cum eu abia astept sa vanez nori...

uite inca una draguta...

e ff spectaculoasa poza ta...e la apus sau la rasarit??


A fost spre apus,datele imaginii arata ora 17:58
Dreamy,daca ai ocazia tura viitoare  incerca sa fotografiezi fulgere.Uneori le poti prinde.


Azi mi-a inflorit trandafirul  japonez...!  :-)
Pacat ca floarea dureaza doar o zi... :cry:

                                                                                        JOHN F. KENNEDY


frumoasa floare.Eu ai doresc viata lunga mult mai mult decat 24 de ore. :-D


super trandafir; dar de ce la tine tine o singura zi?la mine tine 2-3 zile,depinde in ce parte e pozitionat ghiveciul...
stiam ca doar florile de cactus tin doar o zi..azi mi-au inflorit 3 cactusi... :roll:
Ii invat si ei se indeparteaza,
Ascult si ei se se apropie....
Puterea mea, este tacerea mea.


Citat din: pri3st3ss din  23 Iunie 2007, 21:35:44
super trandafir; dar de ce la tine tine o singura zi?la mine tine 2-3 zile,depinde in ce parte e pozitionat ghiveciul...
In mod exceptional poate tine doua zile,cel putin al meu...Numai daca e o zi noroasa cea in care infloreste...Daca e vreme rea,se deschide putin si continua a doua zi...Azi a fost vreme frumoasa si calduroasa...
Am  vreo 15 boboci pe el !  :-)
Cind o sa infloreasca 3 flori in aceeasi zi,o sa mai postez o poza...!

                                                                                        JOHN F. KENNEDY




ce floare e aceea galbena?rapita??
superba prima poza,felicitari!
Ii invat si ei se indeparteaza,
Ascult si ei se se apropie....
Puterea mea, este tacerea mea.



Cred ca da, rapita... M-a fascinat contrastul ala, griul oricum "intareste" orice nuanta de culoare langa care este alaturat... Campul ala de rapita a devenit incandescent, subit... Pacat ca era viteza de croaziera cam ... nepotrivita.  8-) :-D